
Dax Moy – The Magic 100


“Are You Ready For Some Real MAGIC In Your Life?…

Simply Apply What You Learn From The MAGIC Hundred And Your Life
Will Change So Much And So Fast
That You’ll Swear You’ve Been Put Under A Spell!”

Dear Reader,

I know you’ll find this hard to swallow but I believe I’ve got a fair idea about what brought you to this page today.

I know that, like many, many thousands of people around the world you’ve been searching for that one thing that will give you the answers to the question you’ve been asking yourself for most of your life.

The question that is first on your mind when you wake up and last on your mind before you go to sleep at night.

When Will I Finally Be Happy?

Now, you probably don’t ask the question in those exact words, in fact, I’m fairly certain you ask yourself more ‘ordinary’ things like:

“Why can’t I lose this weight?”

“Why am I always struggling to pay the bills?”

“Why am I always arguing with my kids or spouse?”

“Why has my life become so boring?”

“Is this all there is?”

You might ask any of these things or a thousand other variants of them but regardless of how you actually phrase it, you’re basically asking “When will I be happy?”

I know, because I used to ask myself questions like these every single day.

In fact, up until around 7 years ago my life was a mess. I didn’t always like to admit it at the time, but it really was.

I had a lovely wife and four beautiful children and wanted to give them all the great things that life had to offer but I also had a dead-end job that paid me peanuts, no money in the bank, bills up to my eyeballs and was living from paycheque to pitiful paycheque. It would be more than fair to say I was scratching a living instead of truly living a life.

That was bad enough but what made things even worse was that I couldn’t figure out how things were going to get any better for me.

You see, I had left school early to join the army so I had no academic qualifications, no money to put myself back through college and get any and no obvious way out of the hole that I felt I had dug my life into.

I must admit, it seemed to me at the time that I would somehow be doomed to a life of ‘getting by’ just like my parents and their parents before them, being forced to stand by and watch ‘the privileged few’ seemingly effortlessly get everything they wanted from life.

But Fast-Forward 7 Years…

…and the picture is very different.

I own five businesses that generate over half a million pounds a year, I’m regularly featured in national and international press, I write for numerous magazines, appear at international conventions and on television and am counted by many as one of the leading experts in the world in my field.

I own my own 4 bedroom home just 5 minutes from a beauftiful forest, I drive the car of my dreams – a brand new Landrover Discovery series three – I take vacations all around the world with my family to jungles, deserts, the Arctic Circle and the Australian ‘Outback’ and have seen amazing sunrises and sunsets over temples and tropical paradises that I’d only ever seen in photographs until 7 years ago.

I’m So Grateful That My Life Has Taken This New Course
But I Also Know How Easy It Could Have Been To Have Kept Things Exactly As They Were Because Of Fear, Frustration And Lack Of Belief

You see, I know EXACTLY what it’s like to feel like you’re never going to make it, like you’re never going to be, do or have the things that you really want from your life.

I know!

Who hasn’t felt this way?

Yet I also know that giving in to that feeling doesn’t help. Not a single bit.

In fact, giving in to the thought that ‘things are the way they are and there’s nothing I can do about it’ is the surest way to condemn yourself to a life of unhappiness.

After all, how can you be happy when you’re ‘settling’ for what you’re getting from life rather than going after and getting what you really want?

You can’t!

But I also understand that it’s not always easy to dream big dreams about being successful when the evidence that surrounds you every day reminds you that you’re anything but.

Telling yourself to ‘remain positive’ or ‘have faith’ just doesn’t help when life is giving you negative examples of how little your faith has helped you, does it?

There’s only one way to break free from the inertia that’s keeping you from the things you want for your life and that’s to commit to a structured plan that will take you from where you are to where you want to be.

Sounds too simplistic, I know, but nevertheless it’s true.

Of course, the difficult part in this is to find that structured plan in the first place!

Luckily for me, I figured this out early on and focused my attention and energy on finding such a plan.

Like a lot of people who’re looking to accelerate their success, I submerged myself in the ‘success’ or ‘self-help’ literature that all of the successful men and women I’d seen on TV always seemed to be talking about.

I read tons of books, listened to numerous audio programs and went to as many seminars as I could so that I could learn ‘The Secret’ that each of them claimed to have detailed knowledge of.

I listened to, learned and applied everything they taught me, certain that I’d at last found the master keys to success that I’d been looking for and that my life was about to change.

And change DID happen!

Without a doubt, my life was slowly improving and gradually getting better and, even in those areas where it wasn’t I was feeling more positive and hopeful than I’d ever felt before.

But despite this increased positivity, deep down I still felt a sense that something was missing and that, even if I followed what the success guru’s were telling me to do, that I’d still fall far short of achieving what I wanted in life.

I figured that, at the rate my life was improving, it would take me DECADES to get anywhere near to where I actually wanted to be and that all the things I wanted to be, do and have would elude me for most of my life.

I didn’t want to wait that long. Like a petulant child, I wanted the good things and I wanted them NOW!

Well, it just so happens that around the time where my I made the decision that my life MUST change rather than ‘hoping’ or thinking that it SHOULD, I came across the story of a man who had done some of the most amazing things with his life:

This guy had pretty much been everywhere and done everything and had lived a life so varied and adventurous that he had become known as ‘The Real Life Indiana Jones’. This was an amazing fellow who had explained that most of his life successes had come down to just two things.

    1. Getting clear about what he wanted from his life and writing each of his goals into a list.
  1. Taking positive and consistent action day in, day out until he’d achieved what he’d written in his list.

That was it. That was his ‘secret’!

It didn’t sound that amazing to me when I’d first heard it abd it probably doesn’t to you right now, yet there was no denying it had created a life for this man that most of us could barely even imagine.

I was so impressed by what this fellow had achieved that I can quite honestly say that for a period of my life I actually wanted to BE him but then, well, reality set in and in the way that most of us do, I began to find flaws in the methods he had used to create his success.

My chief gripe was that it had simply taken too long.

This fellow had spent 40 years of his life chasing his dreams and had done so much yet, all I could think of was that it was an awful long time to wait.

I guess that back then I was simply impatient. I wanted my results NOW (I guess we all do really) but had been told that success ‘doesn’t happen overnight’ and that ‘good things come to those who wait’ and all other kinds of well meaning yet totally frustrating things.

Intellectually I knew that they were right but my heart told me something else. It told me that we don’t ALWAYS have to wait. We don’t ALWAYS have to bide our time. We don’t ALWAYS have to be patient.


A lot of the time we can achieve massive things in life far faster than we’ve been led to believe.

A lot of the time we can get results immediately that we may have taken years to gain if we’d accepted the ‘wisdom’ of others.

A lot of the time all we have to do is ask and it WILL be given.

A lot of the time it doesn’t take a lot of time to get the things we want.

Well, I wasn’t sure if my heart was right but I decided then and there that I was going to find out.

I set about researching and testing all the great success theories I’d ever heard of to find out the true impact of each.

I’d already looked at the theory of ‘positive thinking’ and had experienced some of its power in my own life but somehow I knew that it wasn’t positive thinking that would change my life. After all, Ireasoned, if I sat in the middle of a busy highway with a smile on my facing saying “I won’t get hit, I won’t get hit, I won’t get hit” that wasn’t going to stop me from getting hit was it?

I also looked into ‘Law of Attraction’ philosophies that said ‘you become what you think about’ but I wasn’t buying that either. It was a useful general philosophy to remind us to remain focused on what we want but if taken literally as many of the self-help guru’s were suggesting then it simply made no sense. After all, I could sit on the roof of my home and think of becoming a bird. It didn’t mean I would become one did it?

Similarly I found flaws in the ideas that ‘thoughts become things’, that ‘if you can conceive it you can achieve it’ and numerous other well meaning yet highly unreliable cliche’s around setting and achieving amazing goals.

As my research continued I discarded every single success principle that had less than a 100% success rate and found, to my surprise, that I was left with a mere handful of ‘laws’ that would help any person in any circumstances in any part of the world to go from mere goal setting to true goal getting.

I was certain I’d found something quite special, something quite unique and something that, unlike the great ‘Secret’ I’d often heard about was not only in plain view to everybody but that actually worked and showed almost immediate results to those that applied it.

Actually, that’s not entirely true. I wasn’t certain, I just fervently hoped it was the case.

I still had to test my theory.

So I collated and combined all my ideas about success into one single volume and set out once and for all to find out if there really was one unified theory of goal achievement, and created the prototype for what would later be called…

I followed my simple program every single day for 100 days without deviating from my original plan, without slowing my efforts and without making changes to it in any way.

I wanted this to be a full, fair and thorough test of the program. I wanted to see what it was capable of. I wanted to know if it would produce the kind of results I believed it could.

And at the end of the 100 days I was left in no doubt whatsoever that this little system of mine worked.

