
Fred Myson – Spin Ready PLR a Day Articles


Spin Ready PLR a Day Articles

The FIRST and BIGGEST Spin-Ready PLR Articles Offer EVER…

1,000 “Never Previously Sold or Used”
Quality Spin Ready PLR Articles In 100
High Paying Niches That Can Generate about 100,000 – 500,000 Unique PLR Articles (which ONLY YOU will have) To Build As Many Sites/Blogs As You Want And Dominate The Search Engines With UNIQUE Submission To Article Directories and Use In Network of Blogs

You Can Build As Many Sites/Blogs As You Want With The 100,000 – 500,000 Generated PLR Articles
(EACH MUST BE at Least 30% To 70% Unique)
And You Can Even Submit To Article Directories
And Submit To Network Of Blogs

Note – Your Generated Versions Will Always Be Unique. No 2 Users Will Ever Get Exact Version Of The 100,000 – 500,000 Generated Versions.

Desktop of Fred Myson
Thursday, 5:15 p.m,

This simply is NOT for everyone. Infact there’s a slight chance that all the LIMITED SPOTS have been taken to this STILL “first-of-it’s-kind” SpinReadyPLRaDay offer where ONLY 300 259 people will be given 1,000 “Never Previously Published” Spin Ready PLR Articles In 100 High Paying Niches That Can Generate about 100,000 – 350,000 Unique PLR Articles to build and promote as many websites and blogs as possible.

More about that in a moment…

If you have been online for a while you will realize that one of the most important factors in being successful as a web publisher, whether with Adsense or Affiliate programs is UNIQUE content. If you can get as many unique content online as possible, then your success is assured. In other words, it’s a NUMBERS game but with UNIQUE content.

I said UNIQUE content because without UNIQUE content your NUMBERS won’t really make you any reasonable profit on the Internet.

Yes, this IS 2009… NOT 2007, 2006 or 2005 when the search engines hadn’t woken up. But now they have and…

  • Gone are the days of making a killing with junk content riddled with keywords.
  • Gone are the days of making a killing with scrapped search engine results.
  • Gone are the days of making a killing with articles from article directories.
  • Gone are the days of making a killing with unchanged PLR articles.

Yes, PLR articles came in to save all webmasters from the drudgery of spending endless days and nights writing articles themselves.

Yes, PLR articles came in to save the webmasters with funds from spending huge sums to hire ghostwriters to write articles for them.

Yes, PLR articles seriously did help to produce high quality content for the web…

Yes and all the YESs


Unless you have been living under a cave as far as Internet Marketing is concerned, you surely must have heard about the dreaded DUPLICATE CONTENT filter. Using the same PLR articles as hundreds and even thousands of other people is just a pure waste of time and resources.

If you put up websites and blogs with these exact SAME PLR articles you are only shooting yourself in the foot because the sites will be filtered and abandoned in the grave-yard of the search engines.

Any wonder why those websites and blogs you built with duplicate content aren’t ranking high? You bet – it’s because of the dreaded duplicate content filter.

Yeah sure, I know a few might insist they get their sites with duplicate content to rank somewhat high in the search engines, but at what price – if they care to tell you the truth they will reveal that it took them hundreds and thousands of backlinking efforts costing them several hundreds and thousands of dollars.

But for the average Joe, trying to rank high with the exact same PLR articles that are given to hundreds and even thousands of others is just not worth the effort.

Sadly the other PLR articles membership sites aren’t willing to do anything about this problem. To be fair to them, I don’t blame them.

It’s VERY expensive to write and make articles Spin Ready. No wonder you find article writing services out there charging such an incredible amount for Spin Ready Articles. See an example below:

Wow…$25 for 1 Spin Ready PLR Article and $225 for 10 Spin Ready PLR Articles ??????

In all HONESTY, I don’t blame them for charging this high for spin ready articles because like I’ve said – it’s VERY expensive to make articles Spin Ready. Unless you want to write crap Spin Ready articles, it’s very time consuming to prepare, especially with the kind of high quality that is needed to get 30% to 70% uniqueness when spun.

That’s why MOST of all the PLR articles membership sites out there DON’T give their members Spin Ready articles. Apart from the high cost and time consuming nature, most people just don’t know how to prepare very good spin ready articles that can get 30% to 70% uniqueness when spun.

