
[Download Now] Chandra Bindu Tantra – Sex Actualization


[Download Now] Chandra Bindu Tantra – Sex Actualization



Chandra Bindu Tantra – Sex Actualization


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Yes, it’s absolutely true!

You see, you’ve probably been led to believe, amongst other things, that…

  1. You have to attend the classes of an existing Reiki Master to be attuned to Reiki, haven’t you?
  2. And that you have to take both a Reiki 1 and a Reiki 2 class before you can even consider asking to be attuned to the level of Reiki Master.
  3. You may also have been told it’s compulsory to wait for a certain amount of time between classes before you can move on.
  4. And the whole procedure needs a considerable commitment in both time and money.

In fact, some Reiki teachers even go so far as to tell you that you have to undertake an extremely expensive, twelve-month minimum, apprenticeship before you can become a Reiki Master!

But, you’ll no doubt be surprised, and very happy, to hear…

That all those ‘requirements’ just don’t make any sense at all and are totally unnecessary!


Because it’s not how the accepted founder of modern day Reiki, Mikao Usui himself, was attuned to Reiki.

So, it’s not how YOU have to do it either.

So, let’s take a closer look at how Mikao Usui, Actually became attuned to Reiki…

…for there’s a profound and simple truth about Reiki most people either don’t know or don’t want to talk about…

…and it’s the 5th and most important, thing you really MUST know…

Mikao Usui, the founding father of modern day Reiki, actually attuned himself to Reiki all those years ago!

Which is quite obvious when you really think about it – as there was no-one else there on the mountain to do it for him!

(Yes, some people say a great light came out of the darkness, hit Usui in the forehead and gave him Reiki – and that sounds beautifully mystical doesn’t it? But, it’s just a ‘flight of fancy’ I’m afraid, and it’s not meant to be taken at all seriously).

No, what actually happened was…

Usui went to his favorite meditation spot, totally alone, and after a period of fasting and meditating, he experienced a sudden flash of deep understanding – a Satori if you will…

…about how a particular aspect of the vital life force energy already flowing within him could easily be accessed and used for both healing and the acceleration of self-realization.

And it was out of this sudden understanding that Reiki was reborn.

A sudden understanding which did not require any kind of…

First you take Reiki level one and wait a few months. Then you take level two and wait for maybe up to a year to become a Reiki Master.

For the truth is Usui became a complete Master of Reiki all at once!

…no waiting, no different levels and none of those massive fees either!

He simply discovered, acknowledged, intentionally opened up to and harnessed this energy he found within himself and called it Reiki.

He then formalized the process and showed others how to open up to it as well.

But, here’s the important part.

This energy, the same energy Usui found within himself, is also flowing within you right now too – it has to be – for it’s your very own life force energy, without which you wouldn’t actually be alive!

What does this mean to you?

Well, it means Reiki IS NOT something that has to be transferred to you by a Reiki Master during a Reiki attunement ceremony, as everyone has been conditioned to believe, and…

You DO NOT have to take three separate levels of Reiki either – one is all you need.

You see, the only thing a Reiki Master is actually doing for you during a ‘hands-on attunement’ is just ‘awakening’ you to your own abilities…

…they are not ‘giving’ you Reiki – you’ve already got it…

…they’re simply awakening you to the part of you that is already Reiki – and that’s something you can easily do for yourself as I’ll show you in just a moment.

For the truth is, you’re already a Reiki Master right now, you just didn’t know it!

  • You really don’t have to go searching for a Reiki Master to ‘transfer’ the energy of Reiki to you, because it’s already an undeniable part of your own incredible life force energy right now
  • You really don’t have to seek out and take separate Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 classes because opening up to being the Reiki Master that you already are, automatically includes the levels of Reiki 1 and 2 as well.
  • You really don’t have to pay the totally exorbitant fees being charged in most ordinary Reiki classes, take time off work or pay for any extras such as travelling, hotel and meal costs either.

For it’s just as every Enlightened Master, Prophet and Mystic has been saying since the beginning of time…

There is nothing you have to seek outside yourself, everything lies within

Meaning, quite simply…

…the complete energy of Reiki is truly there inside you right now…

As you can plainly see in the second paragraph of this short extract, taken directly from Dr Usui’s own Memorial Inscription, which reads…

Follow the great principles, and be clean and quiet. Work on your heart and do things from the quiet space inside of you.

Anyone can access Reiki, because it begins within yourself!

And here’s why it’s so vital that you attune yourself to Reiki…

Because by doing so you are subconsciously and, more importantly, consciously acknowledging that it is YOU who is the power in your life – nobody else.

And this is the first step to absolute mastery of not only Reiki but of life itself.

So, how do you awaken yourself to this Dynamic energy?

Well, it’s simplicity itself…

All You Need Is A Simple System To Follow…

And, I’m going to show you exactly where you can get hold of this dynamic self-attuning, self-empowering system, called Chikara-Reiki-Do, in just a moment.

But before I do…

Please take a few moments to read the following letters from others who have already self-attuned to Reiki…

What Others Are Saying About Chikara-Reiki-Do

“The Chikara-Reiki-Do attunement was truly magical and blessed!”

I finally attuned myself today, using the Chikara-Reiki-Do ceremony. This was easily the most powerful, and personal, attunement I’ve had yet.

Mind this isn’t just an ideal comment made by someone who has no idea what she’s talking about. I’m a Reiki Master/Teacher with dual, now triple lineage.

I’ve had other attunements, and have had Reiki as part of my life now for some time now but The Chikara-Reiki-Do attunement was truly magical and blessed!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Samantha Quinn – USA

“A wonderful and expanded experience with Reiki”

I just finished my self attunement with the video you provided to help us.

I am so full of feelings of joy that it is a little difficult to sit here to write, but I want you to know this has truly been a wonderful experience for me. I have been a Reiki Master-Teacher (Usui Shiki Ryoho) for almost 3 years, but I knew that I was to do this also.

And so, I just want to thank you so much for this wonderful and, I believe, expanded experience with Reiki.


Marlena M. Ponceroff

“By far the most powerful attunement I’ve received”

Thank you so much! It was by far the most powerful attunement I’ve received – you channel beautiful, loving, life-giving energy – all the way to Canada too!! I’ve never felt my hands and feet get as hot as they were during the distant attunement and the pulsating, prickly sensation throughout my body, though familiar from my self-treatments, was also far stronger than it has ever been. What a lovely experience this has been!

Janet Pal

Read more testimonials here

So, Where Can You Access This Powerful Self-Attuning System Which Is Having Such Astonishing Results?

Well, it couldn’t be easier.

You see…

Because it is such an easy to follow system, it was possible to include the whole Chikara-Reiki-Do method inside my Ultimate Online Reiki Package.

A truly delightful, multi-media package in which…

You’ll discover absolutely everything you need to know to carry out your own, very powerful, very beautiful, self-attunement ceremony.

It’ll take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the whole wonderful process.

The Result For You..?

You can easily become a Chikara-Reiki-Do Master within 48 hours – 24 if you’re really motivated.

So, in just a few short hours from now, you’ll be healing yourself, your loved ones, friends and family – not forgetting your plants and animals too.

For the fact is…

Reiki is probably the gentlest, most powerful, easiest to learn healing art available in the world today – as well as being one of the most outstanding methods of personal and spiritual development.

And now with this unique online system, probably the most affordable as well.

Created By Two Highly Experienced Reiki Masters…

Judith & Chris Conroy

Here’s a little biography on husband and wife team Judith & Chris Conroy… the founders of Chikara-Reiki-Do.

Judith holds qualifications in nursing – gaining over twenty years experience in allopathic medicine before ‘seeing the light’ and leaving the UK National Health Service for Alternative medicine.

Her interest in spirituality, metaphysics and esotericism began in early childhood, resulting in the awakening of her psychic and intuitive abilities – which she has put to good use over the last twenty five years as a psychic, medium, clairvoyant, medical intuitive, healer, EFT practitioner and Reiki Master.

Chris spent fifteen years in the alternative and complimentary fields of medicine gaining qualifications in Osteopathy, Physical Therapy, Applied Kinesiology, Reflexology, Massage Therapy and that of Reiki Master.

He is keenly interested in Martial Arts, Tai Chi and Oriental Philosophy, but his life long passion has been…

The study and demystification of all things esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual.

Now having retired from successfully running their own alternative and complimentary health center both Judith and Chris have turned their attention to writing…

By doing this they know they can help guide many more people towards a life of vibrant good health, wealth and happiness.

Here’s a full run down of everything you’ll receive when you join us today…

Unlimited access to the online video webcast which guides you through the complete Reiki Master Self-Attunement Ceremony, so you just can’t go wrong.

Unlimited access to the quarterly Reiki Master Distance Attunement Ceremony which absolutely guarantees you’ll be fully attuned as a Chikara-Reiki-Do, Usui and Tibetan Reiki Master, because you and I do it together.

An online copy of my bestselling 173 page e-book, Radical Reiki – Radical Life, which tells you, in great detail, everything you need to know about Reiki, self-attuning and how your life actually works.

Two videos showing you exactly how to carry out the Chikara-Reiki-Do and Usui Reiki Master Attunement Ceremonies for others, so you’ll know exactly what to do to bring many more, much needed, Reiki Masters into the world today.

Three professional, downloadable Reiki manuals (Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master) for you to print out and keep for yourself and/or give to your students.

All certificates for you and all your students prepared by us, so you don’t have the fuss and bother of producing your own.

90 days back up and support to help you become the most powerful Reiki Master you could ever dream of becoming.

The Ultimate Online Reiki Package is a 100% digital online course that you can access any time from any device.

Immediate access after you sign up.

Get instant access to the Ultimate Online Reiki Package now

You’re literally just moments away from fulfilling your dream of becoming the most powerful Reiki Master you could ever imagine being…

Get the Ultimate Online Reiki Package now for just $97

Note: the Ultimate Online Reiki Package is an online course. After your payment you create your username and password to gain immediate access.

60 Day No Questions Asked

Money-Back Guarantee

If, at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in the Ultimate Online Reiki Package, or for any other reason at all…

Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, buts or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.

This guarantee is also underwritten by my Credit Card Processor, which means you’re completely covered and DOUBLY Guaranteed!

So, you’ve nothing to lose but your ordinary life…

That’s my Personal Promise to You.

“Deeper and more powerful than the traditional attunements”

Judith, thankyou. The attunement was absolutely amazing and so much deeper and more powerful, than the traditional attunements, I have received. I am a total convert and feel so much better about Reiki, via this method. The old way, philosophy, method and teaching, never sat well with me.

With deep gratitude, Namaste

Gordon Gladstone

“The whole tone you take is so empowering”

Thank you Judith for this beautiful process! I’ve felt for a while now that I was ready for my Reiki Master attunement, in fact felt that I already had the knowledge in me and it was just waiting to be made conscious. I immediately felt this was the way I would become a Reiki Master upon discovering your site. The whole tone you take is so empowering and I thank you for reminding us all of our own divinity.

I feel wonderfully whole and joyous after finishing my attunement!


Nikki Threlkeld

“Thank you for providing such a detailed and beautiful course”

I just want to pass on my compliments regarding your top class Reiki course.

I have already done Reiki 1 and 2 and was delighted to discover your course online. I must admit I was very sceptical at first as to how the attunement would work and pondered it for a while before purchasing the course.

I just want to say thank you so much for providing such a detailed and beautiful course. The traditional way of charging astronomical amounts of money to learn Reiki has never sat well with me and I would like to commend you for taking that step – well done to you both on a top class job very well done! You are bringing so much good and healing into the world at a price people can afford.

Lorraine Deasy – Ireland

Read more testimonials here

Get instant access to the Ultimate Online Reiki Package now

You’re literally just moments away from fulfilling your dream of becoming the most powerful Reiki Master you could ever imagine being…

Get the Ultimate Online Reiki Package now for just $97

Note: the Ultimate Online Reiki Package is an online course. After your payment you create your username and password to gain immediate access.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Q: Will I Be Able To Get A Certificate?

A: Yes of course…

I fully realise that many people who are being attracted to Reiki, want to become healers.

Some of course, will want to do so professionally.

So, if this is the way you want to go, excellent, we’ll help you all we can…

Full certification is just part of the back-up provided at no extra cost.

And… As we were in private practice for many years, if it’s practical, hands on advice you need… you’ll get all of that too.

Q: I’m Already A Reiki Master, Will This Self-Initiation Process Be Of Any Help To Me?

A: Absolutely!

Carrying out the Chikara-Reiki-Do self-initiation process attunes all seven of your Chakra energy centers to the remarkable energy of Reiki…

…making you a much more complete and powerful Reiki Master.

But that’s not all.

The same process can also be used, at any time, for bringing balance and harmony to all of your Chakras too.

The importance of which, in these stressful times, just cannot be over stated.

Q: Will I Really Be Able To Carry Out The Attunement Myself?

A: Yes… Yes… YES.

Anyone and everyone can follow my simple step-by-step instructions to becoming a Chikara-Reiki-Do Master.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Absolutely everything you need to do is covered – nothing has been left out.

The only ability you’ll need is the one you’re using right now – the ability to read.

Obviously you can do that – so you really can do it all yourself…

Q: Will I get anything through the mail?

A: No, this is an entirely online course. Nothing comes through the mail, But this also means there is no waiting time either – you have instant access today, and start learning right away.

Q: Is your course easy to do?

A: Yes, it’s extremely easy to do

And one thing’s for sure…

You won’t find yourself drowning in a sea of unintelligible mumbo-jumbo either, for gobbledygook is definitely not on the menu.

Our system is so straight forward even children can understand it…

…we know – we’ve tested it.

In short, everyone who follows it can gain all the remarkable benefits of Reiki in as little as 48 hours.

Q: Is your Self-Attunement as effective as taking an ordinary ‘hands on’ class in Usui Reiki?

A: Absolutely, for the self-attunement process you will be carrying out ensures that…

…unlike in ordinary Reiki classes, all seven energy centers of your body are attuned, and then powerfully resonate, with the beautiful essence of Reiki.

Allowing you to become not just an ordinary Usui Reiki Master – but something much more special, much more complete, for…

You will also become a Chikara-Reiki-Do Master too.

A Master of the only whole body system of Reiki available today – a system that puts the power right back where it truly belongs – squarely and firmly in your own hands!

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $350.00.Current price is: $57.00.

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