
[Download Now] Mike Robertson – Complete Core Training


[Download Now] Mike Robertson – Complete Core Training


Mike Robertson - Complete Core Training

Mike Robertson – Complete Core Training

Price: $147

Finally! A Step-by-Step Core Training System that Guarantees YOU Better Results with Your Clients and Athletes – TODAY!

The Core Training System the Pros Use…

COMPLETE Core Training

My goal as a coach is to create systems that I can use, time and again, to help me get consistent and quality results with my clients and athletes.

Complete Core Training gives YOU my step-by-step process for writing programs, and coaching the exercises, that will help your clients and athletes build the strong, healthy and resilient core they really want.

Here’s an overview of what you’ll learn when you review the materials:

  • The TRUE role of the core (HINT: it’s not about producing force!)
  • Breathing – we all do it, but are we doing it CORRECTLY? And are “belly breathing” exercises doing more harm than good?
  • Why standard ab circuits are not enough to build a strong, resilient core (and what you should be doing instead!)
  • Why posture and position are the cornerstones of core training (and why failure to fix this will negatively impact EVERYTHING else)
  • An overview of core training anatomy, and how it impacts both your program design and coaching
  • Hip flexor stretching – is it helping, or hurting, your clients and athletes?
  • How to design a COMPLETE core training programs that gets great results

But that’s just a quick overview; here’s a complete breakdown of what you’ll learn in each part of the product.

The Complete Core Training Videos

Module 1 – Functional Anatomy, Core Training Philosophy, and Breathing

Module 1 will give you a deeper understanding of the core, and the roles that it has in the human body.

We’ll start with insight into anatomy and biomechanics. While this may not sound sexy, this is the foundation for a better core training program. Once you understand the muscles of the core and how they influence both posture and position, you’ll immediately be ahead of the curve.

From there, we’ll focus on the true role of the core, and the techniques and strategies required to train it effectively.

We’ll finish up with an overview of breathing and proper breathing mechanics. Breathing is a huge buzzword in our industry these days, with tons of trainers and coaches talking about it.

But quite frankly, many are misguided in how they’re applying this. It’s not as simple as taking in big belly breaths to get the diaphragm working.

Instead, the goal is to understand how proper breathing alters posture and position, airflow and performance.

Module 2 – Hands-On Coaching Session

Module 2 focuses on proper coaching of core training exercises. If you understand the anatomy, you’re well on your way to being more successful.

However, learning how to effectively coach core training exercises is critical if you want to get maximal results.

In this section we’ll cover everything from ground-based core training exercises, up through more advanced postures and positions like tall- and half-kneeling.

This module alone could be worth the price of admission. If you coach core training exercises on a daily basis, I’ll give you the cues and observation skills necessary to make an immediate impact on your clients and athletes.

Module 3 – Program Design

You could be the best coach in the world, but if you’re coaching the wrong exercises, you’re not going to get optimal results.

Module 3 will give you unique insight into how I address the core, and program “core training” into virtually every aspect of the program.

Core training isn’t something you throw in at the end of a session. If you want to help your client and athletes build a strong, stable and resilient core, you need to address it throughout the entire training session.

This module will show you how, and show you step-by-step how to include core training into everything from the warm-ups to the cool down.

The Complete Core Training Manual

While there’s a ton of great content in the videos, I wanted to take this product to the next level. Along with the vidoes you’ll also receive a 173-page spiral bound manual that is broken down into three sections:

Section 1 – Core Training Transcript

Section #1 of the manual is a re-written and revised transcript from the videos mentioned above.

I don’t know about you, but if I can see something live and then read it as well, the material really starts to sink in.

And while I started with a basic transcript, it didn’t long for me to realize it could be cleaner and more concise.

To remedy this, I’ve gone back and literally re-written this entire section of the manual, to make sure that every point is crystal clear and easy to understand.

Section 2 – Exercise Coaching, Progressions and Regressions

Section #2 will cover all of the major core training exercises I use with my clients and athletes. You’ll get a step-by-step breakdown of how to set-up, how to execute the exercise, and the exact coaching cues I use. This section alone is worth the price of admission!

Section 3 – Program Design

Last but not least, the final section of the manual will describe the nitty gritty details of program design. In the videos I cover my thoughts on exercise selection, and an overview of how to write a core training program.

Here I’ll give you specific recommendations for the set/rep schemes, rest periods and time under tension protocols you’ll want to use to make sure you’re getting the training effect you want.

But Wait – There’s More!

My goal is to create exceptional value with my products and services.

The videos and manual by themselves should do that, but in an effort to truly over deliver, here are some additional bonus items I’m going to throw in to make sure you love the product!

Bonus Item #1 – The Complete Core Training Q&A Call

One month after our product launch wraps up, I’m going to do a Q&A call for people who purchased the product.

Here, you’ll get a chance to ask your most pressing core training questions, and the ones I see most often will get answered.

Quite simply, this will be just another way to dig in and really learn the materials.

Bonus Item #2 – The Breathing In-Service Video

Breathing is a huge component of proper core training, but unfortunately, many of us are doing things incorrectly.

In this hour-long video, you’ll get an awesome overview of proper breathing mechanics, as well as what I call “positional breathing exercises” you can start using today with your clients and athletes.

Bonus Item #3 – The Complete Core Training Progression and Regression Chart

Between the DVD’s and manual, I cover a ton of different core training exercises. The goal is to make sure that you always have an exercise that’s hard enough (or easy enough) for your clients and athletes.

This PDF will organize all of the various exercises, progressions and regressions into one quick and easy reference chart. This will not only speed up your program design process, but allow you to quickly progress and regress exercises during a session!

Bonus Item #4 – The Complete Core Training Exercise Checklists

When you’re coaching clients and athletes, it’s awkward to carry around a huge coaching manual, or to be watching videos on the Internet to make sure they’re doing things right.

These easy to use exercise checklists will cover all the basic postures and positions (prone, supine, quadruped, tall-kneeling, and half-kneeling) so that you can print them off and carry them with you.

These checklists will help ensure that your clients and athletes are in the proper positions on each and every exercise, so they maximize their performance.

Bonus Item #5 – The Complete Core Training Lecture Slides

As you go through the videos, all of the slides are already directly inserted into the videos to help you get the most out of your learning experience.

However, you’ll also be able to download the lecture slides as well, so you can follow along with the materials both on the videos and with notes in hand.

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $147.00.Current price is: $40.00.

[Download Now] Mike Robertson – Complete Core Training Product Delivery: You will receive a download link via your order email immediately. Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected]