
[Download Now] Its A Lovely Life – August 2019 Blogging Blastoff


[Download Now] Its A Lovely Life – August 2019 Blogging Blastoff



Its A Lovely Life – August 2019 Blogging Blastoff

Price: $314

A 30-day step-by-step plan for building the blog of your dreams

Finally — a step-by-step plan for building the blog of your dreams

Introducing an all-inclusive, proven roadmap for going from an “idea” … to building a blog that lets you control your income, choose your schedule, and help provide for your familywhile enjoying more time with them

Best part: it’s the perfect way to build a blog EVEN IF …

  • You have kids ( = endless cycle of school, sports, and activities!)
  • You have a job (and you, ahem, don’t love it…)
  • You only have 1-2 hours a night to focus on building a blog

You’ll read all about my plan just a bit further down this page … but let me introduce myself first!


Blogging Blastoff

The ONLY blogging course that reveals our structured, step-by-step plan to mastering the WHOLE business of blogging — the creative parts, the technical details, and the business behind it all — so you can build up a following of raving fans, take control of your income, help provide for your family, and enjoy more time with them because YOU call the shots!

Blogging Blastoff is the ONLY blogging program to focus on all three keys of building a successful blog — creative, technical, and business — and teach you everything we know about building and running a profitable, popular blog.

In just thirty days — spending as little as half an hour a day on the course — you’ll go from ZERO knowledge or experience … to a savvy blogger with ALL the tools to build the blog (and lifestyle) of your dreams.

With our STEP-BY-STEP roadmap, you’ll master getting more followersmonetizing your blog … and hundreds more secrets to handling the ‘business of blogging’ like a pro!

Best of all, everything in this course is TIME-TESTED and PROVEN to work — based on years of experience from two veteran, active bloggers, and thousands of delighted students!

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover when you take the course:

Day 1 — Laying the Foundations of Blogging Success

  • The 6 characteristics of EVERY successful blog (miss one, and you’ll fail!)
  • How long till you can quit your job to blog full-time?
  • How much money can you make with a blog? (Yes, we get specific — with the exact amounts we earned at each step of our journey)
  • 7 ways to monetize your blog — and how much each pays you
  • And more …

Day 2 — Your Blog Income Systems: An Overview

  • The low-down on “sponsored content” — and why brands pay more for it than traditional advertising!
  • The most lucrative opportunity in blogging … but why you should actually stay away from it for now
  • Who said you can’t make money from social media? Keep your eyes out for these 4 types of paid social media opportunities
  • How to make money with “Instagram Takeovers”
  • Discover how to sell your images and videos for money — even if you’re not a world class photographer
  • Two ways you can make money from ad networks
  • And more …

Day 3 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part I: Sponsored & Guest Posts

  • Our full, detailed system for sponsored posts — a full walkthrough of the process (including what instructions to follow, what information you’ll receive, where to share it, and how to write it)
  • How to write a sponsored post without making readers feel like you’re “selling”
  • The most important thing you can do RIGHT NOW to break into sponsored posts
  • The difference between “nofollow” and “dofollow” links (and why it can endanger your entire blog)
  • What should you charge for a sponsored post? (Includes my current rates)
  • How to negotiate your fees higher, even if you’ve never negotiated before (includes the simple close I use that forces difficult negotiations to an end — and often gets me exactly what I want)
  • My 10-point system for turning a one-off sponsored post into recurring revenue
  • Two phrases that will turn off your readers — make sure you don’t have these on your site at all!
  • Our tested, highly effective system for landing sponsored post opportunities (cut in front of 90% of the bloggers clamoring for spots with these five simple steps)
  • A full list of 40 sponsored post networks you can join
  • How to position your blog to be irresistible to sponsors
  • And more …

Day 4 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part II: Affiliate Marketing

