
Frank Garon, Kirt Christensen, Ken McCarthy – UK Internet Marketing Workshop



Frank Garon, Kirt Christensen, Ken McCarthy – UK Internet Marketing Workshop

You’re invited to be one of just 67 of my UK and European clients who can get up to speed on all the very latest, cutting-edge Internet Marketing strategies and methods that are currently unfolding in the US…

It’s Happening In the UK…

“No Hype – No Bull – Just Your Chance to Be One of Only 67 People Who Get In on the Extreme Cutting Edge of Internet Marketing as 3 of the World’s Top Internet Marketers Reveal Their Very Best Methods in an Intimate Setting!”

If You’re Flat-Out Sick of Fluff-Filled, Zoo-Like, “Pitch-Fest” Seminars that Leave You Scratching Your Head and Wondering “Where’s the Beef”… You Will Not Want to Miss-Out on “The 2004 European Direct Marketing Internet Workshop”!

The Workshop Is a Private, Invitation-Only Event That Gives Cut-to-the-Chase, Real-World Internet Direct Marketing Tactics That Work Both Online and Offline… PLUS Answers to Your Specific Questions about How to Profit Today With Online Marketing!”

Imagine it… Just 67 of the Best European
and UK Business Owners Sitting Down with 3 Internet Giants: Ken McCarthy, Kirt Christensen,
and Me… Frank Garon.

Frank Garon
Internet Marketer
“You’ll walk out of this Workshop with a new vision for your business… whether you’re online or offline – you will profit from this information… I guarantee it!

“It’s your chance to spend two full days with three of the world’s top Internet marketers in an intimate, small group setting – without crossing the Atlantic or breaking the bank!

“You’re not alone if you’ve felt the frustration of trying to get your hands on hard core,actionable advice about Internet marketing straight from savvy professionals. This may be your ONLY chance to see how real world-class Internet Marketers honestly make serious income on a consistent basis… day-in, day-out…”

Learn advanced Internet marketing in a small-group setting

Over the next couple of months, System founder Ken McCarthy will be participating in a limited number of small-group Internet marketing trainings.

In these trainings, Ken will reveal brand new marketing strategies and tactics that have not yet entered the mainstream of Internet marketing.

If you’d like to know about how you can get in on this unique profit opportunity, fill out the form below.

Dear Friend,

If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times from dozens and dozens of my dear UK and European customers:

“It’s frustrating being ‘behind the curve’… the U.S. always seems to be about 6-months ahead of us! How can I get up to speed?”

It’s the truth – the overwhelming majority of the world’s “experienced” Internet marketers live somewhere between New York City and Los Angeles.

Even so, you can’t let that stop you from maximizing your business and your income by using the greatest direct response medium of all time: the Internet.

That’s why I’ve called in some favors to help you get “caught-up”.

You see, you’re one of my very best clients – and I’ve twisted the arms of two of the very top Internet Marketing experts and got them to agree to come and spend 2 whole days working with a very small, select group of my UK and European clients.

They’re not only brilliant at what they do (making money hand over fist with the Internet) they’re also a couple of the most caring, delightful teachers you’ll ever meet.

Grab your calendar – and do whatever you can to clear these days:
October 23rd and October 24th, 2004.
The location: Birmingham, England

If you think there’s the slightest chance you’ll want to attend this cutting-edge event you must not hesitate.

Because there’s no doubt in my mind that within days of mailing this letter every available seat will be snatched-up.

Imagine Spending Two Full Days With Three Of The World’s Top Internet Marketers In An Intimate, Small Group Setting — Without Crossing the Atlantic or Breaking the Bank!

I mean it when I say this will be an “intimate, small group setting”.

There are openings for just 67 people – in fact, before I even dropped this letter in the mail I had 8 of my UK clients sign-up for it instantly just in mentioning it to them.

It won’t be cheap – but your satisfaction is guaranteed…

“You Must Love This Training… Or Your Money Back”

I guarantee you’ll get more than your money’s worth on the very first day of training. But if you don’t, or if you’re notcompletely happy with the cutting-edge strategies you’re taught for any reason, by the end of the first day, simply get me into a quiet corner and request a refund.

I will, without hesitation, cut you a check right on the spot. And you’ll walk out the door without a hassle – even better, we’ll part with a smile and a handshake. All I ask is that you approach me by the end of the first day… and do it in a quiet manner.

As you can tell from this guarantee… I have total and complete confidence that you are absolutely going to love this training.