SpinReadyPLRaDay is glad to STILL be the first to RAISE THE BAR to offer members highly excellent Spin Ready PLR articles… since May, 2007!

Unlike your usual PLR articles’ membership websites where you get articles that you have to make changes to before you can use, these Spin Ready PLR articles have all the hardwork already done for you.

When you spin these Spin Ready PLR articles, you can use them to generate dozens or even hundreds more for use on your websites, blogs or submission to article directories and blog networks… without having to go through endless days/nights creating such articles yourself from the scratch.

If you are looking for high quality
Spin Ready PLR Articles,
your search stops here!

  • ALL of these SpinReadyPLRaDay articles are written by my PRIVATE team of very talented ghostwriters that are responsible for churning out OTHER such high quality articles for me on a daily basis. I have spent a great deal of time to TRAIN and put them together to produce ONLY high quality articles.
  • Each of these SpinReadyPLRaDay articles have NEVER been previously used; NOT even by me. So, when you use them you will be among the first to get them and use them.
  • All of these SpinReadyPLRaDay articles are written around high paying keywords that give high adsense earnings per click. You simply use them to build your sites/blogs and be absolutely sure of benefiting from the high Adsense clicks.
  • Each of these SpinReadyPLRaDay articles is well written after researching the topic in question. These are not just jumbled up articles but very well written to be educative, informative or generally interesting when read.
  • None of these SpinReadyPLRaDay articles are part of ANY being sold or given away by any PLR articles membership site.
  • Most importantly, these are NOT Spin Ready articles with crazy automated synonyms changes. They are all MANUALLY written and made spin ready by my PRIVATE team of very talented ghostwriters!

Instead of REWRITTEN Versions Of SAME Articles, each of the MASSIVE 1,000 Spin-Ready PLR articles are ORIGINAL versions of SEVERAL ARTICLES

This is where we absolutely BLOW OUT not only the few other Spin-Ready PLR article membership sites out there, but also all other so-called writers of Spin-Ready articles. Each of the 1,000 Spin Ready articles that we offer are ORIGINAL versions of SEVERAL articles, not rewritten versions of the exact same article (as done by the other Spin-Ready article membership sites and writers out there.

Don’t understand what I mean here? No problems. Here goes…

The norm right now as far as Spin Ready articles is concerned is to rewrite ONE article 2 to 3 (or more) times. In this case, it’s the EXACT same article which will be rewritten 2 to 3 times. While this works somewhat to avoid the duplicate content filter when spun into several dozens of copies for use on sites/blogs and submission to article directories…

It DOESN’T WORK when used on the SAME site/blog. It might fool the search engines, but it won’t fool visitors. When a visitor reads the first spun version on a website/blog and reads the other spun version, they will know it’s the EXACT SAME ARTICLE they are reading… just rewritten differently.

How do you think the visitor will feel? Do you think they will continue reading your website/blog? Worse, do you think they will return or tell their friends about this website or blog that has nothing but several rewritten versions of the exact same sets of articles?


Thankfully, SpinReadyPLRaDay now solves this problem by offering you 1,000 Spin Ready PLR articles that are ORIGINAL versions of several articles. What this means is that you can spin each of the 1,000 spin ready articles to generate 10 to 50 versions that can ALL be used on the same site/blog… without them reading as the same article!

Before going further, it’s important to tell you this – NO ONE on the planet knows how we do this. Even though it sounds very easy and others might try to replicate this formula, it can’t be done as excellently as we do it. Yeah, sure, it might sound easy to put together several versions of several articles, but how do you get several versions of several articles to make sense as ONE article, when spun?! That’s where we knock the socks off all others that might try to do this.

One word – it just can’t be done… yet!

This is because SEVERAL years of 18 hours investment of time and effort per day was put into creating and honing this formula of rewriting several versions of several articles as one Spin Ready article. It has taken me several years to perfect this formula. Readers of my WebsiteContentRiches course and old subscribers of SpinReadyPLRaDay will notice that I used the old method of rewritten versions of the SAME article, but now – with the reopening of SpinReadyPLRaDay, it’s the new method of Original versions of SEVERAL articles that is used…

… to ensure that even if you spin each of the 1,000 Spin Ready PLR articles and use them on the same site/blog, a reader can read several of the pages and will know that they are NOT rewritten versions of the same article, but will see them all as completely different articles.

