
[Download Now] Ben Pakulski & Vince Del Monte – Hypertrophy MAX – Addons 2


[Download Now] Ben Pakulski & Vince Del Monte – Hypertrophy MAX – Addons 2



Ben Pakulski & Vince Del Monte – Hypertrophy MAX – Addons 2

Hypertrophy Max, an all new muscle building program created by 2 of the top body builders and trainers in the country, Vince Del Monte and Ben Pakulski designed to increase size and overall muscle strength through a series of very specific weight training exercises and workouts which has caught the attention of website owner Shane Michaels.

“When it comes to building muscle, what most people don’t realize is that there is an extremely effective way to build muscle mass and overall size,” says Michaels. “Most people try it for a little while with moderate or mediocre results. Or they begin to plateau and don’t know what to do next, so they keep doing the same old routine expecting different results and it never happens. This program is designed to break through those barriers and limitations that hold people back and really focus on manipulating the variables so progress continues.”

In order to effectively build strength, size and muscle mass, reaching beyond those barriers and plateaus, creators Vince Del Monte & Ben Pakulski break had to develop a system that focused primarily on teaching the core variables involved that make this happen. After much hard work, personal experience, and dedication, they came up with 12 unique hypertrophy models. Each module is crucial and extremely important for building mass.

The Hypertrophy Max curriculum includes:

Phase 1 – MAX-TENSION – The Tension Torture Workout For Mass Control
Phase 2 – MAX-DENSITY – The Double Density Workout For Double The Gains
Phase 3 – MAX-LACTATE – The High Lactate Threshold Workout For Optimal Body Composition

Then then they head into 6 months of prioritization training which is going to really be hot!

Phase 7: MAX-DELTS
Phase 8: MAX-BACK
Phase 9: MAX-PECS
Phase 10: MAX-LEGS
Phase 11: MAX-ARMS
Phase 12: MAX-CORE

“This program is based on countless hours of research, dedication, personal experience and hard work,” says Michaels. “See most guys are only manipulating one or two hypertrophy variables such as volume and intensity and end up plateauing. When strength builders manipulate all 6, it causes massive change as shown in the collection of case studies of those who have tried, tested and are reporting impressive results.”

Vince and Ben are so confident in the effectiveness of their product, that they stand behind it 100% and offer a full 60-day money-back guarantee for all their customers. They are dedicated to making sure that anyone and everyone is totally satisfied in the results that they find from their purchase.

Those who wish to purchase Vince and Ben’s new 12 phase Muscle Building program, or if would like more information can visit this official site here.

Readmore about : Ben Pakulski & Vince Del Monte – Hypertrophy MAX – Addons 2, Hypertrophy MAX – Addons 2, muscle building program, vince del, phase

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