
[Download Now] Brad Callen – 1 Method Mastery (Home Study Course) – Q282


[Download Now] Brad Callen – 1 Method Mastery (Home Study Course) – Q282



Brad Callen – 1 Method Mastery (Home Study Course) – Q282

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Attention: Anyone who wants a long-term strategy to build true wealth, not a “get rich quick” scheme.
Proven rinse and repeat strategies tested
To build massively profitable
Internet businesses you can be proud of
Let’s face it: growing up, they probably sold you a story that was something like that …

Go to school. Get a job. Work hard. And soon you will be living the American dream.
It’s available to everyone, as long as they make enough effort, right?

INCORRECT. So wrong.
Sure, once it could have had some truth … to your parents or your parents’ parents.

You will see, when they grew up, lifetime job security, home ownership, and a comfortable retirement were all but guaranteed.

Back then, people needed very little education to get a good job, and once they did, they were generally prepared … for life.

More importantly, people’s incomes kept pace with the inflation rate, and they were able to pay the children a house with a 2-car garage and a new Cadillac.

… all with a single income.

Compare that to now.
Today, many companies want you to have a master’s degree just for entry-level work!

And unfortunately, that degree is out of reach for most people unless they are willing to take on a crushing and massive debt OR are loaded enough to have $ 100,000 sitting.

And even if you’re lucky enough to pay for college, your salary won’t go as far as before.

You can blame astronomical inflation for that … while housing, childcare, higher education and medical costs have skyrocketed, wages have not.

That is, each month, you are forced to spread the same dollars more and more.

Of course, that makes it practically impossible for you to get ahead.

And, here is the real kick: while you have to push yourself to have the same things that were easy for your parents, there is no “pot of gold” waiting for you at the end of it all.

Where Social Security was once considered a reliable safety net for retirement, there is a good chance it will not be available by the time you are ready to collect.

This all comes down to one thing: You and I were treated unfairly.

We were told that only by working hard we could get ahead.

It’s understandable. I mean, our parents probably believed the same.

For them, it was true.
These days? Not that much.
We live in a very different world, where the traditional path to success no longer cuts it …

You can do all the “right” things: go to college, get a job, work hard, and still never experience the financial success that previous generations took for granted.

This is why you need to work smarter, not harder.

Working smarter is the only way you will experience true financial freedom.

So what does “work smarter” mean?

Well, in today’s world, it means you must be your own boss.

That is the fastest way to build real wealth, because you will never be able to do it with measly annual increases of 4%.

You do not believe me?

Statistics show that people who work for themselves are four times more likely to be millionaires than those who work for someone else.

I mean, when you go into business for yourself, you’re a
400% more likely to become
A little makes you want to quit your job right now, huh?

And, not only is self-employment 400% more likely to make you rich, it will also make you much, much happier.

In fact, research shows that you would need to earn $ 250,000 working for someone else, just to be as happy as a self-employed person.
$ 100,000 a year.
So, entrepreneurs make more money AND they are

You’re probably thinking, “Sign me up!”

At least, that was your first thought.

So if you are like most people,
was immediately followed by all
Reasons why you can’t start your own business:

Insufficient money

Not enough time

Not enough knowledge

There is not enough security

Sounds familiar?

This is how most people see entrepreneurship.

They allow your fears and doubts to prevent you from reaching your full financial potential.

That’s a HUGE mistake, and I’m going to tell you why.

Do you know what is one of the older people’s regrets?

It’s just that they wish they had taken more career opportunities … that instead of allowing fear to dictate their career choices, they had pursued their dreams.

In fact, Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, can be quoted as saying the following when asked why he decided to leave his stable and well-paid job to start

“I knew that if I failed to build
Amazon, I wouldn’t regret that,
but I knew the only thing that I could
repentance never tries. ”
Listen, folks. You only have one life, this is it.

If you are enslaving yourself in a job of going nowhere that will never offer you financial freedom, imagine how you will feel in 5 years, 10 years from now, 20 years from now when you keep doing the same thing. .

