
[Download Now] TCG – Tom Kenyon – The Sphere of All Possibilities


[Download Now] TCG – Tom Kenyon – The Sphere of All Possibilities



A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

In this message we will endeavor to share with you a method for manifesting outcomes in your 3-D reality as well as in other dimensions of your being. This method is based on a fundamental understanding regarding geometry and the nature of consciousness. There are many geometries available to be used as vehicles for manifestation. We wish to share one of the simplest and, ironically, most effective.

The first thing to understand about manifesting is that for every act there is a counter-action. This is due to the nature of duality until you reach the higher dimensions of consciousness in which duality no longer exists. Since this method is for manifesting new realities in your 3-D life, duality is a factor.

Another important aspect to understand is the admonition to do no harm. This principle is to protect you from negative consequences, and the simplest way to state this is that your creations should do no harm to yourself or to another.

Due to the nature of this material we will be giving the information in three parts. This first portion deals with the geometry of manifestation.

The second will deal with non-dual states of consciousness and how to commune with these higher realms of your being. These two parts of the information will be completed by the first of October of this year. This is in preparation for a World Sound Meditation that will take place on Sunday, November 4th during a Hathor Intensive titled The Art of Seeding New Realities.

The third portion of this information involves the union of non-dual states of consciousness with the mastery of creating outcomes in time and space. This unifying body of knowledge will be imparted before December 1st of this year.

You are standing collectively and individually at a cosmic crossroads. The alignment on December 21, 2012 heralds a passage into a new vibratory reality. For the record, we do not believe that the world will end on this date. However, the world, as you have known it, is changing.

The information we are giving here in this message is meant to assist you in manifesting new realities for yourself and for humanity. This method greatly accelerates the manifesting process, and since time, as you perceive it, is speeding up we believe a method that works quickly will be of great benefit.

The Method

In this method you use one of your chakras as a focal point for directing your intention. Indeed, from the standpoint of manifesting, the secret lies in the union of intention, consciousness and energy.

Generally speaking most people will find the greatest results from using the solar plexus, which is associated with will and personal power, as the focal point for energy.

We also encourage you to experiment with the other chakras, including the heart, the throat, the third eye, and the crown. Most people find that manifesting new realities from the crown chakra is inherently paradoxical, since at this location consciousness views all phenomena as illusory and there is a tendency to transcend all phenomena, thus there is no inherent desire to create anything when working from that chakra.

For our purpose, which is to manifest outcomes in your 3-D reality, most people will find the solar plexus to be the most effective.

With your awareness in your solar plexus—which is located back behind the pit of your stomach—you imagine a sphere, or ball, the size of the universe around you, the center of which is your solar plexus. When you imagine this ball, this sphere, realize that there are an infinite number of points at the surface of the sphere and that you are activating what we call the Sphere of All Possibilities.

The difficulty in manifesting new realities is the human tendency to believe that the current reality is all there is. There is a tendency to “lock down” perception and to follow the path that has been laid out for you through your own perception and the conditioning of outside forces. By imagining a sphere of infinite possibilities you create a crack, if you will, in the egg of your perception. New possibilities and new realities become probable.

The next step is to imagine yourself in the future living in the reality that you have chosen. If you are choosing to manifest an object or a situation, you imagine yourself in the future having this object or situation. If it is a quality or an ability in yourself you are wishing to manifest, you imagine yourself possessing this quality or ability in the future.

Place this imaginary Future Self in front of you at a distance that feels comfortable. Most people will find this area, this distance, to be ten to thirty feet, but however close or far away you place this Future Self, is immaterial. Place it in a zone that feels comfortable to you.

Next, imagine a straight line running from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of this Future Self. As you hold this alignment from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of your Future Self, you call upon the Sphere of Infinite Possibilities to energize your intention through silent intent.

By silent intent we mean a movement of your will. There is no need to say anything out loud or even silently. There is no need for words. This is not an affirmation.

It is the movement of your personal will that causes cosmic forces to align with your intent.

It comes from the knowledge and the expectation that all possibilities are available to you by the very nature of your consciousness.

Thus, as you sense your Future Self in front of you and you are aware of the line from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of your Future Self, you simply move your will. By moving your will we are not implying that it goes anywhere. It is like a stationary generator that starts to spin, drawing in the energies from the surface of the Sphere. This silent movement of your will needs no words. It is simply both an intention and an expectation that the Sphere of All Possibilities sends to you these lines of energy, these new possibilities, through the simple act of aligning yourself with your Future Self (the one who is living the manifest reality you wish to create).

