
[Download Now] The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion


[Download Now] The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion


Salepage : The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion

What Youโ€™ll Learn in the
Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion

In this 38-part transformational intensive, Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, David Daniels and Jessica Dibb will guide you through the unique ways that different Enneagram types express in multidimensional ways.

Each teaching, discussion and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that youโ€™ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the system โ€“ as well as ways to apply it in your daily life.

While The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion Program will adapt to the unique needs of participants, each main module will focus on a single type. No matter what your type, it is a powerful experience to learn about, and go through, the journey of each type.

This is because:

  • Each of us has all nine energies and pathways within us to develop
  • We will be able to more completely understand our loved ones, colleagues and everyone we meet, thus creating healthier relationships
  • We will be able to feel more effective and wise about working and collaborating with groups of people

All the modules will follow a parallel format consisting of:

  • Week 1: The Pathway of the Type โ€“ Weโ€™ll begin with foundations for understanding the purpose and objectives of the Enneagram, personal development and spiritual awakening. We will then explore the pathway and core conundrum of each type, as well as its movement toward opening and integration. Participants will be guided through inner work, exercises and breathing practices to deepen the comprehension and experience of each type, as well as the energy of each type in ourselves. We will conclude with dialogue and Q&A sessions. Specific deepening practices will be offered to embody the principles more fully.
  • Week 2 and 3: Male and Female Example and Pathway of Growth โ€“ Weโ€™ll begin with a brief review of the core characteristics and issues of the type, followed by a live interview with a male of that type in Week 2, and then a female in Week 3. The interview will be centered around discerning and discovering what trajectories of growth are wanting to emerge in that person, and penetrating guidance from the faculty about how to support that. Then the entire community will engage in a practice/meditation to promote similar steps in each one of us. The faculty will invite dialogue and questions with the community about each type.
  • Week 4: Expanding Our Understanding โ€“ Based on the practices, the interviews and the questions from the community during the first three weeks of the module, the fourth week will invite the faculty to expand the teachings. These teachings will be emergent and responsive to the unfolding needs of the community that is taking the course. A longer practice and exercise period will create the space to integrate the teachings more fully. Then the faculty will take some final questions and sharings from participants about the type being studied.

Module 1: Introduction to the Foundations of the Enneagram (Recorded Oct. 7)

David, Helen, Russ, and Jessica will share the journey that brought them to discovering the Enneagram, why they value it, and why they are participating in this course. You will then explore definitions of core principles and dynamics of the Enneagram, including the following core concepts that apply to each type:

  • The passion (core suffering)
  • Fixation (compensatory habit or dynamic)
  • Shifting from vice to virtue
  • Dynamism and change of movement along the arrows
  • Instincts
  • Development of the inner observer
  • Developing Presence

Youโ€™ll emerge with a solid foundation that you can apply to each of the nine types in the next nine modules.

Module 2: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Eight
(Recorded Oct. 14, 21, 28, Nov. 4)

Type eights are often described as protectors or challengers. At their best they show us how much vibrancy and power there is in each moment, and yet those qualities in eights and each one of us can become distorted, causing us to be dominating and insensitive. Understanding type eight opens pathways to discovering real inner strength and open-heartedness, helping you to navigate the challenges of your life without shutting yourself down.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to recognize and attune to the presence of authentic strength and power in yourself
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the eight into higher expression of its core gifts
  • See how anger reinforces the eight structure
  • Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of eights
  • Connect your sense of strength with true open-heartedness
  • Understand how the eight illuminates your own distortions and fears about power
  • Know the difference between real strength and โ€œtoughening yourself up,โ€ between being powerful and being controlling or dominating
  • Identify pathways to relax inner structures and experience authentic vitality, strength and potency
  • Differentiate key โ€œWake Up Callsโ€ or observations of patterns for the eight, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the eights in your life
  • See the ways that the eight expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 3: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Nine
(Recorded Nov. 11, 18, Dec. 2, 9)

Type nines are often described as peacemakers or mediators. At their best they show you how to harmonize with everything and how to relax into reality, and yet those qualities in nines and each one of us can become distorted, causing us to be disconnected and passive. Understanding type nine opens pathways to discovering a true inner peace, that fosters a more expanded capacity to flow with, and take action in, reality as needed.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to cultivate embodied presence, making it possible for you to be engaged with each moment from authentic inner peace
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the nine to its higher expression of core gifts
  • See how anger reinforces the nine structure
  • Understand how type nine illuminates your own distortions about connection and unity
  • Know the difference between authentic inner peace and numbing out, between cultivating harmony and being conflict-avoidant
  • Become aware of the power of integrating the gifts of stillness, dynamism, and the flow between them
  • Identify pathways for relaxing inner structures, and experiencing true inner peace, equanimity, and harmonious participation with lifeโ€™s challenges
  • Differentiate key โ€œWake Up Callsโ€ or observations of patterns for the nine, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with nines in your life
  • See the ways that nine expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 4: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type One
(Recorded Dec. 16, Jan 6, 13, 20)