The only way things will change is if you have the courage to do something different.

I can help with that, so you will want to read this very carefully, to the end.

I promise it will be worth it, because I know that:

You can change your life
YOU CAN experience true financial freedom
You CAN discover the excitement of being your own boss.
You only need a guide, a teacher … someone who can help you navigate through all the ins and outs of the venture, so you don’t:

Wasting precious time
Spending money you don’t have, or
Experience the typical risks associated with starting your own business.
Let me introduce myself and tell you why I am that person.

Hi, I’m Brad Callen and I’ve been selling
products and services online from the
early days of “internet marketing” … way
back in 2002.
I’ve sold everything from e-books, video courses, physical products like supplements and skincare, to desktop software for PCs and Macs … as well as my all-time favorite type of product, SaaS (or software as a service).

I love what I do, so in the last 16 years I have started 30 different businesses.

Of these, 26 were six-figure businesses. Seven of them were million dollar businesses, and a couple of them won 8 figures!

As a result of my success, I have been able to do things in my life that I never dreamed were possible, such as:
Pay $ 30,000 of student loan debt.
Buy the car of my dreams, a Tesla Model-S, with cash.
Pay the mortgage on my first home before I turn 25.
And being able to give hundreds of thousands of dollars to nonprofit organizations.

While I made a few mistakes along the way, especially when I was just getting started, I have now created so many successful businesses that I have reduced the process to a science.

Because what I have learned over the years is that it is not difficult to succeed as an entrepreneur, you just need to know what you are doing.

That is why I am excited to tell you about a new system.
I have created called the

(Or the domain system of 1 method)
It teaches you step by step how to build a profitable online business with virtually unlimited potential, even if you don’t have much time, money, or a sophisticated MBA.

And because the system is designed to eliminate risk, you’ll learn the same secrets I use to hit a home run every time.

So let me explain how the 1MM system works. As an internet marketer, I discovered four essential steps you need to take if you want to launch a successful online business:

1. Sell what is sold.
You don’t want to reinvent the wheel here. Let another guy do that and risk losing his shirt. When you first start, you want to sell something that you already know people want. That eliminates your risk, so you don’t waste time or money, only to discover in the future that your idea is a failure.

2. Create a better product.
Never just copy what your competitors are doing. Instead, you want to improve your product. So you will have a compelling reason why customers should buy what you are selling.

3. Design a large sales funnel.
Having a good product is not enough. You have to get buyers. That’s what makes a great sales funnel. It acts as a powerful magnet, attracting leads, and then converting them from browsers to buyers.

4. Get tons of traffic.
Traffic is the name of the game in Internet marketing, and your goal here is to always get the most out of your advertising investment. To do that, you need to know which prospects to target and how to reach them in the most profitable way, so you can make a solid profit.

These four steps are essential to creating a successful online business, and they are exactly the same steps that I follow every time I launch a new business.

The 1MM system shows you how to MASTER each of those steps, so you can create your own successful and stable business and potentially earn a
extra $ 5,000, $ 10,000 or even
$ 25,000 a month or more.
Hell, he can even make you a millionaire, he made me one.

So let me tell you more about the 1MM System and how it works.

The system consists of 4 comprehensive and simple video master classes, one for each step you need to take if you want to create a profitable online business.

Which means it will show you exactly what you need to do to build your business, every step of the way.

So let me show you those steps again, along with the corresponding masterclass I created to accompany you, as part of the 1MM System:

Step 1: sell what is sold
Profit Mining Masterclass

Step 2: Create a better product
Product creation masterclass

Step 3: Design a large sales funnel
Sales Funnel Masterclass

Step 4: Get tons of traffic
AdWords Domination Masterclass
As you can see, I didn’t leave any stone uncovered, because I want you to succeed in this.

I know you can—you just need a step-by-step system to show you how.

So, let me break down for you what each course covers by starting with the Profit Mining Masterclass.

This class is designed to eliminate the risk of starting your own business.

