
[Download Now] David Crow, LAc – Combining Herbs & Essential Oils


[Download Now] David Crow, LAc – Combining Herbs & Essential Oils


David Crow, LAc – Combining Herbs & Essential Oils


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Receive expert insights into the science behind combining herbs and essential oils — when to combine and when not to — to treat common health conditions.

Equip your home pharmacy with essential-oil-and-herb pairings… including protocols to help heal the respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems.

Safely integrate commonly available herbs and oils… in easy applications backed by centuries of empirical evidence and modern scientific research.

Are you feeling stressed or tense as a result of biochemical imbalances or life’s challenges (or both)?

Maybe you’re experiencing a low level of anxiety throughout the day, making it difficult to sleep at night…

Sipping lavender tea and inhaling diffused lavender oil can be a calming dual-remedy — and this is only one of the many herb-oil combinations for treating nervous system imbalances.

You can also pack a lot of healing power into specific herb-oil combinations to address common (as well as chronic) health conditions…

There are also plenty of pairings of essential oils and herbs that can help you detoxify.

These remedies are readily accessible, easy to combine, and are beneficial additions to your home pharmacy.

Yet, you may be wondering…

Should you apply a particular remedy to the skin, drink a tea, use an essential oil in a diffuser, take a tincture of an herb, or use steam inhalation of an oil?

What are the correct dosages of the herbs, the proper dilutions of the oils, how long should we use them, and are there contraindications or potential herb/drug interactions?

To guide you, we’ve invited plant medicine pioneer David Crow to share a concise, yet comprehensive “Home Formulary” — his first-ever training on integrating medicinal plants and aromatherapy.

In this in-depth 8-part training, David will address these questions in clear language — and share the science, protocols, and do’s and don’ts of integrating herbs and essential oils to:

  • Reduce stress and tension
  • Address nervousness and irritability
  • Improve sleep
  • Detoxify from addictive substances such as tobacco and alcohol
  • Heal hydrochloric acid imbalances and esophageal reflux
  • Improve digestion and elimination
  • Treat respiratory conditions
  • Restore exhausted adrenal functions
  • Increase vitality and immunity
  • Improve endurance and ability to cope with stress
  • Counteract depression due to low vitality
  • Protect and benefit the joints
  • Address chronic and other types of pain
  • Address parasitic infections
  • And much more.

The key to increasing the therapeutic power of both herbs and oils is learning which to pair — and how to apply them safely and effectively.

Apply Simple Combinations of Commonly Available Herbs & Oils… Backed by Science

Because the pharmacy of essential oils is so large, and the number of medicinal plants even larger, there’s an infinite number of possible combinations. David Crow has distilled a vast amount of information into easy-to-use applications, using commonly available herbs and oils that are backed by either centuries of empirical evidence showing their benefits, modern research, or both.

David will show you when and why to mix them together… and how.

Should you apply them to the skin, drink a tea, use an essential oil in a diffuser, take a tincture of an herb, and use steam inhalation of an oil?

And what are the correct dosages of the herbs, the proper dilutions of the oils, how long should we use them, and are there contraindications or potential herb/drug interactions?

In this in-depth, 8-part training, David will address these questions in clear language — and share the science, protocols, and do’s and don’ts of integrating herbs and essential oils.

You’ll benefit by David’s extensive research on the healing properties of plants in their environments, and his knowledge of ancient healing lineages — from the shamanic traditions of the Amazon to the alchemical mysteries of the Himalayas to the wisdom of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.

Most naturopathic doctors and herbalists are not trained in the use of essential oils. Meanwhile, aromatherapists typically lack an understanding of herbal medicine. World-renowned plant medicine expert David Crow is now bridging these two fields in this innovative new program, which is founded on more than 30 years of study and clinical expertise.

