
[Download Now] Drew Gerald – Holistic Sex


Drew Gerald – Holistic Sex1Drew Gerald – Holistic Sex

Are you unconsciously allowing hidden fear, insecurity, uncertainty, guilt, shame, frustration, or confusion keep you from the pleasure, connection, and passion you truly desire?

Your sex life isn’t how you imaged it.

You may be single; feeling lonely, frustrated, sad, or upset with the opposite sex. Perhaps you’re in a relationship where the sex has fizzled out – or never really reached that peak to begin with. You know, the monotony, drudgery, and lack of sexual satisfaction that’s filling up the space inside of you where excitement and ecstasy should be instead.

Or, on the other side of the spectrum, maybe you have a great sex life and just long to reach the purest, most evolved, enlightened sex and relationship possible. To heal the traumas, and move past the shame, guilt, insecurities, and fears that are holding you back from experiencing profound pleasure and love.

For most of us, sexual satisfaction doesn’t automatically happen as a result of living. We’re simply not taught how to open into intimacy and make love, give and receive incredible orgasms, or how to discover and deal with our emotional blocks. If you’re feeling any of these things, know that it’s not your fault – you’re not broken, and there’s nothing wrong with who you are.

But still… you know something’s just not right, because you don’t feel wonderful and content.
Can You Relate To Any Of These People?

“I was lying there in bed, things were flowing and we were both feeling incredible. I had the thought come up again, of doing something pretty kinky… I really wanted to try it but what would my partner think? The look of disgust and disapproval of my last lover flashed through my mind. I felt the shame and rejection wash through my body just thinking about it… so I decided not to bring it up. Now I regret not sharing my true desires.”

“I really want to follow the correct spiritual path, but I just love sex. I’m conflicted because I just want to do the right thing.. but I’m not sure what that is.”

“I don’t feel like I’m manly enough. I’m constantly worried that I’m not masculine enough in bed, but I don’t like being a macho jerk. Honestly, I’m not even really sure what it means to “be in my masculine” anyway.”

“No matter how many books I read and techniques I try, I still don’t feel any more confident or satisfied in bed. It’s like the harder I try to be a good lover, the more frustrated I get!”

“We were having sex on the fifth date and I don’t know what came over me. I felt this urge to talk dirty, to let loose. I wanted him to call me explicit names, I wanted him to take control and dominate me. I wanted to scream like an animal. These feelings were intense; it was as if every inch of my body was on fire, aching to be ravished. But I was afraid. I didn’t want him to think I was a slut, I wanted him to respect me. He wasn’t saying anything either, and we both ended up just getting awkward and uncomfortable.”

“My relationships are actually pretty good, but I want to take things to the next level. I don’t want good-enough, I want mastery.”

“I spent an hour fingering, licking, kissing, thrusting… but it was no use. All I wanted to do was make her happy… to satisfy her and see her explode in pleasure. But I couldn’t. She couldn’t. I feel like I let her down; like a failure. I know she has orgasmed with past boyfriends, but not with me. I’ve tried all sorts of techniques. I feel inadequate and she feels like there’s something wrong with her.”

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“I was always told masturbation was a sin. Church, school, you name it. My parents told me it was wrong to touch myself in any way, and that sex should wait ’till after marriage. But I do. It feels both wrong and pleasurable at the same time. I don’t think I’m a bad person, but it sure feels like it.”

“I seem to keep attracting the same kind of disappointing relationships. Nobody treats me right and I can’t find anyone that makes me happy, even though I give so much!”

We go through life settling for these scenarios as fact. We’ve been told “that’s just how things are”.

But what about your dreams?

What about that voice deep inside that is still holding on to the possibility of true love, happiness, and passion? Of achieving all the wonderful things that make relationships worth having and life worth living?

There’s a place deep inside, where you store visions of an ideal sex life.

Stop. Allow yourself to go there now.

Indulge for a few moments and imagine your ideal sex life if you had nothing holding you back and an abundance of everything you could ever want…

What would sex like that look and feel like, physically and emotionally?
What sounds and words come out… are they soft or loud?
What tastes fill your mouth? Which scents drive you wild?
How often do you have sex – once a week, multiple times a day?
What fantasies are you role-playing? What kinks do you express?
How much joy are you getting from pleasuring them and vice-versa?
What is it like to experience such a divine spiritual union while you make love?
Are you longing to have a child? What would it be like to bring new life into the world through intimacy?
How does it feel to have all your energy centers turned on and connected?
How do you move through the world differently being so confident, satisfied, fulfilled, adored, loved, and respected?