  • Guarantee your success in affiliate marketing with our 4-step process
  • Our list of 20 of the best affiliate networks (this will save you HOURS of time searching)
  • Four questions to ask before deciding whether to promote a product or service
  • A handy “cheat sheet” of the definitions you’ll run into in affiliate marketing — turn to this and you’ll never look like you’re in over your head
  • Our full “toolbox” of tools for success in affiliate marketing (including the first I recommend to ANYONE in this field)
  • “FOCUS = SUCCESS”. Discover why this is the #1 thing you need to have stuck on your wall if you want to succeed in affiliate marketing (and it’s not for the reason you think)
  • How do you get paid from affiliate networks?
  • SPECIAL: an in-depth look at Amazon’s affiliate system … and the most effective way to use it
  • How to generate more affiliate income using something you already have on your website
  • And more …

Day 5 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part III: Product Creation & Sales

  • Our 7-step system for profitably creating & selling digital products (we’ve used this exact system to build products that earn us thousands of dollars every month)
  • Three kinds of product and the low down on each — which should you create?
  • A counterintuitive pricing strategy for massively boosting your profits
  • Revealed: the top 7 tools we personally use for product creation
  • ADVANCED: How to skyrocket your credibility by offering consulting
  • Sales not moving the needle? No problem — we have four foolproof tactics for boosting product sales
  • And more …

Day 6 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part IV: Social Media, Photos & Video

  • How you can make money with social media channels
  • Exactly what we charge brands for posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest
  • Get started as an influencer right now with our list of 25 influencer networks you can join
  • How much can you charge for your photos?
  • An HONEST list of the most important social networks for bloggers (and why Google is more important than you think!)
  • How we price video packages — and the rules we use to adjust that price
  • Four ideas for video content packages you can swipe
  • And more …

Day 7 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part V: Running Ads

  • Contrary to what most people think, ads aren’t dead — discover the four times it makes sense to use them
  • How much can you really expect to make from ads?
  • A crash course in advertising lingo, so you’ll look the part when you approach partners
  • Our toolkit of tips, tricks and hacks for increasing ad income
  • My major word of caution on ads and ad networks
  • How much traffic you need to get money from ads (nobody tells you this)!
  • Seven premium ad networks to join
  • And more …

Day 8 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part VI: Bonus Income Streams

  • Get paid to learn blogging — why and how to become a Virtual Assistant (and what you can earn)
  • 5 types of freelance work bloggers can do (you have at least one of these skills already!)
  • How to get hired as a freelancer
  • Creating and selling stock photography
  • Discover what a campaign manager is — and why you may consider becoming one
  • Making money as a travel blogger (and not just with sponsored travel content!)
  • And more …

Day 9 — Building The Ideal Blog: Your Layout & Design Blueprint

  • A walkthrough on the website sections every blog MUST have
  • Our exact ‘checklist’ for deciding the right theme to buy (the criteria most people use to pick a theme are totally wrong!)
  • Where do you buy a website theme?
  • The big website no-no that turns away the people trying to hire you — and what to use instead
  • How to make an amazing looking site with zero design experience
  • 5 tools we use ourselves to tweak our site design
  • Defining a color scheme that attracts your perfect audience (plus a “zero-risk” way to test your colors out without paying a cent)
  • And more …

Day 10 — The Fast Track To Success: Getting Your Name Out There

  • Exactly how to get discovered by people desperate to work with you (do this and you will be amazed at what comes your way over time. In fact, you might find yourself saying that you wish the emails would stop!)
  • How to get your name in front of thousands of journalists
  • When does it make sense to pay to go to a blogging conference?
  • The secret to getting featured on TV
  • Our hand-picked list of 20 blogging conferences you can attend
  • A guide on writing PR bios (there’s one major difference from your normal bio!)
  • How to get featured in a major publication
  • And more …

Day 11 — Mastering The Business Of Blogging, Part I: Business Structures, Tax & Insurance

  • When you should set up your blog as a business
  • All about sole proprietorships, LLCs, and S Corps — and the pros and cons of each (including tax considerations!)
  • Should you hire a professional to do your taxes?
  • How to set up an LLC or S Corp on a limited budget
  • Setting up a bank account for your business
  • Insurance for bloggers — yes or no?
  • What’s a trademark, and should you use one?
  • And more …

