
George W.Carey – The Wonders of the Human Body


George W.Carey – The Wonders of the Human Body

One by one, those who have been blind are commencing to see; ears that were deaf are bginning to hear, and more and more people are recognizing the importance and the significance of the ancient command, Man, know thyself. Hungry to learn, the earnest investigator, with eager intellect and open, unbiased mind, knocks at the door of the sanctuary and asks: Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? What is salvation? How can I be saved? The answers hitherto given are indefinite and vague. The laboratory door opens and a Professor greets the anxious enquirer. I cannot explain to you the mysteries of life here, he said, or that of the life hereafter, if, indeed, we live hereafter. We hold certain theories and can tell you somewhat of the composition of your body; but we know not where the Kingdom of Heaven is, nor the actual process by which salvation may be attained. And thus neither the church nor the laboratory have solved the age-long problem. They have blazed no trail to the Kingdom of Heaven; neither have they analyzed soulstuff, or located the Holy of Holies. Is there, then, any solution to these problems? Where can the Kingdom be found? And if found, anywhere, why has not the church and the laboratory discovered it? The church could have found it. The laboratory could have found it. Seek and ye shall find ;K nock and it shall be opened unto you .
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don’t occur in the book.)

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Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.

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