
David Wygant – What’s Your Excuse


You see her…you think she’s hot…but why don’t you talk to her?
How You Secretly Sabotage
Your Success With Women!

What Separates You From The Guy Who Easily Approaches And Dates The Women He Wants Most?

Unless You know The Answer – And What To Do About It – You’ll Never Have A Truly Amazing Dating Life.

It’s The Difference Between Weekends Of Endless Frustration… And Having Lots Of Fun, Exciting Relationships With The Kind, Beautiful, Intelligent Women You’ve Always Dreamed Of!

I’ll cut right to the chase.

Your brain is horrible when it comes to women. And no matter how much you time you spend trying to learn what to “do” or “say”… unless you fix your problematic brain, it will ruin everything for you, time after time.

It’s the REAL reason why don’t approach that insanely hot woman you see in Starbucks… and why you probably still don’t have that amazing all-around girlfriend you truly deserve.

Really. It’s Your Brain.

The truth is that your brain is actually doing double sabotage on your dating life.

If you want to create the kind of amazing dating life where you not only forever eliminate EVERY fear and insecurity that holds you back and frustrates you … but also where you become the kind of powerful man who will attract the most incredible women YOU want every day — you need to take control of your brain and learn how to make it work FOR you!

Left to its own devices, your brain is doing you no favors…

But What If You Could Immediately Transform

Your Dating Life and Create Ultimate Dating Success By Learning and Mastering Just Two Principles?

Sound good?

Sound too good to be true?

It’s not … and I’m going to tell you exactly how too…

Control The Two KEY Areas Of Your Mind That Work

As A “One-Man Search and Destroy Mission”…

…On Your Ability To Become Confident and To Attract The Women You REALLY Want…
And Your Life Can Change In An Instant.

The first problem is, your brain is a master at making excuses. Your brain looks at that hot girl and instantly begins calculating all the reasons why you’ll probably fail… and why it isn’t the best time for you to talk to her or ask her out.

Believe me, I know the feeling! Even when part of you soooo totally wants to talk to her, and you can picture yourself making your move… a flood of excuses quickly hits your brain, “I’m not dressed right… she must have a boyfriend… there’s too many people around… I don’t know what to say… it looks like she’s in a hurry… I’m not in the right mood… I didn’t shave today”… meanwhile, all this is going on in your head… and then… as usual, NOTHING HAPPENS.

Waaaaaayyy too much to think about.

It totally sabotages your success. Like having the world’s most insecure nerd who’s totally negative, can’t walk and chew gum, and is totally dumb about how women work. And he’s IN YOUR HEAD, chattering away all the time and ruining your fun (and killing your chances of meeting her).

Everybody suffers from this, myself included. Every single guy, no matter how “good” or “confident” he claims to be.

Well, guess what?

If, like I was, you are ready to finally stop making the excuses that are holding you back… and start listening to the voice that KNOWS how to succeed with women excellently and consistently… then you’re also finally ready…

To Be Let In On The Most
Overlooked Secret to Successful Dating!

There is, of course the second part to this equation.

Once you’ve conquered everything in your mind that has been causing you frustration and holding you back,

how do you not just “attract women” … but meet those most AMAZING women with whom you share the most powerful attraction and connection?

I mean really — your goal is not to just meet any random women.

You want more … and you CAN have it!

Why Just Learning “Skills” and Mastering “Routines”
Will NEVER Get You The Amazing Women You Want …

… But How Changing Just ONE Part Of Your Mindset Will
Single-Handedly Lead You To The Kind Of Women You’ve Only Dreamed Of!

Are you frustrated with meeting women who just aren’t really the kind of women you’re looking for?

Don’t understand why you keep meeting all these girls who just aren’t right for you?

Why does this keep happening? (Yes, it’s that sabotage thing again … EXCEPT this time it has to do with YOU).

So if you’re wondering why you are not attracting the amazing women you want to meet, then you need to listen up to what I’m going to say here: If you don’t work on the inner part of yourself (dare I use this term I really don’t like – you inner game), you’re never going to ever meet any women.

Let’s put it this way …

If you REALLY desire to be able to attract any woman you want and live the life that you’ve always dreamt of, then you’re going to have to start working from the inside out.

Anybody can memorize a routine. Anybody can memorize how to walk over to a woman and just spit out some memorized words … BUT is that what you really want?

Didn’t think so. You want to be a man that when you walk into a room, heads turn. You want to be the man who walks into a room and commands respect and attention. Most importantly, you want to be the man who naturally and almost magnetically attracts the type of ultimately amazing women he most wants.

Do you know what my secret is? How I do it?