Now before I go any further – I want to make one thing perfectly clear…

This Isn’t Some Deal Where Three Yanks Are Coming Across the Ocean So You Can Bow-Down And Worship at Their Feet!

All three of us are constantly transacting business in Europe… especially in the UK. Besides that… I practically live here!

In fact, during a typical year, I live here at least one-quarter of the time… and I’m actually in the UK right now as I write this! It’s my 8th trip over in the past two-and-a-half years. And I’m busy meeting with clients, getting together with friends having a good fish ‘n chips dinner or some Indian takeaway and sipping on a pint of Boddingtons Pub Ale.

I’ve got a TESCO Bonus card, I’ve got a Nectar Card,
I’ve got my own UK cell phone number, and in 2003 I droves as many miles the UK as I did in the US!

…So you’re not just going to be learning from some “pretend-wanna-bes” – all three of us are actively doing business in the UK and throughout Europe.

And I personally deal with UK clients every day… so my finger’s on the pulse of what’s going on.

I don’t tell you all this to brag… but, it’s very important to know that we all understand that doing business in the UK and Europe is different.

Kirt’s certainly no stranger to the UK and Europe… he’s got hundreds of clients across the continent – and not too long ago, Kirt did a seminar at Wembley Stadium in London – where 945 rabid business people jammed themselves in to hear him speak! … so he knows what it takes to do business successfully. And the same goes for Ken, who put on his own successful event in the UK two years ago.

Now… before I dig into the nitty-gritty details on what you’ll learn at this seminar, here are the fundamental keys you must understand in order to profit from this training:

The Five Things You Absolutely Must
Know About Internet Marketing In Order to Guarantee Your Success

  1. The Internet is a “Direct Response” Medium
    This is very good news for the savvy businessperson because long before the Internet came along, the ‘secrets’ of direct response advertising were sorted out over a period in excess of 100 years by some of the brightest marketing minds who’ve ever lived. 100% of all the truly successful Internet marketers I’ve met over the last ten years are serious students of classic direct response marketing.
  2. Internet Customers are Passionate – and Paranoid
    Once you win an online customers trust, you have gained access to a reliable money stream. Statistically, online buyers buy more per order and buy more often than catalog or store shoppers.

The downside is that because of the Internet’s “intangible” nature, new customers are a lot more skittish than they are when they purchase from other mediums.

To succeed in the Internet business, you must know how to put prospective customers at ease and inspire their trust.

  1. Copy is King
    On the Internet, the words you use and the way you use them is absolutely critical to your success. Don’t be fooled into spending a lot of money developing a beautiful and/or technologically advanced web site. Many of the most profitable businesses online are simple-looking sites.
  2. Traffic is Queen
    It gets kind of lonely being king without a queen… and the best ad copy in the world is useless without traffic.

The inability to generate traffic (visitors to your web site) is the #1 reason for failure in this business. Contrary to popular myth, there is no one best way to get traffic. The most successful Internet businesses use an integrated, multi-varied approach.

  1. The Real Profits Come From Repeat Business
    Too many Internet marketers – even somewhat experienced ones who should know better – have crafted their entire Internet businesses around one-time sales.

Big mistake. The beauty of the Internet is that once a customer is won, you can easily keep and profit from him for life.

Okay… of course, there’s more to successful Internet marketing than just these five guiding principles.

Yet, remarkably, even in the US where Internet marketing has tens of thousands of practitioners, their concepts are virtually unknown – or at least unpracticed – by the vast majority of Internet businesses.

The opportunities available to people who know what they’re doing will never be more wide open than they are now.

All in all… these are the topics that we’ll be digging deep into. Now, let me shift gears and tell you about the two gentlemen who will be joining me to do the “digging” at THE EVENT –

Kirt Christensen – the “Laziest”, Hard-Working Internet Genius on the Planet

No doubt, you’ve heard of Kirt – he’s the laziest “rich guy” I’ve ever met.

And that’s because he works hard at uncovering Internet opportunities that generate passive, or “near-passive” income. Kirt is an absolute genius at generating passive income on the net.

And – he’s no stranger to the UK, and the differences between doing business in the US and the UK. In fact, Kirt has spoken in the UK several times before… most notably to an audience of 945 at Wembley Stadium.

How does Kirt generate passive and near-passive income on the web? There are at least three ways:

1) Selling physical products (not eBooks) online and in large quantities
2) Creating and marketing membership sites

3) Buying existing websites, fixing them, and then selling them for a huge return on investment

These are three of the most lucrative – and little understood – opportunities on the Internet… and Kirt is going to spill the beans on how you can cash-in on these “under-the-radar” Internet profit-centers starting today.

Take a look at just some of what you’ll learn from Kirt:

Get Kirt’s “Paint-By-Numbers” system for taking over lousy websites, fixing them up and pocketing up to an easy 10,000% net profit (or more) in less than a few weeks, even days…

Learn the same techniques he used to make $110,000 in only a few months working less than 2-hours a day fixing up one lousy website! (Just between you and I… Kirt tells me it’s the EASIEST money he’s ever made!)

Discover Kirt’s inside secrets on how he makes a steady $20,000 a month from his membership sites. (No one knows how to make money with a membership site like Kirt does… be ready to take furious notes when he talks about this one!)

And much, much more.
I’ve known Kirt for quite some time. He’s the “real deal”… and if you can spend a couple of days learning from him you should consider it a real blessing.

Ken McCarthy – the “Experts’ Expert”

Ken is one of those Internet heavyweights who keeps a low profile, so you may have never heard of him. In fact, he started in the Internet business way back in 1993.

And in ’94, he organized and sponsored the first conference ever held on the commercial potential of the World Wide Web. Ken’s also credited as being one of the people who helped launch the development and popularization of the banner ad.

But Ken’s real strength is in applying proven direct marketing principles to Internet marketing. He’s always teaching Internet marketers the importance of staying grounded in direct marketing fundamentals.

1) Write Killer copy
2) Create a Loyal Following

3) Structure Your Business to Maximize Profits

And right now… Ken just happens to be on a copywriting “high”. You see, Agora Publishing asked Ken to co-host (alongside Jay Abraham) the first lesson in their recent “Advanced Seminar on Copywriting”.

Now… just in case you don’t know who Agora Publishing is… they’re one of the top mail order publishers in the world… doing 80-million dollars a year selling newsletters and books via direct mail!

Then… shortly after hosting that seminar, Ken had the honor of being the first person to ever interview the most effective copywriter on the planet: Mr. Gary Bencivenga.

And Mr. Bencivenga shared with Ken, for the first time ever, many of his real-world secrets for making copy work…

The combination of the two events has gotten Ken very high on copywriting, indeed… and I kid you not – the information you’ll get from Ken on positioning your business and copywriting can’t be found anywhere else at any price.

All in all, I guess the thing that makes Ken different is that he really makes the effort to teach what he calls, “the whole process of Internet marketing”. It’s a comprehensive approach.

Rather than just feeding you a few “hip” or “cool” new strategies, Ken likes to give you the whole ball of wax – a system for building wealth on the Internet with timeless direct marketing principles that will work forever. Ken is the one person who – probably more than any other Internet marketer – teaches a comprehensive, systematic approach to Internet marketing success.

In fact, that’s why his seminar – the most highly regarded in the world – has come to be known as “The SYSTEM Seminar”. And, it’s probably why his training-seminars over the years have produced so many successful Internet marketers… recognize any of these names?…

Yanik Silver (…everybody’s favorite Internet Marketer… went from near-broke to over a million dollars per year in just 4-years!)

Perry Marshal (known as the “Google Adwords Guy”… a voracious tester!)

Mike Stewart (a successful, but over-worked webmaster turned Internet Entrepreneur… you may know him as the “Internet Audio Guy”)
These gentlemen launched their careers with big-thanks going to Ken… after all, the proof of the puddin’ is in the eating… and Ken’s students are his “proof” that there is something distinctly different about the way he teaches.

No one else has helped produce as many “from zero to success”
Internet marketers as Ken has, and he doesn’t have 1/10th the traffic or exposure of some of the other big-shots!

Ken’s presentation will focus on copywriting, and many of the new strategies and techniques he’s been learning over the last six months or so. All in all, you’re going to be learning everything you need to know to profit in your business via the Internet…

The fastest, easiest, most risk-free way to get started producing an income in Internet marketing – especially if you’re a relative computer novice.

How to locate, screen and evaluate online marketing opportunities that will exponentially increase your odds of success

A “secret source” of the world’s best advertising copy delivered to you almost daily – for free. (It would literally cost millions of dollars to reproduce this resource on your own)

The psychological triggers that virtually guarantee repeat business and are absolutely critical to selling online…

The #1 element you absolutely must have in every sales letter. And it’s not in the classic Attention-Interest-Desire-Action formula — but without it, you’re sunk.

The one book that David Oglivy and Rosser Reeves admitted they could not live without. (And it’s not”Scientific Advertising” or “The Robert Collier Letter Book”. I’ve heard talks from dozens of copywriting gurus over the years and I can only think of a few who ever mention it. (I think that’s because they know this book would put them out of job.)

Why testimonials aren’t all they’re cracked up to be – and what works much better.

The “USP Myth”. Copywriting gurus claim that developing a USP (a unique selling proposition) is essential to successful direct marketing. But what you might be is missing is a correct understanding of what a USP really is, how the USP concept was developed, and the right way to adapt it to the Internet.

An easy way to ensure that your letters get read. Not 1 in 100 copywriters does this and I don’t know of a single one teaching it. (Hint: It has nothing to do with the headline and it’s not a “trick”.)

How to get the most successful mail order marketers on earth to mail you the results of their multi-million dollar research for free!

A simple mental exercise that allows you to draw on the power of every advertising genius you’ve ever heard about to help you solve your toughest marketing problems. (This is sheer genius – and you’ll profit from it again and again and again!)

Does long copy really sell more? A surprising answer. If you’re torturing yourself cranking-out eight and sixteen and thirty-two page sales letters, you’d better hear this.

The daily habit (it can take as little as five minutes) that the world’s greatest copywriter swears made all the difference for his career!

The absolute best source of fresh new copywriting tactics and strategies. Surprise: You won’t find them in advertising books or by copying other people’s ads.

There are four types of web sites. Two are disasters, one works OK, and the fourth type pays out like gangbusters… which website are you using?

The most powerful, useful and woefully under-used sales tool on earth. (You can’t overuse it and most people haven’t learned to use this tool on the web…)

The one thing you must never ask your prospects to do if you want to ring up big sales.

What you can do to an ordinary product that will let you charge (and get) five times or more what your competitor gets for it – without creating customer complaints about high prices!

The ultimate headline test – how to find out fast if your headline has enough power to generate orders before you invest in expensive promotions!

Why most movie theaters are built with only two main exits and what it has to do with making a quick fortune in mail order.

A powerful, but little-used method to overcome even the most slothful prospect’s inertia and get them to place an order!

A simple little phrase that Ken uses to instantly, but subtlety switch from “telling” to “selling”. (You can use it to sell a lot more of just about anything – especially information products!)

And much, much more….
And Then There’s Me… Frank Garon – Some People Call Me “The Most Down-to-Earth Big-Shot You’ll Ever Meet”

Well… what you see is what you get with me.

I definitely don’t pretend to be one of those fake, “plastic” marketing Gurus.

You know what I mean?… the kind of guy who’s “in love” with the sound of his own voice?… That’s not me!

I’m just the opposite, in fact.

I’m just a home-grown American boy who loves to play – and Internet marketing has bought me more time to play and LIVE LIFE more than I ever imagined it could.

To think that I spent over 15 years driving a lorry for a living… when I could’ve been doing this! Well… long story short, thanks to Internet marketing I’ve been blessed to have gone from making US$14.25 an hour to making over US$170,000.00 a year – not bad for someone who went broke at one point.

Bottom line… I’m just an average person who figured out all this crazy Internet stuff – and I’m more than happy to share what I know with you.

Take a peek at just some of what I’m planning to share with you:

The ONE vitally important thing that you must know about if you ever expect to pull any measure of orders in from potential customers. (Miss this and you may as well forget about any degree of success online.)

How to build a deep, lasting relationship with your customers – a relationship that always leaves them wanting more and more and more…

What to say to get your customers to buy from you, come to you for solutions, and get them to actually RELY on you!… which always turns into more profit!

Discover what I call: “Order Button Triggers”… the hidden psychological-triggers that practically force your prospects to buy what you’re selling. (A near-new science proven to compel people to act!)

You can be a master copywriter, you can have a superb product, but if you don’t structure things in a way that will compel your prospects to order, you’ve missed the mark. I’ll show you how to practically force your prospects to buy what you’re selling using little-known, psychological copy tactics that work like a charm.

You’ll see real-life examples of “Order Button Triggers” in sales letters from experts like Yanik Silver, Jonathan Mizel, Joe Vitale and many others. And most importantly…
You’ll Walk Away Knowing Exactly How to Add
These “Calls To Action” to Your Own Ad Copy Instantly and Effortlessly!

The 4 critical things your website must have if you’re to stand a chance of ever profiting…

How to craft extremely effective Offers and how to have them create a very sizable return for you. I’ll go through some of the most effective offers I’ve ever seen and analyze them line by line to see exactly why they work so well. Then I’ve teach you how to create stunningly responsive offers for anything you might want to sell).

6 very effective and very affordable ways to grow your Subscriber List – no matter what product or service you offer! (Let’s face it – without a list, you’ve got no one to promote your offer to. I’ll give you my favorite techniques… proven techniques that won’t break your budget!)

The new “psychology” of the Internet marketplace and how to ethically take full advantage of it in every way.
The success of your entire enterprise is based on understanding how the human mind operates and reacts in any given “buying situation”. I’ve been blessed to make a wonderful living based solely on this understanding.

Once you really “get it” – it will open doors you didn’t even know existed. You’ll become a master of how to use “human nature” to help boost your revenue stream.

Now… as you can see – you’re going to get a lot from this workshop. Not to mention the wonderful opportunity you’ll have to meet with other successful business people from UK and Europe. (The networking opportunities alone at a workshop like this can mean staggering profits for you.)

But I really wanted to blow the doors off this opportunity – and turn it into something really special – that’s why… Kirt, Ken, and I are going to do something that other “gurus” just don’t do…

We’re Going to Make Ourselves Available
to You Outside the Walls of the Workshop…
Including Informal Get-Togethers
Over Meals With Us

Imagine that… sitting and talking, one-on-one with a guy like Ken McCarthy! Imagine asking Kirt Christensen every question you can think of about membership sites, buying web businesses, or even what his favorite sport is!

Imagine Getting to Pick the Brains of Three of the
Best Internet Marketers on the Planet!

Can you really even put a price on that? This is your chance to GRILL ME!… Kirt!… and Ken! (Trust me… it took some work to get these guys to agree to this – especially Ken, who tends to be somewhat of a private person…)

Now… how much?

It’s not gonna be cheap.

There’s just a single entry price: £995.

You can reserve your spot right now.

If You Want to Get In On This Unique Opportunity to Sit at the Table With Three Top Experts in a Small Group Setting – You Need To Act Now!


Because Ken, Kirt, and I are mailing this letter to ALL our UK and European customers… a little over 19,000 people and…

There’s Only Room For Just 67 at the Workshop – So If You Really Want to Be There Now is the Time to Get Registered!

You can’t wait.

You must reserve your seat now if you want to get in.

It’s easy to do.

Right now, while it’s fresh in your mind, click here to order online and reserve your seat.

Or fill out the order form and fax it immediately to 610-398-0870 .

This is your chance.

This is your moment…

If you want to learn to build a sold, ongoing business and cash-in on what’s happening now on the Internet…

…if you want to take control of how much more profitable and pleasurable your life can be, you couldn’t ask for a better opportunity.

You can see it, can’t you?… spending an entire weekend with three of the world’s most capable Internet Marketers alive – and profiting from face-to-face, one-on-one access you’d usually only get in expensive consulting sessions.

Sheesh!… even I get excited about it when I think of it like that! You truly owe it to yourself to take advantage of this opportunity.

Don’t you think so?

Click here to register right now and lock-in your seat in this exclusive, limited-enrollment workshop.


Frank Garon

P.S. I wish I were in your shoes right now.

Back when I was first getting my Internet Marketing business up and running, I scrambled night and day to find anything I could that would give me some sort of business “edge” on the net.

Ten years ago, there was NOTHING. I forged my own path as I went… there were many dark, dingy alleys along the way – with many disasters… but, luckily, I kept my eye on the prize.

And then I hit my stride alongside a few, true “modern legends” of the business – guys like Ken and Kirt.

Now, I’m willing to share it ALL with you. And I’m bringing along two of the best in the business to make it even betterfor you…

P.P.S. I’m serious about this being a limited seating event. I really want to make sure this is a top quality learning experience for anyone serious enough to attend.

So I’m deadly serious about limiting the number of attendees. Tuition is strictly on a first come, first served basis.

No exceptions – and no, I can’t pull any strings.

The truth is… I envy you this opportunity.

I wish it were 10-years earlier, and I was the one getting this letter… I wish I was the one getting the chance to sit around and “shoot the breeze” with these guys over meals and cut years and years off of the learning curve – but not now… this isyour time – your time to change everything about your life.

Don’t be disappointed – register today.

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $599.00.Current price is: $84.00.

Frank Garon Kirt Christensen Ken McCarthy – UK Internet Marketing Workshop PRODUCT DELIVERY: You will receive a download link via your order email.