
[Download Now] Jeffrey Gignac – The Life Response Frequencies Brain Training System


[Download Now] Jeffrey Gignac – The Life Response Frequencies Brain Training System



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Discover the space where leading-edge science meets angelic guidance.

Clear The “Energetic Mud” That Causes The Flow of Happiness, Prosperity, Peace and Health to Stop, Pause OR Reverse. Instantly Raise Your Vibration AND Your Ability to Manifest Your Wishes, Dreams, and Goals.

Let me ask you…

…what would you do if not one, BUT two spiritual healers told you that an “Angelic Guide Group” wanted to use something you created as a “gateway” to clear people’s energy so that they will naturally attract more Happiness, Prosperity, Peace and health?

Would you believe them? OR would you dismiss it?

Would you tell everyone? OR would you keep it a secret?

This is exactly what happened to me eight years ago…

I was told that an Angelic Guide Group wanted to utilize one of my products to energetically clear and balance the 4 Wheels of Life…Happiness, Prosperity, Peace and Health.

This was not easy for me to accept but these two spiritual healers were able to prove it to me beyond a shadow of a doubt. (I’ll give you a chance to prove it to yourself a bit later)

This kind of thing is hard enough to talk about without sounding crazy BUT for me, It has been even harder because everything I’ve done in my career up to now has revolved around science-based technologies.

It would have been different if I was known as one of these people that teaches and talks about this kind of thing but I’m not…

…So, I did what I think most people would have done in my situation; I kept it a secret.

The Day That Changed My Life Forever.

Even today, I’m not 100% certain of “why” this gift showed up in my life.

The two people that know the “Why” still wont tell me everything they know about it. They give me bits and pieces and the rest I have to put together myself. I guess that’s part of my own journey.

I didn’t ask for what happened to me. I was very content to live in my “science only” right-brained world.

All my beliefs and understanding of the universe was packed neatly in boxes and it worked great for me.

Then, in a flash…Everything changed! The walls of my reality came tumbling down.

All of this started 15 years ago, when I was updating my Hypnosis and NLP skills with one of the top Master Trainers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Elizabeth Butler.

I didn’t know it at the time but Elizabeth is also the second most powerful spiritual healer I have ever encountered. It was true then and it is true now.

The difference between now and then is that I’ve met dozens of high-level spiritual masters and Elizabeth is by far the most spiritually and energetically connected person I have ever met safe one exception.

This one exception is Norma. Norma is the grand-master of masters. She’s also Elizabeth’s teacher and friend.

15 Years ago, Elizabeth introduced me to Norma because I happened to own a web development company and Norma needed help in bring her life’s work to the world-wide web.

Elizabeth was convinced that I was the one that could make it happen.

Proof That “Truth” is Sometimes Stranger Than Fiction…

Norma’s project was called “Life Response”. It was a web application that ran online.

Several people before me had worked on getting Life Response online, but each of them moved on to other projects for different reasons

On the surface, this job sounded easy. Boy, was I wrong!

Had I known in advance what I would be dealing with, I may have declined the work.

“Every detail of Life Response was dictated to Norma from the Angelic Guide Group.”

It was only after I accepted the job did I learn what “Life Response” was about. I was informed that the Life Response project was divinely inspired and guided by an angelic group of spiritual guides.

I had some great ideas to get it online but if they did not line up with how the guide group wanted it done; I had to find another way.

To make a long story short, I eventually got Life Response up and running.

After Life Response was up and running, my job became to help build and maintain a support forum for it.

Once I saw the testimonials and feedback coming from the people that used it, I was totally and completely blown away.

The Life Response web-application was simple from the end-user’s standpoint. People would login, press several keys on the keyboard that were represented by various colours. The entire process only took about 10 minutes to complete.

The Big Reveal…

From a science-only perspective, there was no possible way that doing this could produce the results that were flooding in.

“I pressed both Norma and Elizabeth for answers that I could understand. Here’s what they said”…

The Life Response web-application is being utilized as a conduit (a gateway of sorts) to deliver three special energetic gifts to all that were open to receiving them.

Gift #1. To clear and balance people’s energy with respects to the 4 Wheels of life. Happiness, Prosperity, Peace and Health.

Gift #2. To clear the residue (energetic consequences) of past overreactions while balancing our energies so that we may respond appropriately to every day life.

