
[Download Now] David Tian – Invincible – The Secret Anciet Dao of Effortless Attraction


[Download Now] David Tian – Invincible – The Secret Anciet Dao of Effortless Attraction



David Tian – Invincible – The Secret Anciet Dao of Effortless Attraction

Ancient Chinese inscriptions written on bones from 3,500 years ago…
And you can actually use the secrets of these scriptures to help you become extremely magnetic and sexually attractive…
all from using something called the “Dao State.”

And just to calm any skepticism… These bones were discovered in 1899 by Wang Yirong in Beijing, and you can see the source right here if you would like.

Now let’s continue….
I’m David Tian, Ph.D., a world renowned specialist in human behavioral psychology, author, speaker, and global educator.
Now, I first started learning about these charisma secrets while studying for my Ph.D. in the History of Chinese Philosophy and Psychology almost two decades ago…

The bone inscriptions, as well as ancient bamboo scripts like these:

…talked about the Dao State (sometimes known as Royal Charisma), and how Emperors could use this power to make themselves extremely charismatic and loved by their people

But it was not until I started combining this knowledge with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), that I realized…
These Bone And Bamboo Scriptures Give The Keys For How Anyone Can Become Extremely Magnetic, Likeable, And Attractive
I also realized that this combination would make men more likeable by everyone they meet… including new friends, coworkers, and business associates.
The Dao State is your most natural, relaxed, and powerful state of being, where everything flows easily for you, and can help you become the most charismatic, compelling person in the room.
Have you ever had a moment of feeling extremely confident… even just for a little bit…

And noticed that women were suddenly giving you greater attention than you’d ever had before?

Highly attractive women who normally wouldn’t even give you the time of day are suddenly flirting…

Important men are now trying to get your approval… and everyone is having more fun just from being around you…

Everything you say just “works,” and things just flow easily…
In that moment, you were in the Dao State…

And if you haven’t had an experience like I just described, then stick around because you are going to be amazed at the improvements in your dating and social life you get from watching this video and following the instructions.

Every man I have ever worked with has been able to get this Dao State power, once they know exactly what to do.

When you master the Dao State, you become automatically attractive… and women even begin to start pursuing you… because they are drawn to that calm, confident vibe you’re projecting.

Plus, you’re giving off special signals that whisper to their subconscious mind that you are a special man they would love to be with…

It’s like you’re on autopilot… you say just the right things… and you really don’t even need to say anything…

Because just from how you stand and breathe, women start to get intrigued… even aroused by you… and men want to be your friend.
Keep reading till the end of this page, because I have a special surprise which will give you this amazing ability in a surprisingly short period of time.
Mastering the Dao State will help you start relationships with attractive, wonderful women… ones you may have previously felt you weren’t “good enough” or “attractive enough” for…

It doesn’t matter if…

You’ve had little or no dating experience….
Or if you’re short… or very overweight…
Or if you’re from a race or ethnicity that you think women don’t find attractive…
Or if you feel like you’re too old and balding… or too young to be with the women who truly excite you…
And if you’ve been at this struggle for a while, I can promise you that it doesn’t matter if you’ve tried everything to get good at dating and nothing’s seemed to work.
In fact, it could be that a book or course you’ve tried in the past is unintentionally sabotaging your success with women, without you even knowing it!

As long as you read till the end of this page, you will have a solution for how you can magnetically draw attractive women into your life without having to do a thing.

It will be “natural,” so you don’t need to join any online dating sites (though you can use those as much as you like).
And You Will Be Attractive To Women You See In Everyday Life, So You Don’t Have To Go Out To Bars “On The Hunt” For Women Or Use Pick Up Lines
Actually, no “lines” will ever be necessary again… because women liking and wanting you will be the default… not something you have to “do” anymore.
And that’s really the way it’s supposed to be.
Can you imagine a gorgeous woman “trying” to make you like her? She could literally do it in her sleep.

And when you know the Dao State, it will be the same for women you like.

Now I know that this can be hard to believe… especially if you have had a very hard time with women so far…

And you may have a million excuses running in your head like

“There’s no way I could have this effect on women. I’m not a great looking guy, or tall, or popular…”
But I want you to set that belief aside for a moment… and see if there’s something here that could change your entire life.
After all, if what I’m saying is true… then it would be good news, right?

Now real quick about me…

If you’ve seen some of my videos or interviews on TV, you may see a bit of a flashy lifestyle… and think that I might have always been good with women.

In some ways, I love hearing that, because it shows me how far I’ve come.

However, nothing could be further from the truth!

