
Douglas Heel – Workshop series level 1 – Australia


Join us in Sydney for a two day level 1 workshop

Welcome to the workshop series Level 1. This workshop took place in Sydney, Australia.

Come on into another workshop where you see the work and the stories unfold on the table. Again I have enjoyed editing and putting this together because workshops are always like a blur to me, so much happens. For those ever considering teaching, we need to manage and control the space, while having fun. When someone is on the table we are there for their highest interest, as well as learning for the group. Finding that balance is a dance and for me, I love it.

This workshop follows the framework we follow for all Level 1’s where we dive into the 123, mind and body and then go deep into the body sequence. But no workshop is ever the same. Different people, different environment and you will see how the methodology remains consistent, but what we see and learn does not. That’s what keeps me coming back!

So come and am join us for another deep dive into level 1.

Your Instructor

Douglas Heel

Douglas Heel

Doug is a surfer from Cape Town who has found a way to help people in pain, those who are stressed and those who want to perform better in any area of their world. The BeActivated principles can help you and your clients remember how good their body can feel.

Course Curriculum

Workshop series level 1 – Australia

What to expect in this course


123 Mind body

Concept introduction (13:17)

123 testing – 3 people on the table (66:39)

mind body testing (45:20)

Down the staircase how hard do I push? (15:06)

Zone 1 – Diaphragm psoas, glute, hamstring

Concept introduction

Diaphragm (55:15)

Psoas glute (40:55)

Psoas talk (29:48)

Quads Calf, tibialis

Concept introduction

Quads (52:42)

Calf tibialis (46:25)

Lateral Sling Rotational sling

Lateral Sling (26:12)

Piriformis Lats (30:05)

Abs, shoulders, SCM

Shoulders (12:06)

abs – this is so cool! (15:28)

SCM (24:31)

Supraspinatus infraspinatus

Supraspinatus (24:24)

infraspinatus – posterior rotation (13:30)

Wrap up

Course recap

I promised you a story…

What’s next

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