As you do this, many points of light along the surface of the Sphere will emanate energies that align with your intention, and there will be lines of force between these points of light on the surface of the Sphere and your solar plexus. There may be dozens or thousands of lines from the surface of the Sphere to your solar plexus. The increase of energy will then flow along the line that you have created to your Future Self.

This will energize the new reality. This Future Self then becomes what we call a “magnetic attractor.” As you continue to work with this each day you increase the magnetic attraction of your Future Self. The result of this is multi-dimensional. For one, you begin to create new neurological networks in your brain that will allow you to manifest this new reality through your neurology. This magnetic attractor will also increase serendipity, drawing to you unexpected persons, situations and opportunities that will accelerate the manifesting of this reality.

Amplification of the Magnetic Attractor/Future Self

You can accelerate and amplify the manifesting of this new reality in your life if you add the element of appreciation to your manifesting action. By this we mean for you to add the feeling of appreciation for the future reality when you sense the flow of energy from your solar plexus into the solar plexus of your Future Self. As you experience yourself in the future, living this reality (that you are creating), you experience appreciation for having that in your life. The addition of appreciation in the matrix of creation is a powerful amplifier for your intent.

The topic of appreciation and the act of creation is a very rich one, and it is something we hope to explore in the future, but it is too complex to go into here.

Suffice it to say that in terms of human consciousness the two most powerful catalysts for imprinting neurological realities and the creation of new external realities is either through fear or love. Within your collective humanity fear has been, and continues to be, used as a means to control and to direct present and future outcomes. Love, or in this case appreciation, is also a powerful means for creating external realities. This duality, as it has expressed itself in your collective history, is indeed a territory worth exploring.

We now wish to turn our attention to an advanced stage of the method. If you are unable to engage the advanced technique, do not worry about it. The basic method is a very rapid means for creating outcomes. It is simply that the advanced technique accelerates this process even further.

If you work with the basic technique long enough you will gain the mastery required to engage the advanced technique.

There is one last stage we wish to bring to your attention before discussing the advanced technique. This crucial stage is required for both the basic and the advanced technique. It is simple, and yet simplicity often eludes humans.

You must do something in the realm you wish to manifest. You must take an action. If it is something in your 3-D life you wish to change then after you have worked with the method you do something—take an action in your life that is aligned with the outcome you wish to create. Perhaps it involves gaining information about what you are wanting, or perhaps it is actually changing how you do things in your life to align with the reality you wish to create.

If it is something in another realm of consciousness then you must take the action in that realm. We will address how you do this in some future message, but not now. The fundamental truth is that in order to create a new reality in any realm of consciousness or existence you must take an action in that realm.

The Advanced Technique

After you have energized your Future Self as described above, you shift your self-identity from your current self to your Future Self. This means that you move your awareness, or a part of your awareness to be more exact, from your physical body into the body of your Future Self. You are now experiencing embodiment in your future reality. As you sense yourself fully embodying this reality, you “look” back at your physical body from the vantage point of the future. As you accomplish this task you will sense an oscillation or a vibration as the two realities converge. It is as if waves of energy from your Future Self, which you are now identified with, collide with the waves of your present self, which you are not identified with in this moment.

The energetic point where the waves from the future collide with the waves of your present creates a void point (or more accurately a “void region”), and it is through this void point (region) that your present reality can rapidly shift into your future reality. For all intents and purposes you will have jumped timelines.

We strongly suggest that you read a previous message we have given, called The Art of Jumping Timelines to create a greater context for the advanced technique. While this method can be used for personal desires, we are sharing it in the hope that you will use it during the World Meditation on November 4, 2012 to seed new benevolent realities for humanity.

Preparatory instructions for those who wish to participate in the World Meditation—from wherever they may be physically located on the first Sunday of November 2012—will be posted by October 1st.

You are seed planters of new realities, whether you like it or not, whether you are conscious of it or not. Our intent in sharing this information is to increase the probability of a benevolent future for humanity. For those of you who choose to join us in the World Meditation, either in person at the workshop in Seattle, or at a distance, we ask that you experiment with this method before the event. Choose something in your life you wish to change. Use the method every day.

Once a day is all that is required. Test it. See how it works. Understand from direct experience how effective this method is. You will then be able to step up in service to humanity, having mastered this method. We are calling upon those of you disciplined enough to step up to this level of mastery.

The Hathors
August 18, 2012

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

I find the Sphere of All Possibilities to be a fascinating mental construct. And ever since my mentors started teaching me the technique (about a week before giving the message), I have been working with it intensely.

I think the message is fairly self-explanatory, but I would like to expand on a few points regarding the method.