Type ones are often described as perfectionists or reformers. At their best they show the importance and sacredness of everything and every moment, and yet those qualities in ones and each one of us can become distorted, causing us to be rigid and judgemental. Understanding type one opens alignment with a sense of the basic goodness in each moment, making it more possible for us to see the right action in every moment without attachment or aversion.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to align with integrity in your body, heart and mind, and develop the willingness to be of service, or respond to the needs of each moment
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the one to its higher expression of core gifts
  • Learn the core fear and compensatory habits of ones
  • Understand how type one illuminates our own distortions and fears about integrity and being right
  • Learn how to tell the difference between discerning wisdom for ourselves or others- and judging ourselves or others, between a deep source of wisdom and integrity โ€“ and our โ€œinner criticโ€ or superego
  • Understand how anger reinforces the one structure
  • Develop a deeper acceptance of all circumstances and challenges, recognizing the perfection of each moment
  • Differentiate key โ€œWake Up Callsโ€ or observations of patterns for the one and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with ones in your life
  • See the ways that one expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 5: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Two
(Recorded Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17)

Type twos are often described as givers or helpers. At their best they show us the beauty and healing power of responding to needs arising from suffering or wholeness, and yet these qualities in twos and each one of us can become distorted, causing us to be co-dependent and self-sacrificing. Understanding type two helps you feel a well-spring of natural desire to support and care for your life, relationships, and the journeys of others.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to open to the real love that exists within you for yourself and others, and come to a deeper understanding of what it means to love yourself.
  • Understand the developmental pathways for the two to its higher expression of core gifts
  • Learn the core fear and compensatory habits of twos
  • Understand how type two illuminates our own distortions and fears about need and love
  • Learn to recognize and support the development of the responsive and compassionate part of your nature
  • Know how to recognize the difference between attunement and merging, between unconditional love and caring โ€“ and over-giving
  • Understand how distress reinforces the two structure
  • Identify pathways to relaxing the inner structures, and experience the natural flow of giving and receiving equally
  • Differentiate key โ€œWake Up Callsโ€ or observations of patterns for the two, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with twos in your life
  • See the ways that two expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 6: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Three
(Recorded Feb. 24, Mar. 3, 10, 17)

Type threes are often called the performer or the achiever. At their best they show that it is possible to fully develop your capacities, and yet those qualities in threes and in each of us can become distorted, causing emotional disconnection and vanity. Understanding type three supports you to cultivate the full measure of your intrinsic gifts and potential, as well as create a balanced love of self and others.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to relax out of shame about your capacities and gifts
  • Understand the developmental pathways for the three to its highest expression of core gifts
  • Learn the core fear and compensatory habits of threes
  • Understand how type three illuminates our own distortions and fears about worthiness
  • Know the difference between authentic action and promoting yourself, between personal value and self-inflation
  • Examine the relationship between being and doing, and see how genuine being/presence makes our work more effortless and enjoyable โ€“ and connects it with the real wishes of our hearts
  • Understand how distress reinforces the three structure
  • Differentiate key โ€œWake Up Callsโ€ or observations of patterns for the three, and how to navigate them
  • Discover pathways to relaxing the inner structures, thus experiencing real self-worth, authenticity, and how these give a ground of being for actions that are fulfilling for yourself and others
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with threes in your life
  • See the ways that three expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 7: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Four
(Recorded Mar. 24, 31, Apr. 7, 14)

Type fours are often called individualists or romantics. At their best they show that creative and authentic self-expression can lead to deep intimacy with ourselves, others and life, and yet these qualities in fours and each of us can become distorted, causing us to be moody and envious. Understanding type four helps you open to your most intimate and true identity, and to experience that as a key to a beautiful and deeply meaningful life.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to experience deep compassion, and creatively open to the depth of your own being as a gateway to real intimacy with others and vice versa.
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the four to its higher expression of core gifts
  • Learn the core fear and compensatory habits of fours
  • Understand how type four illuminates your own distortions and fears about your sense of identity
  • Learn how to tell the difference between authentic emotional expression and reactivity, between being your true self and trying to be unique
  • Understand how distress reinforces the four structure
  • Learn to recognize the depth of your presence, as well as learning to notice when it drops out of your experience
  • Identify pathways to relax inner structures, and experience the innate beauty, depth, intimacy and richness of each moment
  • Learn about the core trait of abandonment that creates endless yearning and frustration among fours
  • Differentiate key โ€œWake Up Callsโ€ or observations of patterns for the four, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with fours in your life
  • See the ways that four expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 8: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Five
(Recorded Apr. 21, 28, May 5, 12)

Type fives are often described as investigators or observers. At their best they show the power of clarity and insight to illuminate life and come to deep truths, and yet those qualities can become distorted in fives causing them to be withholding and emotionally detached. Understanding fives opens you to a world of curiosity and wonder, making it possible for you to perceive reality more clearly.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to open to pathways of focus, inquiry and awareness,
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the five into higher expression of its core gifts
  • Understand how to more fully access the quieter part of our mind responsible for our big discoveries โ€“ both personal and professional
  • Learn some of the psychodynamic issues that cause our direct knowing to shut down
  • Gain experience in the connection between embodied presence and direct knowing
  • See how fear reinforces the five structure
  • Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of fives
  • Understand how the five illuminates our own distortions and fears about perception and intelligence
  • Identify pathways to relax inner structures and experience focused attention and direct knowing โ€“ what the Greeks called โ€œgnosisโ€
  • Differentiate key โ€œWake Up Callsโ€ and observations of the patterns for the five, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the fives in your life
  • See the ways that the five expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 9: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Six
(Recorded May 19, 26, Jun. 2, 9)

Type sixes are often described as loyalists or loyal skeptics. At their best, they show how commitment and trust for life and others cultivates problem-solving skills and intuition that contribute to life, and yet these qualities can become distorted in sixes and in all of us, causing us to be doubting and paranoid. Understanding sixes can help open a doorway to your intuition and to a faith that your natural instincts will lead to actions that create harmony. You will see how body, heart and mind can align with deeper knowing, and cooperate with others toward goals that can transcend your immediate personal interests.

In this module you will:

  • Begin to experience the focus and purpose that open-minded, three-centered guidance can bring to each moment, decision and action.
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the six into higher expression of its core gifts
  • Learn to recognize and access deeper sources of inner guidance
  • Learn some of the psychodynamic issues that tend to create the most stress and anxiety in us, and how to work with them
  • See how fear reinforces the six structure
  • Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of sixes
  • Understand how the six illuminates our own distortions and fears about trust
  • Explore the difference between clear movement of true guidance and impulsivity, between being thoughtful and compulsively doubting
  • Identify pathways to relax inner structures and experience more courage and true guidance
  • Differentiate key โ€œWake Up Callsโ€ and observations of patterns for the six, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the sixes in your life
  • See the ways that the six expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 10: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Seven
(Recorded Jun. 16, 23, 30, Jul. 7)

Type sevens are often described as enthusiasts or epicures. At their best they show how flow and natural positivity open up beneficial possibilities and bring joy to life, and yet these qualities can become distorted in sevens and in all of us, causing us to be escapist and distracted. Understanding sevens supports your natural desire to abide in causeless happiness, and to open to new experiences and vistas in your life.

In this module you will:

  • Feel inspired to open to deeper gratitude and the experience of joyfully inhabiting the fullness of every moment
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the seven into higher expression of its core gifts
  • Discover some of the psychodynamic issues that tend to dull our sense of joy and to send us off in ultimately frustrating pursuits
  • Recognize the secret doorway of abiding โ€“ patiently being with what is here now and letting the deep treasures of reality reveal themselves
  • Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of sevens
  • Understand how the seven illuminates our own distortions and fears about happiness and freedom
  • Know the difference between positive orientation and avoidance of emotional pain, between flexibility/flow and empowering your distractions
  • See how fear reinforces the seven structure
  • Identify pathways to relax inner structures and experience true spontaneity, delight and inner freedom
  • Differentiate key โ€œWake Up Callsโ€ or observations of patterns for sevens, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the sevens in your life
  • See the ways that the seven expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 11: Integration Keys on the Path for Healing, Transformation, Liberation and Self-actualization (Recorded Jul. 14)

Because of the depth of this course over an extended period of time much of what happens at this last class will arise out of the sharing, questions and experiences of the whole community during the nine months, and the facultyโ€™s sense of what would support people most in creating enduring transformation.

This module will include:

  • Sharing, teachings and tips for long-term integration
  • Inner exercises
  • Questions and answers
  • Practices and recommended resources for deepening your inquiry

The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion
Bonus Collection

In addition to the powerful 9-month immersion program, youโ€™ll also receive these illuminating bonuses that complement the intensive โ€“ and deepen your understanding and transformation.

Delivery Method

โ€“ After your purchase, youโ€™ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
โ€“ Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, weโ€™ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
โ€“ Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
โ€“ If you cannot find the download link, please donโ€™t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM โ€“ 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

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Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $168.00.

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