
[Download Now] Agora Financial – Income on Demand


[Download Now] Agora Financial – Income on Demand



Welcome to Agora Financial’s Income on Demand

With Zachary Scheidt

I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the absolute best way to collect safe, steady income no matter what the markets do.

As you’ve seen — live on video — people just like you collected $70… $100… $300… $400 in less than two minutes using this unique stock market strategy….

You can join them. The very next email giving our recommendation will go out on Tuesday morning — you don’t want to miss that opportunity to profit!

What’s more: We have a strict limit of new members who can join — so I know you won’t want to wait on this.

Remember, we do practically all the hard work for you. I do all the analysis, all the strategizing, and then I blast out an email to you — and you just follow my simple recommendation.

“Try My ‘Retirement Loophole’ Strategy

Meet Andrew. He lives in Rockford, Illinois, and his day job is a mobile network consultant.

I’m not sure how much Andrew makes at his day job, but I’m pretty sure he’s not making $74 every two minutes — that’s the equivalent of $2,200 per hour…

For comparison, the average lawyer makes about $63 per hour. The average surgeon earns $92 per hour. Even the president of the United States only earns about $192 per hour — and Andrew could be on track to earn 11 TIMES that much on an hourly basis!

But of course, this isn’t a full-time job for Andrew. As you just saw, he collected that money in less than two minutes…

And he’s not the only one…



You see, the “Ultimate Retirement Loophole” is a transaction that doesn’t involve buying any stocks, bonds, precious metals, buying options, collecting dividends or other normal ways of investing…

It’s not FOREX trading, day trading or any other risky strategy…

I named it that because it could eliminate ALL your worries about having enough money in retirement.

In fact, it can help you build so much wealth so quickly that I believe some could retire five or maybe 10 years earlier than planned using what you’re about to see.

I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s the most powerful income secret we have here at our firm. And that’s saying a lot…

My name, by the way, is Zachary Scheidt—you can call me Zach.

I’ve spent the last 15 years in the investment business, spending much of that time as a portfolio manager working at a $135 million hedge fund in Atlanta, GA – which is where I discovered and perfected this income strategy managing our high net worth clients after learning it from my mentor Bill…

During my time at the hedge fund, I worked nights and weekends to get my MBA and also to be awarded a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation…

I’ve been quoted in the Wall Street Journal and I’ve spoken at conferences across the United States, but I’m not writing you today to brag… instead I’m writing you with a serious opportunity.

I want you to join my small group of readers making consistent, monthly income from the markets using my strategy…

As you’ve seen, it takes less than two minutes and just a few clicks of your mouse to collect this income immediately in your brokerage account.

Imagine how much your life would improve if you could make extra money that quickly…

To help with savings, for investments, for extra cash to pay for unexpected expenses…anything, really. And as you’re about to see, $144 is just the beginning!

Like I said, I will personally pledge you can make a minimum of $1,000 per month using my strategy.

And I’m so confident that you will make money, I’m even willing to cover your losses if you decide to try just ONE of my trade recommendations…

How can I be so confident this strategy will work for you too?

It’s quite simply the risk versus reward with my strategy…

As you know, the accepted wisdom on Wall Street says anything that’s highly profitable also carries high risk…

And in most cases, that would be true. So that’s exactly what I thought the first time I was introduced to this, but as it turns out, that’s not the case here at all.

It’s almost like this strategy operates completely outside the normal “rules” of the stock market…

That’s why I call it a “loophole”…




In fact, my subscribers who’ve chosen to follow all my recommendations are enjoying a 98.44% win rate across a series of 128 closed out plays using this “loophole”…

As I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s impossible to have a perfect investing track record, but that’s about as close to “perfect” as is humanly possible…

Now, of course, past performance is no guarantee of future results…

Yet I will publically make the statement that I believe this strategy is actually less risky than buying ordinary stocks.



And there’s no limit on how often you can use this “loophole.” It’s completely repeatable.

That means you can use it over…and over…and over (for the rest of your life, if you choose).

Again, this unique “loophole” appears every Tuesday morning…

At $260 a pop, the money can add up quickly…

Do it just twice per month and that’s 520 extra bucks — enough to lease a newer Mercedes or BMW…

Do it once a week and that’s $1,040 extra each month — enough to buy a little cottage on a lake in the mountains…finance a few golf trips…or pay for an extra vacation each year…

Those are just examples. It’s your money to do whatever you want with, of course, but at just two minutes per payout, you could do it all with less than 10 minutes of “work” each month!

