
[Download Now] Upwising with Steve Bhaerman


[Download Now] Upwising with Steve Bhaerman


How You Can Benefit From Developing Your 6th Sense

When you develop the 6th sense of humor, you gain the power of freedom and personal magnetism.

When you learn to see the humor in more situations, expand your emotional range, and practice letting more of your inner sub-personalities out to play – you become a more engaging, powerful and fun person to be around. Just this magnetism alone attracts more clients, love, friendship, business, etc.

Laughter is good medicine for all of us, but it also helps in a lot of very specific situations:

#1: Laughter Heals the Body and Mind

s3.jpg?02030902When you laugh, your whole body chemistry changes. It’s like a cleansing effect – you feel better and lighter. But laughter goes beyond the feelings of wellness and joy. Scientific studies have shown that laughter has tangible health benefits. Laughter can:

  • Boost your immunity and lower stress hormones, which slows the aging process.
  • Give you better health, faster recovery from disease, and higher rates of feel-good hormones.
  • Release endorphins, which helps to decrease pain in your body, as well as reduce cravings associated with addiction.
  • Flush blood clots, cholesterol and inflammation from your body by expanding your blood vessels and increasing blood flow.

Laughter is the fastest stress reliever on the planet. What’s even better – it’s FREE. Laughter, in fact, has been found to have similar benefits to exercise. So next time you feel like you can’t get off the couch to go to the gym, have a good belly laugh instead.

#2: Use the Power of Laughter to Call in “The One”

Laughter is the natural magnetism that will increase your animal magnetism. Not only will cats and dogs love you – you will instantly become a people magnet and start attracting the love you deserve in life. With laughter, you will:

  • Add more levity, lightness and play to your all relationships.
  • Create more satisfying and long-lasting romantic relationships (unless you’re a fan of first dates only).
  • Become the world’s best self-lover – ALL parts of yourself, not just THAT part.

If you’ve been seeking that one soul mate, with whom you can live out the rest of your life, the gift of humor will make a memorable first impression on that all-important first encounter. More laughter and levity is guaranteed to instantly get you to Date #2 – or even just the first half of Date #1.

And even if those blind dates turn into blind alleys, having more fun and being more fun, will get you invited more places – and increase not just your chances of meeting “the one” – but in BEING the one who will attract the one you want to meet.

#3: Gain an Immediate Edge in the World of Business

Even if you are focused more on work and business these days, laughter can give you a better return on investment than almost any other investment you can make. How?

Well, for one thing laughter is like loaves and fishes. One person can enter the room with a hilarious story, and 300 people can leave with it! And they can continue to “play it forward” ‘til the sacred cows come home.

s4.jpg?02030902Have you ever noticed that many of the best business presentations start with humor? Well-applied humor is a “people tenderizer” that facilitates communication and all kinds of transactions – giving you an immediate edge in the world of business.

If you’re a coach who needs to speak in front of groups and convince people to work with you, using humor in just the right way is an essential tool for your toolkit. As some wise guy once said, “He who is stiff in front of the room, usually gets stiffed in the back of the room.”

Market studies show that funny people are more successful in business:

  • Laughter floods our systems with dopamine, which turns on all the learning centers in the brain, boosting creativity, productivity and engagement.
  • In an analysis of 225 academic studies, happy employees were found to be 31% more productive, and enjoyed 37% higher sales – while doctors who used humor were found to arrive at correct diagnosis 19% faster and more accurately.
  • Humor enhances spontaneity and creative thinking – helping you think outside the box, and attract the big bucks if you get paid to be innovative.

If your occupation has anything to do with speaking to, or connecting with, others – humor helps you make a far better impression (people simply like you better if you’re more authentic, fun and relaxed).

All of which goes to show … bringing more fun into your life is serious business. When you turn on your “laugh force,” you ramp up your “life farce,” and elevate the “work force.”