During this comprehensive training in combining herbs and essential oils, you’ll discover:

  • How to combine different species of herbs and oils that are of a similar nature
  • How to administer complementary remedies through more than one route to enhance healing
  • The antimicrobial powers of essential oils… as well as their risks and limitations
  • Aromatic teas as a safe treatment strategy for numerous digestive problems
  • How to use the same species of plants in different forms, such as lavender tea and lavender oil
  • External applications of essential oils to support digestion
  • How to intuitively combine herbs and oils in whichever form is easiest and most available
  • How to apply simple formulas to strengthen and energize the nervous system; reduce stress, tension, and anxiety; treat chronic adrenal overstimulation; and many other formulas
  • How to use herbal preparations as a base for diluting essential oils
  • The best botanical remedies for expectorant and decongestant purposes
  • How to combine bitter herbs with aromatic teas and essential oils
  • And many, many other proven practices, principles, and protocols for combining these two plant medicine modalities

Whether you’re a plant medicine novice or a seasoned practitioner, an individual or a professional, Combining Herbs & Essential Oils will deepen your understanding and application of nature’s pharmacy.

What You’ll Discover in These 8 Modules

In this innovative 8-part series, you’ll discover the fundamental skills and competencies needed to safely and effectively combine herbs and essential oils to enhance healing.

You’ll complete this training with a holistic understanding of protocols, practices, and underlying principles of both herbal medicine and aromatherapy — and learn how to apply them in tandem to increase their therapeutic benefits.

Introductory Module: Home Formulary Overview

Get David Crow’s compelling overview of principles of applying both aromatherapy and herbal medicine to heal and balance you. In this 76-minute audio, he’ll also walk you through each module ahead — and share combinations of herbs and oils he’ll be covering in depth throughout the training.

Module 1: Combining Herbs & Essential Oils for the Respiratory System

Numerous therapeutic categories of herbs are used for treating respiratory conditions, including expectorants, mucolytics, decongestants, antitussives, anti-inflammatories, antimicrobials, and immune stimulants.

Aromatherapy works directly on the respiratory system, and essential oils have well-documented and powerful antimicrobial effects, making their use a highly effective modality.

Whether we use aromatherapy as a primary treatment and supplement it with herbs, or use herbs as a primary treatment and supplement them with essential oils, this combination represents one of the best examples of the benefits of combining herbs and oils for enhanced synergistic effects and increased therapeutic benefits for both treating and preventing many common respiratory conditions.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The different therapeutic categories of herbs for respiratory conditions, what oils they combine with most effectively, and why
  • Why essential oils are some of the best botanical remedies for expectorant and decongestant purposes
  • The antimicrobial powers of essential oils, their risks, and limitations
  • Safe methods for using essential oils for respiratory conditions
  • Preparations of herbs and oils for herbal baths, chest compresses, and other methods for respiratory purposes

Formulary Teaching for Treatment of Respiratory Conditions (Recording Released December 1)

In this formulary teaching, you’ll discover safe, effective combinations and applications of herbs and essential oils for:

  • Colds and flus
  • Bronchitis
  • Sinusitis and sinus allergies
  • Different types of cough
  • Detoxification from smoking
  • Asthma
  • Increasing respiratory immunity

Module 2: Combining Herbs & Essential Oils for the Digestive System

Many therapeutic categories of herbs are used for treating digestive problems, including aromatics, bitters, demulcents, anti-inflammatories, antimicrobials, and prebiotics. Undiluted essential oils cannot be taken internally without a high risk of severe adverse reactions, but if used in specific preparations at safe concentrations, they can be used both externally and internally to enhance the therapeutic benefits of herbal treatments.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Different therapeutic categories of herbs for digestive issues
  • The benefits and limitations of using essential oils for digestive conditions
  • The best essential oils for digestive treatments
  • Why aromatic teas are one of the safest and most effective treatment strategies for numerous digestive problems
  • Combining bitter herbs with aromatic teas and essential oils
  • Using the same species of herb and oil for enhanced potency
  • External applications of essential oils for supporting digestion

Formulary Teaching for Treatment of Digestive Conditions (Recording Released December 8)

In this information-packed formulary teaching, David will share combinations and applications of herbs and essential oils for:

  • Dyspepsia and indigestion
  • Anorexia
  • Hydrochloric acid imbalances and esophageal reflux
  • Constipation
  • Food poisoning and bacterial infections
  • Parasitic infections

