Yoga means “yoke.” In astrology, yogas are specific planetary configurations in the horoscope that yoke the individual to the fruits of his or her karmas. In Core Yogas, Yokes to the Fruits of Karmas, you will learn the important yogas that have been signaled out by the ancient seers of Vedic Astrology. The important yogas that give success, wealth, happiness and good qualities of character, as well as those indicating downfall, financial struggle, humiliation, suffering and a degraded character are given. Most importantly, proper guidelines are given that show you how to qualify a yoga in order to correctly judge the impact that a yoga will have on the individual. Yogas are virtually a branch of Vedic Astrology in themselves, which a careful study of this book will teach you. Core Yogas includes:
All the yogas that have been given specific names by the ancient seers, over 215 important yogas.
Both dasa dependent and the non-dasa dependent yogas that indicate the inherent foundation and strength of the horoscope.
Special rules for determining the dasa/antardasa during which a yoga will give its effects.
Over 140 detailed example horoscopes. Including the fructification of the yoga during the appropriate Vimshottari Dasa/Antardasa.
Ernst Wilhelm earned a degree in Naturopathy at the age of twenty-one. After practicing in that field for one year, particularly Iridology and nutritional counseling, he quit due to believing that physical well-being was secondary to mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, and instead turned his attention towards astrology. Since then he has made an extensive study of the classical texts from India as well as having studied many texts by Western Astrologers. After many years of study he has come to believe that, for those of intellectual bent, the best use of astrology is the study of astrology. The study of astrology, the Eyes of the Vedas, can assist a person in learning to see that everything is an aspect of God, and to live a life of detachment, duty and happiness. So while maintaining a private practice, his greatest inspiration is the teaching of astrology for which he has founded Jyotish Academy International, teaching Vedic Astrology worldwide through ! classes as well as correspondence courses. He is a regular contributor to Vedic Astrology magazine, and an American Council of Vedic Astrology certified teacher. He is the author of Vault of the Heavens, Treatise on Vedic Astrology, and Tarot- Bringing Us Closer to the Truth. His current writing projects include the literal translation and commentary on an important Sanskrit astrology text- Upadesa Sutras, and a book on relationship compatibility. He is also developing, Käla- Vedic Astrology Software in partnership with his wife, Srishti.
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