
[Download Now] Michael Winn – Tai Chi For Enlightenment


Tai Chi For EnlightenmentMichael Winn – Tai Chi For Enlightenment

This secret Tai Chi for Enlightenment or Primordial Qigong form combines tai chi, feng shui, chi kung (qigong), and inner alchemy, a powerful form of Taoist meditation. It is designed to capture the “subtle breath” or chi (“qi”) flow of Heaven and Earth, and fuse it into the human body. It gathers chi inward to the core of one’s being in graceful beautiful, effortless spirals. Energetically, it is the opposite of martial tai chi forms. They emit chi outwardly for self-defense or focus on manipulating an opponent’s chi.

Tai Chi for Enlightenment gradually dissolves all the physical and karmic layers of tension in both your physical and Energy Body. It ultimately opens up a profound inner space inside your body, where your Original Spirit, the “face of your soul before you were born”, can reveal itself. This inner space is called “wuji” (Supreme Unknown).

The design of the form incorporates every aspect of Tao theory: Yin-Yang body channels, 5 Elements vital organ and seasonal cycles, feng shui (directionology) of the 8 Trigram forces (Pakua), water and fire alchemy, the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Branches of the Chinese calendar, body-spirit and microcosm-macrocosm resonance, Taoist sexual-numerology, jing-chi-shen-wu stages of inner alchemy, tai chi body movement principles, Original Chi -Tai Chi -Wuji cosmology. It is truly amazing how much is packed into one tiny little form!

At the time Chang San Feng created this form, Chinese spiritual culture had elevated the science of inner alchemy to its highest peak. This secret tai chi form can be considered one of the crown jewels of China’s spiritual development, the result of generations of previous Tao masters focusing deeply on developing a practical science of change. Inner alchemy is simply a way of speeding up your natural energetic evolution. Yet you don’t have to understand the dynamics of internal alchemy to activate this quickening, because it is built into this tai chi form.

If you want to explore the secrets of inner alchemy I have written numerous articles about this topic. Inner alchemy is older than Lao Tzu, older than the ancient Chinese Dragon chart and Turtle Writing (magic square) from which the I Ching is derived. I did decades of research, but my greatest source was practice of the Seven Alchemy Formulas for Immortality transmitted from a Taoist hermit named One Cloud to Mantak Chia to me. These seven alchemy formulas are from the same period as Chang San Feng’s secret Tai Chi form.

It was my twenty years practice of inner alchemy meditation that allowed me to recognize and decode Chang San Feng’s Tai Chi for Enlightenment form. Zhu Hui did not have training in inner alchemy, although he knew the form was derived from it. I’ve incorporated this tai chi form into my higher level alchemy training. The tai chi form doesn’t change, but you are able to use to connect to more subtle forces.

But most people don’t need and aren’t ready for that level of information or meditation skill. All they need a simple, graceful, easy to learn, easy to practice, in the body form that effortlessly does it all for you – that’s Tai Chi for Enlightenment!

Read More – Who can benefit from Tai Chi for enlightenment?
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Praise for Michael Winn’s “Tai Chi for Enlightenment

Just Amazing! Totally in a Class of its Own

I have practiced Chen style taiji, 24, 42 and 48 style standardized forms, two different styles of bagua zhang. I found the Tai Chi for Enlightenment form is the most completing and satisfying form I have ever encountered and totally in a class of its own. I look forward to, and love to practice it!

Physically it is also a great form for free hip movement, that is the basis of initiating full body movement in most internal styles. I like your analysis of martial styles that are lacking spiritual basis. My Fu style bagua I like for its animal twisting, coiling and stretching movements, but the guy who created it, Fu Zhen Song was apparently quite a vicious dude.

For meditation, it is just amazing, and has brought me intuitive guidance in areas I would have never imagined. It creates a deep sense of balance and harmony within my body and even my environment that I feel throughout the day.

— C. Dewreede, Vancouver BC

Pearl of Great Price: The Deepest Practice I’ve Found

After 25 years of intense study and practice using vedic formulas, Hindu pujas, Gurdjeiff methods of cosmology, kriya yogic pranayamas, advanced sanskrit mantras, I have never found any method that produces the effect in such a short time as primordial qigong/tai chi for enlightenment. For me, the effects are observable on all levels; from an obvious realignment of events in life around me (way beyond what anyone could consider to be coincidence), to dramatically enhanced physical energy and an intimate attunement with the body; to a deep opening of the energy/spiritual body.