#4: Become a much more effective agent of evolution

If you’re like us, you want to leave the world a far better place than when you arrived. But to do that requires, not only upshifting your own life, but helping others to do the same. That’s when we REALLY begin to create a mass upwising – where the center of gravity for our culture goes to another level that is a lot more juicy, loving and creative.

Humor unites us in a spirit of Oneness, as we learn to laugh together across political divides, cultural chasms and gender wars.

So it’s up to us to lift the vibration and make the new world a far more delightful place – which means making it more fun.

A revolutionary fomenting an uprising tends to turn into something like an angry truth-teller waving a threatening placard on a city corner – with no one listening.

An evolutionary fomenting an upwising makes changing the world far more fun – and attracts a lot of others to the party!

What You’ll Learn in These 7 Sessions

In this 7-module light-hearted virtual course, Steve will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully experience the transformational power of laughter – which will, in turn, give you the tools to find humor in unlikely places.

Each session will build humorously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to brighten and enlighten your daily life.

And, jest for fun, the Swami will be on-hand to offer his cosmic comic commentary as part of each session.

As the Swami says, “You will wake up laughing, and leave laughter in your wake.”

Module 1: It’s a Joke. Laugh. (Recorded April 15)

w1.jpg?02030902We begin with the aforementioned punch line to the cosmic joke, “Life is a comedy of situations and we are just having an episode.” What if the hokey pokey IS what it’s all about? What if your friends greet you on the other side with a big banquet where they tell funny stories about you – i.e., you roast in heaven? What if everything we think matters doesn’t matter – and not even matter matters – because it is all energy anyway? This opening session will lay the groundwork of cosmic comic perspective as a filter to apply, not so we can deny tragedy or disappointment, but so we can successfully transform those – and be a light in the world. Oh, and NO homework in the Upwising course, just “home play.” You’ll learn to:

  • Discover the “cosmic joke” in your life story, and use it to transform your story into a healing one.
  • Trace your own “fool’s journey.”
  • Unleash the transformational power of: “… and then, a funny thing happened…”
  • Use laughter to achieve a complete release of all tension, so you can relax, restore and rejuvenate your body.
  • Allow humor to feed your internal fountain of eternal youth, and shave years off your true age – instantly (hearty laughter keeps you young at heart … and stretches your liver too, and remember those with longer livers, live longer).
  • How to laugh when the joke is on you, and become a “cosmic fool.”

Module 2: The Art and Science of Seeing Funny
How to See More Possibilities (Recorded April 22)

w2.jpg?02030902This module focuses on how to put yourself slightly out of whack – to get yourself back in whack. It’s about finding the joke hidden in the picture. Says Swami, “When you look at yourself slightly askew, it’s like getting a new pair of ‘I-glasses’.” The art of seeing funny according to the very “farce-sighted” Stephen Wright, is the art of seeing with innocent perception – with a child’s eye. The science of seeing funny involves intentionally putting things together that don’t belong together, and taking joy in the surprising results. You’ll learn why and how the simple act of putting a smile on your face (even when you don’t feel like it) will cause you to see funnier – and be happier. You’ll learn to:

  • Help you see funnier, and to see your way “out of the box.”
  • Shift the way you view certain challenges, so your can go beyond the typical “fight or flight” response to greater creativity and mastery.
  • Cultivate your own “natural” sense of humor effortlessly.
  • Gently help others see funnier too

Module 3: Self-Facing Laughter
Freeing Yourself from Your Old Stories (Recorded April 29)

w3.jpg?02030902This module will help you laugh in your own face, and in the face of life’s challenges. This is not denial, not whistling in the dark … it’s a proactive way to mine your life for gems of comedy, and then use these as reminders of what is really important. If you’ve been looking to release the grip of your ego, and find yourself bragging, “I am the most ego-less person I know!” – this module is for you. A key step in mastering the ego is learning to make fun of one’s own seriousness. You will learn some keys – from comedians and non-comedians alike – for how you can bring the perspective of humor to situations that are, if not life-threatening, than certainly laugh-threatening. Obviously not everything is grist for comedy … AND when we choose to lovingly laugh at our own foibles – our problems become less solid, and our path more fluid. You’ll learn to:

