
[Download Now] Quantum Dreaming – Robert Moss


[Download Now] Quantum Dreaming – Robert Moss




 />We now have compelling scientific evidence of precognition, telepathy, clairvoyance and other supernormal abilities that come especially alive while dreaming.</p><p>In Dreamtime, you are released from conventional views of reality. You can travel beyond the body and the brain and bring back memories of the future and of other worlds.</p><p>For a long time though, science looked at journeying this way — like a shaman, through time and space, or developing the ability to heal at a distance — as mere fantasy.</p><p>Yet, as the discipline of quantum physics has matured, the nature of time, space, and reality increasingly resembles the world of healers, mystics, and shamans. The latest science, in fact, sounds much like a shaman’s view of the world, particularly in the realm of dreaming.</p><p>Shamanic dreamers have known for millennia that we have the ability to <strong>access other dimensions and travel beyond present time into the future and past</strong>, a capacity they have used for survival, healing, and the well-being of their communities.</p><p>Master dream shaman Robert Moss has coined a new term that marries this ancient wisdom with modern science: Quantum Dreaming.</p><p>Quantum Dreaming points us to a new “yoga” — a practice of consciously journeying beyond the parameters of time and space by engaging principles of the new physics melded with ancient shamanic practices and modern lucid dreaming techniques.</p><p><strong><img src=As you develop your skills of Quantum Dreaming, you reclaim your natural psychic abilities and open the portal to a far more fascinating world.

You also gain new skills for creation and manifestation.

That’s because, according to the principles of quantum physics, we swim in a quantum sea of possibility. And when you learn the skills to venture deeper into this “cosmic soup” of potentialities, you discover that you can choose what future events you wish to manifest in your life.


Nobel Laureate and quantum physics pioneer Wolfgang Paul called dreams his “secret laboratory.”

In Quantum Dreaming, a 24-part adventure to the frontiers of consciousness, you will learn to use your night dreams — not only in sleep but in liminal states between sleep and waking — as your secret laboratory and creative studio where you can find solutions for your life challenges, healing guidance for your well-being and dream up a richer, juicier life.

You’ll discover simple and powerful practices for embarking on lucid dream journeys and expanding your awareness in everyday life by reading signs, symbols and synchronicities in the world around you.

You’ll learn practical techniques that help you access other dimensions to bring transformative energy, guidance and healing into your everyday life.

Step by step, you’ll find yourself more and more at home in nonlocal mind, where everything you need to know is waiting for you to be ready to receive it.

And as you open to these practices and perspectives, you’ll become a conscious time traveler and a true co-creator of the reality you inhabit!


The findings of leading edge physics have brought us scientific validation of the worldview of ancient shamans, mystics and dreamers, who have always known that there is a place beyond surface reality where all things are connected, a place beyond time where all times are accessible, and that consciousness generates worlds.

 />When you participate in this exciting adventure with Robert, you’ll discover that our bodies are seawater and stardust, and that in our DNA, we hold codes and connections with our whole collective ancestry and all organic life on the planet, where we carry the embedded memories of their creation. We are conscious members of an immense mind-matter field!</p><p>By bringing greater awareness to this amazing web of connection and melding this deeper understanding with the skills of the dream shaman, you heighten your ability to transform your experience of the world.</p><p><strong>Here are the new science principles <em>Quantum Dreaming </em>explores:</strong></p><ul><li>Mind is nonlocal. Consciousness is not confined to the brain or to space and time.</li><li>You are living, right now, in one of Many Interactive Worlds. You have parallel selves moving through life in parallel worlds.</li><li>Time travel is possible.</li><li>There is no firm separation between subject and object in the universe.</li><li>At quantum levels, the act of observation plucks one event into manifestation out of a soup of potentialities. This may also be true on a human and macro scale.</li><li>Humans have an innate ability to communicate and influence people and objects across a distance.</li><li>Any event that occurs in the universe is immediately available anywhere as information.</li><li>Our experience of reality, like our experience of linear time, is a mental construct. Change the construct, and we change our world.</li></ul><h3>A WILDLY ADVENTUROUS SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE</h3><p><img src=The foundation of Quantum Dreaming is built upon practices of Active Dreaming, Robert’s original synthesis of primal shamanism and the best of contemporary dreamwork and lucid dreaming techniques.

Active Dreaming is a discipline, like yoga, or archaeology, or painting with oils. It offers wild fun and great entertainment, but — like anything else worth doing really well — it requires practice, practice, practice to harvest the real value.

Active dreamers have an advantage over most people when it comes to putting in the hours required. We can do a lot of practice in our sleep! We are also doing deep practice when we learn to navigate by synchronicity and look at the everyday world around us as a set of dreamlike symbols.


So how do you create this new relationship to your dream life and open to the great potential held within? The secrets to unlocking these potentials can be learned if you have a master guide.

 />Robert Moss is one of the world’s most respected and beloved dream experts, who has inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with his books and workshops during a lifetime of teaching.</p><p>Like a wise shamanic elder, Robert can show you how to utilize time-tested principles and practices from dreamwork to create an entirely new experience of your nighttime life that also leads to a deeper, more satisfying daytime life.</p><p>Robert also has an uncanny way of helping you shift your core beliefs and self-conceptions to see the bigger story for your life. And he uses story as a teaching tool — one of the most enjoyable aspects of his teaching, according to his students.</p><p>Robert was initiated early into the life of a modern-day shaman, having three near-death experiences as a child, which provided him with early access to other realms. Some of his own capacities also come from his Australian upbringing and early learnings from native aborigines. This led to a lifetime committed to mastering the Dreamtime (which includes both nighttime and “waking” reality) and sharing what he has learned.</p><p>He has since traveled the world sharing his teachings, acting as an independent scholar. His dozen books on dreaming, shamanism and imagination have been heralded as essential reading for those on this path.</p><p>When you join Robert for <em>Quantum Dreaming</em>, you’ll build upon the advanced practices of his renowned system of Active Dreaming — an original synthesis of dreamwork, imagination and shamanism that thousands have used to access the inherent powers of their consciousness.</p><p>You’ll find this course exciting and mind-expanding on both intellectual and experiential levels, as you draw on ancient wisdom traditions, mythology, cross-cultural shamanic practices, Mystery traditions and the findings of cutting-edge science.</p><p>You’ll be invited to slip into the “solution state” where many of the greatest discoveries in science, as well as the arts, are made. <strong>You’ll learn to journey, with the aid of shamanic drumming and clear intention, to places of healing, guidance, adventure and initiation in other worlds.</strong></p><p><em>Quantum Dreaming</em> is a journey of wholeness and reclamation, and by the end, you’ll have a powerful toolkit of practices that you can apply for a lifetime.</p><p><strong>During this advanced training, you’ll:</strong></p><ul><li>Make your home in “nonlocal mind,” which provides the real key to time travel.</li><li>Enter your dreams as a portal to other dimensions and make quantum realities practical.</li><li>See how consciousness can project safely beyond the body, open gates between the worlds — and close them when necessary.</li><li>Maintain awareness on the cusp of sleep and have more fun in the “twilight zone.”</li><li>Engage healing in multiple dimensions and experience the survival of consciousness beyond death.</li><li>Learn to screen your energy field, set good psychic boundaries and maintain flight security during your journeys beyond the physical.</li><li>Dream your way consciously to your dream partner, your dream home, your dream job.</li><li>Develop skills for creating the future from the Field, entering the quantum level of reality to manifest from thought.</li><li>Discern when your dreams are showing you future events.</li><li>Shapeshift your energy body for empowerment and healing.</li><li>Understand how animals that have shared your life or appeared in your dreams can become shamanic allies.</li><li>Go back inside your dreams and dream them onward, opening paths of healing for others and yourself.</li><li>Learn how “past life” and “other life” dramas may be influencing your present life and relationships.</li><li>Help one another become shamanic healers for our own family of selves, and welcome the energy and magic of soul back into our bodies.</li><li>Learn about reality creation in the Imaginal Realm.</li><li>Journey across time to younger selves who need help and support in their own Now time.</li><li>Develop positive imagery for healing and empowerment you can offer to others.</li><li>Learn how to allow departed loved ones and ancestors to act as family guides and counselors.</li><li>Develop action plans, affirmations and talismans to manifest your vision.</li></ul><h3>AN ADVENTUROUS SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY</h3><p><em>Quantum Dreaming</em> ’s highly experiential format is designed to activate every level of your body, mind and soul. You will receive a profound initiation that will help you awaken to a life rich with healing and transformation.