
Feminine Soul Initiation with Devaa Haley Mitchell



Feminine Soul Initiation with Devaa Haley Mitchell


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Expand into Greater Presence, Passion and Purpose

Are you longing for a sacred community of sisters dedicated to cultivating and expressing the Divine Feminine? You are not alone. We are rising up around the world.

 /></p><p>Though we live in different places and celebrate Her Spirit in different ways, we are woven together by a golden thread that transcends space and time.</p><p>We share a common desire to live as true embodiments of the sacred feminine. We aim to be Her heart and hands, and to share Her holy presence at this tender time on our planet.</p><p>As our world strives to come back into balance between the masculine and feminine, those hearing the call have an important role to play.</p><p>Each of us is being called to <strong>bring forth our feminine fullness</strong> — our unconditional love, our compassionate hearts, our intuitive gifts, and our shakti power. The world needs our creative life force, fierce truth-telling, and deepest listening.</p><p>We are also being asked to heal any remaining wounds and issues in our personal lives so that our souls may shine fully and we can stand in our transformative power as wayshowers, healers, and teachers.</p><p>As we open to becoming modern-day priestesses, we are able to navigate the stormy waters of our current world with more grace, love, and healing. In turn, we become vessels for a much <strong>larger evolutionary awakening of the feminine and healing of our culture</strong>.</p><h3>Do you feel the call?</h3><p>In ancient times, women seeking to expand their connection with the Divine and access their soul gifts attended “mystery schools.” These schools offered a transformative space and sacred technologies that could transmute the dross of everyday consciousness into alchemical gold. They offered an opportunity for birthing an awakened self that was more radiant and wise.</p><p><img src=

From the Isis temples of ancient Egypt to the Inanna temples of Sumer, and from Avalon to the Oracle at Delphi, women sought remembrance of their divinity and spiritual and practical skills that would enable them to step into their power. But eventually these lineages disappeared into the dark, one by one.

However, many of the teachings and practices remained in underground lineages that are now being carried on in The Feminine Soul Initiation, a modern mystery school with ancient roots that is adapted to meet the needs of modern women. This program is an approved “dedicated temple” of the 13 Moon Mystery School founded by Ariel Spilsbury, a renowned mystic of the sacred feminine. The 13 Moon lineage is rooted in her remembrance of the Avalon Mystery School.

The Feminine Soul Initiation connects you with the initiatory power of these ancient mysteries in a new way, one that doesn’t require you to travel great distances but instead takes you on a fully embodied journey into the heart and soul of the sacred feminine.

Opening to Your Depths and Expanding
Your Range

You may wonder what a feminine mystery school can offer you….

It is a path to a deeper sense of meaning that flows into your life and our world.

It offers a rewiring of how you approach the path of spiritual growth, one that honors and celebrates the unique blessings of women.

It will teach you how to connect with a wider range of sacred energies so that you can engage life with passion and purpose, wisdom and joy.

Should you join us for The Feminine Soul Initiation, you’ll receive countless opportunities to heal your personal history — so you can feel radiant and fully alive. You’ll get in deeper touch with your creative spark, your sensuality and your truth.

From this empowered place, you can manifest a joyous, abundant life that is fully aligned with your soul mission.

Exploring the Feminine Archetypes

The Feminine Soul Initiation is an initiatory journey into the heart of 13 archetypes of the sacred feminine that allows you to consciously evolve your psyche and soul.

 /></p><p>If you aren’t familiar with archetypes, they can be thought of as patterns of behavior that explain who you are, how you see the world, and how you engage with it.</p><p>A few well-known examples of archetypes include the Mother, the Queen and the Wild Woman.</p><p>These archetypes live inside you (and through you) but many of them may be dormant or suppressed due to millennia of masculine dominance. Knowing which archetypes are strong in you and which are still wanting to blossom can help you to better understand yourself and others.</p><p>Each archetype is a source of blessing and power. When you open to the full spectrum of archetypal energies, your life turns ON in a beautiful way.</p><p>In this program, you’ll find a sacred container in which ALL of you can be reignited and fully embodied.</p><p><strong>The result is the birth of a more soul-connected, radiantly empowered You.</strong></p><p>If you choose to enter into the mysteries through this program, you are saying YES to an acceleration on your soul path. You can expect to become a more multidimensional being — comfortable in your wise depths, at home in your wildness and willing to share your gifts.</p><p>As you stand in your full feminine power, it <strong>radiates into your outer world</strong> in magical and mysterious ways.</p><p>Through this program, we’ve been witness to hundreds of women accessing deeper intuitions and memories and resurrecting buried aspects of the sacred feminine.</p><p><img src=

Others have been freed from deep unhealed patterns — abandonment, trauma, addictions and a sense of unworthiness.