Because the truth is,
9 out of 10 entrepreneurs fail miserably their first year.
Either they create a product nobody wants OR they spend too much of their advertising budget targeting the wrong people OR they fail to make their product enticing enough to potential customers.

The Profit Mining Masterclass teaches you the best strategy I know for avoiding those pitfalls.

It’s called reverse-engineering, and it goes like this. You find a successful business that’s selling something you want to sell.

Then, using the tactics I reveal in my course, you uncover everything about your competitor’s strategy—who their customers are, how they’re reaching them, what marketing message they’re using, and more.

Once you’ve done this totally legal “competitor spying,” you build a better product and go after the exact same customers, using the same methods your competitor has already proven to be successful.

This is a surefire path to success.

I know because I’ve used this tactic dozens and dozens of times now and frankly, I’d never build a business without doing this first—it’s just too risky and expensive otherwise.

In fact
lots of smart businesses go this route. Oreos, for example, were modeled off Hydrox. And Legos—another household name—were modeled off a business called Kiddicraft.

Even the guy known as the Amazon Whisperer uses this strategy.

He started out by reading Amazon reviews to find out what people didn’t like about the products they bought.

Then, he’d make a better version of those products to sell on Amazon.

His business exploded by doing this and today, it earns over $100 million dollars in sales–annually.

In the Profit Mining Masterclass, I teach you exactly how to do this and so much more.

For example, here’s a sneak peak of just some of what you’ll learn in the course’s 43 video lessons:

25 “hot” niches I’ve uncovered with extremely strong markets… so you can create a business with explosive growth potential.s

10 explicit step-by-step demos showing you how to find great ideas for your own best-selling product–so you don’t have to come up with an idea from scratch.

7 factors you MUST EVALUATE before deciding whether to sell something–so you don’t waste good money going after “losers.”

How you can sell virtually any type of product–digital or physical–in any niche… as long as you do this ONE THING first!

My highly effective, 3-phase launch process designed to help you connect with your best prospects–so you get the highest ROI from your advertising $$$…

My tried-and-true tips for getting customers to spend much, much more–so you can reinvest that money into web traffic and crush the competition.

How to get the exclusive, top 5% of affiliates to promote your product, so you can MAKE MONEY 24/7–without lifting a finger.

Dozens of tips for learning virtually EVERYTHING about a competitor–to reverse-engineer their winning strategy and ELIMINATE YOUR RISK.

And a heck of a lot more. Way too much to list here…

With the Profit Mining Masterclass, you’ll get exclusive access to ALL of the secret, risk-free strategies I used to create 7 multi-million dollar businesses … WITHOUT spending lots of money on startup costs.

But don’t just take my word for it. Check out some of the amazing results that customers of The Profit Mining Masterclass have gotten, by following the strategies outlined in the course:

“I’ve seen, firsthand, how effective the information taught in Brad’s Profit Mining Masterclass can be…to the tune of almost $5 million dollars in the past year alone!”

–Gauher Chaudhry

“We’re a prime example of the type of online success you can have when modeling a competitor, rather than reinventing the wheel. The strategies taught in Brad’s Profit Mining Masterclass are second to none. Our most recent SaaS business is doing over $340,000 in annual recurring revenue!”

–Mark Thompson

As valuable as the Profit Mining Masterclass is all on its own, it’s only one of the 4 classes in the 1MM System.

You’ll also get my Product Creation Masterclass.

This class will teach you the fastest, cheapest way to create any type of product you could ever need, so you can get your business up and running quickly and easily.

So, in this course, you’ll learn how to create:

Downloadable Products
eBooks, PDF files, and guides.

online courses, webinars, group coaching sessions, and mastermind groups.

SaaS membership websites, which is software that’s accessed online like Netflix or Salesforce.

consisting of basically, anything else you can dream up.

However, in this course, I don’t just teach you how to create products.

I also give you tips and strategies that’ll save you time and money—an insider’s view on how you can get the highest-quality products to market for the least amount of money and effort.