This is how your sex life should be …so why isn’t it that way now? Why have you not been able to manifest the love life you desire?

There are specific reasons why, and they’re actually quite simple:

The confusion you feel is because your knowledge is outdated by newer experiences, and the clarity you seek is causing discord until you gain new awareness.
The loneliness you feel is because you’re missing a few simple foundational keys, that once you learn, unlock the path towards love and connection.
The fear you feel is because you’re believing something that appears real-as-all-hell, but isn’t true – and once you master your beliefs, that fear will vanish.
The lack of physical satisfaction or emotional fulfillment you’re feeling comes from the same void – not the lack of a partner or the lack of their abilities – but yourself.
The guilt or shame you feel around truly expressing your deepest sexual desires and kinks isn’t because you’re fucked up; it’s because you’ve been conditioned to think these are wrong.
The insecurities you have aren’t because you’re messed up or inadequate, but because your default patterns of thought are working against you.

Notice that none of these are mystical or mysterious. We like to complicate things.

My job is to simplify; to uncomplicate the mysteries of sexuality and spirituality. The obstacles to your happiness are straightforward (once you recognize them), and thus so are their solutions.

Once you realize what’s really going on under the surface, you become empowered to change it.
Why You Haven’t Gotten The Results You Want

Years ago I heard a sensei say: “It’s not in practicing 10,000 different punches once; it’s practicing a single simple punch 10,000 times.”

Our egos like to think it’s the fancy “advanced” techniques that indicate mastery, but it’s not.

Mastery is in the foundation.

If you haven’t developed the right foundation of thinking, feeling, or relating beforehand – the most advanced tricks will always fall short. You can do every secret thrusting method, squirting G-Spot massage, Tantric energetic position, or BDSM scene right… and STILL feel empty inside.

This is why you don’t have what you want in life.

It’s NOT because you don’t know some ancient secret from deep in the mountains of Tibet.

It’s because you require an empowering philosophy and foundation to sex to support you.

Your conditionings are what’s holding you back from that.

These are the fears, insecurities, limiting beliefs, guilt, sadness, despair, lies, and unworthiness that you’ve bought into… all without knowing. As we grow up, our parents, peers, churches, culture, media, marketing – all of that has influenced the way we see ourselves and sex. Most of this has been accepted by us without our consent.

This happens through experience and repeated conditionings as we grow up. We become jaded, experience horrific traumas, and are taught beliefs that aren’t empowering.

Think for a moment what you believe about yourself, women, men, relationships, sex, and spirituality. Where did these concepts come from? Are they still serving you? What mythologies are you living out?
Common Conditionings & Disempowering Sex Myths

Have you ever heard (or even believe for yourself) any of the following:

“Men like sex more than women.”
“Women don’t even enjoy sex.”
“Sex is dirty.”
“Certain sex acts are wrong.”
“Women who have too much sex are sluts.”
“Men just use women for sex.”
“Women just want a rich, muscular, well-hung man.”
“All men/women are the same.”
“Masturbation is a sin. It must be transcended to be loved by God.”
“Spirituality and sexuality are incompatible and mutually exclusive.”
“You should be ashamed for having sex outside of marriage.”
“There’s something wrong with people who are into BDSM.”
“Sex is only meant for procreation.”
“You’re not good enough.”
“You’re too old to get married and have kids.”
“She only attracts the wrong kind of men.”
“Relationships are supposed to be a struggle.”
“You’re not worthy of love.”
“You must get into a relationship that pleases your parents.”

These are conditionings. We weren’t born with these ideas, we had to learn them somehow.

You’ve heard these views before – they permeate our culture. Some of us actively believe and preach them, while some of us store these beliefs at a more subconscious, hidden level. While not right or wrong, these ideas can be incredibly disempowering and result in dysfunctional relationships.

Again, none of this is your fault.

However, it IS now up to you to do something about it.

“Okay that’s great and all, but WHAT CAN I DO? Isn’t this just who I am? Isn’t this just how things are?”

Actually, it’s not.

Who you REALLY ARE is an amazing, unlimited, loving, abundant, sexual, powerful being. These conditionings aren’t you; they’re just stories you’ve adopted along the way for protection.

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They don’t feel good because they’re no longer serving you, and thus become “blocks”.