Gift #3. To help people respond appropriately to what Life hands them with respects to Happiness, Prosperity, Peace and Health.

The Day I learned That My Project Was To Be Utilized By an Angelic Guide Group

I continued to watch in awe as Life Response worked wonders for people. Life Response helped people make the most amazing transformations.

One day, Norma was told by the Angelic Guide Group that it was time for her to retire and to bring the Life Response web-application offline.

That was the end of my work with Norma and her project.

Years went by and I walked away from my web business and started to focus on my true passion. Helping others through frequency based science.

I had created a couple of meditation and wellness CDs that were sold in a national chain of health and wellness stores.

I was hired by government funded agencies and corporations for my expertise. Several famous teachers and coaches hired me to create frequency based technologies that they could brand and resell.

After watching John Assaraf use the technology that I made for him to generate millions in just a couple months, I decided to create my first “Flagship” product called Mastering Meditation.

“As I was putting the finishing touches on Mastering Meditation, I started to hear voices in my mind. These voices kept insisting that I change the name from Mastering Meditation to Life Response Frequencies.”

At first, I dismissed it. I dismissed it not because I didn’t like the name. I loved the idea but in my mind, there was no way that I could use that name because it was not mine to use.

Even though Norma and the Life Response project were retired, I felt that it would be blasphemous to use the name because of how sacred the Life Response project was.

The voices didn’t go away. In fact, the got stronger and stronger and they started to come with very intense feelings as well.

I could feel an internal pressure building inside of me to change the name. This really started to stress me out. The feelings and voices started to wake me in the middle of the night until I could not dismiss it any longer.

At the height of my stress, the phone rings and its Elizabeth on the other end of the line.

Elizabeth, being the spiritual master that she is, decided to pick up the phone and call me because she got the sense that something was wrong and that I needed help.

I reluctantly told her what was going on. I say “reluctantly” because I was almost certain that when I told her that I wanted to change the name of my project to Life Response Frequencies that she was going to read me the riot act.

“Instead, something else happened. When I told her, she went silent on the other end…”

I did not take her silence as a good sign.

I figured I was going to get in trouble just for asking. Elizabeth finally broke her silence and replied: “The Angelic Guide Group said yes!”

They want you to change the name and they want permission to use Life Response Frequencies in a similar way that they did with Norma’s Original project.

I was totally blown away. I had so many questions. Why me? Why now? Why use my project?

I still don’t have all the answers to these questions but the one thing I do know, is that this Angelic Guide Group has been quietly using Life Response Frequencies for seven years to help people in ways that my technology alone could not do by itself.

I Had the Single Most Incredible Experience I’VE EVER HAD in Meditation

The very first time I used the Happiness Essentials 10-minute audio I KNEW it was something special and powerful. I’ve been using brainwave entrainment for well over a year, from several different sources. While yours was always my favorite, I’d reached a point where I felt I needed something more. The Life Response Series fills the bill! It’s something waaaaay more than anything and everything else I have used… Furthermore, when I did the delta (Peace) audio, I had the single most incredible experience I’VE EVER HAD in meditation. I know this is going to sound weird and woo-woo but, I felt my own spirit caress my face with love, acceptance and gratitude. I’m serious! It was a peace I’ve never even approached before. I’m well into my 2nd week of use and every day brings a positive result. Even the days I started out totally stressed and anxious. Thank you, Jeff. Thank you for creating this important piece of work! Thank you for not being greedy and for offering this program at an affordable price. Thank you for the spirit and energy of the work you do because every time I use it, I FEEL THAT SPIRIT. I feel it absolutely and profoundly!!!

  1. B. Blanchet

See FTC Disclaimer Regarding Results>>

The Divine Gifts of Life Response Frequencies

  • Life Response Frequencies are spiritual gifts that clear the residue (energetic consequences) of past overreactions while balancing our energies so that we may respond appropriately to every day life.
  • Life Response Frequencies removes the energetic blocks keep us from responding appropriately to life as it opens our eyes to opportunities for creation in harmony with our “Big Picture” and purpose.
  • Life Response Frequencies clears the “gunk” that distorts our intuition.
  • Life Response Frequencies clears the “energetic mud” that slows and distorts our connection to spiritual guidance.
  • Life Response Frequencies helps us to be free of the debris that clogs our connection to our higher self and our creative power.
  • Life Response Frequencies helps us to stay connected consciously and unconsciously, to solve problems more quickly, recognize opportunities when they are presented and to create in harmony with our life’s purpose.