Plus, in the Product Creation Masterclass, I reveal:

How to find a company to manufacture products and ship them to customers for you…while you watch the money roll in effortlessly.

Hands-down, the absolute EASIEST WAY to create one information product…and then repurpose that content into several different products, so you can multiply your profits with next-to-no effort.

How you can reach people who are 70% more likely to buy your products … so you get the most bang for your advertising buck.

Why starting your own software company is so much simpler than you think … and the #1 reason you’ll LOVE selling software.

5 winning strategies for selling your products on Amazon … so you can make the most of Amazon’s whopping 310 million customer base.

The best way to find an overseas supplier to manufacture your products hassle-free … so you can price your goods super-competitively and make a killing.

How to market the heck out of your products…so you build a loyal fanbase of DEVOTED followers.

The easiest way to set up an online storefront in MINUTES…so you can start making money immediately.

And much, much more. This is just a sneak peek of some of what you’ll learn in my Product Creation Masterclass.

Bottom line, this course offers 52 comprehensive video lessons that will teach you exactly how to create or buy products you can sell online–easily and inexpensively.

Again, with the 1MM System, you’ll get four masterclasses.

So, I’ve already told you about the Profit Mining Masterclass and the Product Creation Masterclass, now let me tell you what you’ll get with my third class, the Sales Funnel Masterclass.

In this class, you’ll learn my best strategies for growing a business from a start-up … into a huge, profit-producing company.

This course is essential if you want to make money on the Internet.

That’s because things have changed dramatically online since I first got started in 2002.

Back then, it was easy to rank high on Google, so my advertising costs were $0 and the profits poured in.

These days, getting a top Google ranking is next-to-impossible… it can take a year just to get on the first page, let alone rank #1.
As a result, new business owners can’t rely on search engine traffic from Google.

That’s why just building a website—and hoping customers will show up—doesn’t work anymore.

It’s also why sales funnels—the new form of websites—will be critical to your success.

Sales funnels act as powerful magnets, attracting leads.

After attracting those leads, a sales funnel guides prospects to buy–without being pushy or aggressive.

A good sales funnel will even get customers to spend more than they planned by suggesting a complementary product or one that’s more expensive…

And once customers have made a purchase, a well-designed sales funnel will continually nurture that relationship, so future sales can be made … for far less money than it would cost to acquire a new customer.

This is the absolute only way you can create a successful online business in today’s competitive Internet landscape.

Let me tell you why that is by sharing one of my favorite quotes with you…

He who can spend the most money to acquire a customer,
will win the game of business.”
This quote’s truer now than ever before.

To build an Internet business today, you have to outspend your competition and buy more traffic than they do…

And the only way to do that is by making more from each customer than what you spent on traffic.

That’s what a great sales funnel will do for you, and in this masterclass, I teach you exactly how to build one so you can maximize your profits, crushing the competition.

So, in my Sales Funnel Masterclass, you’ll get 43 comprehensive video lessons, where I reveal:

What you can learn from McDonald’s about sales that can literally DOUBLE your profits.

Why marketing is like dating and what inexperienced marketers do that get them “friend-zoned” … so you can prevent it from happening to you.

The best way to nurture a relationship with customers after the sale so you can sell them more stuff in the future … without spending a dime on traffic.

The importance of “easy wins” and how using them can help your brand build a loyal following … for LIFE.

The 3 mistakes marketers make all the time when trying to reach new customers … so you can learn from them and create a winning marketing strategy instead.

What the Big Domino is and why it’s ESSENTIAL you use it to craft your marketing message.

How to get customers to SPEND MORE MONEY so you get the biggest bang for your buck with your advertising budget.

The #1 thing you MUST DO if you want to get the absolute BEST results from your landing page.

And much, much more.

The Sales Funnel Masterclass is like getting your MBA in online marketing.

By the time you get to the end, you’ll know exactly how to attract leads and turn them into returning customers—so you can develop a profitable, long-term business that’ll sustain you for YEARS.

As you can see, I’ve packed the 1MM System with tons of value.

