[Download Now] Jason Capital – Hidden Hard Drive
Jason Capital – Hidden Hard Drive
Seduction: Other
5 WMVs, 2 MP4s, 3 PDFs, „
219.6 MB
“How This Tiny Little Hard Drive
Will EXPLODE Her SEX Drive…”
Dude, I found this..
Now as you can see this thing is
completely beat up to sh*t..See in the next minute I’m gonna tell you
how this piece of sh*t hard drive, literally
on its last breath is gonna do 2 things,1. It’s gonna make it so you can sleep with 2
out of the next 3 hot girls you meet. (Can’t make
it all 3 out of 3 and I’ll tell you why in a second..)OR
2. if you’re in a relationship it’ll show you exactly how to turbo-chargethe sh*t out of your girlfriend or wife’s Sex-Drive so she practically becomes your voluntary sex-slave
See, as you may or may not have known the Elite Mentor Retreat was here in Orange County, CA
Almost 300 Guys from 20 countries flew out here to attend the event at the Hotel nearby. Of course we had to move a ton of equipment and stuff from the Capital Compound. Pulling out old binders, notebooks, etc..
In the process of moving I was SHOCKED to find this Hard-Drive..
I thought I lost it after all of these years.
Curious to see if it still worked, I plugged it in and you would not BELIEVE how excited I was about what I saw..
You hit the Jackpot..
See my friend, this isn’t any ordinary Hard Drive..
This is a Treasure Chest with several of my most important revelations for meeting, dating, and attracting women..
“It Was All Stored Away Onto This
Beat-Up, Forgotten Hard Drive..”
Long story shot: This forgotten hard drive contains some of my most private thoughts and ideas, programs I’ve never released, and even impossible-to-find files that would have never been unleashed to the world had I not found this hard drive while moving boxes.
Techniques.. tactics.. scripts.. routines.. and shocking insights that you’ll use to go from “pretty good”, or “ok”, to UNSTOPPABLE with attractive women. Or to develop a thick, loyal, impossible-to-break bond with your woman.
And now…
“You’re One Click Away From Discovering Everything On This
‘Buried Treasure’ Hard Drive..
Here’s exactly what’s on it:
Flash Back!!
I completely forgot I had this, and in just a second, you’re going to get instant access to exactlywhat was going on in my head back in 2011 and 2012.
Can you imagine what this type of intel
will do for your life?