In the basic technique, you imagine a Sphere the size of the universe around you with your solar plexus at the center point of the Sphere. For those of you who visualize, this should be quite easy to imagine. For those of you who don’t visualize, don’t concern yourself with visual images. Imagine and sense the Sphere and the infinite points of light on its surface through whatever sensory modality you are comfortable with.

For some people this means that they will have a felt-sense of the Sphere and the points of light. For others, an inner voice will describe to them the Sphere and the points of light. Some people will experience the Sphere in more than one sensory modality, i.e., seeing it and having a felt-sense of it, etc.

The important point, here, is to engage the sensory modality/modalities you use naturally and not waste your time trying to “see” the Sphere, the points of light or your Future Self.

Another point has to do with the size of the Sphere. The Hathors are suggesting a Sphere the size of the universe so that you can draw in subtle energies from all aspects of cosmos.

This is an interesting idea since some physicists have proposed that the universe may be infinite in size. The current measurements of the observable universe place its radius at around 46 billion light years. This is a huge volume of space that, in all practicality, is probably inconceivable to most of us. When I went to my mentors to ask them about this challenge to perception, they said…

“Reality is far vaster than your ability to conceive; nevertheless, operating as if you can, in fact, expand your mental perception to infinity has distinct benefits in terms of multidimensional awareness/evolution.”

In other words, do your best to conceive of yourself inside a really, really BIG space, one that encompasses as much of the universe as you are capable of conceiving.

Some people are uncomfortable with creating large mental expanses of space. If you are one of these persons, don’t worry about it—just make the Sphere smaller—as small as you wish as long as you are completely surrounded by the Sphere.

As a human being (with multidimensional aspects) you have the intrinsic ability to engage the full potential of the Sphere of All Possibilities. But the successful engaging of the Sphere depends upon two indispensable mental attitudes: your intention and expectation.

In other words, you must have a clear idea about the new reality (i.e., outcome) you wish to bring into your life. Without specificity you cannot engage your powers of intention. Be specific and clear about what it is you wish to bring into manifest reality.

The Hathors also mentioned that whenever an outcome is created in a dualistic universe, there are counter-reactions to the new creation. The more drastic the change in the new reality, the more drastic the reactions can be. Be aware of this.

The Hathors strongly suggest that you create outcomes that are harmless to yourself and others. This is to protect you (and others) from mis-creations.

You must also be clear that you have both the ability and the right to bring multidimensional assistance to you as you create new realities. This type of expectation is crucial to the download of energy from the Sphere into your solar plexus.

Advanced practitioners who work with subtle energy will have no problem with this. If you are one of these, you will take to this “like a duck takes to water” as the saying goes. But if you are not experienced with the nature of subtle energy and its relationship to intent, then this might be a stumbling block.

The Hathors contend that the Sphere of All Possibilities accesses multidimensional possibilities, and the method is a means for you to tap into this multi-faceted reality.

Many, if not most of us, think of creating a new reality (outcome) for ourselves in a linear fashion. It is like our life unfolds solely along a straight line, and we do specific things along our 3D timeline that contribute to what we wish to create.

But the Hathors are saying in addition to working in the ways we are used to, we can draw from multidimensional possibilities. These new possibilities, which exist in potential (but not yet in 3D reality) can energize our desired outcome and bring it into manifestation at a faster rate than if we just plod along doing the usual 3D things we do to make things happen.

Once you form the clear intention of what it is you wish to create, you place your awareness in your solar plexus and imagine a version of yourself in the future. You then sense a line between your solar plexus and the solar plexus of your Future Self. This line will become the conduit for multidimensional energies and will allow you to turn your imagined Future Self into a magnetic attractor, bringing the outcome you wish to create into reality at a much faster rate.

The Hathors are very clear that working with this method once a day will greatly decrease the time required for manifesting a new reality. I have personally found that it only takes 5 minutes to go through the entire process, which makes this a very time-efficient method.

The Hathors also emphasize the fact that you need to do something that expresses that future reality. In other words, do something in 3D that is oriented to your desired outcome. Using the method without actually doing something in the outer reality of your life is much less effective than engaging both your inner and outer worlds.

Although the Hathors’ discussion of the method is clear and to the point, I will lay it out step by step for those who still have questions about it. If you are clear on the steps involved, feel free to jump down to the Advanced Technique section where I discuss some of the finer points regarding the topic.

The Basic Technique

Step 1: Be clear on the specifics of what you wish to create. This will form the foundation for the Future Self that you will be creating. There is power in the details, so be specific.

Step 2: Place your awareness in your solar plexus, located back behind the pit of your stomach.