Many have found courage to finally pursue their deepest dreams and experienced great success doing so.

We’ve also witnessed the healing of family relationships and intimate partnerships. Some participants, once clear of their most damaging relational history, have called in the Beloved they’d always hoped would appear.

Others have tapped a deep spirit of service and their desire to be a healing vessel for people around the world. It’s a different, yet equally transformative experience for each participant because WE are all so different.

The truth is that no matter what our life history or where our path has taken us, we ALL need support as we shed old skin, expand our vision of what’s possible and birth the next level of our being. Yet in our fragmented society, we typically lack this deep support.

Or perhaps we haven’t been taught how to step into our full power as women. So we end up becoming the biggest obstacles to our own evolution.

There is great power in standing with sisters who know or intuit something deeper about you, who can see you in your magnificence and also support you to move through your shadow patterns.

We KNOW you are here to offer your deepest gifts and make a unique contribution to the planet.

We KNOW you can learn to release old patterns and beliefs that have served as survival mechanisms, so that something greater can be born.

And we KNOW we can support you to move through an initiatory gateway and toward a greater-than-imagined future.

We will hold that with you and for you, as we’ve done for so many others.

Give Your Deepest Soul Gifts

 /></p><p><strong><em>The Feminine Soul Initiation </em>offers the support, practices and sacred tools you need to become the amazing being you were born to be.</strong></p><p>So how do you bring your soul gifts to the world with grace and balance? And how can you offer yourself in true service to the planet, providing healing and love to some of the darkest corners of the Earth?</p><p>Answering these questions is no easy task.</p><p>However, as we learn to integrate the feminine lineages of the past and reignite the fires of Avalon, Dendara, Delphi, Egypt, the Maya and many other mystery schools, the missing sacred thread begins to reweave in our souls and psyches…</p><p><strong>…And we can remember why we are truly here in this lifetime.</strong></p><p>Yet, remembering is only one piece of the puzzle. The call for women today is to stay connected to this ancient wisdom, while also evolving our consciousness and methods to match our current-day realities.</p><p><em>The Feminine Soul Initiation</em> is such a pathway. Through this program, you’ll embark on a transformative journey that will enable you to <strong>deepen your soulful presence, expand your vision of what’s possible, and move into action on your soul’s work.</strong></p><p>You will reconnect with the Earth, your body and the very essence of life. Rather than feeling isolated and alone, you will be welcomed into a global sisterhood that will be there to celebrate your joys and hold you through your darkest hours.</p><p>You will gain confidence and strength to follow your heart and express your truth. As a result, you will make a real difference on our planet — and have a life that you love.</p><h3>Awake, Embodied Women Are Needed to Shift Our World</h3><p>Our planet and humanity as a whole have never been more in need of skilled and capable soul-filled women who can help turn things around.</p><p>So we invite you to expand beyond the confines of what you <em>think</em> is possible and stand in the truth of YOUR MAGNIFICENCE. We are calling you to take outrageous actions in your life, so you can help midwife the planetary shifts needed and manifest your greatest visions for your life and our world.</p><p>Enter the sacred circle with us and we will help you invoke and create a life aligned with who you really are and what you are really here to do!</p><p><strong>In <em>The Feminine Soul Initiation</em>, you will:</strong></p><ul><li>Enter a potent initiatory journey into reclaiming the Divine Feminine.</li><li>Activate, experience and integrate the power of 13 Divine Feminine archetypes, allowing you to step into your larger mythic story and access the deeper purpose of your life.</li><li>Heal and transform core wounds that have kept you playing small and avoiding showing up in the world with your true brilliance.</li><li>Learn tools and practices to bridge ancient feminine wisdom and your daily life.</li><li>Participate in an ongoing ceremonial context to transform patterns that keep you from moving forward and fully giving your gifts.</li><li>Speak your truth more clearly and have the courage to face difficult situations with grace and ease.</li><li>Nurture your feminine self so you can stay centered in a busy, chaotic world.</li><li>Cultivate your intuition and innate wisdom so that you can access them in service to yourself and those around you.