
[Download Now] Coming Home Through Myth with Luisah Teish


[Download Now] Coming Home Through Myth with Luisah Teish


Eco-mythology is the academic discipline that shows us how to rewrite our cultural myths. However the truth is that this is not just an abstract thing, itโ€™s also a very personal journey of transformation, healing and awakening.

Each of us live within a far too limited story โ€“ one that is based upon who we have seen ourselves to be in the past, instead of who we COULD be in the future. Itโ€™s a story in which, too often, we are fundamentally alone and living in an uncaring universe.

What if a caterpillar created a vision of its possible future based only on what she had already been able to experience and accomplish? Would she ever dare dream of taking flight as a majestic butterfly?

Similarly, you already have extraordinary abilities within โ€“ sacred gifts that can open entirely new possibilities for a radiant life of love, artistry and greater contribution to Mother Earth and our shared future.

However, to realize them means transforming your myths โ€“ your conscious and subconscious stories, most of which have been programmed by family and culture.

Our minds are hard-wired to create stories out of what we see โ€“ which is why we love them so much. We are story-generating machines, turning the data of life into a coherent narrative that helps us make sense of our experience and orient in the world.

The problem arises when the myth your subconscious mind is creating โ€“ which is largely what youโ€™ve inherited from society โ€“ holds you back from the next stage of your evolution (as well as contributing to the next stage of our collective evolution).

These myths deeply affect your relationship with the natural world, your community and, indeed, our entire cultureโ€™s well-being. So, when you learn to shift your myth at the root level, you are also shifting the larger context in which you are living.

Too often, we focus only on the surface levels of our mind in our personal growth work, trying to alter our beliefs, heal our emotions or to think more positively. Real transformation means actually TAKING the heroโ€™s (or heroineโ€™s) journey into the deeper symbols of your psyche and emerging with a new tale of your life, and beyond.

Learn to Let Go of Your Old Identity to
Rebirth Yourself

Story and myth can play a potent role in re-scripting your life, preparing you for new possibilities and shifting your relationship with the natural world. They lay down the script for the drama of your life. If you stick to the old version, youโ€™ll keep getting the old results.


As you more deeply understand the stories that have been shaping your life and our world, you have greater freedom to shed your old forms and identities โ€“ and enter into the unknown without fetters. You can reclaim parts of yourself that were cut off, hurt or abandoned. And you can vision a far more beautiful you.

And as you learn from โ€œTeishโ€ how to let go of the past and create new storylines for your life, you can dissolve illusory veils that may be preventing you from experiencing true interconnection with all that is sacred โ€“ including Mother Nature, the hearts of those in your community and Spirit.

Teish is one of todayโ€™s great storytelling geniuses, who knows how to truly evolve your personal stories to bring more freedom, creativity and meaning.

During this fun-filled and transformational 8-module program, youโ€™ll learn to shed the negative cultural myths and open to more empowering myths.

Youโ€™ll also understand the larger archetypal stories that have shaped our culture and begin to understand how to shift them in a positive direction that is both ecological and spiritual at the same time.

Through this program, youโ€™ll:

  • Find your place of power in the natural world.
  • Explore magical landscapes and animal totems through
    guided visualizations.
  • Marry your spirituality and your activism for the Earth in a
    deeper way.
  • Experience more gratitude and blessing in relationship to
    our planet.
  • Recover the joy and imagination that you had in childhood.
  • Learn how to create ritual that reconnects you with nature.
  • Uncover cultural conditioning, and see how to shift it.
  • Create stories related to community that inspire and motivate others to take action.
  • Flip the script on your personal mythology and mythology for
    our planet.
  • Experience the joy of writing personal myth.
  • Explore the interconnections between personal, communal and environmental issues (such as climate change, land use, water quality, food security, species extinction and the impact of human culture).
  • Overcome the distractions of modern technology to achieve direct communication with Mother Nature.
  • Build more intimacy and rapport with others as well as open to the nature deities, elementals and more.