The “Science-Based” Gifts of Life Response Frequencies

In addition to the spiritual gifts of Life Response Frequencies, there are many science-based technologies that are very useful and helpful for people that struggle.

  • Life Response Frequencies encourage whole brain functioning by using Passive Brian Fitness sound and light stimulation to “wake up” the connections between the left and right and the front and back and the up and down.
  • Life Response Frequencies encourage the production of “feel good” brain chemicals while reducing the harmful effects of stress.
  • Life Response Frequencies passively exercise the brain by providing frequency stimulation sets that are associated with specific states of well-being. These emotional states of well-being provide fertile “mental soil” for which happiness, prosperity, peace and health may grow and thrive.

Respond to Life Instead of Reacting or Overreacting

What do you do when Life hands you poo?

Over the years, I’ve discovered that at the very core of Life’s most sticky problems is this:

“Reacting and overreacting to what Life brings is the root cause of most of our pain, suffering and disappointment.”

Overreacting is the root cause of most of our problems as individuals and for humanity.

Overreacting is what keeps us from realizing our true potential …. It slows our growth, our skill development and it negatively impacts our decision-making process.

“Conversely, when we respond appropriately to what life hands us, we are in the best possible position to solve problems, navigate through chaos and create our highest good in harmony with the “big picture” that is our life and purpose.”

Manifestation Secret

“Day by day, as we begin to respond appropriately to life with all its giving’s and misgivings, we put ourselves in the best possible position to influence what life will hand us in the future.”

Manifestation is a product of our day to day choices and the emotions that drive them.

Manifestation is the product of our day to day and moment to moment -> the quality of our moments and the choices that they bare, defines our future.

Fear is by definition, an overreaction.

Lack of self-confidence, being stuck in a negative loop, the inability to make good choices are, by definition, overreactions.

Overwhelm is an overreaction. Virtually all things that bring us pain, suffering and disappointment are born of overreactions.

The path of least resistance (easiest way) for transforming our lives is to better respond to life as it happens.

To let our lives be governed by overreactions is to give up our free will.

To let our lives be defined by overreactions is to separate ourselves from our intuition, our creative power of manifestation and spiritual guidance.

“As we continue to respond appropriately to life’s givings and misgivings, we allow our intuition, our creative genius and the guidance that comes from our god-selves to grow and flourish. We begin living with love and purpose.”

Are You Ready To Receive?

Prove it to yourself…

Look, I know that all of this might be a little much to swallow for some people. I get it! That’s why I’m going to give you an opportunity to prove it to yourself, risk free for 30 days.

I am confident that if you use Life Response Frequencies as directed, you will experience change.

You will experience transformation just as I have and just as thousands of other people have from around the world.

“The advantage that you have over people that have used Life Response Frequencies in the past is that you are getting the upgraded versions with clear instructions of how to specifically use Life Response Frequencies to maximize the spiritual gifts that come with them.”

The Unfailing Wisdom of The Universe

When I first learned about the spiritual connection that flowed through Norma’s Life Response and now through Life Response Frequencies, I remember thinking to myself “What’s the big deal?” and “How is this going to help me make money and grow a thriving business?”

I remember thinking, “Surely a divinely appointed spiritual guide group could come up with a better gift for people than this”.

I’m a little ashamed to admit it but these immature and short sighted reactions to learning what Life Response did were the first things that came to mind.

As the last few years have continued to unfold, I’ve discovered what the “big deal” really is.

“Failing to respond appropriately to what life hands us is the primary cause of pain, suffering and disappointment… not only for us as individuals but for humanity.”

Now that I know better, I understand that the gift of responding appropriately to life is the cornerstone of manifestation, transformations and enlightenment.

There is no other single more important factor that influences our level of happiness, prosperity, peace and health then this.

As I am talking to you now, I am in total amazement at the wisdom of these gifts. If we were given the gift to manifest our desires at will, it would eventually lead to our individual self-destruction and the destruction of humanity because of how we as people have learned to react and overreact to life rather than respond to it appropriately.