I spent most of my teen years and 20’s in a romantic and sexual desert.
In Fact, By The Time I Was Thirty, I Was Convinced There Was Absolutely Nothing I Could To Attract Women
However, nothing could be further from the truth!

I spent most of my teen years and 20’s in a romantic and sexual desert.

In fact, by the time I was thirty, I was convinced there was absolutely nothing I could do to make girls like me.

I was a 5’6 socially awkward Asian dude in a country where Asian dudes weren’t all that popular… Plus I had been raised very religiously, so I had lots of hangups about sex, even if I wasn’t very Christian anymore.

I had a bit of a pot belly, with skinny arms, and no muscle.

And to make things worse, I was a 30-year-old in a college town… which sounds nice at first…

Every day, I was buried in Ancient Chinese Philosophy books for graduate school…

and by the time I got of the house to socialize, I didn’t really have anything to say that a 21-year-old girl would want to hear.

In fact, because I was always thinking about my academics, I didn’t have much in common with anyone, since no one really wanted to talk about what I was passionate about.

But the one thing I did have going for me was TIME.

I was broke, alone, nerdy, and out of shape, but I did have the time to go out and force myself to talk to women anyway.
And I was so miserable and lonely that, at this point… it was either fix this problem with women or just kill myself.
So I started researching the Pick-Up Artist community, and started memorizing lines, learning special tactics, and approaching women endlessly.

I had very mixed results.

Most women thought I was weird, though occasionally I would find one who wouldn’t walk away after 10 seconds.

At some point, the lines and tricks I learned started to work… somewhat.

I would get a phone number, and sometimes a date… if I happened to say the right line in just the right way…

That would buy me some time with her…
but the woman would always soon figure out that I wasn’t the type of man she thought I was, and she’d stop returning my calls.
And of course, she’d usually find that out before anything physical happened, so I was still very much in a sexual drought.

My self-esteem kept dropping as I realized these women just didn’t like ME period… and that the best I could do was be fake when talking to a woman, and hope I could sleep with her before the truth came out.

One late Tuesday night I had my face buried in an Ancient Chinese literature, and I just started sobbing.

This wasn’t going to get any better.

I could tell nothing was going to change.

I would be a professor one day, and the older I got, the more disconnected I would get from the people around me, and I would just stay alone forever.

What if I had been subconsciously drawn to Ancient Chinese Philosophy and Psychology for a reason?

I stopped crying and started to really think about this…

For my Ph.D., I had to study lots of different ancient philosophies…, and they had one thing in common…

In fact, many of these ancient inscriptions were written for Kings, on how to make their subjects and slaves fall in love with them, so they could rule easily, without needing to bully or intimidate anyone.

Because the ancient Emperors had to worry about betrayal at any time…
they needed to learn how to become universally likeable, so absolutely no one could think about hurting them.
That’s why their spiritual advisers wrote things like the Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Bamboo Scriptures… teaching how to create a special charisma for yourself would work every moment of every day… for years or even decades at a time.

It hit me all at once… what if I applied these scriptures to attracting women instead?!
I immediately started re-reading these ancient scriptures with a new lens…

Instead of just reading the material as interesting facts and stories… I looked at every page through the filter of “How would I use this to be magnetic to women?”

I took massive notes… and this quickly doubled my workload, as I became fully committed to this cause, while I still had to work on my thesis for my Ph.D.

After months of careful study, I had now mapped out a blueprint that anyone could use to become someone that naturally intrigues women and effortlessly thrives in their social life.
The bad news was that it would require total transformation of my internal self… so it was going to take TIME to put this to work if I did things the “ancient” way.
After a couple hours of doing this… I knew I felt different, yet I started to be a little skeptical on whether anything had changed…

But once I walked outside, I could tell the difference immediately.

Women started to smile at me as I walked by.

It was a small change, but definitely noticeable.

After a couple hours of doing this… I knew I felt different, yet I started to be a little skeptical on whether anything had changed…

But once I walked outside, I could tell the difference immediately.

Women started to smile at me as I walked by.

It was a small change, but definitely noticeable.
Was this really happening?
I decided to test this by approaching women.

There was a cute cheerleader I had seen around campus before, but had been too scared to ever talk to.
Suddenly… it was just easy.
I walked up, and suddenly conversation just flowed like water.

She beamed as we started to move closer and closer to each other…

She even began to look like she was in a hypnotic trance at one point.

Then, out of nowhere, the hourly chimes went off in the bell tower and she snapped out of it.

I thought “Oh no, she’s going to lose interest now” and I got nervous for a second.

But instead, she said, “Oh my god I have class, quick, take my number!”