Step 3: Imagine yourself inside a Sphere that is the size of the universe (or smaller if you are uncomfortable with such an expanded sense of space). Your solar plexus sits in the exact center of this Sphere.

Step 4: Imagine your Future Self in front of you. For most people this will be 10 – 30 feet (or about 3 – 9 meters) away, but place this Self as close or as far away as feels right to you. This imagined Future Self is the “you” that will be experiencing the outcome you wish to create. It is the embodiment of that future reality. Once you have a clear sense of this imagined Future Self, you are ready to move to step 5.

Step 5: Imagine a line that runs from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of your Future Self.

Step 6: Set into action the download of energy from the Sphere of All Possibilities into your solar plexus. From here the energy flows outward to the solar plexus of your Future Self. The download starts as soon as you realize that the Sphere of All Possibilities is available to you by virtue of your existence as a multidimensional human being. You then activate the Sphere through an act of silent intent.

Step 7: For as long as you are comfortable with the experience, allow the Sphere to download energies into your solar plexus and into the solar plexus of your Future Self.

Step 8: If you feel so inclined, add the feeling of appreciation to the experience in order to amplify the magnetic attractor that is your Future Self.

Note: It is normal for most people’s mental attention to wander during this type of energy work. If and when your focus of attention wanders off, gently bring it back to the area you were working with. No judgment, no impatience, just bring yourself back to the task at hand.

Step 9: When you are complete, take a few minutes to just be with yourself after going through this. It is best to be in silence during this time so that you can integrate the subtle energies that have been released through the process.

The Advanced Technique

I find this portion of the method to be the most intriguing. Perhaps this is because I can feel the collision of two waveforms during the final phase. It is as if the standing waves of my current reality overlap with the standing waves of my Future Self. The collision of these two waves does, indeed, create a void point or as the Hathor clarified—a void region. This area of waveform interactions seems to me to be a potent transformational matrix.

In addition, the download of energies and potentialities from the Sphere seems much more intense to me during the Advanced technique.

Finally, I have found an interesting anomaly around the spatial shift that the Hathors propose during the final stages of the technique. You might encounter a similar phenomenon, which is why I am mentioning it.

At first, I found it somewhat disorienting to “look” back at my present self from the vantage point and spatial perspective of my Future Self. Eventually I was able to make the shift, and when this occurred the energetics from the Sphere went off the charts. The experience became very intense, and I could feel potently charged waves of energy flowing to my present self from my Future Self.

When I flipped fully into a sense of being embodied in my Future Self rather than my present self, the energetics reached their highest point. When the energy got too intense for my comfort zone I would spontaneously “pop out” of my Future Self back to my present self. And in those moments of reintegration back into my present self, it felt like my body was being flooded with endorphins and the entire experience seemed oddly amusing. I think that this amusement may due to the strong mental impression that the entire world, including me, is more dream-like than real and that all forms (including physical bodies) are both ephemeral and subject to alteration in the blink of an eye.

Using Music

There is no need to use music as a background when doing this process. I have experimented with both, and I do find that certain types of music can help to generate a deeper experience. Having said that I find that most of the time I prefer silence to do the process. It is a matter of taste and neurological receptivity as to whether you will find sound/music a helpful ally in this or not.

If you choose to use music as a background I would suggest something that makes you feel inclined to turn your attention inward, and if it is psychoacoustic in nature, something that at least generates an increase in alpha activity. I also suggest you play your music at low volume so as not to overpower your inner experience.

Since some people will want to know what of my music I would suggest, I will save you and me some time and just put it out there. My current favorite compositions (of mine) that I like to use with the Sphere of All Possibilities are either Infinite Pool: Entering the Holographic Brain or Lightship.

The Hathor World Meditation on Sunday, November 4, 2012

While the Sphere of All Possibilities can certainly be used to accelerate the creation of personal outcomes, the Hathors are sharing this method in the hopes that others will use it to create positive outcomes for humanity as we collectively enter a new cycle of time.

At 3PM PST on Sunday, November 4th 2012, the Hathors will engage a Worldwide Meditation centered around the Sphere of All Possibilities*.

If you plan to join us in this new creation meditation, the Hathors have asked that all persons who join the meditation have some experience working with the Sphere prior to the event. Final instructions and preparatory suggestions will be posted on this website by October 1st 2012.

*For those of you who choose to join us for the three-day Intensive, The Art of Seeding New Realities on Nov 2nd– 4th in Seattle, Washington we will explore the Sphere of All Possibilities in great depth, which will lead to greater mastery of the method. Furthermore, the Hathors’ catalytic sounds will play a key and dynamic role in the transmission of this knowledge.

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