</p><p>And oh, the places we’ll go!</p><p>As you practice fun and safe ways of sharing dreams and stories, you’ll find yourself gaining in the power to find your own bigger and braver stories, and live those stories, and tell them so well that they want to take root in the world.</p><p>Caution: this course could involve transformation!</p><h3>WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THESE 6 MONTHS</h3><p>During the 6-month program, Robert will guide you through the fundamental insights, skills and practices that you’ll need to use your dreams as portals for shamanic journeying and lucid dreaming into the multiverse and to become co-creator of the reality you inhabit.</p><p>Each teaching session will build upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles of Quantum Dreaming for direct access to the hidden orders of reality and the remembering of your soul’s wisdom and the bigger story for your life.</p><h3>PART ONE: SET UP YOUR SECRET LABORATORY</h3><p>The best place to look for the chance of a quantum leap in our contemporary lives is the place where many pioneers of the New Science have found their inspiration: the secret laboratory of dreams and half-dream states.</p><p>Wolfgang Pauli, the Nobel laureate who was one of the founders of quantum physics, declared that dreams were his “secret laboratory.” He demonstrated this by sharing 1,500 dreams with Carl Jung and his assistant over an 18-month period. Jung, the founder of depth psychology, wrote that all his important work was guided by dreams and that “dreams are the facts from which we must proceed.”</p><p>We begin the course by making sure that you have all that you’ll need to establish your own secret laboratory. This will be the creative studio where you dream up new projects, make connections that escape the everyday mind, and open yourself to insights from higher intelligences. It will be your launch pad for adventures in lucid dreaming. It will be your place to experiment with your own ability to travel beyond time and space and access healing and information from the limitless field of nonlocal mind.</p><h3>MODULE 1: <strong>MAKE DREAMS YOUR CREATIVE STUDIO</strong></h3><p>This is Dreamwork 101, in a fast and frisky mode.</p><p>You’ll learn:</p><ul><li>How to break a dream drought.</li><li>How to incubate dreams of guidance and healing.</li><li>How to share dreams and life stories with others in a fast, fun way through Robert’s trademark Lightning Dreamwork process.</li><li>The nine keys to understanding your dreams.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 2: <strong>RECORD YOUR EXPERIMENTS & BECOME A CREATIVE JOURNAL-IST</strong></h3><p>You will want to keep a record of all the experiments and adventures in consciousness you are going to undertake. You’ll receive expert guidance on the art of creative journal keeping.</p><p>You’ll learn:</p><ul><li>How to use your journal to keep dates with yourself and track your many aspects.</li><li>How to produce your personal Encyclopedia of Symbols.</li><li>How to develop a personal database that will provide firsthand evidence of precognition, telepathy, clairvoyance and the existence of parallel universes.</li><li>How journal keeping will help you grow your gifts as a writer and artist.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 3: <strong>SPEND QUALITY TIME IN THE SOLUTION STATE</strong></h3><p>Tinker Bell told Peter Pan, “Look for me in the place between sleep and awake. There you will always find me.” It’s no fairy story. In the history of science, as in many other fields, the liminal state of hypnagogia has been <em>the </em>solution state in which creative breakthroughs are made and inner guides are easily accessible. This is an ideal launch pad for lucid dreaming and astral travel. It is recognized in dream yoga, as in the Mystery traditions, that by learning to maintain a state of relaxed attention on the cusp of sleep, we develop heightened awareness and the ability to operate in more than one reality simultaneously.</p><p>You’ll learn:</p><ul><li>How to maintain awareness on the cusp of sleep and have more fun in the “twilight zone.”</li><li>How to embark on lucid dream adventures from the Twilight of the Dreamer, between sleep and awake.</li><li>How to screen your energy field, set good psychic boundaries and maintain flight security during your journeys beyond the physical.</li><li>How to communicate with inner guides and practice discernment in this liminal state.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 4: <strong>CONSTRUCT YOUR PRIVATE ENTRANCE TO NONLOCAL MIND</strong></h3><p>The dreams you remember are your best portals for travel into the deeper reality, and your royal road to lucid dreaming. A dream is a journey; it is also a place. You went somewhere in your dream, near or far from the fields you know in your regular life. Because you have been to that place, you can find your way there again.</p><p>You’ll learn how to:</p><ul><li>Use a dream or personal image as the portal for a shamanic journey.