
[Download Now] The Character Type Training – Anodea Judith


[Download Now] The Character Type Training – Anodea Judith



The Character Type Training – Anodea Judith


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Discover how to heal from your early family conditioning, reclaim your authentic self, and regain a sense of joy, aliveness, and excitement about life.

Identify your dominant character type so you can understand and heal the underlying causes of your limiting thoughts and behaviors and liberate your natural gifts.Are you still protecting the child you used to be?

Is your behavior still controlled by the defense mechanisms that helped you cope with childhood traumas, insecurities, and fears?

Even if you’ve worked through your issues in therapy and forgiven those who were the source of your pain, the defenses that kept you safe all those years ago may be limiting your life today in the form of self-defeating patterns in your body and mind.

These patterns, which originated as “psychological body armor” in your youth, become so deeply embedded in your body and psyche — and so intricately woven into your self-identity — that you likely don’t even realize their influence.

They are expressed in the way you think, speak, feel, and act — and they manifest physiologically, from the shape of your body to the neural pathways in your brain.

Your biography literally becomes your biology…

The good news is that you can discover how to break free of the self-imposed shackles of limited thoughts and behaviors even if you’re not yet consciously aware of them…

And the rewards of liberating yourself from your early conditioning are immense — understanding yourself and others much better… deepening your relationships… experiencing more vitality… opening up to new and exciting possibilities… finding greater happiness and fulfillment… appreciating the sacred stillness of inner peace… reclaiming your emotional, psychological, and physical health and wellbeing…

The first step is understanding the five basic character structures, which you’ll find at the intersection of your personality type, energy body, and chakra system…

The 5 Character Types

There are five primary character types or structures, first identified by Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich. Although we might embody aspects of different character types, we tend to have one or two types that are dominant within us.

Each type, which can be represented by a bodily posture, emotional profile, and manner of showing up in the world, can be traced to a different age of wounding and requires a different skillset to navigate.

  1. The Creative (Schizoid) — Formed in the first year of life when the child does not feel wanted, accepted, or loved by its mother, resulting in a feeling of ungroundedness, aversion to social activities, and the belief that the world is a hostile place. Schizoids want to play it safe and figure out everything ahead of time.
  2. The Lover (Oral) — Formed when a child fails to receive satisfaction of its basic needs and nurturing, resulting in a neediness and dependence, or a hyper-focus on the needs of others. Orals are oriented to relationship, but often don’t have successful ones because they want too much, causing their partner to pull away.
  3. The Endurer (Masochist) — Formed when a child seeks to separate and create its own identity yet is blocked from doing so by controlling parents, resulting in a docile, compliant personality and a dull approach to life. Masochists just plod along and don’t know they can make a different choice.
  4. The Challenger (Psychopath) — Formed when a child feels betrayed and is determined to do whatever it takes to make sure no one takes advantage of them again. Psychopaths are oriented to power and may alienate people because they’re aggressive and dominating, and so feel like they’re all alone in life.
  5. The Achiever (Rigid) — Formed when the child feels rejected by the parent of the opposite sex, resulting in the tendency to live in its head, protect its heart, and feel it must do everything perfect in order to receive the conditional love it craves from its parents. Rigids lose touch with their authentic self.

Gaining a solid understanding of the dynamics of these five character structures can provide important and valuable insights into the issues you’re dealing with as an adult. For example, this knowledge can help you:

  • See how a birth trauma can turn you into someone who lives in your head
  • Grasp how early abandonment might lead you to be overweight
  • See why living in outer compliance and inner defiance can undermine your ability to be spontaneous
  • Comprehend why you might feel like no one is on your side when you are in a leadership role
  • Understand your partner better and relate to them in more positive, productive ways

Connecting the dots between your patterns from childhood and the issues you’re struggling with today can be the breakthrough you need to resolve and heal these underlying causes, strip away your limiting thoughts and behaviors, and finally embody and express the true essence of who you are.

Renowned bioenergetic therapist and chakra expert Anodea Judith has developed powerful and effective exercises to create awareness of these character structures — and to dissolve the corresponding blockages to move your energy from “pattern” back to “essence.”

Embark on a Life-changing Journey With a Master Guide

Anodea Judith, PhD has spent her life studying life force patterns. With a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and a doctorate in Mind-Body Health, she’s a world-renowned workshop leader, somatic psychotherapist, writer, and teacher on chakras, healing, and energy systems.

In The Character Type Training, Anodea will transform the way you think about your energy, emotions, and thought and behavior patterns. You’ll receive a new paradigm for energetic, physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual healing that you can apply to your own life or in your work with clients.

