
[Download Now] Dave Riker – Speed Seduction Technical Manual


Speed Seduction Technical ManualDave Riker – Speed Seduction Technical Manual

Are you looking for a full, deep understanding of the processes of Meeting Women, and Seduction? What if you could FINALLY understand How and Why women think the way they do, and how YOU can become better at meeting the women or women of your dreams!?!

Have you ever wished that Speed Seduction® was taught in a more structured way, piece by piece, subject by subject, in a way that allows you to really understand it, really KNOW it, and really USE and APPLY it even better than before?

Are you a technical professional? Maybe an engineer? Scientist? Accountant? Or just someone that wants this all provided to you in a methodical, organized, and systematic way?

Well, what you have been waiting for has arrived …

Dave Riker’s Speed Seduction® Technical Manual addresses all of the above, and more!

“Dave Riker has a staggering understanding of and astounding skill with Speed Seduction® AND an amazing ability to present a linear, structured, step by step approach that any guy can use to improve his success with the Speed Seduction® material. While I especially recommend this for beginners, at whatever your skill level, this product KICKS ASS! GET IT!”

Ross Jeffries, creator of Speed Seduction®

Hi guys, Dave Riker here. I know what it’s like to start learning any new subject, especially when you are a technical, structured guy, and ESPECIALLY if it’s a subject that YOU have personal interest in (like … maybe getting more success with the Women or Woman of Your Dreams?!!). When starting out it seems confusing, it’s all new, you really are looking for a way to “get it all” so that you just KNOW it, and it becomes a PART of you. To me, that has always been the key to really leaning a subject and APPLYING it.

Would you rather hear an audio presentation about the product? If so, use the player on the left to listen now.

I remember learning technical subjects in school. I was not one of those ones that could just “learn the formulas” and the do well on tests. No way. Memorization was not my thing.

See, I was the kind of guy that had to REALLY KNOW THE SUBJECT. Really GET IT in a way that it MADE SENSE. Not just as a bunch of bits and pieces, but as something I KNEW, UNDERSTOOD, and could USE for myself.

For me, the key to application, and the key to being able to really USE any subject and “make it my own”, is to HAVE that kind of deep-level understanding. THAT is what makes you able to really use such a technology in the field-in the real world! I have always thought that such a level of understanding was something that most students needed, and would LOVE to have with Speed Seduction® as well!

Now Speed Seduction® is amazing in its power and flexibility, but let’s face it, for many guys it’s a WHOLE NEW WAY OF THINKING about people, about things to say and when, about how to think about people and language, about what steps to take … for a woman, for yourself … about how to be flexible … but stay determined… about … patterns, and demos, and themes and stories and commands and trance words and frames and anchors and … and .. and …WHOA! THERE IS a LOT of INFO in this subject isn’t there!?!?!?!

“Hasn’t ANYONE come up with a way to explain all of this, to really convey the whole subject, in a way that lets you “get it”? Hasn’t anyone created a structure which shows pretty much ALL of it? A structure and a way of describing it and teaching it, which provides a framework to help you learn, understand, recall, and USE ALL OF THIS STUFF?!??!”

Frustrated students everywhere …

Well, Dave Riker’s Speed Seduction® Technical Manual is the answer!

In fact, here is what one of my students had to say about this material …

Sometimes, Speed Seduction can be frustrating, like learning to master that new wiz-bang techno gadget that you just bought at an electronics store! You know it has incredible powers, but you don’t seem to be able scratch the surface of its true and full capabilities. Enter one Dave Riker.

Dave is like an architect, the conceptual and technical “glue” that has been able to pull all of the pieces of Speed Seduction together into one neat package for someone like myself. You will chuckle at the elegant simplicity with which Dave breaks down the SS concepts that Ross exposed us Speed Seducers to. Dave takes the Speed Seduction helm and leads you through a feast of SS concepts that all come together to form one powerful bank of knowledge within yourself, and allows you to create a continuous barrage on that lovely lady’s subconscious as well! After using what Dave has taught you, you will have a significantly enhanced ability to use all the world class technology that Ross has introduced over the years, and be set to learn and become even better in the future! Working with Dave and using this way of “thinking about this” (and making sense of it all) has been a KEY aspect to making this all “workable” for me!

John R., MD, USA

Now this Technical Manual is NOT a substitute for attending a seminar or for the full Ross Jeffries’ Speed Seduction® Home Study course. But what this manual does is that it takes most of the aspects of SS and gives you an overall structured framework and way of thinking about it so that you CAN just “get it”. So that for you linear, structured, systematic guys … you NOW have a way to “think about all of this”. A way geared towards helping you APPLY THIS IN THE REAL WORLD.

And for you guys that ARE experienced, that HAVE been around for a while, this product will help YOU too. One comment that I have heard from experienced guys that have reviewed this product (or seen the presentations that it is based upon) is how much this helps them to use and understand and APPLY what they have ALREADY LEARNED even better than before. It allows you to make even MORE sense of the materials you have already studied, make MORE sense of the products you already have, and helps you to have more power, more success, and better results!

This is NOT some academic exercise, not some way to simply sit around and “think about all of this”. The whole goal of this product is an extreme increase in the depth and breadth and TRUE and deep understanding geared towards application, REAL-WORLD APPLICATION!

This product is PACKED with info, insight, new ways of thinking, ways to program YOU to understand and use these concepts.

Let me do my best here to give you a glimpse of everything that is included in the Technical Manual.

The Technical Manual is divided into three main sections.

In the first section, we deal with The Structure of the Mind.

I go into a LOT of detail to REALLY explain to you the way that people’s minds work. Now, I didn’t invent the mind guys! But what I have done here is come up with a way of thinking about people and their minds that allows you to have a better and more intuitive understanding of how people work, and WHY they do what they do, and what YOU can do to effect them. Not the “NLP Wannabee” version (as in everyone who has ever read a Bandler book thinks he is an expert now), not the “Sammy Psych-Major” version (for the guy that sits in a leather chair and theorizes all day and can’t talk to a woman for his life) but a REAL understanding of how people work. This is KEY because with this, you become much better at knowing WHY people do what they do, and what YOU need to do … to take her … where you would like her … to go … now …

“Finally, finally, FINALLY someone has come up with a way to explain how people think and act that actually MAKES SENSE to me! Riker – this is amazing and worth 5x the price of this product alone. I know more now about how women “tick” (and men too) than I ever thought possible …”

Frank S., IL, USA

In the second section we deal with The Tools and Resources that we have in SS.

Have you ever stopped to think about HOW MANY TOOLS we have in our SS toolset?!?!?! Patterns, commands, trance words, weasel phrases, stories, jokes, demos, rapport tools, anchors, etc. etc. etc. etc. !!!!!!! Wow. There are a LOT.

When I lay out the full Tools and Resources of Speed Seduction, I provide full details as to what each of these things are. I describe to you how one fits into another, how parts of one work with another. You get a REAL understanding of the full arsenal of tools that YOU have at your disposal. This is all presented in a hierarchy, so that you know what fits where, what items are made up of other items, and what things are the MOST important to focus on.

Even the structure used to describe The Tools and Resources helps as well. Ever wonder how to know WHAT to work on next? What you need to study? When you are “done” studying at a certain level? The Tools and Resources section gets into that too!

“… wanted to say thanks. I have listened to so much info and so many product [sic] that my head was spinning about all of the bits and pieces and stuff I have heard on various tape sets over the years. I would end up worrying more about what tool to use than the woman I was talking to. Your way of laying it out for me really helped.”

Don R. NV, USA

And as if that is not enough … there is MORE …

In the third section I talk about The Process, the actual process, step by step, of how to really use SS in the field.

Now I don’t go into like 47 steps (one guy on the ‘net has his “easy 15 step approach to getting women”, puh-leeze, … GET REAL …) I go into five steps. Five. All the way from “Step 0, Living the Life” to “Step 4, The Close” (and by “close” I don’t mean get a phone number ….. LOL, that’s somewhere in Step 2 or 3…).

The Process is where all of it comes together. Think about it. The Structure of the Mind gets you to really understand what makes people tick, and why the do what they do. Then in the Tools and Resources section, you learn what YOU have at your disposal to effect their mind (and … your own) to get the results that you want. In The Process, we see how, step by step, you go about doing all of this in the real world. How it REALLY happens.

And all of this is laid out in a structured way. How? For example, lets consider Step 2 of The Process, “Step 2, Get and Keep Attention”. Do you know that THIS step probably halts MORE guys than almost anyone would have guessed? Do you know that this breaks down very systematically to FOUR OPTIONS as to the types of ways to DO Step 2? Yes, we have Step 2, Options 1, 2, 3, and 4 … with specifics as to how each works, and what YOU can do to get better at each option! HOW IS THAT FOR STRUCTURE? A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 !!!