While a normal Spin Ready article will take a few hours to write and prepare, it takes up SEVERAL hours to prepare just ONE of the 1,000 Spin Ready articles that you will be receiving in this package!

You can spin these articles and get high quality articles that can be used on the same site or blog, without any fear of duplicate content and without any fear of readers thinking all the generated articles are just rewritten versions of the exact same set of articles!

That’s the POWER that has been put into the SpinReadyPLRaDay articles!

You don’t agree that the spun versions of each of the 1,000 Spin Ready PLR articles you will receive can be used on the same site/blog? See the below 2 articles. They are 2 of the spun versions of just ONE of the 1,000 Spin Ready PLR articles that you will receive.

SOME of the Ways You Can Use
SpinReadyPLRaDay as your
LEVERAGE To Doing More with LESS
And Smiling to the Bank Effortlessly!

  • Use the power of leverage to create more content from less. Instead of writing or paying for the writing of lots and lots of content, you can use these Spin Ready Articles as SEED articles and turn them into hundreds of completely unique content that CAN’T be seen as duplicate by even humans, let alone the 900-pound Google Gorilla or the other major search engines. Simply because they ARE really unique content when spun. For example, no two articles from the spun copies would have duplicates that can make them pass as the SAME articles

  • Use the power of leverage to achieve more In less time. Like Robert Kiyosaki advised, the rich get richer because they use leverage to achieve more with less time, while the poor get poorer because they do not use leverage. Instead of writing or paying for the writing of lots and lots of articles that MOST will still be saying SIMILAR things in different words, you can use these SpinReadyPLRaDay articles to achieve the same result with less time and effort.

    Create sites with lots of pages on the same topic using the spun articles. You can use the lots of uniquely spun articles to create lots of pages in a particular site. Even if you spin dozens of such articles they don’t trigger any serious duplicate content penalty from the 900-pound Google gorilla or any of the major search engines simply because they are NOT duplicate content.

  • Create lots of sites on same topic using the different spun articles Sometimes you can create more than one site on the SAME topic using such spun articles but hosted on DIFFERENT hosts with different IP addresses to ensure you don’t put all my eggs in one basket. But what I have seen in many cases is that there is just no much difference from performance of the pages on such DIFFERENT IP address sites and those pages on the SAME site. The 900-pound Google gorilla and the other major search engines treat these pages just as they do those hosted on same site… mainly because the different pages are TRULY unique, expecially if you spin your articles the right way to get UNIQUE CONTENT and get lots of backlinks to the sites using the UNIQUE LINKS.

  • Create more than one blog on same topic using spun articles. Not to put all your eggs in one basket you can also use the same technique for different sites on different hosts with different IP addresses to create more than one blog on same topic using these spun articles. The POWER behind these multiple blogs is that you can to automate the posting of the articles on as many of them as possible, so you free up time to build other such blogs and get UNIQUE LINKS to as many of them as possible.

  • Use the spun articles for updating SAME content on your sites. One of the ways I update the content on my sites is to use the same spun articles targeting the same low-hanging keywords, the same sets of LSI themed keywords, the same sets of keywords that Google says are related to my main keyword, etc to REPLACE the existing articles. The 900-pound Google gorilla and the other major search engines see this as updating the content and they reward me accordingly. Since I have the various keywords and the same SEED articles, I just re-prepare the articles and spin to get other versions of the same articles with same sets of keywords.

  • Submit unique versions of spun articles to as many article directories as possible. Gone are the days of getting lots of reward from submitting the SAME article to hundreds of article directories, so I use the POWER of article spinning to submit multiple versions of the SAME article with multiple versions of the title, the resource box, the anchor texts in the resource box, the various pages they link to, etc

  • Submit unique versions of the spun articles to as many blog networks as possible. Gone are the days of getting lots of reward from submitting the SAME article to blog networks, so I use the POWER of article spinning to submit multiple versions of the SAME article with multiple versions of the title, the resource box, the anchor texts in the resource box, the various pages they link to, etc

And Why Should
YOU Listen?