In short, I don’t think you can find a safer, easier, more lucrative second income stream…

By now you’re beginning to understand why I call this the Ultimate Retirement Loophole…



Imagine being able to finance your lifestyle or retirement just by logging into your brokerage account, clicking a few buttons and collecting instant income as you’ve just seen these four people do…

In our low interest rate world, it’s truly one of the best options to collect consistent income from your investments.

And with a new opportunity to make money every single Tuesday morning, you can get paid every single week with this approach.

That’s why I believe this is the perfect income strategy for anyone who is already retired (that’s why my publisher here has shown it to his semi-retired father)…

Because the fact is the average retiree received only $291 per week from Social Security in 2013. And those people had to work 65 years — their entire lives — to collect that income!




Consider the people you’ve just met…

They’re from all walks of life.

Some are older; some are younger.

Some are retired; some are still working.

Some have a lot of money; some are working on growing the little they do have.

Some live in America, others abroad.

Even their brokerage accounts were different.

In fact, until they discovered the “Ultimate Retirement Loophole” my guess is they were pretty much all your average investor.

Now that they’ve been exposed to this strategy, as you’ve just seen — live on video — they can collect instant cash from the markets practically at will!

And they’re certainly not the only ones…




Because when I was first introduced to this strategy — way back during my days managing millions of dollars at the hedge fund – it sounded too good to be true…

Even so, I kept an open mind, and after trying it just once, I was made a believer. And then we used it over and over again to make sure our high net worth clients were making money – no matter what the market was doing.

In fact, in large part due to this strategy, the small hedge fund I worked at—started in 1985—did not experience a down year until 2001 (when it lost only 2%)… and it continued to be profitable until I left the fund in 2008.

This early experience drilled into my head that most investors are first and foremost concerned with keeping the money they have worked so hard to save and put into investments.

In fact, I feel it’s important you know that I believe in my strategy so strongly that I use it myself.

In other words, I put my money where my mouth is. I use this strategy with my own money—the money I’m saving for my retirement and my family’s future.

I would only do this with a strategy that’s proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be safe, conservative and, of course, very, very profitable.

And I’m not the only one…



Now, when most people hear the word “safe,” they don’t like it because they think they can’t make big money. They’d rather hope for a big payout buying penny stocks or using some other risky strategy…

Let’s be honest: With those bets, you’d be lucky with a 1-in-10 “win rate.”

But with our strategy we have a track record of 98.44% on 128 closed cycles so far — that’s almost a perfect record!

Of course, past performance is no guarantee of future results, and every investment comes with risks, but the facts speak for themselves.

And as you’ve seen — it’s easy to make hundreds of dollars each time you do this.

In other words, this is one of the few proven ways you can collect a steady income from the markets without much risk…

To be clear, I don’t think anyone will become an instant millionaire with one big play using my system…

But this strategy will help you build a slow and steady stream of income…that could eventually become a raging river of cash.

Now, if you have a problem with this “get rich slow and steady” method, then my system is probably not for you.

On the other hand, if you’d like to collect steady income from the markets (no matter how volatile they get), then let me show you more about how this works…


Consider a solid blue chip that pays dividends like McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD)…

The average investor recognizes that McDonald’s is a trusted brand name, a world-class business that dominates their industry. In other words, it’s a stock you already want to own.

Now, the typical investor buys shares, holds them long term and collects a 3.6% dividend annually.

Not bad…

But you can use my income “secret” to collect a few hundred dollars at a time, with almost no risk and sometimes WITHOUT buying the stock.

Using the Ultimate Retirement Loophole, you could collect $365… $730… even $2,190 at a time from big, safe stocks like McDonald’s with very little risk.

In other words, you can get instant income now from McDonald’s, without waiting for the small dividends later.

For example, I’m looking at a special situation where you could collect $534 from McDonald’s in the next five minutes using the Ultimate Retirement Loophole.

But the genius here is that I show my subscribers how to get paid more than once from many of the same stocks. In other words, if it worked once, you’ll keep going back until the well runs dry and all the money has been extracted.

Looking at McDonald’s stock again, instead of just buying it once and collecting the small dividend, you could get paid over and over again from this same stock.

In fact, with a new “loophole” opportunity every Tuesday morning — you have the potential to get paid 52 times per year, instead of just quarterly!

So that’s the first thing —you’re not even required to risk your money buying stocks. That’s one of the reasons why your risk is so low. But that’s only the beginning.



Here’s the three steps we use with this unique strategy to achieve our “almost perfect” 98.44% win rate so far.