Module 3: Combining Herbs & Essential Oils for Relaxing the Nervous System

Herbal medicine and aromatherapy are both highly effective for reducing stress, tension, and anxiety; when combined together their effectiveness increases further. There are a large number of herbs and oils that can be used for calming and relaxing purposes, and many safe and enjoyable ways of using them together.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The links between olfaction, the limbic system, and relaxing the nervous system with aromatherapy
  • The major relaxant, sedative, and anxiolytic herbs and essential oils
  • Using the combination of herbs and aromatherapy to retrain the nervous system from habits of stress and anxiety
  • Safe and pleasant ways to combine herbs and essential oils for relaxation

Formulary Teaching for Treatment of Stress & Anxiety (Recording Released December 15)

In this information-packed formulary, you’ll receive formulas and methods of combining herbs and essential oils for:

  • Reducing stress and tension
  • Tension headaches
  • Nervousness and irritability
  • Stress-related insomnia
  • Chronic adrenal overstimulation

Module 4: Combining Herbs & Essential Oils for Strengthening and Energizing the Nervous System

Several therapeutic categories of herbs are used for strengthening and energizing the nervous system, including neuroprotective, nutritive tonics, aromatics, circulatory stimulants, and others. Because of their direct link to the brain through the olfactory system, numerous essential oils can be combined with these herbs to enhance their properties in safe and effective ways.

These herbs and oils produce a range of actions including supporting cognitive functions, protecting the brain against toxins and aging, increasing memory and concentration, enhancing learning capacity, and others. Many of these herbs and oils are also antidepressant and increase resistance to stress.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The major neuroprotective herbs and how to use them
  • The cognitive enhancing effects of aromatherapy
  • Using herbal stimulants in a balanced way for antidepressant purposes and uplifting the mood
  • The major aromatherapy oils used for energizing purposes and how to combine them with herbs
  • How to use herbs and aromatherapy for enhancing learning and memory

Formulary Teaching for Strengthening & Energizing the Nervous System (Recording Released December 22)

In this information-packed formulary, you’ll discover combinations and applications of herbs and essential oils for:

  • Supporting cognitive functions and enhancing concentration, memory, and mental energy
  • Long-term protection against neurodegenerative conditions
  • Antidepressant and mood uplifting benefits

Module 5: Combining Herbs & Essential Oils for the Female Hormonal System

There are numerous categories of herbs that are beneficial for balancing the female hormonal system, including uterine tonics, blood tonics, endocrine regulators, emmenagogues, and others; aromatherapy with certain classes of oils can also be a very effective adjunct treatment. When combined, herbs and oils work together holistically in ways that can relieve the discomfort of many common hormonal imbalances, help restore normal glandular functions, and improve the quality of life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The link between olfaction, the limbic system, and the female glandular system
  • The most important herbs for common female hormonal complaints
  • The most effective essential oils for menstrual and menopausal symptoms
  • Simple and enjoyable ways to use combined herbs and oils for the menstrual cycle and menopausal symptoms

Formulary Teaching for the Female Hormonal System (Recording Released January 12)

In this formulary, you’ll learn combinations and applications of herbs and essential oils for:

  • PMS
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Menopausal issues including insomnia, hot flashes, anxiety, and depression

Module 6: Combining Herbs & Essential Oils for Adaptogenic & Neuroendocrine Functions

Many herbs have the ability to restore normal organ functions, rejuvenate vitality, and strengthen and balance the neuroendocrine system, thereby helping the body and mind adapt to stressful conditions. Aromatherapy is an important adjunct to these herbs, which can help restore and strengthen adaptive functions through its relaxing and rejuvenative powers.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • When and how to use the most important adaptogenic and restorative herbs
  • How specific essential oils can work in adaptogenic and restorative ways
  • How to combine adaptogenic and restorative herbs with essential oils for maximum benefits

Formulary Teaching for Adaptogenic & Neuroendocrine Functions (Recording Released January 19)

In this formulary, you’ll learn combinations and applications of herbs and essential oils for:

  • Restoring exhausted adrenal functions
  • Increasing vitality and immunity
  • Improving endurance and ability to cope with stress
  • Counteracting depression due to low vitality

Module 7: Combining Herbs & Essential Oils for Musculoskeletal Conditions

There are numerous categories of herbs that benefit the musculoskeletal system, including anti-inflammatories, analgesics, circulatory enhancers, and antispasmodics, which can be used both internally and externally.