When asked who I am, as far as Internet Marketing is concerned, I always say…


Even though I have written a 420 page monster course and
lots of free reports that have been read, loved and used by
HUNDREDS of people to “seduce” the search engines and
earn lots of money…

Even though I created a system that gives HUNDREDS of
members special kinds of PLR articles each and everyday…

Even though I have THOUSANDS of people who look up to me
for advice on how to get unique content and unique links…

Even though I have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of webpages
out there that are indexed in the search engines and bringing
me TARGETED traffic and $$$$ daily…

I am STILL NOBODY – when I am compared to YOU.

The only difference between YOU and ME is that I have discovered how to use the right kind of leverage, such as the right kinds of researchers, writers, editors, programmers and TOOLS to “do more with less”.

But that’s about to change… if you invest in and start taking advantage of SpinReadyPLRaDay.

Like Robert Kiyosaki advised, I always wanted to be rich using leverage, so I had to spend YEARS to find out how to do more with less, as a web publisher. I wasn’t prepared to spend the rest of my life working hard writing articles all day for my sites or paying huge sums for ghostwriters, yet not getting ahead as I could if I used the right leverage the right way.

Note that I said, “the right leverage the right way”! I didn’t say “any leverage any way”!

So, since Robert Kiyosaki advised that I should find many different forms of leverage to help me, I spent years looking for the right researchers, writers, editors, programmers and TOOLS that now give me the BEST right leverage as a web publisher willing to make money with Adsense and/or Affiliate programs.

Thanks to SpinReadyPLRaDay, YOU too can now get the FULL BENEFIT of MY leverage of the right researchers, writers, editors, programmers and TOOLS!

A CLOSER Look At Exactly What You Will Be
Getting From This Mega Package

SpinReadyPLRaDay Mega Package #1:
1,000 Spin Ready PLR Articles
In 100 High Paying Niches

Each of the 1,000 Spin Ready PLR Articles can be spun into 10 to 50 Unique PLR articles.

Each of the 10 to 50 Unique PLR articles that can be got from every 1,000 Spin Ready PLR articles will be 30% to 70% unique when spun.

Each of the 1,000 Spin Ready PLR Articles is Original Variations of SEVERAL Articles NOT rewritten Variations of SAME article and ALL Make Perfect Sense When Spun

Each of the 1,000 Spin Ready PLR Articles Per Can Be Spun To 10 – 50 Copies of 30% to 70% Uniqueness (That’s 1,000 x 10 to 50 = 100,000 to 500,000 Unique PLR Articles!!!)

All 10 to 50 Spun Articles From Each of the 1,000 Spin Ready Articles Can Be Used To Create Several Pages Of Content On Same Site/Blog

All 10 to 50 Spun Articles From Each of the 1,000 Spin Ready Articles Can Be Used To Submit to Article Directories and Network of Blogs

SpinReadyPLRaDay Package #2:
100 High Paying Niches

Each of the 1,000 Spin Ready PLR Articles Written Around 100 High Paying Niches, after a great deal of research and analysis.

Each of the 100 High Paying Niches Result In High Adsense Click through rates when used on sites or blogs with adsense ads

Each of the 100 High Paying Niches Have High Paying Affiliate Programs when used on sites or blogs with affiliate programs

Each of the 1,000 Spin Ready PLR Articles Can Be Spun To 10 – 50 Copies of 30% to 70% Uniqueness That Can Be Used To Build 100 websites/blogs on the 100 high paying niches

SpinReadyPLRaDay Package #3:
500,000 Comprehensive Keywords
In LOTS of High Paying Niches

We not only give you the Spin Ready PLR Articles, we also dig VERY deep to get you all the keywords you need for LOTS of the niches. You can then build and promote as many websites as you want with these keywords. Lots of the keywords are low hanging and even long tailed keywords that ensure you get the best traffic possible, for the particular niche you are targeting.

THOUSANDS of secondary keywords for LOTS of the niches that can be specifically targeted on any of the pages of your sites/blogs, built with the spun articles.

THOUSANDS of Long tailed keywords for LOTS of the niches that can be specifically targeted on any of the pages of your sites/blogs, built with the spun articles.

THOUSANDS Google Related keywords for LOTS of the niches that can be specifically targeted on any of the pages of your sites/blogs, built with the spun articles.

THOUSANDS LSI themed keywords for LOTS of the niches that can be specifically targeted on any of the pages of your sites/blogs, built with the spun articles.

THOUSANDS of Misspelled keywords for LOTS of the niches that can be specifically targeted on any of the pages of your sites/blogs, built with the spun articles.

All the keywords are neatly arranged in different text files for each niche. Each text file contains the particular type of keyword research done, i.e, either long tailed, google related, LSI themed, etc.

SpinReadyPLRaDay Package #5:
Usable With MOST of The Major Article Spinning Softwares/Tools Out There

We show you how to EASILY make all the spin ready articles spinable with any of the following major article spinning programs/tools:

and lots of others

How About the

SpinReadyPLRaDay BONUS #1:
500 EXTRA Spin Ready PLR Articles
In 50 High Paying Niches

Each of the 500 BONUS Spin Ready PLR Articles can be spun into 10 to 50 Unique PLR articles.

Each of the 10 to 50 Unique PLR articles that can be got from every 500 BONUS Spin Ready PLR articles will be 30% to 70% unique when spun.

Each of the 500 BONUS Spin Ready PLR Articles is Original Variations of SEVERAL Articles NOT rewritten Variations of SAME article and ALL Make Perfect Sense When Spun

Each of the 500 BONUS Spin Ready PLR Articles Per Can Be Spun To 10 – 50 Copies of 30% to 70% Uniqueness (That’s 1,000 x 10 to 50 = 100,000 to 500,000 Unique PLR Articles!!!)

All 10 to 50 Spun Articles From Each of the 1,000 Spin Ready Articles Can Be Used To Create Several Pages Of Content On Same Site/Blog

All 10 to 50 Spun Articles From Each of the 500 BONUS Spin Ready Articles Can Be Used To Submit to Article Directories and Network of Blogs

SpinReadyPLRaDay BONUS #2:
110 BONUS Spin Ready PLR Articles
In 110 High Paying Niches

Each of the 110 BONUS Spin Ready PLR Articles can be spun into 10 to 50 Unique PLR articles.

Each of the 10 to 50 Unique PLR articles that can be got from every 110 BONUS Spin Ready PLR articles will be 30% to 70% unique when spun.

Each of the 110 BONUS Spin Ready PLR Articles is rewritten Variations of SAME article and ALL Make Perfect Sense When Spun

Each of the 110 BONUS Spin Ready PLR Articles Per Can Be Spun To 10 – 50 Copies of 30% to 70% Uniqueness (That’s 110 x 10 to 50 = 1,100 to 5,500 Unique PLR Articles!!!)

All 10 to 50 Spun Articles From Each of the 110 BONUS Spin Ready Articles Can Be Used To Submit to Article Directories and Network of Blogs

SpinReadyPLRaDay BONUS #3:
600 High Quality Headers
In LOTS of High Paying Niches

Each of the 600 headers are VERY BEAUTIFULLY made and can be used as headers on as many sites/blogs as you want.

Each of the 600 headers come in JPG format ready to be used. Just add the title/name of your website/blog at the top center of the header and it’s ready to go.

All of the 600 headers were designed around LOTS of high paying niches that lots of the Spin Ready PLR Articles are about.

All of the 600 headers would cost you THOUSANDS of dollars, if you had to get them done yourself.

SpinReadyPLRaDay BONUS #4:
1 to 3 Quality Keyword-Rich
“1-3 year aged” Domain names

NOTE – This is for early birds only and will be on a “first come first served” basis (Only 100 Of These Domains Are Available!)

1 to 3 High Quality Domain Names

They are ALL Keyword-Rich Domain Names

They are ALL 1-3 year aged

They will all be given completely free as bonus to first 100 to order!

Get download Fred Myson – Spin Ready PLR a Day Articles at right now!


Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $75.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email You Can Build As Many Sites/Blogs As You Want With The 100,000 – 500,000 Generated PLR Articles (EACH MUST BE at Least 30% To 70% Unique)And You Can Even Submit To Article Directories And Submit To Network Of Blogs.