Now I didn’t end up dating or sleeping with this particular woman, but it was just enough to keep me on the path.
As the months went by, it went from hot girls handing me their numbers… to getting real dates… and having amazing relationships with women, both short-term and long-term.
All from doing the techniques I had put together to create the “Dao State.”

This effortlessly attractive, magnetic man was WHO I HAD BECOME.

And the more I had experiences like this, the more I could stay in the Dao State for longer and longer…
Until it became my permanent state and now it’s frankly like a faucet I can’t turn off.
Often, even when I’m in a committed relationship, I still have women flirting and showing interest in me… even when my girlfriend is around.

(That is the small price of mastering the Dao State.)
Now, I can promise that what worked for will work for you.

How do I know this?

Well after mastering the Dao State for myself, I immediately began helping other guys use it.

These were guys who had similar problems that I had… being shorter than average, not very good looking, and often being of an ethnicity which they didn’t feel was popular to date in their area.
As my friends practiced using the Dao State secrets… I was amazed at what I saw.
Everyone who used the Dao State was blown away by how differently women were treating them.

And they were acting, feeling, and even looking different than just a few weeks before.

They were standing up straighter… beer guts started to disappear…and their faces relaxed to form a calm, confident and charismatic expression that women just loved to engage with.

They were now walking with a slight swagger and you could see people turn to look at them when they walked into a room.
And each one of them was confident and attractive in their own way.

I was teaching students as a professional coach… and of course I immediately wanted each one of them to master the Dao State.

Unfortunately, for much of my career, I just couldn’t do it.

This is because shockingly… despite everything I had accomplished with the Dao State…

Most people just wanted to learn pickup lines and “quick fixes”… and didn’t want to really unlock their inner seductive power.

So I gave them what they asked for…

Because I had already mastered the Dao State, I could give just about any man the best “line” or “trick” for any dating situation.

I could “see” the Social Matrix and share the “hacks” that would help guys get dates with great women very easily.

A few students would get tired of these ups and downs… and would FINALLY say, “Ok David, I’m ready… show me how to get the Dao State!”

I would then show them how to install the Dao State in themselves… and they soon had permanent sexual charisma and energy instead of just trying to do “tricks.”

Now they were attracting the women they truly wanted… and they knew that these women truly valued them.

Because so few students understood the importance of having the Dao State, I’d only teach it to a few of my top students… some who were paying up to $25,000 a year to work with me.

Now I want the same for you… and I don’t want you to have to go through years of struggle like most people do.

And I don’t want you to have go through expensive one-one-one coaching with me before you get it.

But I also understand the paradox that every man goes through when they want to get good with women.

And you want it NOW…

You’d love to flick a switch and suddenly have all the women beating down your door to get to date you, without you having to change a thing about yourself.

But that’s a LIE.

It’s not how it works at all… and anyone who tells you they can do that for you is not being honest.
But in the last few years, I’ve figured out how to meet you halfway…

The Dao State requires patience, but I have a system of amazing, proven techniques that will start working for you tonight while the Dao State is still being installed in you.

This way you can start having dates and developing amazing romantic relationships with women now, without having to wait.

While at the same time, you’ll grow a powerful internal confidence and power that gets better and better, week by week, month by month, and year by year.
I am giving this to you through my best and most effective program ever…

INVINCIBLE is the step by step program that takes you from wherever you are right now… and transforms you into an amazingly confident, powerful and attractive man with freedom and choice in the women you date and relate with.
And along with the confidence and inner power building of the Dao State, I have combined this teaching with the best fast-acting techniques in dating to give you success in the shortest period of time possible.

You could say there is a Yin and Yang to this program…

This is where I teach you how to install the Dao State inside yourself and cultivate it, so in a short period of time, you become naturally attractive without you having to say or do anything.

And in an ideal world, I would give you only this part…

But because we live in a society where people are conditioned to want “instant results” for everything, I know it may be hard to be patient as the Dao State builds inside you.

Part of you wants results RIGHT NOW…

This is where I give you my finest tools and techniques I’ve discovered in the past 10 years… that will allow you to start dating better immediately.

You’ll know what to say to a woman you’re interested in meeting… how to ask her out… and even how to develop things physically.

And even the little details of how to plan a date or how to flirt in a text will be covered.

That way you’ll be able to get great experiences with women right away, while you’re doing the really powerful Dao State work on the inside.
And if you’re patient enough… feel free to concentrate on only the Dao State principles if you like… and watch your transformation happen before your eyes.
I think there’s something very beautiful in only focusing on your inner power and watching the outside world change on its own.

But it will be your choice.

If you want to hit the ground running and start dating fine women immediately, you’ll have everything you need to get started.

