
Dimensional Analysis: Calculating Dosages Safely 2nd Edition


Dimensional Analysis: Calculating Dosages Safely 2nd Edition


    • Focus on patient safety


    • Learning models, including the “4 Cs” approach to dosage calculations: compute, convert, conceptualize, and critically evaluate


    • Over 1,000 practice problems throughout the book, including…
        • Basic skills pre-test
        • End-of-section practice tests in each chapter
        • End-of-unit assessment tests
        • End-of-book post-test


    • 18 “Speed Challenge” chapter quizzes online to increase speed and accuracy


    • Real-life scenarios that illustrate how to apply concepts to practice


    • “Note” and “Alert” boxes that highlight potential safety issues to keep in mind when calculating math problems


  • A glossary of key terms at the beginning of each chapter

ISBN-13: 9780803661899

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