It is only when we learn to appropriately and thoughtfully respond to life with clarity, wisdom and love will we unlock the power and divinity of our god-selves.

More and more, as we learn to create out of love for humanity so will our ability to manifest without limitations be revealed.

John AssarafCEO – NeuroGym

Jeffrey Gignac is my secret “go-to guy” for leading edge brainwave entrainment technology and practical mind science since 2008.

This is What You Will Receive With Your Order

Item 1

Happiness Essentials

Clears energy blocks that Cause the flow of happiness to stop, Pause or Reverse.

3 MP3s and 2 MP4s

Three Audio Versions Delivering Happiness Frequencies and Energy Clearing and Balancing.

  • 10 Minute Quick Tune-Up
  • 20 Minute Immersion
  • 40 Minute Deep Meditation

TWO Video Versions with Happiness Frequencies and Energy Clearing and Balancing.

  • 10 Minute Quick Tune-Up
  • Happiness Accelerator Elite Version. 10 X more powerful than the audio versions

Bonus: Value $195 Only during this limited time offer!

Lifetime access to my Streaming Platform for On-Demand Use From any Computer or Mobile Device

  • Stream Audio Versions
  • Stream Video Versions
  • Access from anywhere

Digital Downloads

Happiness Essentials gives you a high dose of Alpha brainwave frequencies that may have a major impact on your mental performance and on your mood.

Alpha frequencies are highly regarded as “Feel Good” and “Super Learning” Frequencies because they encourage production of serotonin and of other feel good brain chemicals that stop stress.

Alpha frequencies are also believed to significantly aid in learning, memory and test taking.

Happiness Essentials also gives you lots of supporting Beta. This is very important because Beta brainwaves help improve focus and concentration and may help to reduce fatigue.

Click For Research Papers

Energy Clearing and Balancing

Happiness Essentials clears the residue (energetic consequences) of past overreactions that negatively impacts your happiness flow and balance.

Helps you respond appropriately to all things that resonate in your happiness field.

Reveals opportunities for greater happiness.

  • Raises your happiness vibration..

Frequency Technology

Alpha frequencies with supporting Beta.

  • Positive thinking
  • Mood elevation
  • Super learning
  • Enhanced emotional control
  • Better memory

Alpha frequencies are associated with lighter meditative states. Associated with super learning. Relaxed yet alert.

Ready to respond, positive thinking, creative problem solving.

Mood elevation, stress reduction, enhanced creativity. Bridges the consciousness with the unconscious mind. Better access to resources involved in creativity.

Item 2

Prosperity and Abundance Essentials

Clears energy blocks that Cause the flow of Prosperity to stop, Pause or Reverse.

3 MP3s and 2 MP4s

Three Audio Versions Delivering Prosperity and Abundance Frequencies with Energy Clearing and Balancing.

  • 10 Minute Quick Tune-Up
  • 20 Minute Immersion
  • 40 Minute Deep Meditation

TWO Video Versions with Prosperity and Abundance Frequencies with Energy Clearing and Balancing.

  • 10 Minute Quick Tune-Up
  • Prosperity Accelerator Elite Version. 10 X more powerful than the audio versions

Bonus: Value $195 Only during this limited time offer!

Lifetime access to my Streaming Platform for On-Demand Use From any Computer or Mobile Device

  • Stream Audio Versions
  • Stream Video Versions
  • Access from anywhere

Digital Downloads

Your brain’s ability to create and problem solve is directly tied to your ability to create and maintain lifelong prosperity and abundance. Prosperity and Abundance Essentials gives you a BIG dose of Theta Brainwave Frequencies that help stimulate the creative process.

Theta frequencies are known to have a positive impact on creativity and unconscious problem solving as well as transformational help for negative beliefs.

You’ll also get lots of supporting Alpha as well to help balance your creative process with your happiness.

For more information, click the button below for a summary of research regarding Theta and Alpha frequencies.

Click For Research Papers

Energy Clearing and Balancing

Prosperity and Abundance Essentials clears the residue (energetic consequences) of past overreactions that negatively impacts your prosperity flow and balance.

Helps you respond appropriately to all things that resonate in your prosperity and abundance field.

Reveals new opportunities to increase your prosperity and abundance.