Introducing My “Double The Size” Must-Have Edition Of My “No Excuses” Product

This jam-packed program includes:

bullet.gif My best-selling “What’s Your Excuse?” Audio Program and
bullet.gif My revolutionary and most advanced deep mindset program “Self-Love”

Whats Your Excuse? Audio Program

Here’s the deal: My name is David Wygant, and you probably already know me pretty well. It’s been said that I’m the real-life inspiration for the movie Hitch – and the media calls me America’s most quoted dating expert. I’ve been featured on radio and TV from coast to coast, and published or quoted in many of the country’s most respected newspapers and magazines.

And even though I’ve gotten pretty good with women over the years, it wasn’t always this way. There were times when I was completely lost – when excuses ruled my mind and my life.

In fact, I would almost NEVER approach women I liked… unless, of course, the stars were perfectly aligned… the wind was exactly right… every hair on my head was exactly in place… you get the point.

It was a nightmare.

That is, until one day I just got fed up. I didn’t know whether I’d be able to successfully approach the women or not – that still seemed pretty darn intimidating. But what I DID know was that I was going to figure out a way to STOP making these silly excuses. No matter what.

I searched high and low… talked to well-respected therapists and psychologists… read book after book… but nothing really helped address the fear of women and rejection. I realized I was on my own with this one.

It wasn’t easy. It took me a few very painful years of trial and error. But in the end, I DID IT. It was hard, but I found the answer.

And the best part?

The Process Is Simple, Really.

And it’s going to change your life. Instantly.

Here’s the story: I recently went to the studio and created an audio called What’s Your Excuse. All in all, it’s a powerful series of questions and techniques I discovered that will allow you to “trick” your brain into STOPPING the excuse making process.

The beauty of this process is that it doesn’t matter what kind of excuses YOU make. You could be making excuses about your looks, your height, your income, clothes, experience level or anything else.

Doesn’t matter. The way I break it down for you on this audio, the solution is simple: Every guy has a natural “excuse killer” inside that’ll wipe away whatever’s holding him back. Quickly. And easily. It’s just a matter of tapping into it, so that you stop the self-limiting chatter… and automatically take the action you want – whether it’s approaching… asking her out… going in for the kiss.

There’s no magic involved.

You ALREADY have an awesome ability to stop the excuses, and act under ANY circumstance. You were born with it. (Yes, you. Even if you’re 100 pounds overweight and haven’t had a date in years.)

I shouldn’t have to prove this to you, if you’ve been paying attention to many of the success stories I’ve published. Small, meek-looking guys – often bald, broke and beer-bellied to boot – are cleaning up the floor with taller, richer, better looking guys every day out there.

The sight of it just blows your mind. How can it be that guys with absolutely no physical or monetary advantage whatsoever can attract 8’s… 9’s… or even 10’s – while guys with a LOT going for them get nothing?

I’ll tell you: The former guy learned how to quiet his excuse-making process. The latter did not.

It’s really all a matter of learning how to shut your brain up at those key moments.

You see… your brain, basically, wants to protect you. It thinks “Approaching her might result in rejection. Rejection is painful. Avoiding pain is good – so let’s figure out a good reason not to approach.”

And it will use screwed-up reasoning like this every single time, Bucko… which obviously ruins any chances you have of dating a truly incredibly woman.

Unless You Stop It.

That’s exactly what my audio program, What’s Your Excuse, does for you. It short-circuits the excuse-making process… stopping it dead in its tracks.

The result: You take action. Massive action like never before. Sure you may get rejected once in a while, but less and less with time. And more importantly, you begin getting dates. LOTS of dates.

How do I know? Because you’ve already got waaaay more opportunities with women than your brain will even allow you to see!

It only sees risk, and how to avoid it. But as any guy who’s broken through this pattern of self-sabotage will tell you: When you can just let go of the excuses and “go for it,” women (even the really hot ones) are a LOT more friendly and responsive to you than you could have dreamed possible.These “lucky” men see a whole new world of possibilities – filled with fun, beautiful, intelligent women – that most guys simply cannot even wrap their minds around.

Yep, just tap into the power of your own personal “excuse killer” – wipe them away for good – and the sky’s the limit when it comes to women. But let excuses run your mind, and nothing else you do matters.

I know I’m being blunt, but you really need to get this handled. I know from experience.

And now the one so many people have been BEGGING me to do:

Self Love Audio ProgramSelf-Love Audio Program

This audio is going to expand your mind like never before and open up the universe like never before.

Listen as I dive deep inside not only your mind, but my mind as well. I will share my own personal experiences with you, how I was able to overcome all my fears, how I was able to really start a relationship with myself . . . and every exercise that I have you do in this audio is something that I’ve spent years doing myself.

Trust me…I’ve been there.

I never expect anything out of my clients that I’ve not done for myself. I’m in my 40s, guys. I understand what it’s like to be 20 and confused. I understand what it’s like to be 38 years old and not had a relationship yet. I understand what it’s like to be 45 and divorced.

I know this and understand this because I’ve lived through it. Either I’ve lived through it personally, or I’ve lived through it with friends. I understand what it’s like to be a single dad and having to go out there and date again because I’ve had some of my best friends that have been in that situation.

To meet the most mind-blowing incredible women you just can’t get enough of will require you to acquire SUPREME INNER CONFIDENCE … and the secret to authentically having that is in this audio.

I will teach you how to get deep with yourself and tell you EXACTLY which exercises to do to get you start attracting women immediately!

Now I can already hear the objections … “David, you want me to become an egotistical jerk?!”

No, no … I’m not talking about becoming a self-centered narcissist. I’m talking about a man who has embraced everything about himself.

In this audio, I cover all of these areas (and MUCH more!):

bullet.gif How to become clear and get the breakthroughs you most want
bullet.gif How to assess and rid yourselves of all the baggage you’ve been holding onto
bullet.gif How to get rid of fear and stop your ego from getting in your way
bullet.gif How to start going for what YOU really want
bullet.gif How to leave your comfort zone … and go to a truly SUPERIOR place (you’ll never want to go back)
bullet.gif How to create YOUR unique identity
bullet.gif How to define the kind of love you TRULY want
bullet.gif How to have wins EVERY DAY
bullet.gif … and so much more

This is an audio you will listen to over and over again – and which will change how you see yourself, your life, and your pursuit of an incredible dating life FOREVER.

This is a can’t miss audio!

OK David, This All Sounds Fantastic …
But What’s The Bottom Line?

I think you will be shocked when I tell you — but in a GOOD way. (I actually can’t believe we’re doing this)

So I’m Going to Make This Easy For You.

Here’s my offer to you: I want to listen to What’s Your Excuse right now, without risk.

This way, you can see for yourself what all the fuss is about.

Just click on the little link you see here on this page, and you’ll be taken to our secure order page. Just minutes from then, you’ll be downloading it onto your computer or Itunes player.

When your downloaded copy of What’s Your Excuse is ready, I want you to open it and listen to the questions and techniques right away. It will take you a little over an hour. All you need to do is listen.

After that, go out and begin meeting women.

Notice I didn’t say “try” meeting women. Because if you do the simple exercises, there will be no “trying.” You’ll take action. Easily. And automatically.

And if you don’t – or if you’re dissatisfied for ANY reason whatsoever – just send me a quick email and I’ll immediately have your money refunded. No questions asked, no hard feelings. We’ll still be friends.

And here’s the best part: If – because you’ve shut down your excuse-making process – you approach JUST ONE MORE WOMAN each night or week… you’ll probably have more dates than you?ve ever had before in your life.

And that’s exactly what it takes to meet the woman of your dreams.

So what are you waiting for?

The possibility of wiping out your excuses forever… all for the meager cost of a movie for two? And without a single cent of risk?

This should be a really easy decision for you.

Just check out the program… try out the process the next time you’re out… and then let me know how well it works.

I’ll be waiting to hear from you

. david_wygant_signature2

David Wygant

Hesitating? Skeptical
What Have You Got To Lose?

Hey there,

With all the hype and hucksters out there on the internet promising the moon, I know you must be a little skeptical. I would feel the same way…

So I understand if you’re hesitating! But there’s no wiser way to transform your dating life – or meet that very, very special someone – than to try out one of my programs pronto.

After All, You Already Have Everything You Need
To Attract High-Quality Members Of The Opposite Sex…

So why not put my programs to use and see what happens!

They’re so easy and foolproof, the worst that can happen is that you meet a bunch of new people…
Yet they’re so effective, my clients (and literally dozens of the world’s most well-respected publications) confirm…

My Techniques Work WAY BETTER Than
The Stuff You’re Trying Or Paying For Right Now…

You may even meet someone amazing the very first day you try what I teach…
And no matter what, you’re not risking a single penny! Remember, my 90-Day, No-Strings Money-Back Guarantee means that you must…

bullet.gif Quickly meet more attractive members of the opposite sex – no matter who you are, what you look like or how much money you have in the bank…
bullet.gif Make exciting new connections that turn into fun dates – and maybe more…
bullet.gif And finally feel confident and IN CONTROL of your dating life, with options and the power to choose who you want to be with…

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