The good news is that it’s so simple anyone can follow this strategy. To prove it, allow me to break it down into three simple steps…

  • Step 1: We start by selecting great stocks that represent big, safe companies. Because of a lifetime working in finance, I can often see things others can’t. Instead of looking at earnings or ratios (which can be manipulated), I’ll dig deeper and look at the operations of the company, searching for rising revenue and any potential risks… If the company isn’t big enough or safe enough according to my high standards — the entire process stops here. Only the best stocks make it past this point and move on to…
  • Step 2: Next, I use my proven formula to determine exactly how much I believe the company is worth. Even though this strategy isn’t about buying stocks, this is extremely important information to set up and execute the “loophole” strategy correctly…
  • Step 3: After all this research and analysis is complete, every Tuesday morning, I send out an email giving my readers one specific action step to execute, and they collect their income just like you’ve seen today in the live video recordings.

It’s really that simple.


So how is it possible that I can show this small group of people how to collect instant income from the markets — with very little risk?

The fact is we’re able to collect such safe, conservative income by profiting from the people who make risky bets in the options market.

Now, I realize you may have heard about options before, and you may believe they’re risky. But our strategy is safer because I’ll show you how to profit from those same people you hear about making risky options bets…

You see, most investors who use options are greedy. They plow money into buying options, hoping to make a fortune. And according to a Chicago Mercantile Exchange study from the 1990s, about 76% of the time, they get what they deserve: They lose.

That’s why what they do is so risky…and…why what we do is so safe.

Because I’ll never ask you to buy a stock option. Instead, I’ll will show you how to use a much safer approach that allows you to make hundreds (even thousands) of dollars over and over again when those people lose.

Keep in mind this doesn’t work in the ordinary stock market. It works only in the options market, because you’re essentially taking advantage of all the gamblers there — you’re exploiting a trading “loophole.”

Let me repeat that: This is not simply trading options like you may have heard about before. You are exploiting a “loophole” that occurs in the options market because of all the greedy traders there…

It’s a very unique type of trade that most people have no clue exists. (Yet as you’ve seen, it’s one of the most powerful income-generating secrets available in today’s market.)

And you don’t need any experience or specialized knowledge to do it. All you need is an online brokerage account and my specific recommendations, which I’ll email you every Tuesday morning.



By now, you probably have a lot of questions about the Ultimate Retirement Loophole.

The truth is that in order to start collecting this income yourself, all you need is an online brokerage account and my specific instructional emails every Tuesday morning.

So you can see exactly how this works, I’ve recently prepared a short report to explain absolutely everything you need to know. It’s called The Ultimate Retirement Loophole: How to Collect Thousands in Extra Income for the Rest of Your Life.

In it, you’ll discover…

  • EXACTLY how this trading “loophole” works…and how you could collect income each and every Monday morning without exposing yourself to as much risk as most people see with options
  • How to collect hundreds of dollars — up to 52 times per year — from the safest blue chip stocks (with very little risk!)
  • The EXACT WORDS you need to know to collect payouts, like the $440 I showed you earlier, in just two minutes (you can call your broker and read it right off your screen — it’s that easy!)
  • How to execute this “loophole” in ANY online brokerage account (and the critical steps you must take to ensure almost ZERO risk!)
  • How to keep the income stream going month after month — so you can count on this income for life!
  • The three rules you absolutely MUST follow in order to collect this income safely.

There’s more, too — but it’s a quick read. As you’ll see, I’m not the type to waste your time, and you’ll probably finish the report in less than 10 minutes.

Even better, here’s how you can get this report free of charge…

Thanks to a special deal I’ve set up with my publisher, ANYONE can now start using this “loophole” to collect payouts every week with low risk.

Because all you have to do is join our new research service called Income on Demand.

It’s a research service we’re very proud of because of our amazing track record — better than 98% across a series of closed plays…

WithIncome on Demand, we do all the hard work for you. We analyze every opportunity in a methodical, stone-cold manner. We put every stock through my rigorous three-part selection system to find only the best ones.

After we find those stocks, I analyze it for all the income possibilities to find the ones with the best income-to-risk ratio.

Then I’ll write up an alert and blast it to you directly through email every Tuesday morning.

I’ll recommend exactly what you can do. And how much income you can expect to generate.

In short, you’ll have access to the whole income-generating system right away. And you’ll get a play to make at least once per week, every single Tuesday morning.

Agora Financial – Income on Demand Contents: PDF´s, Videos

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