These blocks, when cleared, will allow you to feel the happiness you know you should be feeling. They let your relationships flow with ease. Your mind starts to work with you, rather than against you.

The path to sexual satisfaction and fulfillment is about discovering these conditionings which hold us back, letting go of our judgements, stopping the same old stories, and then adopting more empowering perspectives. It is more of a “letting go” than a “learning more”.

In a moment, I will share how to discover these conditionings, clear them, and adopt the most powerful sexual paradigm that exists.

But first, a little about me and why you should listen…

My name is Drew Gerald. I’m an author, coach, and entrepreneur.

I’ve had the honor of being published alongside Eckhart Tolle, David Deida, Abraham-Hicks, T. Harv Eker, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Bob Proctor, Dr. Andrew Weil, and Ken Wilber.

Before that, I founded and ran a high-end software company for over 7 years. I created technology seen by millions online and provided solutions used by Fortune 500 clients such as Disney, Square-Enix, Sony Pictures, Whole Foods, BT, Walmart, Discovery Channel, Turner, Acura, National Science Foundation, and thousands of others.

That’s not really who I am as a person though… just some facts anyone can find.

I’d rather get intimate and share with you something you can’t lookup: how I got to this point, going from writing code to talking to you about sex and spirituality.

Is that cool with you?

Great! Let’s go back to the beginning…
Drew Gerald
The Story of My Metamorphosis

I had my first crush when I was five years old. I remember seeing this girl in the back of the preschool classroom playing with one of those plastic Playskool kitchenettes. She was so cute.

Fastforward. It would be 18 years later that I would have my first girlfriend. That’s a long time to wait.

What took so long?

When I was six, I started school in upstate NY with a brand new group of kids. I was different though. Not only was I from another state altogether, I had warts on my fingers. We’re talking just a few little bumps. I was quickly ostracized, made fun of, and seen as “untouchable”.

Over the next few years of school, I was bullied, teased, made-fun-of, and looked down upon. I went from a bright, loving, playful, innocent child… to a crushed, confused, lonely, and rejected boy. My self-esteem disappeared, my confidence was dismal, my social skills were non-existent, and I began to fear going into school. Eventually the warts were removed, but the pain and teasing remained.

I spent the remaining years of school sitting alone in lunch, being picked last in gym class, and having to prepare myself for emotional attack daily. I turned to computers, as they were the only thing that I could interact with that couldn’t reject me.

Needless to say, I had no luck with girls. I hated them for it, and I hated myself. I was miserable and bitter, often crying myself to sleep alone on a Friday night.

Eventually, on the verge of depression and suicide, I decided to do whatever it took to figure this whole thing out. This couldn’t be my destiny; this couldn’t be all that life is meant for. At this moment my life changed.

This led me on an extraordinary journey of personal transformation over the next decade. Yes, I improved my social skills, dramatically gaining success with women and having incredible sex, but I also enhanced all areas of my life. Through continual work in all realms of life – sex and relationships, spirituality and love, health and fitness, entrepreneurship and travel, social and family – I transformed my life and broke through all the stories of my childhood that kept me miserable.

I saw that only substantial changes could occur from within. Thus, I invested tens of thousands of dollars and hours of healing, learning, reprogramming my mind, trial and error, therapy, training, practicing, asking, failing, and yes – succeeding.

I had to forgive, let go, and love. I had to rebuild and discover my confidence and true personality. I had to move past the anger, sadness, and jealousy. I had to learn a new way to relate to women, men, and myself. I had to let go of thousands of stories and disempowering beliefs I acquired over 20 years. I had to heal on the physical, mental, energetic, and emotional levels.

After seven years of this work, I reached a point where I was urged to share what I learned along my journey. The last thing I ever wanted to do was be a writer or teacher (can you tell I didn’t enjoy school?). I had a successful software company, and had no interest in being a therapist or coach… but the universe had something else in mind for me.

After many years of struggling, I embraced the idea fully. I realized that my curse had become a gift, and for the first time, felt what it meant to have purpose. Sharing these ideas and helping people transform began to bring me great joy, and writing code was bringing me less and less fulfillment.

I experienced the potential of transmutation first hand, and knew that I could save people decades of struggle, suffering, and confusion with what I learned. I had nobody to tell me, to guide me, to validate that a life like this was possible. I want to be for you what I never had for myself.