BOY, did it work!

In fact, during that first hundred days I pretty much rewrote every aspect of my life. I went from struggling on a poor income to quadrupling my income, owning my own company (AND paying off the startup loan in that time), buying a great car, appearing in magazines and newspapers as well as on the radio, TV and so much more besides.

In that time I’d achieved more than I’d manage to accomplish in my entire life combined up to that point and managed to cross an incredible 87 of the hundred goals off the list I’d written on day one.

And it had taken just 100 days!

In That Short Time The MAGIC Hundred Had Proven To Me That

    • You don’t need to come from a ‘priviledged’ background – I grew up on housing estates and projects to parents who were on welfare, yet now I own my own home, several businesses and have savings beyond those I’d ever believed possible for me and my family.
    • You don’t need tons of education – I was a bright guy but I didn’t even have a school leavers certificate, yet now I write and lecture to the health and fitness industry and command fees of several thousand pounds a day for my expertise.
    • You don’t need a stack of money – I didn’t have a penny when I started my MAGIC Hundred journey yet now I spend more on my family’s annual vacations than I used to earn in an entire year.
    • You don’t need talent – I had never trained for radio, TV, lecturing or presenting yet I now earn more for a two-hour talk than I used to earn for an entire month of working myself into the ground.
    • You don’t need ‘expert advice’ – Most of the ‘‘experts’’ I spoke to told me that what I was doing couldn’t be done. If I’d listened to what they told told me I’d have quit before I started, yet I’ve surpassed every single person who told me I was being unrealistic.
  • So clearly, the truth is, you don’t need any of these things. Not a one!

In fact, in order to become successful all you need to do is learn a proven strategy for getting what you want from life and then commit 100% to applying that strategy daily for 100 days. At the end of that time, simply hit the ‘reset’ button, start the process over again live another 100 days of success. Easy!

I mean, just think about it; if you had a proven goal achievement system that you knew without a shadow of a doubt would deliver amazing results in your life over and over and over again, you’d never stop would you?

I sure haven’t!

And neither will you once you experience The MAGIC Hundred for yourself.

Just Think, 100 Days From Now You Could Be:

  • FREE from your money worries and fears about how your next bill gets paid.
  • FREE from your family worries and strained relationships that are getting you down and stealing the joy from your life.
  • FREE from health worries and struggling with your weight or how you look.
  • FREE from the boredom and drudgery that your day to day life holds.

In fact, in 100 days your life could be so full of new power, promise and potential that it will feel almost like you’ve started your life over.

Now, I’m not going to insult your intelligence and tell you that within 100 days of reading this book and listening to the audio program that I’m sending you, you will be a millionaire, live in the house of your dreams, fly your helicopter to the beach everyday where you’ll scuba ‘til lunch then spend the rest of your day with you adoring spouse massaging your feet.

That’s very unlikely… (though I’ve had reports of some pretty amazing things happening to those involved in the program and experienced quite a few of them myself – Like using the program to gain an audience with The Queen or selling over $100,000 of this very program in just 7 days) but nonetheless, the results you’ll gain from spending a hundred days on this program will be so amazing that you’ll find it almost impossible to believe right now.

That’s why I call it The MAGIC Hundred, because the transformation that people’s lives go through during the program is nothing short of magic. It’s that powerful.

You’re Probably Thinking “Is This For Real? Can You REALLY Turn Your Life Around And Bring Your Dreams To Life In Just 100 Days?”

Can You REALLY Change Your Financial Circumstances? I have and so have many others who have started with zero (or even less!) and gone on to create business opportunities, multiple sources of income and great savings over that time.

Why not you?

Can You REALLY Travel The World And Experience New Things? Since I started using The MAGIC HUNDRED I’ve been to Disneyworld three times, Australia twice, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand FOURTEEN TIMES (I even survived the Tsunami!), Vietnam, Cambodia, France, Italy, Spain and so many more places that I can’t even list them. I’ve been elephant trekking in Northern Thailand, Kayaking in Indonesia, scuba diving in the Red Sea, completed adventure races in the Amazon, lived for a month in the Australian outback with my family and even freefall parachuted over the great barrier reef with my 15 year old daughter.

Why not you?

Can You Really Transform your body? I KNOW YOU CAN! You see, the MAGIC HUNDRED has been downloaded in its short-form by over 24,363 subscribers to my nutrition and diet newsletter and I receive many, many emails each week from people who tell me just how the program has changed the way their body looks, feels and performs.

Why not you?

You may find it a struggle to believe right now but you’ll be amazed how much you can achieve in 100 days when you implement your MAGIC HUNDRED program. It’ll be like you’ve been driving through you your life with the parking brake on and then suddenly having someone release it. Just like the effect this would have on your car, you’ll find that you suddenly speed up… and, even though you’re using no more energy than before, that you start to achieve more and more, faster and faster than you ever have at any other time in your life.

I can tell you that each and every day for 100 days you’ll wake up with more energy, more vigor and more purpose as you progressively realize 100 of your most worthy ideals and then, one morning, not long after your ‘little experiment’ is over, you’ll wake up, get dressed for work and as you gaze into your wardrobe mirror you’ll see that the reflection that stares back at you is no longer the tense, angry, frustrated and sad person that once filled that space, but instead you’ll see a calm, successful and happy person who has a fail-proof plan that they can rely on to get them to where they want to go in life.

How does that sound to you?

If this is sounding a bit far-fetched and like you’re having a sales-job done on you then think again. I truly believe this with all of my heart and I know that what I’ve described above can and WILL happen for you if you’ll commit to following the plan laid down in the MAGIC HUNDRED program.

Simply commit to reading the MAGIC HUNDRED workbook every day along with listening to the 12 audio lessons that I’ve created and you’ll be taken step-by-step through the process of creating, setting and actually achieving something truly amazing in your life.

Look, let me put this to you straight. Whether or not you put the MAGIC HUNDRED into action in your life, the next hundred days are going to pass anyway. You know that. And right now, right here on this page, you have the opportunity to make them pass in the most dynamic, most productive and most inspiring way possible… or they can simply pass in exactly the same way that the last hundred days of your life have passed.

Your choice…

I know which one I’d choose but, hey I’m biased in this : )

I do want to make choosing easier for you though.

In fact, I’m going to make it VERY easy.

Here’s what I’m going to do…

I’m going to give you the 80-page workbook that details EXACTLY how to use the program to bring about your goals and dreams.

I’m going to give you 12 mp3 audio lessons that you can listen to whenever you want to and wherever you are to keep the principles at the top of your mind.

I’m going to send you a specially written email message every single day for 100 days to help keep you on track and focused on achieving whatever it is that you set out achieve.

I’m going to give you access to my MAGIC 100 teleseminars where I’ll go into even greater depth and answer your questions about how to get more from the program.

And last, but certainly not least, I’ll promise you this…

If you buy and USE the MAGIC HUNDRED program for up to 8 weeks and at the end of that time you feel that the program didn’t live up to what I’ve promised here on this page, then simply send me an email telling me that you want a refund and I’ll arrange to have your money deposited back into your account; no questions asked, no get out clause, no small-print.

Basically, I’m letting you test-drive the program with absolutely no risk. It either delivers the goods or you don’t pay.

I can’t say fairer than that can I?

Here’s what I want YOU to do…

Click on the ‘Buy Me’ button at the bottom of the page and go to my secure server where you’ll be asked to pay up the very reasonable $59.99 (£29.99GBP) that I’m offering the book, the 12 audios, the teleseminars and the 100 day e-course for.

Within minutes you’ll receive an email telling you how to download the book and the audios so you can get started right away.

It’s that easy!

But will you do it? Will you make the decision to make the next hundred days of your life more rewarding and satisfying or will you hit ‘back’ on the browser toolbar?

I hope you choose to join me and experience the program risk free for the next 8 weeks, but whatever you choose to do at this point, I sincerely wish you the very best of success and happiness in your life.

Truth, Joy and Love

Dax Moy

P.S- I This is the part where I’ve been told by my marketing friends that I’m supposed to create a major ‘call to action’ and persuade you that ‘time is of the essence’ and if you don’t buy now you’ll be missing out.

Well, I’m not going to do that. I don’t think I need to. I want your decision to purchase the MAGIC Hundred to be based upon your own genuine desire to see great change occur in your life in the next hundred days rather than because you’ve had a slick sales number done on you.

So you won’t see a gazillion extra bonuses if you take action now, you won’t be offered any so called ‘legitimate bribes’ to entice you into making your purchase and there are no last minute discount vouchers about to pop up when you leave the page. In fact, I feel that if I did that I would devalue all of the hard work I’ve put into creating this program.

I just hope you’ll buy because you want more than you currently have and that, finally, at this very moment, you feel ready to take the action neccessary to reach out and go for what you truly want from life.


Delivery Method

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– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

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Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $20.00.

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