One of the safest and most effective ways of using essential oils is in aromatic preparations for external applications, which also make them a primary treatment for musculoskeletal conditions. Herbs and essential oils often do not have the same pain-relieving powers as over-the-counter or prescription medications, but they can still offer great relief when combined and used properly.

Most importantly, botanical medicine works at a deeper level to activate the body’s healing processes, and is far safer than pharmaceutical approaches.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The most important herbs and oils that can help relieve musculoskeletal pain and inflammation
  • The pro-inflammatory nature of essential oils, and how to safely use them for anti-inflammatory purposes
  • The best herbs and oils for protecting and benefitting the joints
  • What types of pain respond best to the combination of herbs and oils
  • Using herbs and oils with other treatment modalities

Formulary Teaching for Musculoskeletal Conditions (Recording Released January 26)

In this information-packed formulary, you’ll receive combinations and applications of herbs and essential oils for:

  • Soft-tissue injuries, sprains, strains, and whiplash
  • Relaxing muscle spasms
  • Arthritic pain
  • Fibromyalgia

Module 8: Combining Herbs & Essential Oils for Detoxification

Herbal medicine is one of the most effective methods of supporting and stimulating the body’s natural detoxification processes. Because of their potential toxicity and pro-inflammatory nature, essential oils have a limited range of detoxification actions, but if used correctly they are highly effective for specific purposes. When combined, these two modalities broaden the scope of detoxification, increase its power, and yet make the process more effective and comfortable than using one modality only.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The functions of the most important alternative, chologogic, and lymphatic herbs
  • What essential oils can and cannot do for detoxification
  • What conditions are best treated by combining detox herbs and oils
  • Important blood-cleansing herbs, and how aromatherapy can support their effectiveness
  • Herbs that detoxify by stimulating the flow of bile (cholagogues), and how to use essential oils to enhance their benefits
  • When not to detox

Formulary Teaching for Detoxification (Recording Released February 2)

In this information-packed formulary, you’ll learn combinations and applications of herbs and essential oils for:

  • Enhancing natural detoxification through the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and lymphatic systems
  • Treating the major forms of common toxicity
  • Benefitting the lymphatic system and supporting skin health
  • Creating supportive conditions for ending addictions and easing discomfort of withdrawal symptoms
  • Balancing gentle ongoing detox with nourishing and rejuvenating treatments

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Introduction plus Eight 90-minute Recorded Theoretical Audio Teachings With David Crow

Experience a rare opportunity to be learn from botanical medicine pioneer David Crow — from the comfort of your own home. Each module helps you create the specific skills and abilities to equip your home pharmacy with essential-oil-and-herb pairings.

Eight 30-minute Recorded Video Q&A Sessions With David Crow

David joined students on video to address frequently-asked questions about the course material.

Eight 90-minute Recorded Audio Formulary Modules With David Crow

Each module includes a companion formulary teaching, which will enhance your learning of the course material.

PDF Transcripts of All Modules and Q&A Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Combining Herbs & Essential Oils Bonus Collection

  • Combining Herbs & Essential Oils for Pediatric Uses
    Audio Teaching From David Crow
    PLUS the Formulary of Pediatric Treatments
  • Combining Herbs & Essential Oils For Home Pharmacy Kits
    Audio Teaching From David Crow
  • 20% Discount From Floracopeia Store

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Combining Herbs & Essential Oils Virtual Training

We feel honored David Crow has chosen to partner with The Shift Network on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a skilled and masterful herbalist and botanical medicine expert.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also benefit from David’s incredible teachings and practices, from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!

If you’re serious about deepening your knowledge of safely integrating commonly available herbs and oils to contribute to a more balanced, healthy, and vital life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $74.00.

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