  • Understand the “anatomy” of jokes, so they can be truly used as “healing stories.”
  • Find the “aha” after the “ha-ha” – how to seed insight in a “harmless” joke.
  • Master the art of the “Zen Cohen” … finding and using cosmic comic teaching stories.
  • Use humor to break patterns … and leave the real you standing taller.
  • Use situational comedy to apply “loverage” to life’s situations

Module 4: Humor Relations
Enhancing Your “Serious” Relationships with More Fun (Recorded May 6)

w4.jpg?02030902Remember: “It’s a joke, laugh?” Here’s where you REALLY need it. You’ll discover humor to bring people together, and raise the overall energy of you, your partner – and all your relations. In this module, you’ll not only learn why a sense of humor is rated as a most desirable trait in a mate, you’ll learn what kinds of humor work, and how to cultivate these. We will include wisdom from some of the most effective relationship teachers and coaches on the planet to help YOU use the magic of humor to create more joyful and authentic connections. You’ll learn to:

  • Continuously infuse your relationships with the joy and levity of laughter.
  • Instantly transmute negative, stressful situations and dramas into humorous, optimistic ones – and use hearty laughter to get to the heart of the matter.
  • When NOT to use humor.
  • Shift toxic relationship patterns, without the other person even realizing it!

Module 5: Bringing Levity to Gravity
How to Become a Light-Hearted Change Agent (Recorded May 13)

w5.jpg?02030902Swami tells us the world is in serious condition largely due to our conditioning to be serious, and this module is about how to use humor to shine a light on the most serious shades of darkness. He will offer two examples of how jokes transformed deadly situations by embracing them, and how the energy was shifted in the field. By choosing to laugh – out of awakening, not denial – you will be able to look at the craziness in the world through the eyes of forgiveness and compassion. And you will also see how this “cosmic comic consciousness” will enable you to be more effective than ever before. You’ll learn to:

  • Distinguish between positive and negative humor, and how you can use jokes to build bridges, rather than blowing them up.
  • Appropriately shift the conversation from serious to humorous … and back.
  • Turn what seems like an intractable “negative” into a transformative “positive”.
  • Shine as a beacon for others to wake up laughing instead of hitting “snooze”.

Module 6: The Comic-Kaze Path
Humor And Activism (Recorded May 20)

w6.jpg?02030902Is there a relationship between humor and activism? Well, ask Dick Gregory … or the Yes Men … or the students who overthrew the regime of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia. There’s a reason why one of the first things Hitler did upon coming into power was jail the cabaret comedians, and why rigid and oppressive regimes fear humor. On the other hand, humor can also be used to distort the truth. In this session, we will explore the relationship between humor and the art of persuasion, from propaganda to “impropaganda.” You’ll even get to design and practice random acts of comedy designed to heal the heart and free the mind. Or, as Swami says, “You’ll learn to milk the sacred cow and take the bull by the horns.” You’ll learn to:

  • Transform a protest march into a pro-fun parade.
  • Find, create and use language that playfully awakens.
  • How to compost media BS and turn it into fertilizer for new growth.
  • Use the right kind of playful perspective to keep your own spirits up.
  • Have others look at you and your work and say, “I’ll have what THEY’RE having!”

Module 7: Daily Practice for the Upwising Wake Up Laughing and Leave Laughter in Your Wake (Recorded May 27)

w7.jpg?02030902In this final module, we will focus on YOUR comic creations and best practices. What makes classes unique are the participants – and the unique contributions that even non-comedians can make to the domain of comedy. Here, participants have an opportunity to post their own comic creations, and best-loved pieces that others created. You’ll learn to:

  • Connect with playful sub-personalities and alter egos within your own psyche that bring self-love, self-appreciation and self-knowledge.
  • The first rule of improvisational comedy – serve the scene.
  • Why the first – and best – joke is always on yourself.
  • Play … laugh … and play some more, and embody your own cosmic comic self.

Delivery Method

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $75.00.

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