</li><li>Expand your feminine radiance, so you can BE who you are meant to BE, and DO what you are meant to DO.</li></ul><h3>Greater Connection Through Video Streaming</h3><p>This course is offered via pre-recorded video sessions with Devaa and other previous Temple Initiates, so that you can receive an even more powerful transmission of this work. This video format is extremely engaging and will and increase your learning and transformation.</p><h3>What recent graduates say about the <em>Soulful Women Certificate Program</em>:</h3><p><em>I am in a deep state of gratitude for my experience with the Soulful Women’s Program. Little did I know that that momentous decision would lead to the growth, the healing and the expansion that I feel in my soul and my being now. I can never repay Devaa for helping me to bring forth the remembrance, the witnessing, the support and the love which has led me to this moment.</em></p><p><em>Through this certificate program, I was able to heal and move lifelong pain and trauma out of my body, so my body now feels tangibly different! The power of the archetypes and this work is profound.</em></p><p><em>I love that Devaa is is fully in her power as a facilitator. She is also down-to-earth, honest and authentic. She embodies a cauldron of deep safety and also utter sacredness. She has the capacity in one moment to be very very tender, and in the next moment cut through to the chase — inviting you to go deeper, move forward, and find what you are searching for.</em></p><p><em>Of all the programs out there — and I’ve participated in a lot of them — this one takes it to the core. If you are interested in going for true depth of soul development, then this is the program for you. To me, there is no amount of money that I could pay that would be too much, given all I received from this program. It has made a profound difference in my life.</em></p><p><strong>— Patricia Benavidez</strong>, Elementary School Teacher</p><p><em>I have always been a great doer — keeping busy, over-exerting myself, and then burning out. But, I finally got to the point where I wanted something different. I was tired of doing things this way and put a call out to the Universe for help.</em></p><p><em>This program was the answer to my prayers. The healing and shifts that have happened for me through my work with Devaa have been life transforming. She created a loving container where I allowed myself to be vulnerable, to be pushed out of my comfort zone, and to share things I normally wouldn’t have. I have been in women’s circles before, but never in such an intense setting with such focused work.</em></p><p><em>The weekly calls with Devaa continue to be very empowering. It’s so wonderful to tune in and allow myself to be guided through the journey of the call — and then begin to see things unfold in my life. It’s clear that Devaa has a deep understanding of what she teaches through her own inner work and transformation. Her energy and voice are so grounding and her skills in coaching are clear in each call.</em></p><p><em>I also have also done two live retreats with Devaa, and I felt so loved and held that I was able to open up to some profound healing of past wounds — related to my family of origin and being raised in England, where expressing one’s deep feelings is not the cultural norm (at least not in my experience). I became aware of things that had been buried deep, and I learned what it means to fully embrace myself as a divine feminine being.</em></p><p><strong>— Charlie Wilson</strong>, Founder of Date and Thyme Cafe and 21 Days to Help Yourself</p><p><em>Before I started the Soulful Women Certificate Program, I really wanted to step into my leadership and my power. I felt a huge calling in my heart that I could not ignore. I knew had to do something MORE with my life — which was not really working the way I was living it. Through this program, I was able to become the woman I always knew I was born to be. Things started very quickly falling into place in my life. For example, I lovingly ended a relationship that was no longer serving me. My new job became completely solid, and now I am the Vice President, managing a million-dollar business (which is still amazing to me!). I am part of an amazing new community of sisters, and the list goes on…</em></p><p><em>My life has taken a complete 180-degree turn for the better. And I know that I could not have done it without Devaa’s support. She is a truly amazing facilitator! The connections and relationships that I’ve made with the other women in the program are priceless. The learning, growth and development that I’ve experienced are more than priceless. What I’ve seen happen with other women in the program is nothing short of a miracle. I absolutely recommend this program!</em></p><p><strong>— Kim Carpenter</strong>, VP of Operations and Head Marketing Trainer</p><p><em>My life was completely transformed in every way. I developed a real inner confidence in myself. I moved through all the shame I’ve been holding over the years of actually not wanting to fully show up; and something much brighter and lighter and more sparkling emerged.