I am most pleased with the deeper effects – several times during my 25 years of practices, I’ve been able to access a “field” during meditation where it is as if a huge storm arises both around me and from within. The first time it happened some 20 years ago, I was in a meditation temple at an ashram, late at night, winter subfreezing temperatures, in the north Georgia mountains. The sky was crystal clear when I entered the temple but after several hours of deep meditation I heard this storm approaching. The sound of wind and rain was gradually amplifying so I knew I didn’t have much time to make it back to my room on the other side of the grounds. I quickly wrapped myself up in my wool blanket to make a mad dash back to the building I was living in at the time.

However, when I opened the door to exit the temple, lo and behold, it was the same crystal clear night! I was a bit shocked but went back inside and let the experience continue – the sounds were clear and distinguishable: the steady hum of the “OMMM” underneath the sounds of a torent of wind and water. Along with this was the profound awareness of benevolent presence that is difficult to put in to words. This has happened a dozen or so times since then and I now understand this ‘the thunder of silence’. What I’ve discovered with the primordial tai chi is this same ‘thunder of silence’ is almost immediately accessed or perhaps better put, unveiled, during the practice. This is, to me, “the pearl of great price”.

Note: I work as a scientist monitoring states of consciousness. I’ve helped pioneer the brainwave biofeedback applications used today for addictions, depression disorders, head injury rehab, ADD and ADHD, post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic Fatigue/fibromyalgia and developmental disorders, to name a few. So I feel my observations about this form are not whimsical or “merely personal”

My partner and I have already shared the form with some friends and fellow seekers. All have immediately experienced the magic of this formula. We have decided to start a Sunday night practice group here in Atlanta for our interested friends.

– Martin Wuttke, Founder and Director NeuroTherapy Centers for Health

The Easiest & Most Complete Tai Chi Form Ever

I sweated for years to learn a short form of Yang family (martial) Tai Chi, but gave it up because I didn’t feel I was really getting anywhere deep. Then one day when I arrived at a Healing Tao summer retreat in New York’s Catskills, I saw some people swinging their arms and doing a form that looked so pleasantly simple and happy. I instantly knew “this is my form”. It was the Tai Chi for Enlightenment form, or Primordial Chi Kung.

It is the easiest form I ever learned. I learned the form within an hour and refined it the next day. It is the most complete form I ever experienced. Over a few years time I gradually stopped doing other forms. I feel all other forms are integrated by this Primordial Tai Chi. With time it only gets better.

What I love most is that it connects me with all physical and spiritual aspects of myself. While doing the form I experience the blessing of naturally creating a wonderful new spiraling DNA energy within myself.

Forever Grateful,

— Fransje Kabiro, Amsterdam

I’m a HUGE Fan – having Spiritual Orgasm after Orgasm!

I’ve been living at Silent Ground Taoist Retreat in Canada for 6 years. To put it simply….. I am a HUGE, HUGE fan of the Tai Chi Enlightenment/Primordial Qigong form. When we first got your video I sat there watching the TV having orgasm after orgasm !!! Not the regular kind, the Taoist kind of in-your-body spiritual orgasm – just from watching the sequence of movements. Doing the movements was obviously even better!

Sometimes when I practice I feel a group of sages gathers round to watch and they are all smiling! At times only a few show up, and sometimes I’m completely surrounded!!! They kind of float or hover around in a circle.

It is so smooth and effortless, and things just happen so easily practicing it, its like getting a really good deal from the universe! I could never be told another thing about it and happily practice it for the rest of my life. But I’m curious about how your new audio tapes could make it even “deeper”. Minke, the owner of Silent Ground, is also a big fan of the form. Thank you for sharing Tai Chi Enlightenment. I’ll keep spreading it around with joy and pleasure!