After nearly 40 years of teaching on the interface of psychology, energy, and consciousness, and writing what are considered definitive books on our energy system (including Wheels of Life and Eastern Body, Western Mind), Anodea knows how to zero in on dysfunctional psychoenergetic patterns that have become embedded in a person’s emotions, mind, and body — and expose them to the healing light of self-awareness.

With two decades in private practice in somatic psychology, she’s uniquely qualified to offer powerful insights and practices to help you transcend and transform the limiting beliefs and defensive behaviors formed by your beliefs, feelings, attachments, and experiences of trauma in childhood.

During these seven sessions, you’ll be actively mentored by Anodea and develop life-affirming, energy-building methods that can shift the whole baseline of your life.

When you say “YES” to this healing journey, you’ll:

  • Discover how to dismantle the “psychological body armor” you’ve worn for far too long
  • Finally be able to put your childhood traumas, insecurities, and fears to rest
  • Gain deep insights into who you are at your core — and how to express yourself more authentically
  • Know how to bring more intimacy and depth into your relationships
  • Overcome any resistance you have to experiencing new and exciting aspects of life
  • Understand how to disable the defense mechanisms that no longer serve you
  • Be well on your way to greater emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual wellness
  • Expand your capacity to communicate in a clear and compelling way
  • See a clear path for enjoying a more grounded, successful, and fulfilling life
  • Have greater access to satisfying, deep, and flowing emotions
  • Feel the ecstasy that comes from fully opening your heart
  • Be more comfortable with yourself in the healing balm of silence
  • Gain increased clarity about your power and your purpose
  • Open to exploring higher possibilities for your creativity
  • Welcome an expanded ability to attract and serve people through your business or work
  • Enjoy a deeper sense of spiritual unity and fulfillment
  • Work with chakra energy and identify where “charge” is getting blocked in your energy system
  • Understand why working with charge is essential for healing any trauma you may be carrying

Greater Connection Through Video

Anodea will be teaching her sessions via video so you can enjoy an even more powerful connection and transmission. This video connection will be easy to use and will greatly increase your learning and transformation.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, Anodea will guide you through identifying and working with your dominant character type to address and heal the underlying causes of your limiting thoughts and behaviors.

Each teaching, discussion, and training session will build harmoniously upon the next so you have a complete template for self-healing you can use the rest of your life. This liberating journey is truly transformational when you apply the basic principles you’ll be given.

Module 1: The Challenges of Growing Up

How Do We Shape Ourselves?

Children develop important tasks as they grow up, like sitting up, walking, and talking, as well as defending themselves, forming relationships, and learning the rules. When difficulties and challenges happen, as they inevitably do, a child can only respond from the skills that they have at the time. Defenses that might have worked to mitigate our pain as a child can become hard-wired into the nervous system, working against us when we’re older by manifesting as body armor, inappropriate defensive behaviors, and dysfunctional strategies.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Gain an overview of how character structure is formed
  • Understand the needs of important stages of development through childhood and what happens when those needs are not met
  • Gain an understanding of our life force as “charge” and how we shape it into different patterns
  • Examine how our psychological defenses form body armor that keeps us from experiencing the intimacy we long for
  • Understand the basic schema of the five character types — and how you can be more than one type
  • Look into developmental trauma, and how it’s a new understanding in trauma healing
  • Understand the difference between being “in pattern” and your vital essence

Module 2: Living in Your Head

The Creative Structure

Wounding at the first stage of life, when you’re just coming into the world, leaves a lasting mark on your entire foundation. The primary task of embodiment requires safety, consistency, and a life-giving supply of your survival needs. Without this ground to grow from, a person is rootless, living in their head more than their body, with one step in the physical world, and the other in the spiritual world.

In this module, you’ll:

  • View the natural gifts of a person who has this pattern as intelligent, creative, and spiritual
  • Be given a simple exercise to expand bodily contraction and make more room for yourself
  • Understand anxiety as compressed charge, or life force
  • DIscover how grounding can get you out of your head and into your body
  • Explore how to transform the power of fear into heightened aliveness
  • Practice a simple exercise for opening the leg channels for greater security, confidence, and aliveness
  • Understand how to recognize when you’re in pattern and what to do about it

Module 3: Giving It All Away for Love

The Lover Structure

Are you a person who tends to flourish in love, yet give everything away to the point of depleting yourself? Then you may exhibit the Oral pattern. This structure comes from the stage of late infancy when a child looks to others to fulfill their emotional needs and may end up always looking outside themselves. Discover how to become aware of your own needs and find balance with others’ needs, building up your inner energy body.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Identify the gifts of this structure, represented by loving, generous and kind people who care about others
  • Realize how denying your own needs makes you more attuned to the needs of others, and how that depletes you over time
  • Understand that a past sense of deprivation can lead to indulgence, weight gain, and substance abuse
  • Find out how to avoid over-commitment and the exhaustion that results
  • Explore why Oral patterns tend to have chronic illnesses
  • Examine how filling up your energy body combats your depletion and makes you naturally self-sufficient
  • Understand how to recognize when you’re in pattern and what to do about it

Module 4: Steady & Loyal to a Fault

The Endurer Structure

This structure is also called the Masochist, because people who inhabit it often find ego strength through the ability to endure suffering, as a martyr would. Wounded at the early stages of the third chakra, when a child is finding power and autonomy, this pattern results from the thwarting of that power. Without a way to say no and exert the will, the Endurer can only put up with situations, not change them. The result is resignation and even depression.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Identify the gifts of this pattern as being loyal and steadfast, grounded and practical
  • Explore ways to address the self-criticism and self-sabotage that are part of this pattern
  • Discover how “outer compliance and inner defiance” are like driving with your brakes on, making everything harder than it needs to be
  • Find out how to work with your resistance and allow it to move out of your way
  • Examine how to expand your options when making difficult decisions, instead of feeling stuck with little or no choice
  • Understand how to recognize when you’re in pattern and what to do about it

Module 5: Power at Any Cost

The Challenger Structure

Sometimes called the Betrayed Child, this structure is determined to come out on top, maintain power, and win at any cost. People who inhabit this structure are charming, seductive, powerful instigators of new ideas, and natural leaders. But their shadow is dominance and manipulation, which leaves them alone in the world with few allies on their side.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Identify the gifts of this pattern as natural leadership and the ability to handle power and responsibility
  • Discover how early betrayal creates a determination to maintain power — and what the cost of that is
  • Explore how to soften your stance toward others and develop more empathy
  • Discover the advantages and disadvantages of being highly charged
  • Move from power to love, for greater intimacy and trust
  • Understand how to recognize when you’re in pattern and what to do about it

Module 6: Perfection Over Authenticity

The Achiever Structure

Children raised with conditional love tend to shape themselves to outside expectations and lose touch with their true self. Outwardly, this makes for attractive, successful achievers who follow the rules, keep things clean and tidy, and perform well for others. But this compulsion toward perfection has its cost, especially when it’s most successful.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Value the gifts of this pattern, as represented by model citizens and high achievers
  • Discover the underlying needs behind performance and perfection
  • Explore how to color outside the lines, for more freedom and fun in life
  • Soften rigidity in your body for greater relaxation and pleasure
  • Enhance your ability to feel and express your emotions
  • Understand how to recognize when you’re in pattern and what to do about it

Module 7: Who Are We Really?

Combinations, Compensations & Complex Characters in Relationship

Once we’ve learned about each structure in detail, you’ll have likely typecast yourself as exhibiting one or more of these primary patterns. In reality, we all have bits and pieces of all of them, occurring as underlays or compensations. When you put this knowledge together with your understanding of others whom you relate to, this journey becomes even more exciting. The point, however, is to get out of pattern and move toward essence, so we can live as who we really are.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Look at how all the patterns go together — and how you can be more than one type
  • Discover the differences between underlays and compensations, which are evidence of the influence of primary and secondary patterns
  • Look at how the various patterns behave in relationship to each other — and which patterns are most compatible with yours
  • Examine how to best relate to someone depending on the pattern they exhibit
  • Find out how to listen for the essence beneath the pattern in yourself and others
  • Explore how to work with these patterns in children — and how to avoid the wounding that creates them

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-minute Class Sessions With Anodea Judith

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with one of the world’s leading chakra pioneers from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a video option and helps you create the specific skills and abilities to fully step into your ability to create your life on purpose.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. This way, you’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime you desire — on your phone or on your computer.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Character Type Training Bonus Collection

  • From Pattern to Presence
    Audio Dialogue With Anodea Judith and Steven Kessler
  • Charge! The Inner Psychology of Your Life Force
    PowerPoint Presentation From Anodea Judith
  • Charge Exercises
    Video Teaching From Anodea Judith

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Character Type Training Virtual Training

We feel honored Anodea Judith has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from with the world’s leading expert in transformation, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us build a new blueprint for our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Anodea’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!

If you feel the inner call to create a vital, balanced, and amazing life for yourself and our world, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones — and our world — to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
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– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $74.00.

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