
[Download Now] Rintu Basu – Hypnotic Modelling: Learning to Learn


[Download Now] Rintu Basu – Hypnotic Modelling: Learning to Learn



Rintu Basu – Hypnotic Modelling: Learning to Learn

Archive : Rintu Basu – Hypnotic Modelling: Learning to Learn

Ever since the age of 15 I have been incensed by the fact that schools don’t teach you how to learn. In fact for many children they teach you to have unhelpful beliefs and fears about learning.

If you ever feel that learning is hard, you will never be able to master a subject that things are too complicated, confusing or just impossible to get into your head then you have some of these unhelpful beliefs or fears. This is not your fault, many people have these things installed into them in schools and colleges all over the world.

But the good news is learning is easy, you do it naturally and instinctively. And with a few mind hacks you can reach mastery of any skill, recall and apply the most complex of knowledge and even ace any exam subjects quickly and easily.

I have been studying and teaching accelerated learning techniques for almost forty years and think I have some of the most powerful, elegant and easy learning systems on the planet.

The key is how you select and create models of success

Here are some of the things people have done with the knowledge I’ve given them:

Michael was 15 and in danger of failing all his exams when I first met him. He had been diagnosed as ADHD and Dyslexic. He is now studying to become a surgeon in one of the most prestigious Universities in Scotland.

Andrea was panicking about the size of her reading list for her master’s degree. I spent a Saturday morning teaching her core study skills and by the end of that same weekend she had completed the reading for the whole semester including making comprehensive notes.

I have taken a yearlong professional course, condensed it into four days and still got a distinction in the exams.

A driver who failed their test over ten times passed with flying colours when she just tried a simple half an hour exercise…and she didn’t even have to go driving to know that she would pass the next time she was in a car.

Tom took a notoriously difficult subject that was taking a week to teach and providing poor quality results, cut down the study time to a day with a better success rate.

Martin taught his team to go from average performance to a top performing team in the space of a week.

The core skill that underpins empowerment, personal development, coaching and therapy is learning

The pace of our world is speeding up. In any professional role keeping ahead of the curve means lots of studying new ideas, techniques and technology. In life if you are not learning new things and developing your skills you will stagnate, wither and wilt.

But really picking up new skills, learning, developing and growing should be…and in fact is, great fun.

The crux of the matter is there are key fundamentals to our ability to learn and when you really get to understand how they work you can dramatically boost your ability to grow, develop and take in any subject. As well as have a lot of fun doing it.

I’ve decided to create a course to share with you my forty years of study and practice around accelerated learning and modelling.

The issue isn’t the content of the course, it is about how easy it is to integrate it into your life to create some dramatic shifts. I’m know for using the skills to teach the skills. The course I have created is designed specifically to take you to a high level of skill in learning and developing your own models.

Introducing :

Everything They Never Taught You about Learning at School

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this Hypnotic Modelling and Learning to Learn course about?

This course is not just about tools and techniques. There are lots of books, courses and information out there that will give you that. This course is about strategy, it is about developing the mindset that makes learning easy.

Sure you get all the tools and techniques as well. But if you have ever wondered why you have started off on a course of study with great intentions and you got stuck or your motivation trailed off or you just didn’t feel like you were getting anywhere…well this course address all of those issues as well as the specifics of how to learn specific subjects like physical skills, knowledge for exams, applications such as martial arts, musical instruments and languages.

But the course addresses much more than just that. The distinction between people that can “do” a skill and those that have “mastered” that skill is about how they relate to that ability. One this course you will discover how to gain and use the insight of the masters.

Who is this course for?

This course is for people that want to take on lifelong learning strategies. It is for people that believe that learning should be quick, easy and fun. It is for anyone that already believes learning is important in getting the life that you want.

The course would be specifically good for you if:

You are a student at college or university with lots of “book” learning to get through

You experience any learning difficulties such as dyslexia

You are developing ongoing physical skills such as martial arts or musical instruments

You need to learn to apply “book” knowledge to the real world such as taking your Business Degree and apply it to your business

You have a mentor, model of excellence or professional and you want to pick up their skills in a subject

You are a trainer and you want to develop spectacular courses where your students create genuinely great results for themselves and others.

Your coaching, mentoring, therapy skills would improve if you can provide your clients with a model for success and then help them to a mindset that automatically takes them to it.

What can you expect from this course?

You will find your ability to pick up new knowledge and skills dramatically improved. You may also find that you gain a lot of new tangential skills including the ability to read and respond to people and how to make or break habitual behaviour.

You may also find yourself being able to learn more from experiential situations as well as being able to give and receive feedback.

But ultimately you will find that you can plan and implement a course of study and then get results from it far faster than most would consider possible.

What makes you the right person to run the course?

Growing up I had quite a rebellious nature and strict parents that were keen on making sure that I studied hard at school. Because of my quirky way of thinking I decided that I had to learn how to shovel lots of “school stuff” into my head in the fastest way possible and then be able to prove that I knew it all. If I could do that then my parents would have no choice other than to leave me alone and let me get on with being a teenage boy.

My studies took me through accelerated learning techniques to altered states of consciousness and hypnosis and eventually to NLP and modelling. Through it all I have played and experimented with all of this material on myself and for the last thirty years with all my training and coaching students.

The technology you are about to learn on this course is what I use to create and deliver training courses, it is what I teach to others to develop their learning skills and it contains material I have experimented, developed and tweaked for nearly 40 years and thousands of clients to ensure that it works.

I have trained and coached people from top performing athletes, to CEOs of large multinational organisations to teenagers labelled with learning difficulties. I especially love giving this type of material to trainers, coaches and consultants so they can use the material to construct their own subjects.

I have successfully created learning structures and formats for subjects I know nothing about as well as overturned the model for traditional teaching models.

But really the main reason I am the right person to teach this course is because you will get unique content that I teach, demonstrate and deliver in a way that you integrate much of it simply by going through the course.

There is one caveat I will place though. There is no magic bullet. Passively going through this course may get you some changes but it will not get you massive results. If you want huge results then you will need to apply yourself.

I once refused to take on a client who wanted to gain his black belt. After looking at the issue I estimated that he could, by following some core concepts drop the study time down to about a quarter of what it normally takes. He was thinking that was too much effort.

If you are of the opinion that gaining skills at 25% of the effort most people have to put it is still too much then this course is really not for you. If you want to learn any subject, any skill, take on and apply any body of knowledge in the shortest time with the least amount of effort and are willing to put in some energy to learning how…then keep going because this is for you.

What does this hypnotic modelling and learning to learn course contain?

You can break the course into three sections.

The first is an introduction to some of the key challenges and how we have unlearned some of the best ways to develop new skills the key pillars of accelerated learning.

The second section is more about some of the formal skills. We look at the concepts behind a study plan, how to increase your reading, comprehension, memory and note-taking skills. We look at concepts around learning physical skills using musical instruments and juggling as examples.

The third section is about modelling. This is the part that makes the dramatic difference. We look at how you can take an expert or a model of excellence and learn directly from them. Once you get the concept we look at how you can do the same with having model to follow. We then look at how you can overcome blocks, challenges and developing a mindset that means you can continually learn better and faster.

Why is this a limited release?

This is a new course and I want a few people on board so I can get some testimonials add some more content based on the feedback and then relaunch at the proper price early next year.

With this you will be helping build the bigger more public version of this course. And obviously like all the courses I create you will have lifetime access to the material. So when the additional material is available and you have helped me tweak the content, added some case studies and interesting models and the price has gone up significantly you will have access to it all.

Are there any bonuses?

Free Upgrades For Life

Obviously you are helping shape the larger course. As such I want to make sure that you have access to that when we have applied all the extra material. I offer this for all my large courses but it is important specifically with this course that you will have lifetime access to this course as we build more material into it.

Audio Only Versions Included

The course is delivered as digital downloads and comprises of videos of either the talk over scribble format I seem to be known for and some talking direct to camera. I am also giving you the whole course in audio only version so once you have watched it all you can load it into your mp3 player and just listen to it.

And Yet More Bonuses

I want you to immediately apply the knowledge from this course to something you want to learn. I am conscious of the fact that you may not already be embarked on a course of study so to help with that you will get access to any of my larger for just an extra £30.

The cheapest you could possibly get any of these courses is £65 (approx. $97). You could get one, some, none or all of these courses for an additional £30 (approx. $46) each. I have not built this into the course as some people may already have all of these and some people might have a different course of study that they want to apply these modelling skills to.

But if you haven’t got some of these courses and you want something to practice your hypnotic modelling and learning to learn skills on then this is your opportunity.

The Hypnotic Sales Process

A sales process using hypnosis, NLP and advanced psychological skills that will convert people into raving fans desperate to buy your services. This course will give you a strategic approach to selling, a sales process to pour all your hypnotic language it includes sections on how to set yourself up as an authority and preframing the conversation so you are seen as the go to specialist. Using this course with your new modelling skills will not only improve your sales skills it will give you hundreds of creative ways of using modelling in a sales environment.

The full price of this course is £97 ($150 approx), you can get it for £30 ($46 approx) when you get it with the Hypnotic Modelling Learning to Learn package.

Hypnotic Presentation Skills Deconstructed

This is a multi-level training course that centres on Presentation Skills. It is presented in a similar vein to Persuasion Skills on Steroids. You get a lot of content that you can use straight out of the box in your presentations, but the real course is in the notes.

The overt course content is about developing your presentation skills including; how to structure your presentations for maximum effect, dealing with confidence and emotions, using your nonverbal behaviour to help your presentation, dealing with questions and delivering your message regardless of what else is going on in the room.

The covert course content which is deconstructed in the 20 000 words of notes will give you demonstrations of multiple ways of building rapport and taking covert control of your audience, reframing what people say to get your message across regardless, lots of covert trance inductions and the use of hypnotic language patterns in a live setting with a specific purpose.

Your learning to learn skills will take this course to a new level. Not only will you be accelerating the learning that you get from this course you will be integrating that at a deep level…but beyond that there are hundreds of creative uses of modelling in a presentations environment for you to play with.

I have only ever sold this course to 100 people at £65 ($97 approx). When I put it out for general release to the public, hopefully early next year I will be selling it for £197 ($310 approx). You can get it for £30 ($46 approx) when you get it with the Hypnotic Modelling Learning to Learn package.

Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed

Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed is a downloadable internet based course that is designed to give you an insight into the mindset of a covert hypnotic persuasion skills trainer. It is a transcription of a three hour workshop. It deconstructs how I “work” the audience with extra notes on how you can use the same persuasion principles for yourself. This is the ideal partner to a course on learning to model as it is my covert way of getting the student to model how I do hypnotic persuasion skills. The content of the workshop is highly valuable so it is like two courses at once.

I am currently selling this course direct on my website at £195 ($300 approx). You can get it for £30 ($46 approx) when you get it with the Hypnotic Modelling Learning to Learn package.

Advanced Persuasion Patterns

This was my original 24 week persuasion skills course. It was all the “best bits” of the NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner course based around the frame of covert hypnotic persuasion. It is the widest and most comprehensive course that I have. If you are looking to gain expertise and fluency in persuasion skills then this is an excellent choice to compliment your learning to learn skills.

The full price of this course is £200 ($310 approx), you can get it for £30 ($46 approx) when you get it with the Hypnotic Modelling Learning to Learn package.

And a few more bonuses for you.

I have two other bonuses built into this programme. They are two shorter courses in their own right.

The Confidence Booster

This course deals with limiting beliefs, negative emotions and how you can reframe them to become useful. This course has a detailed explanation of Timeline Reframes and how you can use them.

Using Timelines as part of modelling methodology gives you access to powerful concepts to change the way that you think to support the goals that you want.

The Spelling Strategy

This course goes into fine detail about how to set up a great memory and an external focused relaxation process using your peripheral vision that is an altered state of consciousness. Just as importantly it demonstrates these tools with a live subject so you can see directly how you can integrate them with yourself. And if you work with others you can directly model my processes to do that with others.

All the tools in the Spelling Strategy become even more powerful when you integrate them into a complete methodology for modelling and learning.

Summary of Bonuses

It is a lot to take in, so in short here are all the bonuses you will get when you purchase the Hypnotic Modelling Learning to Learn Course

Free upgrades for life

Audio only tracks for all the videos

The Confidence Booster

The Spelling Strategy

Access to the Advanced Persuasion Patterns Facebook Closed Group

An option for one to one skype coaching sessions at discount rates

And options to get any of my larger courses for considerably less than half price

And I am selling the Hypnotic Modelling Learning to Learn at a discount rate to members of this list.

How is this course delivered?

The courses are all delivered by digital download. The videos are in MP4 format and will play on most digital devices. All the audio only material is in MP3 format.

Are There Any Guarantees?

Obviously I fully comply with distance selling regulations, Clickbank and PayPal terms of service. That said if you are not completely certain, if you are unsure if this is the course for you please do not buy. You will be able to get the course for the full price when I do the general launch.

Because this course is restricted to my personal readershipI would like it to go to people that already know and like my material and know they will enjoy working directly with it to get their results.

So if you have any hesitation then leave this offer for the people that are already confident that this is the course for them and you can buy the full package when I release the course to the public.

Okay, Cut to the Chase, How Much?

I have settled on a price of £250 ($385) when I release this to the general public as I think it is comparable to any of the larger courses.

Obviously you are keen and ready to go. I should reward you for having the faith in me and to help make this an even better stronger more powerful course. Also I promised you a deal and I want to make this offer totally irresistible. But on the same grounds the grocery shopping needs to be done and the rent paid…so despite the fact that the bonus material alone adds up to over the price of the course; if you are willing to buy now I will give you an incredible bargain.

Readmore about : Rintu Basu – Hypnotic Modelling: Learning to Learn, Hypnotic Modelling: Learning to Learn , hypnotic modelling learning to learn , modelling learning to learn , learning to learn

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $290.00.Current price is: $57.00.

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