
[Download Now] Sonia Choquette – Your Six Sensory Life


[Download Now] Sonia Choquette – Your Six Sensory Life


Sonia Choquette – Your Six Sensory Life


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With Spiritual Teacher, Six Sensory Consultant, Storyteller & Author

Sonia Choquette

New 7-Week Live Video Training Starts

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Your 6th Sense Superpower

Activate your sixth sense as the easiest, most direct way to awaken your natural psychic abilities and enjoy a confident, creative, love-filled, and joyous life.

Discover how to make your intuition your primary guide in creating positive relationships, vibrant health, financial abundance, and an authentic life.

 />Are you listening to your authentic Spirit — your intuitive wisdom — to help you get through life?</p><p>Or are you succumbing to the false wisdom of your fearful ego, your “stories” about who you are, or worse, the expectations of people around you?</p><p>If so, it’s time to open to a more self-empowering, and much more accurate, way of navigating life that’s really quite natural… a Six Sensory life.</p><p>When you learn to live an intuitively guided, Six Sensory life, you free yourself of the limitations and distortions that your five <strong>physical</strong> senses alone impose. You tune in to your sixth sense, your <strong>energetic</strong> Spirit-led inner voice — the <strong>natural,</strong>heart-centered HIGHER awareness we are all born with, and that is always there to lead us through each day.</p><p>Sonia Choquette, the world’s leading intuitive guide, teacher, and prolific author, assures us that this powerful inner voice is <strong>our “sacred gift,” and the most important sense we have as we move through life.</strong></p><p>When you awaken this “psychic” sense — your innate intuition — you become more authentic, confident, and successful in all areas of your life. It is the energetic compass that keeps us safe and free from danger. It guides us in making effective decisions at work and at home, directs us to our soul’s true desires, and attracts all we need to successfully manifest our desires, intentions, and goals.</p><p>Your intuition reveals what is hidden in situations — the truth behind appearances and the knowledge you are not perceiving with your rational mind. It provides you with accurate insights into your health, round-the-clock self-protection, deeper awareness and understanding in relationships, and clarity about your life’s purpose.</p><p>The sixth sense is a natural asset which, when awakened, gives you a great advantage in navigating life.</p><p>You may agree, yet may also be wondering: <em>How do you know when it’s my intuition at play and not something else?</em></p><p>There’s a distinct difference between true <em>knowing</em> in an intuitive, Spirit-led way, and <em>thinking, </em>which is what your ego is comfortable with. Once you know the difference, you’re able to discern between “real” intuition and your ego prompts. And when you do, life shifts from frustration to flow.</p><p>Over the seven weeks of this exciting new online training, Sonia will offer you the best of her simple, no-nonsense tools and techniques — developed and refined over 40 years — for waking up your intuition and working with it to improve every aspect of your life.</p><p>You’ll learn how to get past your mind’s usual roadblocks, including wishful thinking, forced will, others’ expectations, and that negative voice of fear we all have, so you can <strong>connect with real intuitive guidance every time you need it.</strong></p><p>You’ll step into a more authentic, effective, happier life by listening to your Spirit — your Higher Self and source of your intuition — instead of being held hostage by your history, stories, or outside circumstances.</p><h4>Over the course of this powerful experiential program, you’ll:</h4><ul><li><strong>Recognize your intuition as your personal “truth serum” that can inform and protect you every step of the way</strong></li><li>Find out where you’re stuck in life — and how to quickly get back into the flow using your intuition</li><li><strong><strong>Be given no-nonsense tools for freeing your attachment to your false identity and limiting personality</strong></strong></li><li>Discover how to “train” your ego, so it becomes a friend and faithful companion to your Spirit, enabling you to recover the truth of who you really are</li><li><strong>Discover the joyful news that you have many spirit guides who are here to help you, that they have names, and that you can connect with them</strong></li><li>Learn to invoke the help of your guides when you need them</li><li>Learn to <strong>make the best decisions</strong> and <strong>manifest more effectively</strong> with the help of your sixth sense</li><li>Discover how to move <em>with</em> energy in your life instead of fighting and blocking it</li><li>Experience, on a deep level, all the love, support, and guidance available to you from your Spirit or Higher Self</li><li><strong><strong>And much more…</strong></strong></li></ul><p><img src=In Your Six Sensory Life, you’ll discover that your sixth senseis your authentic Spirit’s personal form of reliable, conscious common sense waiting behind your thoughts, emotions, and projections — and always available to you.

