George Bayer – George Wollsten – Expert Stock and Grain Trader
Collating investment texts, this volume summarizes and re-introduces each text, explains the significance of the work, and suggests the most profitable opportunities for applying this trading wisdom.
Since 1932 the author has published four books at intervals dealing with trading of Stocks and Commodities.
Unfortunately much of their contents have been found somewhat hard and difficult to the average man, even to those with a college education.
This time the entire problem has been remodeled, many parts eliminated as “too complicated,” three new ideas added which so far have never been alluded to anywhere It is those three ways which are bound to give confidence to any trader, that put him far ahead of all others who just buy or sell on statistics, economic or other bases.
Everything brought into this book is “home-grown.”
The charts supplied for checking commitments as well as those produced with the aid of certain rules explained therein cover the period of 1909 – 1911 inclusive. The previous books covered periods of 1928 to 1944. Therefore a period of more than 30 years has been used to show that the rules work in any period, past or present; they should work in the future in the same way.
Hints are given to delve into ancient books of the dark ages after the study of this book has been completed to discover that they have all been written on the same subject – cycles and time.
Learn to trade from one of the century’s top stock market masters, through this one-of-a-kind novel! “One of the ten best investment books of all time” — Sunday Financial Times of London. The clearest explanations of trading rules and concepts you’ll find anywhere. By George Bayer, one of the century’s greatest stock traders. When you set out to climb a mountain, you start on the lower slopes and slowly progress to the top. Learning to trade is the same. Expert Stock Trader guides you through the dos and don’ts of trading and investing until you have scaled the summits of success in Wall Street and in the Pit. Not for George Bayer the dry, technical account of investment techniques. Expert Stock Trader fuses market experience and trading philosophy in a compelling fictionalized account that will entertain you as well as profit you. Through George Wollsten, Bayer’s invented hero, he presents a wide-ranging exploration of chart analysis enriched by a deep understanding of practical market operation. His imaginative account guides the reader through Wollsten’s fictional existence, examining, explaining and putting into context each of his character’s investment decisions or financial commitments. Enlightening and practical, Expert Stock Trader offers contemporary investors the opportunity to follow Wollsten on his journey of discovery and to benefit from one of the great market minds of the past.
George Bayer was born in Germany and moved to the USA just after 1900, fulfilling the American dream of becoming a highly successful trader on the speculative markets of New York and Chicago. He was also a prolific and successful writer of investment books and author of probably the most unique book ever published on market analysis, Expert Stock Trader. He lived in America for over forty years and published four books after 1932, all in English, and all on trading stocks and commodities. Bayer’s highly original mind singles him out as one of the century’s investment giants.
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