I’ve made sure to alternate the Inner and Outer principles week by week, so you’ll have all your bases covered at once.

And every week, you will learn special processes and exercises that make you naturally attractive to women… as you become more and more confident in every area of your life.
I’ve shared the program with several test groups and INVINCIBLE brings by far the fastest and most permanent results out of any program I’ve ever seen.

And after each week’s lesson, you will be able to get feedback from me personally, and from other members in your INVINCIBLE class as you go through the program together.

Once you’re a member of INVINCIBLE, you will get:
The Operating System Upgrade…
This is where I take you deep into your unconscious mind and literally rewire your brain so you become a confident, effortlessly powerful man who attracts women as naturally as you breathe air.

When I say “literally rewire,” I mean it.

You will build new biological neuropathways in your brain that will change how you think.

This is done through very focused meditative and visualization processes that I lead you through in real-time, and you will not be the same coming out.

You will do this multiple times in the 8-week program, and each time you’ll feel amazing shifts.

And if you continue to do the Operating System Upgrades after the program on a regular basis, you will see even greater results in every area of your life… far past what you ever thought was possible.

You get the Royal Charisma Creator…
where you’ll learn the same powerful principles ancient kings used to get undying love and support from their subjects.

You can apply Royal Charisma to making friends, attracting lovers, closing business deals, and even getting treated amazingly by random strangers you encounter throughout your day.

It is this type of charisma that calmly inspires people to do nice things for you, and instantly gets you respect the moment you walk into a room.
Then there’s the Negative Thought Destroyer…
which deletes anything in your mind that’s hurting your confidence with women. In fact, it will get rid of even the subconscious thoughts you’re not even aware of.

You’ll solve the Money Paradox, which happens where people have a harder time earning money because of inner unconscious struggle.

I know that last part isn’t related to women but I figured out how to use the Dao State for money as well, so I thought you might like to know about that.
The Arousal Avalanche…
This is the process in which you silently guide a woman to feel intense desire for you.

It’s one of the most powerful techniques I’ve ever encountered… because it is invisible to anyone watching… yet plants the seed in her mind that you are a man she would enjoy having a sexual encounter with.
You’ll have the Attractiveness Equation…
which in simple math shows you how to make yourself magnetic to people you meet in any social situation.

The Attractiveness Equation also gives you power over your own emotions… as you gain a Jedi Mind State that seemingly no one can break.
The Body Language Builder,
which in just minutes a day, will train you walk like a confident alpha leader who women gaze at in admiration.

And just so you know, this doesn’t mean you walk like a conceited jerk.

This type of body language sends a subconscious message to everyone in the room that you’re a powerful but kind alpha-male… and no one will even suspect you’re controlling your body language on purpose.
The Dark Side Meditation…
which takes any “nice guy” tendencies you have, and wraps them in barbed wire armor, so you become that “sexy tough guy” that women love.
The Long-Game Seduction Plan…
which teaches you how to make a woman fall in love with you over time.

This is a special method that takes a lot of patience but is crafted for you go from meeting a woman for the first time… to having her become your devoted girlfriend.
The Talkativeness Tornado…
which will keep you from ever running out of things to say, and has you spontaneously saying the witty, funny, and sexy things that keep a woman hooked.
The Smart Guy’s Secret…
which is the only way I’ve found for highly intelligent people to use their smarts as an advantage with women rather than a disadvantage.

Most men who do great with women are closer to average intelligence, and my students tend have very powerful brains…

So I had to come up with a special plan for men that are very smart, so they’d be able to attract women of all types, whether they’re highly educated or not.

And if you have ever wondered how to go up and talk to any woman you desire, you’ll love
The Approach Awakenings segment…
Where you learn the amazingly easy way to approach any woman in any place maximize the chances of leaving with her number or a planned date.

It works in the bars, on the street, on campus… anywhere.

And if you don’t want to approach at all, then you’ll be absolutely thrilled with what you get in INVINCIBLE.

INVINCIBLE is designed to make you attractive from the inside out, so you can meet women anywhere, effortlessly, without having to “do” or “say” anything at all.
Remember that there’s a Yin and Yang component to this course, so you only have to use the “outer” techniques if you want to.
You are always free to just use the Dao State inner power secrets in INVINCIBLE and watch yourself automatically attract women without you having to do a thing.

Now if all you were getting were videos, exercises, and print-out documents, then you would already be well on your way to becoming more powerful, confident, and magnetic than you’ve ever imagined…

Now, what is your investment to become INVINCIBLE, and become more confident, charismatic, and attractive than you’ve ever dreamed?
What would you invest in order to become your best self in 8 weeks and enjoy true abundance and success with women?
To be honest, it was very difficult to decide what was the appropriate price for Invincible.

For even a year of personal coaching, my rates start at $25,000, and plenty happily pay that amount for the results they get.
The difference with INVINCIBLE is that it sets you up for life.
This is my most powerful program overall, and you quite honestly may not need me anymore.
When I realized this, I had to stop and think.

Would I be insulting my past students if I charged too low for this?

If INVINCIBLE creates complete permanent change, and gives you the ability to attract the women you want to be with while having the quality of life you’ve always wanted, I probably should charge more for this than what I charge my private coaching clients.

However, I am well aware that most men cannot afford $25,000 for more.

That’s a full 2 years of rent or mortgage payments for a lot of people

And frankly, I’m not doing this to make a buck.
I’m doing this because I want to make a change that helps good men like you.

Every day I see this type of insanity, it makes me more committed to getting INVINCIBLE out there…

So good guys who actually deserve to be with the best women can finally start dating them
Because of this, I’m going to give you INVINCIBLE for a much lower investment.
All you need is to invest a single payment of 297 USD and you’re in…
Once you register, you’ll start your step by step 8-week intensive course, and I’ll be there to help you every step of the way.

Just to be clear… I’m absolutely sure this will work for you.
And to prove that, I am going to give you a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for your first 60 days, after you order.

Try INVINCIBLE For A Full 60 Days, 100% Risk-Free
Go ahead and start the program with your class, try out every process, and experience the results.

See how radically different women react to you, even after the first week.

By the end of Module 1, you will be deeply aware of the powerful attractive core inside you and how to activate it.

By the end of Module 2, you’ll have the most direct and complete game plan to bring women into your life that you’ve ever seen.
Just those two modules alone will be enough to change your life and you will realize you’re already received many times the value of what you’ve invested.
As a few more weeks go by, you’re going to be blown away by how much things are different and your friends will start noticing that women are giving you more attention.

First, girls will be noticeably smiling at you… then some will be starting conversations with you…

Then you start getting dates, and enjoying great sex… with women that are more interesting, beautiful, and sexy than you’ve ever been with before.
At That Point, You Can Decide Whether You Just Want To Date Many Women Casually, Or Focus On One Special Woman, Or Just Keep Enjoying The Journey And Seeing What Happens Next
And of course, your friends will be asking, “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?” and demand to know the secret of your success with women.

It will be up to you then whether you reveal the source of your new powers to them or just keep it our little secret.
The beautiful thing is that you will finally realize how powerful you are as a human being, and you will have standards beyond what you ever had before.
So you may actually want to wait longer before choosing a special girlfriend, because you now finally know what you are worth.

And while you’re choosing your perfect woman, you will have access to as much hot, amazing sex as you can possibly handle

Let me tell you exactly why I offer this unbeatable guarantee.
During the 10 years I spent researching the material for INVINCIBLE, I tried all of the best courses in this area only to find that they regurgitated more of the same old, rehashed, generic info, or focused on stuff that might’ve only worked for that one coach, that one time, in that one country.

That’s not good enough for me, for Aura, or for my clients.

That’s why I invested thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars of my own money into developing this course, flying around the globe to consult the world’s top researchers, creating all-new curriculums, testing them, hiring a top-tier staff, and putting together the best lessons ever.
And then I tested every part of the program with several batches of students, from several different countries —
some in their twenties who wanted to live it up as bachelors, some in their thirties and ready to level up all areas of their lives not just with women… some who were still single at 50 but wanted to find a loving relationship.

I only care about developing the highest quality lessons, full of proven methods, mindsets, strategies, systems, psychological experiences, and more that you can’t find anywhere else.
That’s why I’ve been around coaching longer than almost anybody.
That’s why I’ve been covered in national and international media all over the world.
And that’s why I guarantee INVINCIBLE.
It’s simple: Take the program and see for yourself. If it doesn’t work for you, I want you to email me, prove you did the work, and I’ll refund you 100%.

This guarantee is extended for a full 60 days, which covers the entire duration of every core module in the program.

I’ll refund 100% of your price.

By the way, I ask you to show me you’ve done the exercises because I know how powerful they can be when applied. I have no intention of keeping your money if you’re dissatisfied. But I insist that you commit to taking action if you want the results from this program.

I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours developing the material in here, and I’d like to share it with you if you’re ready to use it to experience complete confidence and ease in your masculinity and relationships.

And once it’s gone, it will be a long time before it is available again… if ever.

Delivery Method

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– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $34.00.

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