Intuition comes to each of us in various and unique ways… and with Sonia’s help, you’ll discover how your sixth sense shows up in your life — and how to accurately tune in to and interpret these messages from your Higher Self.

You’ll become increasingly clear and confident in the guidance you receive, so you’ll waste no time in making choices that keep you safe, secure, creatively fulfilled, emotionally supported, and living in purpose and flow…

Sonia’s own extensive background in Six Sensory living began at age 12, growing up in an intuitively centered, artistic, and creative family. She went on to apprentice with two master intuitive and spiritual teachers during her adolescence, and began teaching in her family home at the age of 15. Staying true to her intuitive path ever since, Sonia has been on a lifelong mission to teach others around the world to do the same.

Known for her delightful sense of humor and swift ability to shift others out of pain and frustration — and into positivity, happiness, and self-empowerment, Sonia is a one-of-a-kind, fun, fast, and effective teacher. With her signature playful approach to intuitive activation, she’s proven herself to be a master in helping others activate their sixth sense as soon as possible.

In today’s unpredictable world, Sonia truly believes that listening to your intuition is no longer optional, not if you truly want to reap all the benefits of living the life your soul desires — an easeful and honest life guided by your “real” Self.

Allowing your authentic Spirit to guide you will immediately free you from being trapped in a five-sensory, limiting, fearful, and ill-informed life — and liberate your soul to live in an expansive, fluid, creative, empowered, and joyful way.

When you trust your vibes, as Sonia likes to say, you become a more conscious, awake, and fulfilled person… and you welcome your intuition as your primary guide in life and one of the most profoundly positive life-changing choices you can make for yourself, for others, and for our planet in these troubled times.

Greater Connection Through Live Streaming Video

 /></p><p>So you can better connect with Sonia and her teachings, all of her sessions will be live streamed on video. This video connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Sonia’s teaching. Or, you can easily connect via audio only, either through the internet or on your phone.</p><h3>What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks</h3><p><strong>Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 10:00am Pacific.</strong></p><p>In this 7-week transformational intensive, Sonia will guide you through simple, grounded steps for accessing your natural psychic abilities and putting them to work for you.</p><p>This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Sonia. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop solid, reliable, skills in using your intuition as your most valuable resource in your life today.</p><p><strong><em>Please note:</em></strong><em> Sonia will present her teachings within the framework of the modules below, while also allowing her intuition and her readings of the group field to lead her in an organic unfolding of what to share in the moment. The result will be a spontaneous curriculum guided by Sonia’s own masterful intuitive ability, her soul wisdom, and experience as a teacher for over 40 years.</em></p><h3><strong>Module 1: Clearing the Past & Entering a Six Sensory Life</strong> (June 19)</h3><p><img src=Let the joyful journey to awakening your intuition begin! Being Six Sensory means using all of your God-given senses to guide your life, including the energetic inner sense of your Spirit, speaking directly from the heart and soul of you, and allowing its inner guidance to take the lead.

Just as birds have radar, and whales have sonar to guide their way, humans also have an innate sixth sense to guide their lives as well. This makes us more than five-sensory beings, as we’ve been taught. In fact, we are Six Sensory creatures.

Shifting into a Six Sensory way of life basically means learning to follow your Spirit over your ego and its fears, or the outside world. This starts with an uncompromisingly honest look at the truth of your life, both on a physical and emotional level, and remove what is in the way. You must begin by clearing the obstacles — physical, emotional, mental, past and present — that prevent you from listening to your inner wisdom. This takes effort, yet it’s definitely worth it, because once you do this, your life begins to immediately transform in incredible ways.

This week, you’ll:

  • Be shown the difference between five-sensory living and Six Sensory living
  • Recognize the limitations of ego versus authentic Spirit
  • Uncover your own limiting beliefs, unconscious patterns, and other blind spots that cause you to ignore or tune out your natural psychic signals
  • Remove what’s blocking you from accessing your intuition
  • Stop behaviors and clear any perceptions that interfere or tune out your inner voice so you can tune in
  • Learn simple, yet powerful tools for immediately jumpstarting your intuition

Module 2: Meeting Your Spirit & Seeing Yourself Through Intuitive Eyes (June 26)