This has been my path. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone else, but I’ve become grateful for it. Your own life is unfolding perfectly before you – and if I can be a guidepost along the way, I’d love to help.
How To Satisfy Your Lover 75% Better
Based On The Foundation Principle of “Holistic Sex”

The basis of Holistic Sex is “The 4 Levels” – the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of being.

Here’s the “simple trick” to satisfying your lover: arouse, stimulate, and satisfy your lover on all 4 of these levels and you will approach sex with 75% more stimulation than even the best porn star. Most people only approach sex and seduction from the physical and miss 3/4 of what’s possible.

How does this look in real life?

Physically Arouse: Touch, taste, lick, massage, suck, breathe, grind, thrust, finger, and dance.
Emotionally Arouse: Drop in to your heart and connect with your eyes, express your desire and affection, describe how close you feel to your lover.
Mentally Arouse: Tell erotic stories, sext, have phone sex, talk dirty, enact fantasies and role-plays.
Spiritually Arouse: Breathe and exhale each other, move energy, radiate love through your life purpose, incorporate sacred elements to sex, or set up an altar to sacrifice virgins to the gods.

(Just kidding on that last one.)

Obviously there’s a lot more than just a few bullet points, and I go deeper in the course. This is really “just the tip”.
Merging The Dirty & The Divine

On my journey, I realized that one of the biggest conflicts in the world is between our sexuality and spirituality. This is closely followed by the conflict between men and women – the battle between masculine and feminine.

These ancient conflicts – seen both outside in the world and inside of our own psyche – is the basis of this mastery course.

Resolving these conflicts in myself opened me to a world in which love and sex became gracious and peaceful. As my clients began to resolve the conflicts of polarity, the battle of the sexes, and the war against sex and spirit – their results in the bedroom took off. It became apparent that you don’t become a Remarkable Lover simply by technique – you must transform your attitudes, beliefs, and mythologies as well.

I decided to take the best ideas and perspectives I learned from all schools of thought, and compile them into a core philosophy which I call “Holistic Sex”.

This has developed into an entire mastery course, empowering you with everything you need to know to transform your relationships. You’re about to discover the culmination of a decade of learning, years of work and original ideas, and thousands of years of wisdom vetted into a single source.

This is something I’m incredibly proud of, and am honored to share with you the result of great struggle, sacrifice, and eventual success.

Allow me to introduce you to…

Holistic Sex: Merging The Dirty & The Divine is a brand new 5-part (12 disk) audio course – along with a Conditioning Clearer module (part 6) with 23 minute HD video, and a 60 page PDF workbook – that distills the best psychological, sexual, evolutionary, spiritual, and therapeutic concepts into one complete system.

This audio course is hosted by myself, Drew Gerald, and is professionally mixed, mastered, and recorded. Not only are the ideas the best of the best, you get the same level of mastery in the polish of this product. I’m a lover of beauty and refinement, and you’ll find that reflected in the material. It’s infused with my devotion and energy: everything has been personally written, designed, and produced by me.

Holistic Sex was designed to be a complete approach to sex that merges the dirty, sultry, sexy, and erotic parts of our sexuality – with the loving, spiritual, profound, and expansive parts of our sexuality.

By combining the spiritual with the slutty, the divine with the dirty, the love with the lust – we can resolve our internal conflicts and use that energy to grow, heal, and have phenomenal sex.
If you…

Wish to experience explosive orgasms, deeper connected sex, and more intimacy…
Have ever felt unfulfilled or experience a lack of desire when you felt like you should have…
Wish you could understand yourself, your shadow, and what’s holding you back…
Feel your fears, insecurities, and guilt arise in bed rather than your pleasure…
Feel inadequate about your “performance” or short-comings…
Are looking for somebody who loves you for who you are, rather than forces a dogma via fear or punishment…

Then “Holistic Sex” will help you…

Discover and learn to satisfy your (and your partner’s) basic intimate needs – what we really want, not just what we think or say we do
Experience more pleasure, feel better, evoke higher arousal, and achieve orgasms easier
Learn how to develop deeper connections and form stronger bonds (or purposely know how not to!)
Finally open yourself to real, authentic, true love – causing you to attract (and become attractive to) higher quality lovers
Break free of your dogma, and achieve the freedom to fully express your desires and kinks (even remove the obstacles to dirty talk)
Learn secret sexual wisdom; the most advanced and complete sexual theories and concepts to achieve mastery of your sex life
Find the TRUE path to sexual enlightenment, and achieve spiritual fulfillment along with animalistic satisfaction

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