</em></p><p><em>And of course because of that, my whole life — all my relationships including the ones closest to me, with my husband and my daughter — changed. After a number of very tense years, the relationships became much more tender, beautiful and loving. So this program impacted every area of my life, really.</em></p><p><strong>— Melanie Eclare, </strong>Former Photographer, Priestess and Loving Mother</p><p><em>I’m emerging from this program with exactly what I needed — a feeling of wholeness I didn’t even know I was seeking. If you had asked me two years ago if I’d be happy with my work, I would have told you that you were crazy because I was so confused. But with the help of this program, I kept listening to the clues and staying in my heart, and then taking action that was coming from my intuition, my inner wisdom — rather than taking action that was just being directed by fear and directed by my head. And now I have a business that I love, where I’m using my business skills to help creative women bring their gift to the world…and I love what I do.</em></p><p><em>So there was this huge transformation in my work, and then also in my marriage. We’re now in marital therapy, and I thought we were going to end things. But through the process of this program, and staying in my heart but also staying in my power, I’ve ended up in a much better place in my marriage as well.</em></p><p><strong>– Leela Somaya, </strong>Business Entrepreneur and Coach</p><p><em>As a facilitator Devaa is a wonderful combination of the right and left brain. She wove us all together in a loving, playful open container, where we were deeply held. I was always searching for a feeling of belonging. My parents are no longer alive, and I have no siblings. So this feeling of “home” was quite elusive. The program with Devaa created lifelong deep connections. I feel known, seen and held in a way that exceeds anything I have ever experienced. Having this level of unconditional support opened me to my dream in life to be a fashion designer, and my choice to move forward with it.</em></p><p><strong>– Rana Stewart, </strong>Fashion Designer and Entertainer</p><p><em>I am a complete newcomer to this archetypal approach to understanding the world and myself, so I deeply valued Devaa’s consistent presence and holding. She made space for all the blocks and fears that inevitably arose, providing pertinent insights that helped me to transform.</em></p><p>I’ve also experienced the value of being in a sisterhood that consciously taps into deeper aspects of themselves. I learned to shine the light on my shadow aspects, bringing depth into my otherwise more mainstream. The compassion that I have learnt to cultivate for myself is a huge a blessing in itself. It has helped round edges and to soothe strained relationships.</p><p><em>I’ve also experienced the value of being in a sisterhood where the women consciously tap into deeper aspects of themselves. I learned to shine the light on my shadow aspects, bringing depth into my otherwise more mainstream life. The compassion that I have learnt to cultivate for myself is a huge a blessing in itself. It has helped round my edges and to soothe strained relationships.</em></p><p><em>As I graduate from this program, I feel more grounded within and confident of listening to the quieter aspects of myself for guidance. I truly recommend this journey for all those willing to dive within for a much more fulfilling “Earthwalk.</em></p><p><strong>– Nomita Khatri, Goa, India</strong></p><p><em>This course was a catalyst for healing that I only imagined was possible for me. For the first time I got to see the wide range of qualities that we as women possess and they are all feminine. I experienced greater self-acceptance, self-forgiveness than ever before which has translated to greater other-acceptance and other-forgiveness. Devaa is an amazingly beautiful soul and witnessing her presence was worth every penny that I invested in this program.</em><br /><strong>– Elisabeth Jordyn, Winter Garden, FL</strong></p><h3>Program Overview: What You Will Experience</h3><p>We are excited to bring you a self-study program that takes you into the deep inner work you need to affect positive change in the world and enjoy a fulfilling and prosperous life.</p><p>This path is NOT a formulaic, one-size-fits-all approach to spirituality. You will open and expand in unique ways that are tailor-made for your current level of evolution.</p><p>Some women go on to create more financial abundance while others experience profound healing or improved well-being. Most deepen their relationships and create more intimacy in their lives. Others step into their calling and begin living from a more sacred place.</p><p>Your soul will show you the way…if you let it.