 />When you over-identify with and “become” your history, stories, or circumstances, your life becomes very limited, and stuck. Creative choice and positive flow stop. If you follow your ego over your Spirit or Higher Self, you lose your way and become afraid, reactionary, and powerless.</p><p>When you identify as Spirit, you shift out of your ego and instantly connect with your intuitive sixth sense. This subtle but significant change of channel opens the door to your intuition and unlimited inner guidance. Because your sixth sense is natural and no longer denied, you feel relieved, calmer, more open, and available to the support, guidance, and direction of the Universe. This is the natural plan and the first step into a brand-new, more authentic, more joyful way of life.</p><p>This week you’ll:</p><ul><li>Learn surprisingly fun, simple, but effective tools for releasing attachment to your ego identity and personality</li><li>Discover how to “train” your ego and create the perfect conditions for meeting your Spirit</li><li>Remember what your Spirit loves and let it lead you directly there</li><li>Discover the 5 expressions of Spirit — Earth Spirit, Fire Spirit, Water Spirit, Air Spirit, and Etheric Spirit — and how these all play out in you and others</li><li>Learn a guided practice to allow your Spirit to take the lead in your life</li></ul><h3><strong>Module 3: Learning the Language of Intuition & Trusting Your Vibes</strong>(July 3)</h3><p><img src=Intuition is direct energetic knowing that you experience in your body, not your head — yet you must learn to interpret this knowing through your other senses. Learning how your Spirit communicates is like learning a new language. It’s important to accurately receive and interpret psychic vibrations as they come to you so they can help you. Once you do, the fun begins!

In this module, you’ll learn to distinguish between true intuition and wishful, fearful, and willful thinking. You’ll also learn to distinguish the specific ways in which your personal intuitive channels speak to you, and how to follow your vibes rather than fighting, questioning, or ignoring them, thus missing the benefits.

This week, you’ll:

  • Learn how your sixth sense is your own personal form of common sense
  • Explore the differences between thoughts, emotions, projections, and true intuition
  • Discover the various ways in which intuition comes through — and recognize and follow intuition in a timely manner so you don’t become an unwilling member of the “woulda, shoulda, coulda” club of missed opportunity
  • Discover how clairvoyance really works
  • Learn simple, experiential techniques for refining your ability to accurately tune in to your intuition

Module 4: Meeting Your Guides & Opening to the Multidimensions of the Spirit World (July 10)

 />Once you awaken your Spirit and tune in to your inner voice, you immediately open up the ability to connect with your many spirit guides and helpers in the subtle realms of the Universe. You’ll soon discover that there’s an entire support system of personal divine helpers just waiting to guide you in how to create a beautiful life. Among these spirit guides are Earth Spirits, joy guides, ancestors, master teachers, healers, angels, light beings, and more.</p><p>As Sonia explains, we have up to 33 spirit guides available to us at all times — and she’ll show you how to quickly summon their support in everyday matters. We are never alone, and as we grow, our spirit guides change and grow as well. It’s wonderful to discover just how much support and psychic guidance we have available to us once we open this door to our Higher Self.</p><p>This week, you’ll:</p><ul><li>Discover the extensive world of divine support available to you</li><li>Learn that your guides have names and how they can help</li><li>Discover how to connect with the different guides who are available to you during particular stages of your spiritual growth</li><li>Learn simple practices for invoking the help of a guide at any moment</li><li>Find out which guide to call in for what</li></ul><h3><strong>Module 5: Using Your Intuition (Your Highest Frequency) to Manifest Your Dreams</strong> (July 17)</h3><p><img src=When you learn to trust your vibes and follow what you intuitively feel, instead of fighting it, you begin living at a much higher frequency — one free of fear or control. You start consciously collaborating and creating with the Universe and manifesting with ease. This is the natural plan.

In this module, you’ll learn how to use your intuition to stay on track when manifesting your goals. You’ll learn how to stay connected to your intuition while staying out of your head. You’ll also learn how to send out strong psychic signals that attract the exact support you need, both on this plane and in the spirit realm every step of the way as you create your dreams and goals. You’ll understand how to stay connected to what you really want and how to avoid distractions and diversions that could set you back.