  • Raises your prosperity and abundance vibration..

Frequency Technology

Theta frequencies with supporting Alpha.

Theta Frequencies are associated with dream states, creative inspirations, hypnogogic state, enhanced visualization, deep meditation, sleep spindles, deep relaxation, inner peace and sense of well being, long term memory.

Believed to increase inner wisdom, enhanced intuition, reduce stress and transformational help for limiting beliefs

  • Increased access to creative resources
  • Creative inspiration
  • Enhanced problem solving
  • Enhanced intuition
  • Better visualization

Item 3

Peace and Harmony Essentials

Clears energy blocks that Cause the flow of Peace and Harmony to stop, Pause or Reverse.

3 MP3s and 2 MP4s

Three Audio Versions Delivering Peace and Harmony Frequencies with Energy Clearing and Balancing.

  • 10 Minute Quick Tune-Up
  • 20 Minute Immersion
  • 40 Minute Deep Meditation

TWO Video Versions with Peace and Harmony Frequencies with Energy Clearing and Balancing.

  • 10 Minute Quick Tune-Up
  • Peace Accelerator Elite Version. 10 X more powerful than the audio versions

Bonus: Value $195 Only during this limited time offer!

Lifetime access to my Streaming Platform for On-Demand Use From any Computer or Mobile Device

  • Stream Audio Versions
  • Stream Video Versions
  • Access from anywhere

Digital Downloads

Peace and Harmony Essentials gives you the full spectrum of Delta frequencies which are ideal for creating a deep sense of inner peace and well being.

Delta frequencies are also well known for helping people to release emotional pain, negativity and trauma. Long-term use of these frequencies can help you remain calm, cool and relaxed even in the most stressful situations.

Peace and Harmony Essentials can help inoculate against stress and negativity over time. Peace and Harmony Essentials is a very relaxing audio that often brings out a profound sense of calm in minutes.

For more information, click the button below for a summary of research regarding Delta frequencies.

Click For Research Papers

Energy Clearing and Balancing

Peace and Harmony Essentials clears the residue (energetic consequences) of past overreactions that negatively impacts the flow and balance of peace and harmony in your life.

Helps you respond appropriately to all things that resonate in your peace and harmony field.

Reveals new opportunities to increase your peace and harmony.

  • Raises your peace and harmony vibration..

Frequency Technology

Full spectrum Delta frequencies.

Delta frequencies are associated with Deep sleep. Physical healing and recuperation, healing of the limbic system.

May positively improve symptoms of PTSD, empathy.

Believed to help with inner growth and wisdom, recovery from trauma.

  • Peaceful relaxation
  • Fast stress relief
  • Physical recovery
  • Emotional release of unwanted negativity
  • Enhanced sense of peace and well being
  • Better Sleep

Item 4

Health and Vitality Essentials

Clears energy blocks that Cause the flow of Health and Vitality to stop, Pause or Reverse.

3 MP3s and 2 MP4s

Three Audio Versions Delivering Health and Vitality Frequencies with Energy Clearing and Balancing.

  • 10 Minute Quick Tune-Up
  • 20 Minute Immersion
  • 40 Minute Deep Meditation

TWO Video Versions with Health and Vitality Frequencies with Energy Clearing and Balancing.

  • 10 Minute Quick Tune-Up
  • Health Accelerator Elite Version. 10 X more powerful than the audio versions

Bonus: Value $195 Only during this limited time offer!

Lifetime access to my Streaming Platform for On-Demand Use From any Computer or Mobile Device

  • Stream Audio Versions
  • Stream Video Versions
  • Access from anywhere

Digital Downloads

Health and Vitality Essentials provide effective stimulation of Delta and Sub-delta brainwave frequencies that encourage deep relaxation, emotional and physical healing.

These audios are extremely powerful at bringing people down from high stress, high anxiety and / or irrational thinking patterns.

Health and Vitality Essentials can also be used as a powerful meditation session and a sleep inducer.

For more information, click the button below for a summary of research regarding Sub-Delta and Delta frequencies.

Click For Research Papers

Energy Clearing and Balancing

Health and Vitality Essentials clears the residue (energetic consequences) of past overreactions that negatively impacts the flow and balance of health and vitality in your life.

Helps you respond appropriately to all things that resonate in your Health and Vitality field.