</p><h3>Transforming Your Inner World</h3><p>One of the core principles of this program is that deeper inner work empowers women to realize their full potential. Our gateway is through archetypes — universal, cross-cultural patterns of energy and potential that represent different aspects of the Divine Feminine.</p><p>On this journey, you’ll go through 13 different archetypal initiations — one for each archetype — and learn how to access their unique qualities, blessings and powers, expanding your sense of freedom and wholeness (see details below).</p><h3>Module 1: <strong>Initiation of the Great Mother:</strong> From Not Enough to More Than Enough</h3><p>The way of the Great Mother is the way of receptivity. She is accessed through surrender and adoration. She empowers through nurturing and preserving. She provides us with a feeling of safety, security and deep presence.</p><p>In this module, you will:</p><ul><li>Discover how to source your true self from an overflowing, nurturing well that will feed your life and all your projects.</li><li>Create daily practices to connect to your feminine nature and sustain it.</li><li>Connect with your body through a deeper exploration of menstrual and lunar cycles — and discover how we can align with them for greater grace and ease of manifestation.</li><li>Learn to get comfortable with the unknown and allow the new and unexpected to emerge.</li></ul><h3>Module 2: <strong>Initiation of the Goddess of Compassion: </strong>From Self-Criticism to Self-Acceptance</h3><p>The Compassionate One offers us unconditional love and mercy. She is accessed through the portal of humility and forgiveness. Her energy is like water in a slow-moving stream, and she teaches us fluidity and being in the flow.</p><p>In this module, you will:</p><ul><li>Discover how to lead from a compassionate heart, and still get things done!</li><li>Recognize ways that you undermine yourself, damaging our own power in the world.</li><li>Awaken practices of forgiveness and self-acceptance, and open to an increased sense of worthiness.</li><li>Release yourself from the bonds of perfection, judgment and criticism, so that you can be free to offer your gifts more fully in the world.</li></ul><p><strong>Guest Faculty Session: <em>Embodying Your Mythic Story with Ariel Spilsbury</em></strong></p><p>Ariel Spilsbury is passionate about the conscious evolution of this planet and all its inhabitants. This takes the form of traveling to share the wisdom of the Divine Feminine around the globe, which she has done for over 30 years. She has devoted her life to the conscious awakening of all beings. This she has offered through writing, teaching, sacred theater presentations, creating a metaphysical store, conferences, consciousness events, lectures, seminars, starting a metaphysical newspaper, moon circles for women, spiritual counseling and maintaining a temple for the Goddess for 25 years.</p><h3>Module 3: <strong>Initiation of the Priestess:</strong> From Outward Listening to Deep Inner Listening</h3><p>The Mystic is the archetype of stillness, silence and centered presence. She is the keeper of the keys of the mysteries, and she teaches us to expand our awareness and access our innate intuitive abilities.</p><p>In this module, you will:</p><ul><li>Hone the skill of attuning to your inner guidance for external life issues.</li><li>Develop the skill of deep Inner Listening, and tune your inner ear to hear at different levels of subtle communication.</li><li>Practice reading the symbolic world and how to “know” from deep inside which direction to take, which decision to make or the solution to a problem.</li></ul><p><strong>Guest Faculty Sessions: <em>Walking the Priestess Path with Elayne Doughty</em></strong></p><p>Elayne Doughty — Founder of the Priestess Presence Temple — Powerful Women Changing the World — and Co-Founder of The Global Gratitude Alliance which has a mission to empower and improve the lives of women, children and young adults through grassroots projects in some of the most vulnerable parts of the world. Elayne is also a psychotherapist, spiritual activist, speaker, soul midwife and ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage.</p><p><strong><em>Psychological Implications of Symbols ~ The Wisdom of the Tarot with Angeles Arrien</em></strong></p><p>Angeles Arrien, Ph.D. was a cultural anthropologist, award- winning author, educator and consultant to many organizations and businesses. She researched, created and synthesized the Four-Fold Way Program, which is currently used in medical, academic and corporate environments; and her book, <em>The Four-Fold Way</em> was translated into more than ten languages.</p><p><strong><em>Developing Your Intuition with Sonia Choquette (pre-recorded)</em></strong></p><p>Sonia Choquette is a world-renowned author, storyteller, vibrational healer and six-sensory spiritual teacher in international demand for her guidance, wisdom and capacity to heal the soul. She’s the author of several bestselling books, including <em>Ask Your Guides, Trust Your Vibes, Soul Lessons, Soul Purpose</em> and numerous audio programs and card decks. Sonia was educated at the University of Denver and the Sorbonne in Paris, and holds a Ph.D. in metaphysics from the American Institute of Holistic Theology. She resides with her family in Chicago.