What Youโ€™ll Discover in These 8 Modules

Each teaching, activation and training session will build upon the next, so that youโ€™ll develop a more multi-dimensional understanding of the practices, tools and principles youโ€™ll need to transform yourself and your relationship to nature and enter a new possibility through story.

This course is designed to return us to the beauty and joys of life on Earth in the human community. We will examine the folklore and explore the myths, thoughts and actions that have affected your relationship to yourself and the natural world.

Youโ€™ll experience a basic class ritual to be performed throughout the 8 modules. This will include the establishment of an Earth Altar and the arts of visualization, chanting, blessings and gratitude for the gifts of nature and honoring those who have served the Earth.

Youโ€™ll acquire important skills that can be used in a number of ways. Storytelling is a time-honored way to teach family values; re-scripting myth enhances critical thinking and making art using recycled materials can inspire community projects.

Module 1: Home is Where the Heart Is

week1.jpgWhere are you at home? This session discusses the Eco-Spiritual beliefs of early humans, with emphasis on the importance of a balanced relationship with nature in village life. Youโ€™ll receive an overview of conditions on Earth and in the Human Community. Weโ€™ll also look at conditions in the Ocean, the Forest, the Farm and the Environment of the Inner City.

Additionally, through visualization, youโ€™ll explore a series of landscapes, including the Forest, the Desert, the Mountain and the Open Field โ€“ and be invited to feel each and identify the place where you feel most โ€œat home.โ€

In this module, youโ€™ll:

  • Identify your place of power in nature as well as your primary environmental concerns and the factors impacting your community.
  • Get guidance for exploring your individual and our collective relationship with the natural world and all of its sacred inhabitants.
  • Find powerful ways to hold multiple ways of knowing โ€“ through body, mind and Spirit.
  • Gain illuminating insights on community engagement, service and stewardship.
  • Leave the session with a homework activity:

Home Cleaning, where youโ€™ll be invited to take a walk in your neighborhood, commit some small act that makes an improvement or acknowledges the spirit of the place, and then write about this experience.

Module 2: Paradise & Wilderness:
Myths of the Natural World

week2.jpgIn this module, youโ€™ll explore the 3 aspects of โ€œmythโ€ and examine the body of myths that have shaped our perceptions and attitudes toward Mother Nature. Myths of Origin (such as the Creation according to Hellenistic Greece and of the Garden of Eden) will be deconstructed to demonstrate their impact on our attitudes toward the Earth, women, pregnancy, land labor, snakes, spirits and kin relationships.

Additionally, through visualization, youโ€™ll walk through the Forest of Forever, where youโ€™ll meet the plants and the animals and have a โ€œfirstโ€ encounter with other humans. Youโ€™ll be invited to recall your early childhood relationship to the Earth, where and how you played, your imaginary companions, and then to recall the subsequent conditioning by social and religious institutions that altered your relationship.

In this module, youโ€™ll:

  • Begin to identify any fears of nature you might be harboring.
  • Examine any inhibiting beliefs you have through innovative critical thinking approaches.
  • Find powerful ways to reclaim your innocent imagination and childlike love of nature.
  • Use spiritual practices (as change agents) to help promote social, cultural and ecological balance.
  • Leave the session with a homework activity:

Home Building, where youโ€™ll create an altar in honor of your Healing Place/Power Place in Nature and use all elements at your disposal.

Module 3: Another Mother Nature

week3.jpgIn this session, youโ€™ll be introduced to the myths and stories from the Eco-Spiritual traditions of the world. Here, youโ€™ll encounter Deities of Field and Forest, Elemental Beings and stories of plants and animals that think, talk and help to shape creation. They include the African stories of the Creation of the Earth, the Advent of Agriculture and the Coming of Humans. Weโ€™ll discuss these stories and the cultures that offer an embodied view of our relationship to Mother Nature.

Additionally, through visualization, youโ€™ll be lead through a forest, peopled with mystical beings and into a village with a cultivated abundant garden.

In this module, youโ€™ll:

  • Be introduced to different worldviews of nature and research a myth or story from a culture (other than you own) that offers a different perspective.
  • Explore mythological materials from the African diaspora which offer an alternative view of our relationship to โ€œMother Nature.โ€
  • Get introduced to powerful practices for stimulating your imagination.
  • Learn how to find important and enchanting stories.
  • Leave the session with a homework activity:

Create a Community, in which youโ€™ll sit at your altar and re-live the visualization from the session, ask illuminating questions about the environments and the inhabitants and write responses.

Module 4: State of the Earth Stories

week4.jpgThis module provides an overview of our areas of concentration: climate change, water quality and access, land use, global food security, species extinction and human culture. Weโ€™ll discusses some of the misconceptions about these problems, learn sources for correct information and choose three inter-related subjects to work with (at least one of them must be the Impact of Human Culture).

Our visualization for this session will be a walk through The Wasteland. The environment is covered in trash, the water is polluted, the animals are devastated and the people are starving, depressed and alienated. Youโ€™ll be encouraged to feel this devastation and to withstand the pain this condition can cause.

In this module, youโ€™ll learn:

  • A way to address a variety of issues and to consider strategies to address personal, community and global needs with compassion and effectiveness.
  • To provide information, encourage reflection and inspire future action.
  • Leave the session with a homework assignment:

Honoring Earth Stewards, in which youโ€™ll review Module 3โ€™s homework, and through the Internet, library and conversations with neighbors and classmates, identify individuals and groups who are or have been stewards of the Natural World. Youโ€™ll complete this exercise with a meditation on their attitudes, skills and lifestyles to recognize the similarities between you and them.

Module 5: Ecology and Me

week5.jpgThis module examines the ways in which we use our imaginations โ€“ our most natural resource. Weโ€™ll discuss the lives and ways of the Earth Stewards previously discussed in Module 4. And weโ€™ll explore the power of storytelling as a means of connecting people to the environment and re-visioning our old stories to create new ones.

Weโ€™ll also walk once again through the Wasteland, but this time youโ€™ll have the opportunity to stop, examine and impact these conditions simply by touching them. What happens when your energy is applied to a situation?

During this module, youโ€™ll:

  • Engage in powerful exercises for overcoming ecological depression.
  • Find creative ways to activate your imagination.
  • Experience insightful approaches for examining the basic components of stories.
  • Leave the session with a homework activity:

An Exploration of Recyclable Materials, in which youโ€™ll be encouraged to look at the materials around you and to begin to think about new ways to use them. (Possibilities may include fabric painting or other fiber art.)

Module 6: Home Remedies

week6.jpgIn this module, youโ€™ll learn to write, speak, paint and employ any and all creative processes to transform the story of your life and the nature of your relationships by creating new life myths (or stories) and art. Through visualization, youโ€™ll walk through the Wasteland and see it change simply with your touch. Youโ€™ll listen for the sounds of nature and take in the sights as they appear in your vision, paying close attention to the ways this changes your senses.

In this module, youโ€™ll:

  • Increase your oral and written communication skills.
  • Develop a style of story writing and storytelling that highlights the โ€œMysteries of Creation.โ€
  • Leave the session with a homework activity:

Experience an Imagenesis, where you sit at your altar, imagine a better world, begin the story and/or art project โ€“ and feel the power in doing this.

Module 7: Coming Home

week7.jpgAgain, using visualization, weโ€™ll walk through a landscape that has now been improved by the creative work done in the last module. What does this new environment look like? You will also receive more instruction on writing and speaking, using recycled materials and sharing ideas.

During this module, youโ€™ll learn how to:

  • Increase your oral and written communication skills.
  • Actively participate in the healing of the Earth by producing multi-media works of art using recycled materials.

Module 8: Home Training

week8.jpgDuring this last session of the course, weโ€™ll focus on sharing myth and art in community. Weโ€™ll do a visualization together in which we walk through the Forest, the Garden and the Village. Weโ€™ll interact with the environment and the people now healed by our actions. Weโ€™ll also talk about what we experienced during this exercise as well as any other areas of interest from the coursework.

During this module, youโ€™ll learn to:

  • Value and teach the empathy, compassion and understanding that can emerge when creating community and collaborating across differences.

Delivery Method

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $75.00.

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