Your explanation of the process is THE thing that I have searched for for years and what no one seems to have ever put together! I almost fell off my chair laughing when I realized where I was stuck and what I was REALLY worried about. I have been focusing on the wrong steps for years. Your explanation of Step ZERO was the dose of reality that no one has ever had the balls to mention on any “get girls” product from anyone out there. Thanks Dave.

Jack M. NY, USA

OK, now, the teachings, and the methods of teaching in this product, are based upon a LOT of work, studying, and research I have done over the years. This is all based upon presentations that I have done live at SS seminars in front of hundreds and hundreds of students. This material has been improved and refined and made better and better using a LOT of real world feedback (oh, and if you have seen me present this at a seminar, this product has even MORE info and is even BETTER than the presentations have been …). I have also used these concepts when working with my Seduction Coaching clients to help THEIR understanding too!

This Technical Manual works on SO many levels, it’s amazing.

Yes, it’s technical. Yes, it’s structured. I am also using pattern and trance-like language all the way through it, as a way to SHOW you how things are done! It’s also set up so that a lot of the language is geared to EFFECT YOU and to help PROGRAM YOU for full learning and understanding as well. (A very knowledgeable colleague of mine said “this thing sounds like a technical journal but it’s also a 7 hour set of walking trance inductions too”, meaning it not only addresses your conscious mind, but programs your subconscious mind as well!).

I also make EXTENSIVE use of symbols and symbology in this product. I don’t expect anyone to learn every detail and every concept verbatim. That’s not the point. But what we do is INSTALL this in your head, into a structure, that WE build there, together (you and I). And we use certain symbols to do that (one for each major section of the product). This helps for you to assimilate the info, store it, and recall it later on!

So there IS a lot happening in this product.

What actually comes with the Technical Manual?

The product is built around a series of audio lectures. There are OVER 7 HOURS OF LECTURES which have been digitally edited and mastered so that they are easy to listen to in a variety of environments (you will NOT be thinking “what did he say there, I didn’t hear that part…”). The lectures are each broken into small tracks so that you can quickly and easily find your place! NOTE: The audio was originally provided on CDs but it is now sent to you as a series of digital files that can play on your computer, smart phone, or tablet.

In addition to the 7 hours of lectures, there is a 155 page Transcript/Workbook! Yes, you read that right-ALL OF THE LECTURES HAVE BEEN FULLY TRANSCRIBED! And the transcriptions are track-referenced to the audio files, so that you can quickly find where you are and what section of the transcript it refers to. NOTE: The Transcript/Workbook is provided to you as an electronic file (PDF) that can be viewed on a computer, smart phone, or tablet. You can even print it to hardcopy if you would like.

The workbook also contains exercises that YOU do, and also has parts of it where YOU must fill in certain things, and do certain things. For example YOU must “build” the symbols” for yourself, as a way to (again) provide a structure for your learning and understanding.

So, that’s over 7 hours of lectures. A full 155 page Transcript/Workbook, complete with exercises and fully cross-referenced to/from the lectures. Wow!

But wait (you knew this was coming …) THERE’S MORE!!!!!

I know that whenever I have listened to or studied any product like this, I may have really liked it but I almost always thought “wow, I wish now that I have listened to this and studied it, I would LOVE to sit with the author and have a Q and A session to ask what I would like to ask, discuss what I would like to discuss, and really get a few points clarified for myself”.

So …… (no the bonus is NOT a visit from me to each customers’ house to answer questions …)

I have included a BONUS lecture which is a full Q and A session with Dave Riker (me!).

What I did was, when the lectures were complete, I gave these to a group of guys in my area. They each listened to ALL of them. (Some guys went through all of them twice!) Then we all got into a room, and we turned on the microphones, and they got to ask me whatever they wanted! This Q and A session went WELL over an hour (we had a great time doing it), and we have placed a good portion of this into an extra lecture, so that YOU get to hear what we talked about! Its like having YOUR own Q and A session with me!

Readmore about : Dave Riker – Speed Seduction Technical Manual, Speed Seduction Technical Manual, dave riker speed seduction technical, riker speed seduction technical manual, technical manual

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