




This program uses the latest build techniques and technologies, including:

  1. The Naturalizer: Allows the changes taking place to be accepted much more readily, and proceed naturally so that the change is as easy as possible. The 6G version, which is in use here, is significantly more advanced than the 5G version used previously.
  2. HyperSpeed Technology: (HST) Vastly increases the speed and efficiency of information processing of subliminal input.
  3. Self-Optimizing Scripting: (SOS) Allows HST to instantly, constantly and automatically adjust itself to the brain state of the listener, so HST is always tuned for perfect performance, even if multiple people are being exposed simultaneously.
  4. The Optimus Engine [Version 4.0]: (OE4) A specialized script and technology set that generates an intense focus on achieving the goal and finding creative and effective ways to do so that utilizes the full scope of your subconscious knowledge.
  5. MaxSpeed: (MS) Allows certain types of programs to produce initial results in between 4 minutes and 45 minutes, depending on the specific goal, person and type of goal.
  6. In-The-Moment State Shifting: (ITM-SS) Seeks to change the state of your awareness very quickly and while you listen to the program to better fit the achievement of the goal of the program.
  7. Self Optimizing Amplifier: (SOA) Designed to amplify the effects and effectiveness of the program to exactly what is most useful and helpful, while remaining safe. The 6G version of the SOA, which is used here at about 50% of it’s full power potential in 6G, is still significantly more powerful than the 5G version.
  8. Audio to Silence Ratio Balancer: (ASRB) This 6G back port technology allows Extremely Massive Data Input and Processing (EMDIP) scripting to run at maximum efficiency in real time without exhausting the brain. Provides much better experience and much smoother program execution.
  9. HyperCompression Technology #1: (HCT1) This backport 6G technology allows the program to achieve word-per-minute rates that average about 650% of standard 5G, meaning each hour of listening is the equivalent of listening to about 6.5 hours of a standard 5G program.
  10. HyperCompression Technology #2: (HCT2) This backport 6G technology, when combined with HCT#1, allows the program to achieve word-per-minute rates that average about 1,600% of standard 5G, meaning each hour of listening is the equivalent of listening to about 16 hours of a standard 5G program.
  11. Advanced Conscious/Subconscious Mind Alignment: (ACSRB) This 6G backport technology causes the conscious and subconscious minds to align with one another to achieve the exact same goal, such that there is little to no possibility of subconscious self sabotage or resistance. It therefore actually reduces the amount of energy required as you use it more, and allows a much faster and smoother achievement of the goal.
  12. Extremely Massive Data Input & Processing Scripting: (EMDIP) Scripting designed to allow for 2 times the data input limits of standard 5G program scripting. This technology encompasses HCT1 and 2, but also allows for the subconscious mind to comprehend the data input at such high levels of density.
  13. AGN: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  14. IR5: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  15. RG: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  16. KNX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET. It allows your subconscious mind to approach the goal in a way that dissolves and bypasses a great deal of resistance that it might otherwise respond with.
  17. Energy Flooding: 6G backport technology designed to cause you to safely source, absorb, use, program and project an aura of the right kind of energy that will most help you achieve the goals of the program. You may or may not noticeably “feel” flooded with energy. Version 2.2 and later of this program sources this energy from “safe, effective, useful, appropriate and optimal” physical and non-physical sources, which your own subconscious mind chooses for you.
  18. EMFS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  19. PPVS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  20. ATMX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  21. PNIA: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  22. SATT: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  23. NTRR: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  24. MAWS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  25. WNCA: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  26. APSX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  27. SEBAM: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  28. MAFE: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  29. RIFX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  30. MIIX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  31. P3: A 6G backport technology that accomplishes 3 different things, one of which is that it effectively takes the number of words per minute to their natural limit. The others remain classified TOP SECRET.
  32. P4: A 6G backport technology that modifies P3 to increase its power and effectiveness by optimizing its effects.
  33. P5: A 6G backport technology that modifies P3 and P4 to significantly increase their power and effectiveness.
  34. EPSS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  35. AUTBFS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  36. TAPRFR: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  37. SIIX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  38. KWTSS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  39. ARSTF: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  40. RANS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  41. AIVOA: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  42. TRRM: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  43. APSX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  44. NFLGH: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  45. NSRPWF: Natural Seduction (User Side). Causes the user to achieve a state that results in the natural sexual seduction of those they wish to have sex with.
  46. SCHMP: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  47. FOAGP: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  48. KNXP: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  49. MCMT: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  50. CHIORR: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.
  51. Further additions listed in the changelogs at the end, starting with 3.1.

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility is designed to work equally well for both men and women, regardless of their sexual orientation or sexual preference. It is designed to cause you to do exactly what the name says. Yes, ladies, you can benefit from this one just as much as the guys can, if you’re looking to increase the amount of attention you’re getting and sex you’re having.

3.2-A is built with all of the healing and clearing scripting enabled. 3.2-B is built with all healing and clearing scripting disabled.

Based on the original Develop an Aura of Sexiness program, with the entire (adjusted) script of Become Irresistibly Attractive Sexually now included, and then advanced, adjusted and refined into the 5.5G build format, the design goals are now:

  • Goal #1: Develop, project and communicate to others, through body language, vocalization, actions, choices and especially the personal energy field (“Aura”), the maximum possible sexual irresistibility. Simple, obvious, to the point. We want you to generate, develop, express and project a personal presence that is extremely obvious, magnetically attractive and absolutely sexually irresistible to people of the gender(s) you find sexually attractive. The aim of this goal is to get them to automatically notice you and automatically be magnetically and irresistibly attracted to you sexually, and then (to whatever degree you allow) have them act on that attraction by initiating and having physical sex with you (repeatedly, as of V2.0 and later). Regardless of what you happen to be doing, wearing, look like, etc. etc. This of course is limited by what you are willing to do in response to their interest and efforts to initiate and have sex with you.
  • Goal #2: To support goal #1, we have to develop, enhance and improve your self esteem, self respect, sense of self worth, self liking, self love, self validation, deservingness, self support, self confidence, self image, overcome fear, guilt and shame (yes, it has the entire script of E2’s OGSF and self validation modules in it [V2.0 and later], although it is modified to not disrupt the goals of this program) and so forth. These are the goals that will make you congruent with the effects you get from Goal #1, which is required for maximum success. Now much more heavily, aggressively and specifically focused on the achieving the goals of the program. This goal is only active in 3.2-A.
  • Goal #3: To get you to notice, act on and take advantage of all of the opportunities this program presents you with, and guide you to help create these opportunities by being in the right place at the right time, and doing the right things. Among other things, this may result in a phenomenon known as “autopiloting”, during which you may find yourself naturally doing things on full or nearly full autopilot that you would or could not have done otherwise, which directly lead to or result in achieving the goals of the program. 3.0 introduced Natural Seduction (User Side), and 3.1 introduces Natural Seduction (Affected Side). “Meet them half way” programming is turned off in 3.2, but the Natural Seduction is still in play and will encourage you to sexually seduce anyone you want to have sex with.
  • Goal #4: To get you past any and all self sabotage and resistance to fully accepting, acting on, acting out and experiencing the goals of this program. This program uses a number of very advanced methods to achieve this goal, but there is no guarantee that you can not still self sabotage or resist it if you have enough conscious or subconscious fear of achieving the goals for some reason. However, the program is designed to overcome fear based self sabotage and resistance over time and transform it into acceptance and success achieving the goals of the program. If you self sabotage or resist out of fear, observe your progress every month for 3 months before deciding whether or not you believe this program is getting past any resistance you may have. As of V2.2, this now includes self healing, self regenerating, self forgiveness, forgiveness of others, and letting go of and overcoming past traumas that would otherwise prevent success in A side. As of V2.4, much more heavily, aggressively and specifically focused on the achieving the goals of the program. As of V2.5, made even more effective against most types of resistance. As of 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2, made significantly more effective against resistance and self sabotage.

Please note that this program is designed to achieve some of it’s goals in part by creating a massive influx of, processing of and outflow of energy. While the program attempts to source all the energy it needs, this may be very taxing on the system, so please make sure that you eat enough calories while you are using it (quality food, not junk) – some people may find that they need to as much as double their normal caloric intake; take a good multi-vitamin of some kind; keep yourself properly hydrated; and get all the uninterrupted sleep you want and need. It is best to listen to this program while you are awake in order to achieve maximum rest and energy rejuvenation while you sleep, as well as for achieving best results from the program. If the only time you have to listen is while you sleep, please plan for getting an extra 2-3 hours of sleep each night.

Others will likely respond to you and your increase in sexual irresistibility along the following general guidelines, so keep your eyes open for any of the following. This list is not guaranteed to happen, but is intended to give you ideas of what to watch for in responders.

Those people who respond positively and sexually to your sexual irresistibility will very likely:

  • Put themselves physically close to, or significantly closer to, you and may hover around you and invent excuses or “reasons” to be near you.
  • Stare at you, with or without smiling.
  • Smile at you, and smile in ways that are exaggerated to make it clear that they are interested.
  • Initiate conversations with you.
  • Talk about sex or sexual body parts with you.
  • Tell you when and/or why they are unable to conceive (tubes tied, hysterectomy, vasectomy, etc.) as a way of telling you they are capable of giving you bareback sex without the risk of pregnancy. THIS MAY NOT BE TRUE!
  • Touch you when they otherwise would not, more frequently than normal, in ways that are unusual, in ways that linger and/or in sexual, erotic or arousing ways.
  • Kiss you or ask/invite you to kiss them.
  • Create opportunities for you to kiss, touch, and initiate sex with them which are as obvious as possible for the circumstances.
  • Display very sexual and inviting body language, including aiming themselves at you, spreading their legs at and to you, giving you foot, chest, crotch and butt presentations, touching themselves erotically or sensually, biting their lower lip while looking at you, and so forth.
  • Show or flash their sex organs or breasts to you, or give you “accidental” views of them, possibly repeatedly, even in public.
  • Sit on your lap, put you in a sitting position on their lap, or ask/invite you to sit on their lap.
  • Invite you to sit with them, ask if they can sit with you, or just sit down with you.
  • Start laughing or giggling while you are near in order to get your attention.
  • Compliment you, which they do more than once or in ways that imply or directly express sexual interest and/or desire.
  • Give you unexpected gifts, discounts, favors and/or opportunities that you would not normally get.
  • Directly ask for sex, invite you to have sex with them or suggest having sex.
  • Achieve pleasure and orgasm much more easily and more frequently during sex.
  • Suggest spending time alone with you and/or find or invent ways to get you alone.
  • Try to get you to go somewhere with them. Especially somewhere private enough for them to feel comfortable with making sex happen.
  • Attempt to boldly touch your sex organs (or breasts or butt) in sex initiating ways, or give you oral stimulation of your sex organs, nipples or other erogenous zones in an effort to initiate sex.
  • And other ways that they may find to attempt to initiate or enable sex between themselves and you.

Please keep in mind that it is as yet not entirely known or understood how far away from you this programs effects extend for affecting those around you. As a tester, this is one of the things we need to discover. Please give feedback on this.

Please note that it is uncertain how and how quickly the effects of this program on others make themselves known to the people being affected. As a tester, this is one of the things we need to discover. Please give feedback on this.

This program is designed to affect those people of the gender(s) you find sexually attractive. The goal scripting has not changed in 3.2. You will very likely have to deal with and reject inappropriate attention from others on your own as a natural consequence of making yourself significantly more attractive.

Because this program is using so many advanced technologies, including state shifting, it cannot be used alongside other subliminals, NLP, hypnosis, brainwave entrainment or mind programming. They will conflict and create unpredictable and likely undesirable results. Meditation is not recommended while using DMSI.

Avoid using alcohol or any other recreational drug that alters your state of awareness while using DMSI, as this will disrupt the automatic in the moment state shifting effects of DMSI and disrupt the success of the program. Please be aware that any prescription drug designed to alter your state of awareness or brain chemistry or activity may damage the automatic in the moment state shifting effects of DMSI and disrupt the success of the program. If you are using any such prescription drug, please consult your doctor before altering your use of any prescribed medication and always follow your doctor’s advice.

The program has an odd audio length, caused by the Audio to Silence Ratio Balancer technology, so we refer to amounts of usage by the number of loops of exposure, not the number of hours of exposure. The optimal number of loops to listen to per day for Version 3.2-B is:

  • For Version 3.2-A, all tracks: 1 loop per day.
  • For Version 3.2-B, all tracks: 1 loop per day.

This is how many loops per day you should listen to back to back and without interruption every day while you are using this program

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– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

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