Day 12 — Mastering The Business Of Blogging, Part II: Contracts, Mailing Addresses, Domain Privacy & Common Mistakes

  • Contracts and blogging: don’t freak out when you get a contract — just look at these 8 things
  • Mailing addresses: when you need one (and how to set it up)
  • Should you pay for domain privacy?
  • 8 things that will screw up your business (avoid these at all costs!)
  • A deceptively simple technique for charging more, working less, and making more!
  • The EASIEST way to increase your blogging income
  • And more …

Day 13 — Writing Mouth-Watering Blog Posts That Flood Your Blog With Traffic

  • Master the art of writing posts readers will be desperate to click on
  • An 11 point checklist you can whip through to make sure every post is amazing — even if you hate writing
  • How to practically force a reader to decide to read your blog with one simple method
  • What kinds of photos make your post more shareable? (Yes, there are actually four)
  • A simple three-question checklist that makes sure you only spend time writing your best posts
  • And more …

Day 14 — How To Stay Out Of Trouble: A Crash Course In Compliance

  • A simple-English explanation of disclosure policies — with real examples (and how to generate your own)
  • All about privacy policies and terms & conditions (including the exact privacy policies and T&Cs we use)
  • Can you use quotes on your blog?
  • What to do if you don’t have any photos to use in your blog posts
  • Something you probably do right now that could easily get you sued … and how to make sure it doesn’t happen
  • What if other people are in the background of your images? A simple trick for sidestepping the legal issues
  • Can you post someone else’s recipe on your blog?
  • 5 legal loopholes and how to avoid them
  • And more …

Day 15 — The Motivational Boost

  • How much we get paid for sponsored posts — with specific examples of what we did
  • Get motivated: REAL blogging perks and experiences you can enjoy as a blogger
  • Our simple goal-setting system that will supercharge your success — if you use it
  • How to “time block” for success
  • One hack to help you read a TON more books in your dead time
  • Using quotes and visual goal reminders for extra motivation
  • And more …

Day 16 — Everything Bloggers Need to Know About Facebook

  • What you should post on Facebook to grow your blog
  • A comprehensive guide to Facebook image and video sizes
  • Understanding the Facebook Audience (and why you need to)
  • How to save time with scheduling
  • Should you boost posts on Facebook?
  • How to grow your Facebook page and bring in more followers fast
  • And more …

Day 17 — Everything Bloggers Need to Know About Twitter

  • Hashtags — and how to really use them to get your tweets found
  • Discover what an effective tweet looks like (based on our experience with thousands of different tweets)
  • How to interact on Twitter to build your community
  • What’s the best way to grow your Twitter account?
  • Save time, go hands-off: Tools to automate your Twitter posting
  • And more …

Day 18 — Everything Bloggers Need to Know About Instagram

  • Hashtags on Instagram — and how to leverage them for more followers
  • What are Instagram “Comment Pods” — and should you use them?
  • The best image and video sizes for Instagram
  • Everything a pro blogger needs to know about Instagram Stories
  • Our system for growing your Instagram account and getting more likes & comments
  • And more …

Day 19 — Everything Bloggers Need to Know About Pinterest

  • The Perfect Pin: the ideal image size and characteristics
  • Two ways to optimize your blog for Pinning (this is crucial if you want traffic!)
  • Everything you ever wanted to know about Rich Pins
  • A detailed guide to getting your Pin description right (this can send tons of traffic to your page if you do it right)
  • How to grow your Pinterest account … and your blog along with it
  • The single best tool for boosting your Pinterest success (it’s like having a very expensive Pinterest assistant for practically nothing!)
  • And more …

Day 20 — Everything Bloggers Need to Know About YouTube

  • An over-the-shoulder look at the video parameters we use for our videos
  • How to stop viewers leaving your channel to watch other videos
  • Using music on your videos (without getting a copyright strike against your channel!)
  • 9 ways to get more views on your videos
  • A quick-start guide to video SEO (and how to craft a title and description people will find)
  • Crafting thumbnails that get more views — and subscribers
  • And more …

