[Download Now] Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Tapping: Evidence-Based, Mind-Body Treatment Approach to the Anxiety Spectrum Disorders – Robin Bilazarian
- Apply EFT (aka Tapping or Energy Psychology) to considerably improve treatment outcomes in phobias, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic, OCD, acute stress reaction and traumatic events
- Go beyond talk therapy capacity to quickly resolve treatment resistant issues
- Drop emotional burdens quickly, often in minutes
- Walk away ready to use calming EFT to gently and rapidly collapse recent and long-standing clinical issues
- Dive into the exciting revolution of integrative, meridian-based cognitive therapies called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Tapping, and Energy Psychology
The anxiety spectrum exemplifies the disorders where emotions override thought. Fragmented memories get stored in the body. The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) collapse this uncomfortable emotional and physical reactivity; therefore, freeing a path for spontaneous insights and clearer thinking.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a comprehensive mind-body treatment that rapidly desensitizes three areas: unwanted thoughts, emotions and physical reactions. EFT combines physical interventions derived from restorative (self-applied) acupressure theory with cognitive interventions.
EFT is an evidence-based practice with over 100 published studies. One published study demonstrated a 24% decrease in cortisol (stress hormone) level in the EFT group. (Energypsych.org) EFT is effective brief therapy and belongs in every therapist’s tool box.
Transform your clinical excellence; bring EFT into your practice and treat resistant problems that other methods failed.
This seminar focuses on cutting-edge techniques of EFT to treat the anxiety spectrum disorders, including:
- Phobias
- Generalized Anxiety
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Panic
- Acute Traumatic Stress Reactions
These mind-body methods are emerging into mainstream mental health, trauma treatment, coaching, employee assistance programs and sport psychology arenas as a rapid, effective, non-invasive, calming, desensitizing tool. Do not miss this opportunity to learn evidence-based techniques you can use immediately with your clients and improve treatment outcomes rapidly.
- Explain the origin and efficacy of the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) including peer reviewed, published research.
- Implement self-applied, light touch or tapping on acupoints to calm and rebalance the body system while thinking about disturbing upsets — to create a desensitize state as measured by continuous dropping of the SUDS level.
- Distinguish that EFT is a mind-body treatment that desensitizes unwanted thoughts, emotions and physical discomfort.
- List exploratory questions to elicit the first or worst defining event and how to treat in all manifestation in the past, present and future.
- Demonstrate EFT techniques for stress, phobias, generalized anxiety disorder and panic and traumatic events.
- Describe how EFT can greatly diminish OCD frustrating compulsions and unwanted habits.
- Acquire a two-prong approach to treating social anxiety: EFT and social skill building.
- Describe why EFT works in conjunction with and beyond talk therapy; and often cuts quickly through resistant problems.
- State the ethical concerns of not working outside knowledge base and obtaining ongoing “permission” to use these methods.
Get Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Tapping: Evidence-Based, Mind-Body Treatment Approach to the Anxiety Spectrum Disorders of author Robin Bilazarian
Origin and Research
- The origin of EFT
- The different nomenclature of EFT:
- Energy Psychology
- Thought Field Therapy
- Tapping Solution
- Meridian Therapies
- Highlight significant cortisol reduction in peer-reviewed published research
- The EFT steps of activating acupoints in conjunction with descriptions of upsets
- The profound relaxation response from EFT
- EFT includes cognitive interventions
- Going beyond talk therapy: relaxation of activating meridian
EFT to Eliminate Phobias
- Two categories of phobias – instinct driven or driven from a past negative event
- Demonstration of finding and treating with EFT the “first or the worst” time
- Live example from the audience, case studies
- The “borrowing benefits” for all to participate
Using EFT for Stress, Generalized Anxiety and Panic
- Personal peace procedure
- Checking work and the value of persistence
- Considerations for treating issues thoroughly — in the past, present and future
- Quieting the physiological arousal of panic
EFT treatment for Compulsions and Unwanted Habits
- Finding a baseline
- Treat the “urge” or “desire” to perform the unwanted behavior
- Greatly diminish hand washing, checking, biting nails or thumb sucking
- Check your work via the SUDS intensity measure
- Future performance enhancement protocol to reinforce gains for the future
EFT with Social Anxiety and Building a Social Skill Set
- Social Anxiety –fear of being scrutinized by others (and yourself)
- EFT on social situations; past, present and future
- Establish layers of communication including ice breaker/small talk
EFT with Acute and Long-Standing Trauma
- EFT movie on Veterans 4 Vignettes of War
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