This week, you’ll:

  • Discover how “trusting your vibes” is the key to manifesting the life you want
  • Discover how to raise your vibration and manifest more easily
  • Learn how to make better decisions by using your intuition
  • Discover how to make timely and necessary adjustments as you move toward your goals
  • Experience a guided practice for distinguishing between a “wish” derived from an old story, and a true and authentic desire originating from your soul

Module 6: Living the Authentic & Fulfilling Life of a Six Sensory Being(July 24)

 />Listening to your sixth sense shifts <em>everything</em>, bringing about an immediate and substantial improvement over a five-sensory life. You become free from fear. You gain more energy. Your humor and sense of vitality come alive, You make “right place, right time” choices that bring about surprisingly great results. You start living with a sense of peace, integrity, and wholeness. Your life becomes confidently spontaneous… and WAY more fun. It can feel a little riskier at times, but you’ll also feel more alive, present, creative, and deeply satisfied.</p><p>This week, you’ll:</p><ul><li>Jump into the flow and joy of intuitive living</li><li>Learn how to become aware of others’ energies and how to keep clear of bad vibes</li><li>Learn to see and sense beyond the surface of life so you can get to the truth of things (which is necessary for you to be safe and empowered)</li><li>Discover how to surf <em>with</em> energy in life, instead of letting it push you around</li><li>Directly receive all the love, support, and guidance available to you from your Spirit or Higher Self</li></ul><h3><strong>Module 7: Establishing a Graceful, Intuitive, Drama-Free Life</strong> (July 31)</h3><p><img src=The tools you learn in this course offer ways in which to fully “meet” and respond to everything you face in life in the highest most clear, intuitive, loving, conscious, and creative way. Thy were designed to help you access your strength, inner resources, and confidence so you’re able to gain freedom from your limitations, overcome your fears, and live a courageous and authentic joyful life.

As you become a more grounded Six Sensory being living in a five-sensory world, you automatically start having more understanding and compassion for yourself and others. You respond instead of react. You choose your way instead of having others control you. You trust your Spirit, bring out the best in others, and form a deep and reliable partnership with the Universe. You easily attract and create what you want, and leave drama and frustration behind.

This last week, as you integrate all you have learned, you’ll also look at the importance of being nonjudgemental, accepting that walking the psychic pathway changes you, but not necessarily those around you.

This week, you’ll discover:

  • How to be a Six Sensory being in a five-sensory world and still have a good time
  • Ways to enhance your newfound psychic abilities and your ability to create more and more positive outcomes
  • How to follow intuitive signals, let go of the outworn, and walk away from situations that no longer serve you, trusting that you’ll always be guided to the path and people that are best for you
  • How to spread love and good vibes to those around you
  • How true power comes from awakening your spirit and trusting your vibes

Join the Global Community

 /></p><p><em>Your Six Sensory Life </em>offers some of the most advanced online teachings currently available, in a thriving global community of learning and practice.</p><p>Join your fellow students and practitioners from around the world in the live interactive sessions or our online community to support and learn from each other while you discover how to open your mind and expand your paradigm of reality.</p><p>This international community is at the leading edge of a global movement of people who are committed to manifesting a better world for all beings. This emerging planetary movement is rooted in an open heart and stands for the principles of mutual support, cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.</p><h3>Here’s What You’ll Receive</h3><p><strong>Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Sonia Choquette</strong></p><p>Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with spiritual teacher, six sensory consultant, storyteller, and author Sonia Choquette — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a live streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to learn simple, no-nonsense approaches for navigating your ego and accessing and trusting your psychic abilities for an awakened, creative, and happier life. Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 10:00am Pacific.</p><p><strong>Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions</strong></p><p>After each class, the video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.</p><p><strong>Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions</strong></p><p>After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.</p><p><strong>Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions</strong></p><p>In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.</p><p><strong>Seven 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions</strong></p><p>With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share, and do additional practices with to help further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are available for live attendance only, not recorded for playback. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.</p><p><strong>Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson</strong></p><p>Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.</p><p><strong>Online Community</strong></p><p>Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.</p><p><strong><em>Your Six Sensory Life</em> Bonus Collection</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Two Original Songs</strong><br /><em>Audio Recordings From Sonia Choquette</em></li><li><strong>Vibrational Music</strong><br /><em>4-Song Audio Package From Sonia Choquette</em></li><li><strong>Pathway to Joy</strong><br /><em>Ebook by Sonia Choquette</em></li><li><strong>$50 Coupon Code for Sonia’s Online Shop</strong></li></ul><h3>An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join <em>Your Six Sensory Life</em>Virtual Training</h3><p>We feel honored that Sonia Choquette has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a spiritual teacher, six sensory consultant, storyteller, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.</p><p>Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Sonia’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!</p><p>If you’re serious about opening to a more awakened, expansive, and happier life by learning to identify with your intuitive, higher Self, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.</p><p>If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.</p><h3 style=Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
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– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $74.00.

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