Reveals new opportunities to increase your health and vitality.

  • Raises your health and vitality vibration.

Frequency Technology

Sub-Delta with supporting Delta.

Sub-Delta is associated with positive effect on the limbic system.

Healing, believed to be the source of deep inner wisdom peace and divine knowledge.

  • Deeper access to inner guidance
  • Healing of the Limbic System
  • Enhanced immune response
  • Pain relief
  • Increased vitality
  • Rejuvenation of the body
  • Anti-aging


Gamma Frequencies

Value: $47

The details of this bonus will be revealed in your members area.

Three Audio Versions Delivering GAMMA Frequencies with Energy Clearing and Balancing.

  • 10 Minute Quick Tune-Up
  • 20 Minute Immersion
  • 40 Minute Deep Meditation

TWO Video Versions with GAMMA Frequencies with Energy Clearing and Balancing.

  • 10 Minute Quick Tune-Up
  • GAMMA Accelerator Elite Version. 10 X more powerful than the audio versions

Bonus: Value $195 Only during this limited time offer!

Lifetime access to my Streaming Platform for On-Demand Use From any Computer or Mobile Device

  • Stream Audio Versions
  • Stream Video Versions
  • Access from anywhere


Goal Factory

Value: $147

This Bonus is Only Available During This Sales Event

Re-program your subconscious patterns of fear and failure!

Replacing subconscious fears and patterns of failure with strong, supporting beliefs and patterns of success is JOB ONE. The Goal Factory Formula accomplishes this in a balanced, humanistic way that is based on neurosience and and behavioral psychology.

Self-doubt in to unstoppable self-Confidence.

Self-Confidence is fuel for motivation and decisive action. Without self-confidence, everything is hard, slow and painful. As you begin to apply The Goal Factory Formula to your life, your self-confidence will naturally improve by leaps and bounds. You couldn’t stop it if you tried!

Abolish negative thinking and self-sabotage forever.

How would you like to say goodbye to negative thinking and self-sabotage once and for all? Here’s the trick…You can’t think, wish or intend you’re way out of it. You have to use proven concepts in neuroscience and behavioral psychology to get rid of quickly and forever. We will show you how.

Discover the easy way to make decisions about what to do next!

Knowing what to do next and how to do it is one of the biggest problems when it comes to creating success. Having great goals and plans for the future is not enough. You must know what to do, step by step, day after day in order to cross the finish line and achieve your goals. The Goal Factory Formula EXCELS in this area more than any other system or program on the market today.

Leverage momentum to quickly achieve your goals in record time!

Leveraging the AWESOME POWER OF MOMENTUM will bring you more success, faster and easier than ANY “Law of Attraction or Positive Thinking Strategy”, That’s a fact…AND we can’t wait to prove it to you. When you discover how easy it is to do this, you’ll never look back because you’ll be too busy enjoying your new success.

Tap your creative genius to solve problems at the highest level!

Deep within you is a creative genius waiting to shine. Learning to use that creativity, intuition and inner wisdom is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. As you begin using The Goal Factory Formula, you will naturally, without effort, bring out the amazing power of your creative mind in ways that will surprise you time and time again.


Chakra Manifestation -The Next Level

Value: $247

This Bonus is Only Available During This Sales Event

  • Clear, balance, protect your Chakras.
  • Amplify your manifestation.
  • Seal Energy Leaks.
  • Prevent Energetic Attacks.
  • 14 Chakra boosting sessions. (2 for each major Chakra)
  • Each session takes less than 10 minutes.

Get Instant Download Access To Everything Today!

You will Receive 5 Complete Packages 4 Bonuses Valued at $736.00 USD

  • Package 1: Happiness Essentials
  • Package 2: Prosperity and Abundance Essentials
  • Package 3: Peace and Harmony Essentials
  • Package 4: Health and Vitality Essentials
  • Package 5: Bonus GAMMA Frequencies
  • Audio Versions
  • Video Versions
  • Digital Download
  • Stream Video and Au

    Delivery Method

    – After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
    – Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
    – Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
    – If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

    Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $147.00.Current price is: $40.00.

[Download Now] Jeffrey Gignac – The Life Response Frequencies Brain Training System Product Delivery: You will receive a download link via your order email immediately Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us: