
[Download Now] Jason Capital – The Email Millionaire System


[Download Now] Jason Capital – The Email Millionaire System

Jason Capital - The Email Millionaire System

Jason Capital – The Email Millionaire System

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Email Millionaire is my core money-making business strategy laid bare for all to gawk and gaze at–like super hot girl at the club on Friday night.

(And better yet, you get to take her home and have your wicked way with her!)

Seriously, if making money online has escaped you in the past – this program is for you.

What I discovered watching
Penn and Teller up close…

 />Here in Vegas, there are these magicians you probably heard of. Penn and Teller.</p><p>I swear I’ve seen their show a dozen times and <strong>it pisses me off every time!</strong></p><p>Why?</p><p>Because here I am, right in front row, and I can see the trick… upclose… heck, I’m practically on top of them…</p><p>But I still can’t figure it out.</p><p>I’ve shared that to say this:</p><p><strong>I *KNOW* you see my emails every day. I know you think you see what I’m doing. </strong></p><p>AND YOU DO. You see the magic, yet…</p><p class=What you don’t see is THE TRICK that makes it work.

What you don’t see YET is the structure, strategy,
the blinding simplicity, the careful word selection and
planning that goes into my daily communication with you…

 /> It’s all deliberately designed to do several purposeful things. It’s layered, one element on top of another. <strong>Like one of those little russian dolls, you keep opening and opening.</strong></p><p>Obviously, there’s a money making component. That’s an easy one to spot, right?</p><p><strong>But if all I did was pitch products all day, you’d quickly move on, wouldn’t you? </strong></p><p><strong class=Yet, you don’t…

You actually READ MY EMAILS.
You DEVOUR them. Every frickn’ day.

Why? For multiple reasons:

  • Obviously, I’m trying to teach you something. And you’re trying to learn.
  • I’m also trying to LEAD every single guy in my badass tribe in a worthy direction. A direction YOU ultimately want to go.
  • And you also get to live vicariously through me and my money-making and often highly sexual activities…

Plus, there are the “secret sauce” elements that pull it all together in a way which are uniquely me, and me alone. A way which I reveal to you in Email Millionaire…

The BIG 5 “Secret Sauce
Ingredients in Email Millionaire That
Create a Rabid Loyal Tribe of Buyers…

Inside Email Millionaire, I’ve ripped apart my email strategy into 5 SIMPLE yet mind-blowing components:

Million Dollar Component #1:

Welcome to my badass tribe

 /></figure><div><p>When guys come into my orbit, unlike other marketing dudes out there, you’ll discover how I treat you.</p><p>It’s an EXTREMELY unique strategy. Flies totally under the radar.</p><p>Honestly, I’ve tried the standard email marketing rules you read in books and learn at seminars from the gurus.</p><p>Wanna know my opinion? <strong>They’re lukewarm BS and only end up wasting everybody’s damn time.</strong></p><p><strong>Here’s my secret: I’ve learned how to inject massive quantities of EMOTION from the get-go.</strong></p></div></div></div><div class=

Million Dollar Component #2:

Getting your celebrity status

 /></figure><div><p>When a promising actor or musician signs with a major agency (think Ari Gold in Entourage) they are given “the treatment”.</p><p>Basically, the agency is going to POSITION their talent in the minds of the public.</p><p><strong>That’s what we’re going to do next WITH YOU, except via email. <span class=Which is even more impactful.


Because by the time I’m done showing you, you’re going to be communicating personally to each person in your tribe individually–except on a mass basis.

This naturally leads us to…

Million Dollar Component #3:

How to communicate with your
growing following via a daily
kickass tribal newsletter

 /></figure><div><p><strong>This my badass friend, is where the magic happens.</strong></p><p>I am going to give you the keys to the kingdom.</p><p>I promise you, not one in 1000 gets this. And if they do get it, they fvck it up royally.</p><p><strong>You won’t. Because I am going to take you by the hand and show you not only what I do, and how I do it, but <span class=also WHY I do it.

Which is the key.

I mean… you read my emails, right?

However, I’ll also bet you at some point you said to yourself…

“WTF? Why did he say THAT?”

Trust me, EVERY WORD, every image, is designed to evoke and provoke one or more of my SEVEN DIFFERENT OUTCOMES.

Yeah, I have SEVEN OUTCOMES for each email I want to achieve. And I’m going to reveal them for the first time in this course.

This is critical. You’ll finally be able to put 2 2 together–and watch how I make it come out to 22, not just 4.

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $40.00.

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