</li><li>Re-enter a dream to confront and resolve a nightmare terror, solve a mystery and claim a power.</li><li>Dialogue with a dream character.</li><li>Construct personal doorways to places of healing, discovery and initiation in the multiverse.</li></ul><h3>PART TWO MAKING YOUR HOME IN NONLOCAL MIND: THE KEY TO TIME TRAVEL</h3><p>In dreams, we are time travelers. Released from Newtonian physics and our consensual hallucinations, the dream self travels into past time, future time and alternate realities. As quantum dreamers using the skills of shamanic journeying and lucid dreaming, we can travel consciously across time to scout the future for ourselves and others, and grow a better future. We’ll draw confidence from the knowledge that the new physics confirms that in the limitless field of nonlocal mind the time is always <em>Now</em>. All probable event tracks — past, future or parallel — are accessible in this moment and may be revised for the better.</p><h3>MODULE 5: <strong>DREAM A BETTER FUTURE</strong></h3><p>Every night, your dream self goes ahead of your waking self, scouting out challenges and opportunities that lie on the roads ahead. This is part of our human survival kit. Once you wake up to the fact that you dream events before they happen in regular life, you can graduate to the good stuff, which is changing your possible future for the better and becoming co-creator of your reality.</p><p>You’ll learn how to:</p><ul><li>Discern when your dreams are showing you future events.</li><li>Develop personal markers so you don’t miss dream messages about the future.</li><li>Take action to avoid unwanted future events you have dreamed and manifest happy outcomes.</li><li>Dream your way consciously to your dream partner, your dream home, your dream job.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 6: <strong>MAKE SUPERNORMAL YOUR NEW NORMAL</strong></h3><p>You are a natural psychic of a high order in your dreams, when you let down your left-brain inhibitions and just do it. You routinely practice precognition, clairvoyance, telepathy. Such powers are sometimes described as examples of ESP. Today, scientists are reviving a better term invented by the great Victorian scientist of the unseen, Frederick Myers: <em>supernormal</em>. Scientists like Dean Radin maintain that quantum entanglement means that supernormal phenomena are inevitable. Laboratory research confirms that supernormal abilities are for real, and that the spectrum of possibility extends to <em>retrocausation</em>; reaching back across time to influence events in the past. Clearly we need to stage our own experiments!</p><p>You’ll be invited to:</p><ul><li>Join in group telepathy and remote viewing experiments.</li><li>Discover “what the bleep you know that you don’t know that you know.”</li><li>Use shamanic journeying to travel across time and space.</li><li>Explore and discuss how places and objects hold holographic memories.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 7: <strong>JOURNEY TO THE HOUSE OF TIME</strong></h3><p>Your present life is intimately related to dramas and relationships that are playing out in other times — past, future and parallel. This is your invitation to visit a very special location in the multiverse to learn more about your connection with other personalities in your multidimensional family. In the process, you will learn about reality creation in the Imaginal Realm, the vast plane of reality where human imagination works with higher intelligence to build enduring structures for healing, learning and initiation. The House of Time has been developed through the active imagination of dream explorers and archaeologists who have traveled here. It stands on ancient foundations.</p><p>In this high adventure you will be invited to:</p><ul><li>Explore your connection with the lives and dramas of personalities living in other times.</li><li>Learn how “past life” and “other life” dramas may be influencing your present life and relationships.</li><li>Journey through effective portals to enter a “past life” or “other life” situation and establish <em>conscious communication</em> with your counterpart in that time for mutual benefit.</li><li>Learn about reality creation in the Imaginal Realm.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 8: <strong>TRACK YOUR PARALLEL SELVES IN THE MANY WORLDS</strong></h3><p>Your dreams may also be glimpses of a continuous life your parallel self is leading in a parallel world, in which you made different choices. Physicist Brian Greene speculates that we all have “endless doppelgangers” leading parallel lives in parallel universes. When you develop the skills of Quantum Dreaming, you can explore this experientially — and learn how to bring gifts and lessons from a parallel world into this one. Through these excursions, you will grow a personal geography of the multiverse and accumulate first-hand data on the reality of parallel worlds.</p><p>In this wildly exciting class, you will learn how to:</p><ul><li>Recognize that serial dreams may be glimpses of continuous lives you are living in other realities.</li><li>Examine experiences of déjà vu as clues that you may have experienced something in a parallel life that is now converging with this one.</li><li>Journey into a parallel life to dismiss old regrets and claim gifts and knowledge from your selves who made different choices.</li><li>Effect a quantum shift in your present life.</li></ul><h3>PART THREE: HEALING IN MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS</h3><p>Medical science confirms that thoughts are things and living cells respond to consciousness. It gets better, and stranger. Laboratory experiments demonstrate that the nervous system responds to physical events <em>before</em> they take place. If future events can influence the current state of the body, it follows that we may be able to reach back into the “past” to improve our body’s history and performance. This is one of many exciting avenues for quantum healing we’ll explore in this part of the course. We’ll also draw on the shaman’s understanding of soul loss and soul recovery, and use shamanic methods to shift consciousness and travel to places in the larger reality where healing is to be found.</p><h3>MODULE 9: <strong>THERIOMORPHIC HEALING</strong></h3><p>Forging a close relationship with one or more power animals is central to developing the arts of shamanic dream travel and healing. It is invaluable in maintaining healthy boundaries and defending psychic space. A conscious connection with the animal guardians shows us how to follow the natural paths of our energy. A strong working connection with the animal powers brings the ability to shapeshift the energy body and project energy forms that can operate at a distance from the physical body.</p><p>You’ll learn:</p><ul><li>How animals that have shared your life or appeared in your dreams can become shamanic allies.</li><li>How to journey to a place of healing with the help of the animal doctors.</li><li>How to shapeshift your energy body for empowerment and healing.</li><li>How to let your animal spirits raise your vitality, show you the natural path of your energies, and heighten your instinct, intuition and psychic protection in daily life.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 10: <strong>IMAGINAL HEALING</strong></h3><p>The body believes in images. Abundant evidence from medical science and sports psychology demonstrates that the body responds to an image as it might do to a physical event, pump out self-generated pharmaceuticals according to where we place our attention. Any image that belongs to you can be a source of power and healing, even the scary stuff you would rather keep in a locked box. The trick is to learn how to develop your personal imagery so it can help you to get well and stay well. Your body is waiting for you to get good at this.</p><p>You’ll learn how to:</p><ul><li>Harness the diagnostic power of dreams.</li><li>Stock your mental shelves with healing imagery from dreams and meditation.</li><li>Use active imagination and dream reentry to transform scary dreams and disturbing images.</li><li>Seek direct healing from a sacred guide and healer.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 11: <strong>TIME TRAVEL FOR SOUL RECOVERY & HEALING YOUR YOUNGER SELF</strong></h3><p>As a time traveler, you can journey to a younger self in her own <em>Now</em> time. As a voice in her mind, you can provide the encouragement and counsel she may need at a time of unbearable pain or challenge. You can be the friend and protector she lacked when her need was great. From this can flow tremendous healing for both of you, for you in your present time and for her in her own time.</p><p>In this class, you will be able to:</p><ul><li>Journey across time to younger selves who need help and support in their own <em>Now</em> time.</li><li>Reclaim vital energy by bringing back parts of yourself that went missing because of pain or grief or trauma in your earlier life.</li><li>Experiment with reaching into the “past” history of the body to see whether you can improve its genetic and cellular history.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 12: <strong>VISION TRANSFER</strong></h3><h3><em>GROWING A DREAM FOR SOMEONE IN NEED OF A DREAM</em></h3><p>We can dream for others as well as ourselves and “transplant” healing and helpful images to them. The Vision Transfer technique is a powerful and innovative way of bringing a dream — a life dream, a healing image, perhaps a path to the next world — to someone in need of a dream (the depressed, the sick, the soul-gone, the dying). This process has proven to be deeply healing and rewarding in many situations. It is a method for helping those in our world who do not have a dream — a life dream or a dream of the night — to open their personal doorways to insight, healing and a deeper life.</p><p>In this class, followed by deep group practice, you’ll learn:</p><ul><li>How to call on power animals to help in healing for others.</li><li>How to develop positive imagery for healing and empowerment you can offer to others.</li><li>How to offer your visions in a way that avoids manipulation by inviting the intended beneficiary to receive only what they choose to take from you.</li><li>How to become a “word doctor” who can help people to heal by telling better stories.</li></ul><h3>PART FOUR: GOING BEYOND DEATH:THE SURVIVAL OF CONSCIOUSNESS</h3><p>What happens after death is far too important for us to rely on hand-me-down beliefs and secondhand accounts. We need first-hand knowledge. We get that by visiting places where the dead are alive, and by receiving visitations from those who have departed this world. Both ways of knowing are opened, easily and naturally, in dreams.</p><p>The immense body of data on near-death experiences (NDEs) is scientific evidence of the survival of consciousness after the physical body has closed down. If you are now awakened to your own supernormal abilities to step outside time and space, you know that awareness is not confined to the body and brain, and therefore is able to survive death.</p><p>You are ready to learn that healing and forgiveness are always available across the apparent barrier of death, and to develop your personal geography of the afterlife.<br />It is never too early or too late for you to brave up to death and discover what happens on the Other Side.</p><p>As Montaigne said, “We do not know where death will meet us, so we must be ready to meet death everywhere.” When you are willing to meet death as an ally instead of a dread, you will find you have superabundant energy for life and can approach your life choices with the courage and clarity that a close encounter with death may bring.</p><h3>MODULE 13: <strong>HEAL YOUR RELATIONS WITH THE DEAD</strong></h3><p>Contact with the dead, especially in dreams, is entirely natural and going on all the time, because the dead are alive and are often seeking to communicate with us. They may have stayed close to the living. They may come visiting. Or we may find ourselves traveling in dreams to places where the dead are at home.</p><p>You’ll learn:</p><ul><li>Healing and forgiveness are always available across the apparent barrier of death.</li><li>How to allow departed loved ones and ancestors to act as family guides and counselors.</li><li>How to help the deceased when they are stuck or confused.</li><li>Simple everyday rituals for helpful communication with the departed.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 14: <strong>DEVELOP A WORKING ANATOMY OF SOUL & SPIRIT</strong></h3><p>Consciousness operates on many levels, and in several energy vehicles, during life and after death. This is essential psychology for ancient and indigenous peoples, as in Eastern philosophy, though long forgotten or confused in the West. This class is Paleopsych 101, essential stuff!</p><p>You’ll learn:</p><ul><li>The nature of the subtle bodies, or vehicles of consciousness.</li><li>Experiencing the energy bodies through safe methods of astral travel.</li><li>Spiritual discernment and basic rules for psychic protection.</li><li>The fate of the different energy bodies, or vehicles of consciousness, after physical death.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 15: <strong>PRACTICE ACTIVE DREAMING TO HELP THE DYING</strong></h3><p>As an active dreamer, you can help others to approach death with courage and grace.</p><p>In this class you will learn how to help the dying:</p><ul><li>Connect with a spiritual guide with a familiar face.</li><li>Open to dreams and awaken to how in dreams we are already at home in worlds beyond the world.</li><li>Find a personal gateway for the journey beyond death.</li><li>Develop a map for the journey to life beyond life.</li></ul><h3>MODULE 16: <strong>DEVELOP A WORKING GEOGRAPHY OF THE AFTERLIFE</strong></h3><p>Get ready for a BIG journey in this class.</p><p>We will:</p><ul><li>Call in spiritual guidance and protection for a journey to the Other Side.</li><li>Embark on a journey to the Other Side for helpful and timely communication with someone who resides there.</li><li>Take an orientation tour of a welcome center, a place of life review and real estate and lifestyle options in the afterlife.</li><li>Discover how desire and imagination are the building contractors in the afterlife.</li></ul><h3>PART FIVE: LIVING IN THE CONSCIOUS UNIVERSE</h3><p>Inner and outer, subjective and objective, interweave and move together at quantum levels, on a human scale, and no doubt everywhere in the universe. We live in an energy field where everything resonates — to a greater or lesser degree — with everything else. The world we inhabit mirrors our thoughts and feelings, and vice versa.</p><p>The physicist and the shaman agree: we live in a conscious universe where everything is alive and connected, and mind and matter interweave. To live most fully in this universe, we must learn to navigate by synchronicity, poised to recognize and act in those special Kairos moments when the universe gets personal. In Part Five of the course, we’ll play wonderful games of coincidence that will put a champagne fizz of excitement into any day.</p><h3>MODULE 17: <strong>THE WAY OF THE KAIROMANCER</strong></h3><p>A kairomancer is someone who is ready to recognize the special moments when synchronicity is at work — and to seize on the revelation or opportunity that is now available. To be a kairomancer, you must be open to new expe</p><h3 style=Delivery Method

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