Day 21 — Growing Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Email List

  • The five email services we’ve tried — and our #1 recommendation for bloggers
  • Growing your list: all about landing pages and opt in forms
  • The secret to making your readers actively hunt for your emails in their inbox (because they love reading them so much)
  • How to sell to your email list (without burning them out or making them distrust you)
  • A quick guide to creating the PERFECT lead magnet for your blog
  • The email open, clickthrough and conversion rates you should aim for (with exact numbers)
  • And more …

Day 22 — Building Your Traffic Engine, Part I: Social Media

  • The biggest key to building traffic to your blog from social media
  • Traffic System #1: Our in-depth system for generating traffic from Pinterest
  • Traffic System #2: Our in-depth system for generating traffic from Facebook
  • Traffic System #3: Our in-depth system for generating traffic from Twitter
  • Traffic System #4: Our in-depth system for generating traffic from Instagram
  • (Just ONE of these systems, used correctly, has the potential to send a flood of eager readers your way — but you’ll discover ALL FOUR!)

Day 23 — Building Your Traffic Engine, Part II: Search Engine Optimization

  • SEO explained in simple terms — and why it’s so important for growing your traffic
  • Your crucial first step to getting search traffic: indexing your blog (and how to do it)
  • Our five-point traffic system for optimizing your blog posts for SEO
  • A toolbox of 6 SEO tools that can make your life easier
  • And more …

Day 24 — Turbocharge Your Reach: Sharing & Comment Threads

  • Congratulations — when you reach Day 24, you’ll unlock two of your most powerful blogging assets!
  • Discover what sharing threads are — and why they have the potential to kickstart your traffic
  • How to quickly build up a network of bloggers who’ll help promote your content
  • ADVANCED: Taking sharing threads to the next level — five groups I personally recommend you join
  • And more …

Day 25 — Your Blog Post Promotion System

  • The EXACT system we use to promote every single post we write (includes our checklist which you can copy for yourself)
  • How to build your very own “content calendar” that lets you squeeze extra traffic out of posts you’ve already written
  • The little-known hack for getting your blog posts INSTANTLY indexed by Google — and you can do it with just one step
  • And more …

Day 26 — Technical Deep Dive I: Video For Bloggers

  • The one strategic turn we made in January 2016 that’s already netted us tens of thousands of dollars … and how you can take advantage of it
  • ADVANCED: Pete’s full, detailed guide to the cameras, microphones, lenses, drones, and more that we recommend
  • Which programs to use for editing your videos
  • Short on time and money? Discover how to outsource your video editing without breaking the bank
  • And more …

Day 27 — Technical Deep Dive II: Photography For Bloggers

  • ADVANCED: 6 characteristics of great photos — go from amateur to eagle eye with this condensed masterclass on high-end photography techniques
  • Which camera, lenses and gear should you use? The answer to this one is going to surprise you …
  • The EASY way to edit your photos for maximum impact (these three steps will brighten up any blog post!)
  • Our specific recommendations for photo editing software … and you can try most of them for free!
  • And more …

Day 28 — Your Inexhaustible Income Stream: Mastering Email Pitching

  • Why email pitching allows YOU to ‘make it rain’ at will and control how much you earn
  • The exact process we follow each time we pitch (use this to land a steady stream of sponsored post opportunities)
  • Discover our finely-tuned “perfect pitch email” that’s ridiculously effective at closing deals — ready for you to swipe and edit for your own use
  • How to get free products as compensation for your posts
  • Major time-saving hack: how to decide in under 10 seconds whether to reply to a pitch … or just delete it
  • Our “Pitch Back” system that earned us nearly $100,000 in 2016 — and will pay off for you, too
  • And more …

Day 29 — Living The Pro Blogger Lifestyle, Part I: Blogging Conferences

  • When does it make sense to go to a blogging conference? Four reasons you should consider going
  • A handy list of 10 of the top blogging conferences
  • The biggest blogging conference trap to avoid: Having “too much” fun
  • How long after a conference should you wait to follow up with brands?
  • Getting bang for your buck: 5 strategies for making the most out of every minute of a conference
  • Why business cards are your best friend
  • And more …

Day 30 — Living The Pro Blogger Lifestyle, Part II: Event Coverage

  • “What am I actually supposed to DO at an event?” Save embarrassment by discovering what we’ve learned from years of experience
  • How to get invited to special events, movie premiers, and parties
  • Should you attend an unpaid event?
  • Pro blogger etiquette guide: How to behave at a movie premier
  • And more …

Here’s How The Course Works…

Blogging Blastoff is a 30-day program designed to get you results FAST.

The course starts on the 1st day of the month. Each day you’ll get a new module “unlocked” to focus on, broken into several bite-size chunks that take you on average 5 minutes each to go through. (We do it this way so you don’t get overwhelmed by the massive amount of information you’ll be learning!)

But — this isn’t just “information” that you’ll skim and forget.

At the end of each day, you get a mini-assignment — so you know exactly what you need to do to put the material into practice, and start building a successful blog!

At the same time, you’ll have access to our VIP Blogging Blastoff Facebook Group (see below), which provides you with new friends and a support network to encourage and help you through each day’s coursework.

All in all, with a time investment of around half an hour a day on the course, if you do the work … you’ll start seeing some amazing results.

Yet even though we could have stopped there and it STILL would have been the best blogging course on the market … Pete and I wanted to go the extra mile for you.

And that means … you guessed it, BONUSES!!

You’ll get immediate access to all of these bonuses the second you enroll:

Bonus #1:
The 5-Day “Start Your Blog” Crash Course

Don’t have a blog yet? No problem! In this crash course, Pete and I walk you through picking a niche… naming your blog… finding a domain name… setting up your website… and writing your first posts. This course takes you from “beginner” to “blogger” in no time — and it’s included, free, when you join Blogging Blastoff.

Bonus #2:
Membership In Our VIP
Blogging Blastoff Facebook Group

Have you ever been part of a community of bloggers that just wasn’t at your level — and you felt out of place? Well — that’s not this group! In our VIP Blogging Blastoff group, you’ll get access to a supportive community of bloggers from total newbies to experts — to offer you help, encouragement and support.

Here we encourage you to post your progress on assignments, ask questions, and mingle with other bloggers going through the course at the same time.

We want you to find your blogging friends and we create an environment ripe for this to happen!

Bonus #3:
Membership In The VIP
Blogging Fast Track Sharing Facebook Group

In this exclusive group (which you’ll get access to on Day 24), we all use our collective numbers to support one another! You can share content, direct more traffic to your blog, and establish a strong social media presence — and we’ll bring the whole strength of our community to drive traffic to your blog, and share or like YOUR content!

Bonus #4:
Bonus Income Stream:
Access To Our Members-Only Affiliate Program

Many of the people who join this course end up telling their friends… and we want to reward you for that. For each friend you refer who joins any of our courses, you’ll earn 33% of the sale price! (Refer just 3 friends to cover YOUR whole purchase price!)

Bonus #5:
WP Fast Launch (Costs $197 Separately)

We’ve saved one of the best ones for last here … Are you struggling to make sense of WordPress? Have you considered throwing in the towel because you are just too frustrated with the “tech” side of blogging? If so, then you’re exactly the kind of person we created our WP Blastoff course for! It’s a WordPress and Bluehost course that will walk you through setting up your blog with all the settings we recommend. After training thousands of students, we know where the problem areas are, and how to explain how get past them.

This is a really extensive course (which we actually offer for sale for $197, and it’s a great bargain at that price!). But when you join Blogging Blastoff, we’ll throw in complimentary access to WP Blastoff as well!

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $314.00.Current price is: $57.00.

[Download Now] Its A Lovely Life – August 2019 Blogging Blastoff Product Delivery: You will receive a download link via your order email immediately. Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us: