
Glenn Ackerman – Energy Awareness Training Level 3


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Are you prepared to advance your knowledge and awareness of energy? For individuals who wish to increase their knowledge and their awareness of the energy around them, Level 3 awareness training is the ideal chance.What you might anticipate to learn throughout Level 3 training is as follows:

1. Remaining Energy Behavior Codes and Applications: The remaining energy behavior codes and their applications are covered in Level 3. You will have a better understanding of energy flow and how to take advantage of it as a result.

2. Master the Meta-Lane Control Technique: Your prize for reaching Level 3 is this Level 3 technology, which will raise your awareness of HVE (High Vibrational Energy) to a completely new level. You’ll discover how to manage your energy and use it to bring about the things you want.

3. Application of Advanced EPR for Deeper Emotional Cleansing and HVE Energy work includes emotional purification as a crucial component. You will master more complex EPR (Emotional Polarity Release) procedures in Level 3, which will help you let go of unpleasant feelings and increase your HVE application abilities.

4. LVE Destructor Energies: Deep-seated and subconsciously ingrained, LVE (Low Vibrational Energy) destructor energies cause destruction. In Level 3, we’ll assist you in locating and eliminating them. Each week, you’ll concentrate on one energy and do a thorough cleaning and clearing.

5. Resolving Money and Prosperity Issues: In addition to learning all of these brand-new techniques, we’ll also start resolving your financial and materialistic problems. We’ll assist you in focusing your energy to attract and get more cash.

You’ll expedite your financial and material success by mastering these crucial Level 3 talents, and you’ll also become more sensitive to the energy everywhere around you. You’ll be able to achieve your goals and lead a life that is more satisfying.

Level 3 awareness training is the best chance for you if you’re prepared to advance your energy work. Join now to get started on the path to a richer, more affluent life!

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Original price was: $1,437.00.Current price is: $140.00.

Download Glenn Ackerman – Energy Awareness Training Level 3