— David Gyurkovics, Silent Ground Tao Retreat

Wow! An Exhilarating Feeling! Quiets my Monkey Mind

I studied 24-step Tai Chi Chuan, but had difficulty practicing at home due to limited floor space. Then I learned Tai Chi for Enlightenment from your video, and can practice it anywhere in 4 square feet. After practicing for some months I observe my Monkey Mind (inner dialog) is growing quiet and I feel all tingly inside. Wow! What an exhilarating feeling!
Practicing Primordial Qigong/ Tai Chi For Enlightenment is great for starting the day, or as a getaway break during the day. Now I can practice in the kitchen, or at the local state park by the lake or on a hiking trail… Doing it, I can feel the strong earth Qi in a natural setting.
It helps me to keep my life simple. I can leave this make-believe world that we call planet earth, and go to the realm of the spirit for a while with this particular form…very relaxing.
Michael Winn does an excellent job, in the video and on the summary sheet included, of explaining the “how’s” and “why’s” of the form. Practicing helps me remain grounded and centered in the moment, where life truly exists, on the path to happiness.

— John Travis, “All of life is but a tool in the evolution of the soul.”

This Form Opens Chi Flow Better than Yang Tai Chi

I personally like the Primordial Chi Kung because it is a much gentler energy.
The feedback I get from friends and family that I have taught both your tai chi enlightenment/primordial form and the original 13 movement ynag style Tai Chi Chi Kung, is that they are able to feel the chi much quicker using the Primordial Chi Kung form. In doing primordial chi kung you can concentrate on the chi flow instead of keeping your mind busy on all the components necessary for Tai Chi Chi Kung. Even those learning the Yang Style, will begin class with the Primordial Chi Kung form. It greatly improves their tai chi.
I find people can learn the Primordial Chi Kung in four or five sessions and are experiencing movement of chi by the end of the second lesson. Those friends who are into healing or other metaphysical practices love it because it enhances the energy of their other practices. Both myself and my students find it much easier to access and move chi using the primordial chi kung.
I find the biggest problem in getting people interested is that no one seems to believe you can learn such a powerful form in only four or five sessions. One of my students at the high school is the father of a tai chi teacher. He said she told him not to bother taking my class because it was impossible to learn a form in four weeks. By the end of the class, he said he was going home to teach it to her.

— J. C., Tai Chi Teacher, Upstate New York

I Did Primordial Tai Chi 500 Times — Speeded Up My Evolution!

Howdy Qi Junkies,

These are my thoughts after doing the Primordial Qigong / Tai Chi for Enlightenment Ceremony 500 times in the past 12 months, mostly outdoors. I directly attribute my rapid spiritual evolution to performing this ceremony with the highest intent. I’ll start with a poem inspired by this practice, and then share a few of my tales.

The poem:

Golden Dragons plunge to my deep inner earth,

The Sun & Moon dance the dance of infinity.

Eternal beings sing with joy of another immortal awakening,

The beauty of my true nature is revealed.

Into the Light, to return to the Source,

You are Divine, Infinite & Immortal,

Capable of boundless Love,

Shower the Universe with your radiance…


Some tamer Primordial episodes. I’m tired of telling nutty but real stories, you’ll have to ask in person for the really profound stuff:

1) I was on a mountain bike ride in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Mt. Pisgah. I climbed the knife’s edge trail half way up the mountain. It was the beginning of the ride but I was compelled to stop.

The mountain asked me to do primordial for it right then and there. (I spend a lot of time alone deep in these mountains, they do talk, you know). I had only done Primordial for myself as cultivation & this was the first time I was compelled to do it for a place.

Two weeks later, I was riding the same trail when I brushed by the Primordial qi field in the same spot. I was like, no way. So I stopped to check it out, stepping into the qi field and yep, the pattern was still unfolding. It spoke infinity. I could feel the pattern in that spot for 3 months!

It was the perfect spot for this, somewhat protected, next to a gentle stream & some older oaks. I realized primordial IS infinity & and our Infinite nature allows us to help the earth elements by unfolding Infinity within us and connecting it with the outer world.

2) Last winter solstice I felt compelled to do the Primordial ceremony all day. It made sense to do it in a very yin spot to match the Great Yin event. I had planned to go to the spot (sacred to me) that the Green Man first honored me with his presence (I actually have slides). This spot is the deepest yin spot I’ve found in the forest.

I passed up the spot once I got there (it didn’t feel right) and instead drove 20 miles south and climbed up to 4500′ on the top of Pilot Mountain. This is the most Yang spot I’ve found in the Pisgah forest. On this clear day I could see Mt. Mitchell (highest peak on east coast of USA) 60 miles away.

I had brought an offering for the mountain to honor it in exchange for holding me up & said a prayer. It was empty energetically up there. The most Yang point on the most Yin day. You can absorb some really high frequency, hard to digest Yang energies (for me) on these peaks but it was safe this day. I did Primordial 8 times over 7 hours. 4 of them were done internally with me just turning the directions.

The mountain taught me how the Mountain energy changes in the seasons. During the winter the forest energy recedes to the deep valley floors & all spring the energy rises back up to these peaks, then recedes back down from the peaks during the fall.

I did the ceremony a 9th time in Joyce & Michael’s kitchen that night during a 5 hour silent Solstice meditation, still tuned to Pilot Mtn. The qi field was intense with everyone doing Kan & Li in his living room.

I was still tuned to that spot nearly a year later during Michael’s Fundamentals class in downtown Asheville. I was meditating next to the windows (yes, I do listen with one ear, Michael). The only open window was to my left and a very cool breeze was drifting across my face. The sun broke thru the closed window on my right.

The collision opened a cauldron down my center core and at the same time the sun rippled across the crystalline peak of Pilot Mtn. 30 miles behind me. My entire being erupted with a burst of pure white yuan light. It was so beautiful I about fell over, then looked around to see where I was. No one had noticed, but Michael had a smirk on his face… 3) During a different 5 hour meditation at Joyce & Michael’s house (the spring equinox) I decided to do the Primordial ceremony as an internal sitting mediation. I thought it would be hard to keep the directions strait just sitting in one direction (facing east, next to Michael) but all it took was for me to set the intent and invite the pattern to unfold and it did.

I did absolutely no qi manipulation during the meditation and just sat and watched the pattern unfold VERY slowly, taking almost 3 hours. I learned how to truly feel the shift of consciousness in the qi field thru my body during this mediation. It felt like someone was pouring water thru the pathways, but the water did not move, it only passed the consciousness of movement thru the pathway.

I learned that qi does not move in the field, but rather passes consciousness thru the field. In this case it was linear but can pass consciousness non-linearally, multidimensionally across great perceived distances as well…


— mike teeters

I become part Sky Dancer, part GeomancerI have spent four years working with this form. Drawing in the five elements, thru the four sacred directions and center, holding but also turning upon the centre known as the core channel.

I flow into a deeper version of myself, part sky dancer, part geomancer, moving back and forth embracing earth, embracing heaven. This mystery of what this core channel is deepens.I am astonished at the process I witness.

This practise complements and supports all of the Taoist inner alchemy Kan and Li practises. Its a kind of initiation into those mysteries.

— Howard DEVON. UK

The Perfect Form to Smooth out Airplane Travel

Customer reviews of: Tai Chi Products

Average Rating: 8.5 in 23 reviews

Brings it all together
Rated 10 out of 10
I purchased the DVD initially for Primordial Qigong and it seems easy enough to learn, but still did not quite explain the repeated movements.After purchasing the audio CD’s for Primordial QiGong, it helped to fill in the gaps and helped my understanding of the form and helps it all make sense. The background information and the questions and answers really brought it all together for me, and so hence I found the audio CD’s really essential in my completely integrating the form into a daily practice. Thanks!

George Cunningham – Rathdrum, ID

instant wonderment
Rated 9 out of 10
I received this package from my daughter. I am a TaiJi teacher and student of many forms. I was introduced to this form a few years ago (1 time) and have never forgotten how it made me feel. So now having the cd’s and dvd’s to work with is fabulous. The only reason I rated it at a 9 is because the cd’s volume changes and can be a little rough at times. Please put me on your email list. PEACE XOXO Namaste

Monica – Minnetonka, MN USA

A Magical Form – and Michael Winn does it masterfully!
Rated 8 out of 10
I had no previous experience with Tai Chi or Qigong before ordering this video but there is something magic about the way it makes you feel and its ability to connect you to something greater! Michael Winn does his forms with such mastery and passion. You really get a sense for his love of the craft Some other teachers of this form I have seen teach this form in a mechanical and lifeless way.I was disappointed in the speed of shipping and handling in this day of etc. When people order something they are excited to get it. Take away the technical points and service logistics and Michael Winn and Primordial Qigong are a 10.

Dan – Spring Green, WI

Very Pleased
Rated 10 out of 10
I am finding this dvd very helpful in my Primordial Qigong Practice. I only have class once a week, and as we add new members almost every week, we often don’t have the time to go through even one cycle of Earth and Heaven. I can practice at home and know that I am following Michael’s form, which is what our class is based upon!

Carrie E-D – Clemmons, NC,USA

Rated 10 out of 10
The product is great and the service is extremely fast.

kym chaffin – Stillwater, Oklahoma usa

Rated 10 out of 10
I have studied judo, karate, tai kwan do, and tai chi at different times, over my sixty years of life. This primordial exercise has been the most beneficial in comparison to all the different studies taken as a young man and now a seasoned adult. I have disciplined myself to execute this form at least once a day, primarily, at the beginning of each day. The benefits are physical, mental and spiritual and so the discipline is “easy”. This practice can help to bring one an abundance of insights into life’s voyage. In comparison to other products I have purchased, this item has given me returns that cannot be expressed in words. Unexplainable….

John Jorif – Ocala, Florida USA

Review title
Rated 10 out of 10
Review contents; i love tai chi and i want to learn it

abdulkabir.ishaq – nigeria

Review Primordial Qigong
Rated 1 out of 10
Exercises were performed patiently and conscientiously – they did NOTHING for me; complete waste of time and money.The hype re the great healers, etc. is without credibility.—————————Reply from Michael Winn: This may be someone who is energetically not open to the marvelous benefits of this form, testified to by hundreds of people. About 5%=10% of people who try it say it doesn’t work for them. But his negative judgmental comment denying others their reality suggest his resistance to his OWN healing. This could not take place unless he did the 100 days practice of this form daily. Alas, he is not one with that kind of drive or self-discipline. We cheerfully refunded his money and wish him well on his Way. ——————

Andrew Treacy – Stuart, Florida

DVD review
Rated 4 out of 10
I was disappointed at the quality of the sound and filming of this DVD Due to the loud noise of the wind in the back ground. It was dubbed over to so that you can hear the instructions more clearly, but it was not done in a professional way.——————Michael response: I had to laugh at this one. I threatened to re-do the video some years back and got howls of protests from dozens of people who loved the raw, PRIMORDIAL feel of the natural elements. But I did have certain sections dubbed over PROFESSIONALLY to make them more audible.What I think is really going on with some folks is that they are very accustomed to the highly controlled, closed-window, artificially lighted and sound-proof studio-made videos that define 99% of the videos made.I find these studio videos to be ENERGETICALLY DEAD. Tao is about absorbing the chi (Qi) from nature….so I know it’s a struggle when everything is not as prettily packaged as we are used to, but that’s part of the natural feel of life, in my humble opinion.—————————

Sleeping Tiger – LA,CA.

Lovely form to learn!
Rated 8 out of 10
got this dvd about 2 years ago. the quality of the PRODUCTION is why i only gave it 8/10 – but the quality of the CONTENT is definitely 10/10!!! it is a lovely form to learn and the dvd will support you in learning it well – and as always – michael gives lots of intersting extras. i would have liked to see a longer interview with the Dr Zhu Hui (who has such a happy face!) – just to get a little more information on the form. but all round….a great healing form to learn without any overt/covert ‘contamination’ of martial applications. thank you michael.

Reviewer Name: Mike Grant – Liverpool/England

Primordial Qigong
Rated 8 out of 10
Very easy to learn from at a basic level. When using the DVD along with the hard copy walk-through that came with it the content and quality is very good. Excellent for people unable to do more strenuous forms of Qigong/Tai Chi.

Tony – MIllersville, PA

Easy to Follow
Rated 10 out of 10
This CD is easy to follow. Micheal Winn breaks all of the forms down step by step, then builds the process, so that the adept can begin practice right away. The video was a bit choppy in places, but not a problem. Well worth the money.

Marylou M – Chinle, AZ

tai chi for enlightenment video
Rated 10 out of 10
This is a magical Primordial Qiqong. It will help you connect to your inner self, the smooth gentle and simple flowing movements are easy to learn but powerful. A transformation of yourself can be revealed if you let it happen. Connect with it and enjoy. thank you Michael Winn for bringing this to the west

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