With it, you’ll get my Profit Mining Masterclass that’ll teach you the same fool-proof strategy used by the Amazon Whisperer, Oreo, and Lego to create hugely successful, multi-million dollar businesses.

You’ll also get my Product Creation Masterclass so you can learn how to easily and cheaply create or source amazing products that are vastly superior to what your competition’s selling.

And you’ll get my Sales Funnel Masterclass which will teach you how to turbo-charge sales and maximize profits, so you can grow your business from start-up status to a million-dollar company.

Finally, you’ll get my fourth class, the Google AdWords Domination Masterclass.

With this class, you’ll learn an easy, step-by-step method for tapping into the biggest source of Internet traffic on the planet, so you can attract thousands of new leads to your business.

These are the exact same traffic strategies, by the way, that I learned in over a decade of using Google AdWords to build and scale all of my million-dollar businesses.

For instance, you’ll learn up-to-date traffic-generating strategies like:

My #1 tip for finding untapped NEW MARKETS for your products and services … so you can reach even more hot prospects.

How to prevent the wrong keywords from sucking your ad budget dry…so you MAXIMIZE YOUR MARKETING BUDGET.

The 5 questions you MUST ANSWER before creating a Google Display Network campaign … so you can use the best advertising approach for whatever it is you’re selling.

The absolute BEST COPYWRITING METHOD to use when creating Google Expanded Text Ads … so you get tons of Internet traffic.

How to get rewarded by Google … so your ad gets the best placement on the page and prospects CLICK on it.

What you need to know about Google’s advertising policies … if you want to prevent Google from breathing down your neck.

What you can do to lower your cost-per-click (CPC) … so you save big bucks on advertising costs.

How to uncover the most profitable niche market keywords … that your competitors haven’t caught on to yet.

And so much more…

With the 74 comprehensive video lessons and demos in the masterclass, you’ll learn the best way to get massive amounts of traffic, so you can build a stable, profitable online business.

This class can transform your business, just like it did for these people:

“Using the methods taught in Brad’s AdWords Masterclass, we were able to take one of our primary products, a probiotic supplement, and sell well over a million dollars’ worth in 2017 alone! Not only that, but we’re now making over $20,000/month strictly from customers that have signed up to our monthly auto-ship program!”

–Dr. Charles Livingston, D.C.C. Lifeboost Founder

“Brad’s AdWords Masterclass truly changed my life! His methods helped me go from struggling to make ends meet in my regular 9-5 job, to converting cold traffic and making money on a DAILY basis. I learned how to identify highly targeted traffic, how to isolate that traffic to maximize conversions, and how to optimize my advertising strategy to ensure a great ROI that’s getting better every day. My ads are now seeing a much higher click-thru-rate than my competitors (1.5x higher!) as well as incredible 2% conversion rates on cold traffic!”

–Christopher Johnson, Symple Nature Founder

Alright, you’ve learned about the Profit Mining Masterclass, the Product Creation Masterclass, the Sales Funnel Masterclass, and the Google AdWords Domination Masterclass … you now have the whole 1MM System in a nutshell.

As you can see, it’s super-comprehensive—I’ve made sure you have absolutely everything you need to build a successful online business for yourself.

Having said that, don’t let the size of the system intimidate you.

All of these courses are stand-alone courses—meaning you can take each course you need, as you need it.

Say, for example, you want to launch a service-based business, by offering consulting or graphic design.

Head straight to the Google AdWords Domination Masterclass to learn how to get massive amounts of traffic beating down your door.

Or, let’s say you already know exactly what you want to sell, you just need to know how to source it…

Check out the Product Creation Masterclass. Not only will you learn how to find an affordable supplier, but I’ll also demonstrate step-by-step how you can create an online storefront in minutes—so you can start making money right away.

What if you don’t even want to sell a product? Maybe you’d rather make money promoting other people’s products as an affiliate.

Go straight to my Profit Mining Masterclass. In it, you’ll learn the same strategies I used to earn 6 figures a year, solely from affiliate marketing.

Those are just some of the ways you can use the 1MM System, if you have very specific goals.

Later, once your business is under way, you can always turn to the
other courses to grow it even larger using the
The 1-2 punch of the Sales Funnel and Google AdWords Domination Masterclasses.
Just imagine what you could do if you put the 1MM System to work for you.

You could…

Become your own boss and quit slaving away at a job that’ll never lead you to financial freedom.
Build a stable, profitable business, creating true, long-term financial wealth for you and your family.
Live debt-free, paying off all your credit cards and student loan debt.
Enjoy some of the finer things in life—like tropical vacations, a hot sports car, or your dream home.
Start saving enough to retire very comfortably, possibly even earlier than you planned—without worrying whether Social Security will still be around when you’re older.
This vision I just painted isn’t a pipe dream.

I’ve managed to do all those things, and it’s not like I have some special money-making superpower.

What I have instead is a proven strategy that just plain works.

You’ll be given that exact same strategy once you sign up for the 1MM System.

I’m going to tell you how to do that in a minute but before I do, let me tell you what went into making it.

It took me 16 years of trial-and-error to develop all the strategies that I reveal in my system, because I wasn’t born knowing this stuff either—I wish.
Instead, I had to figure everything out on the fly and of course, I made some expensive mistakes along the way—mistakes you’ll be able to avoid, since I warn you about them in the lessons.

Once I finally developed a proven, repeatable process others could use to duplicate my success, I had to write it all down—212 lessons in total.

That took many, many months, because I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

And I haven’t even mentioned yet all the time and money that went into creating and hosting the videos—in a word, LOTS.

For those reasons, I’d say the 1MM System is easily worth more than $10,000.

In fact, comparable masterclasses cost between $2,000 and $3,000… each. And you’re not just getting ONE masterclass. You’re getting FOUR!

The good news is that I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that.

Instead, I’m making the 1MM System available for a one-time payment of just $495 or three easy monthly payments of $165.

That’s 50% off the regular price of $995—and way less than I normally charge for just one masterclass.

Now, you’re probably wondering why I’m giving you such a great deal on the 1MM System … after all, you’re getting 4 complete masterclasses for a fraction of their value.

The answer is simple–I priced the 1MM System this way because for me, it’s not just about making money.

It’s about teaching others a true, long-term strategy for building internet businesses that you can be proud of. Ones that not only can better your life, but can better the lives of those you serve.

So that’s why I made the 1MM System super-affordable—because I want it to be a no-brainer … so you have no reason not to take the next step toward creating a solid financial future for yourself.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee
And to really make it easy for you to move forward with this, I’m offering an incredible 100% risk-free guarantee.

Order the 1MM System today. If you don’t love it, you can return it within 30 days for any reason at all and get a full refund. That’s right—you’ll get every penny of your purchase back. No fine print, no funny business. That’s how confident I am that you’ll love it.

Again, with the 1MM System, you’ll get access to:

The Profit Mining Masterclass – You’ll get 43 no-fluff video lessons showing you the exact same strategies I used to create all my multi-million dollar businesses…so you can hit a home run your first time out, rather than striking out with a loser.

The Product Creation Masterclass. With 52 comprehensive video lessons, you’ll learn all my cut-and-dried tactics for creating or sourcing whatever it is you want to sell…so you can easily acquire high-quality products inexpensively and hassle-free.

The Sales Funnel Masterclass. With the 43 step-by-step video lessons in this class, you’ll learn how I created a $2 million dollar sales funnel and what you can do to design a great money-making funnel for your own business.

The Google AdWords Domination Masterclass. With the 74 video lessons in this course, you’ll learn how to master the largest Internet traffic source on the planet. Watch the demos to discover how to get massive amounts of traffic for your new business, so you can maximize profits.

In addition to the videos you’ll get with the 1 MM System, I’ve also made it super-easy for you to learn while you’re on-the-go–each of the course lessons comes as a downloadable MP3 too … so you can listen while you’re working out, driving in the car, or even in the shower.

Again, you get all that for half off the regular retai

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