</p><h3>Module 4: <strong>Initiation of the Creator/Destroyer:</strong> From Stuckness to Freedom</h3><p>The way of the Liberator is the way of non-attachment. This fierce archetype opens us up to our deep feelings and passion, and she serves to cut away the shackles that have bound us, perhaps for lifetimes.</p><p>In this module, you will:</p><ul><li>Identify your self-imposed limitations, beliefs and behaviors that stop you from stepping into your radiant fullness.</li><li>Participate in a freedom ceremony to liberate yourself from those limitations and obstacles that are blocking your evolution.</li><li>Get comfortable with cutting away the “dead wood” in your life, including habits, relationships, or ways of being that are not aligned with your greatest expression.</li><li>Develop practices to de-clutter your life every week so that you can become the most effective leader.</li></ul><h3>Module 5: <strong>Initiation of the Lady of Communion:</strong> From Powerless to Fully Empowered</h3><p>The Lady of Communion marries the feminine green of the earth with the masculine gold of the sun in the alchemy of sacred union. She teaches us how to stand in our sovereignty and examine where we leak our power. She also invites us to commune with nature at and drink in her immense wisdom.</p><p>In this module, you will:</p><ul><li>Align your inner masculine and inner feminine to create a potent alchemical force of creation and manifestation in the world.</li><li>Generate a clear sense of what it is that you REALLY want to create that is connected to your true purpose.</li><li>Learn the keys to creating effective, magnetic intentions.</li><li>Learn to manifest through personal magnetism, taking the struggle and strife out of it once and for all!</li></ul><p><strong>Guest Faculty Session: <em>Standing in Your Feminine Power with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.</em></strong></p><p>Claire Zammit is the Founder and Leader of the Feminine Power courses and Co-Founder of Evolving Wisdom. Claire is currently completing her doctorate in the field of Transformative Learning and Change at the California Institute of Integral Studies, researching the life-changing transformations of women in her year-long Feminine Power Mastery program. Claire is the co-author of the forthcoming book, <em>Feminine Power: Awakening to the Creative Force of Life </em>and co-creator and co-host of the internationally acclaimed <em>Women on the Edge of Evolution</em> teleseries.</p><h3>Module 6: <strong>Initiation of the Muse:</strong> From Creatively Blocked to Fully Expressed</h3><p>The Muse opens our hearts through authenticity, and vulnerability. She taps into the innocence of the magical child, inviting us to to laugh and to play. In her frequency we can wave our magic wants to liberate boundless creative energy.</p><p>In this module, you will:</p><ul><li>Wake up your creative genius! Learn to access your spontaneity, imagination and creativity as a foundational skill of inspired leadership.</li><li>Learn how to create out-of-thin-air, and use the “Magic IF” wand to serve all your creations in the world.</li><li>Embrace your ability to turn everything on its head, and see things from new perspectives.</li><li>Lead from a place of joy and light-heartedness, and enliven your projects and life with humor.</li></ul><p><strong>Guest Faculty Session: <em>Succulence is PowerFULL with SARK</em></strong></p><p><strong>SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy)</strong>, is the best-selling author and artist of 12 books including the national bestseller <em>Succulent Wild Woman: Dancing With Your Wonder-full Self.</em> Her most recent books on creativity include, <em>Make Your Creative Dreams REAL: A Plan for Procrastinators, Perfectionists, Busy People, </em>and<em> People Who Would Really Rather Sleep All Day</em> and the updated edition of <em>SARK’s New Creative Companion</em>. SARK invites us all to live a spontaneous and creative life!</p><h3>Module 7: <strong>Initiation of the Goddess of Love:</strong> From Closed-Hearted to Unconditionally Loving</h3><p>The Goddess of Love invites us into greater intimacy with those around us. While we may desire deep love in our lives, most of us put up barriers against potential hurt. This can shut out the very depth of love we crave. The Goddess of Love pours forth her ecstatic elixir, melting us open and into her realm of sensual delights.</p><p>In this module, you will:</p><ul><li>Unleash a rampage of joy and pleasure that will juice up every aspect of your life!</li><li>Enliven ALL of your senses as a way to increase your personal power of attr</li></ul><h3 style=Delivery Method

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