
David Neagle – The Art of Success


What Exactly is
The Art of Success?

The Art of Success is a 4-Class Self Study Program designed to help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to go…in any area of your life.

What Is It That Makes The Art of Success a “MUST” for People Seeking to Up-Level Their Life?

Think about something. Think about your current situation in life. What have you achieved up to this point? Are you satisfied with that? Would you like to go further?

If you want to go further, you’re going to have to begin to understand a little bit more about yourself than you ever previously have before.
Success is your birthright. Your life should be completely abundant, prosperous, healthy and full of love. If it’s not, it’s because there’s something that you’re not aware of.

Through The Art of Success you’ll begin to understand how your subconscious mind works, and how you can change what’s going on inside of it that’s preventing you from getting wherever it is that you want to go.

How The Art of Success Works

 /></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><p>01 | Learn at your own pace</p></div></div><div><div><p>The entire Art of Success Curriculum is delivered upon completion of your registration, so you get to decide when and how fast you learn.</p></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><p>02 | Learn according to your own learning style:</p></div></div><div><div><p>This program is delivered via audio download, written transcript and PDF supplemental workbook.</p></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><p>03 | Refer back any time</p></div></div><div><div><p>All materials are yours to keep. Download the materials to your computer or mobile device and continue to use the course as a trusted resource whenever you need it.</p></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><div><p>The Art of Success Curriculum</p></div></div><div><div><p>The Art of Success consists of 4 core modules and accompanying workbook.</p></div></div><div><img loading=

claim your success!

Turn Small Changes Into Big Results and Turn Your Annual Income Into a Monthly One

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Understanding Success

Know Thyself

The Mind

Your Hidden Truth

You were born to be a success

The Clarity Principle

Unlock Your Unlimited Potential to Achieve Peace and Freedom with Ease

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What’s your story?

The magic key

Release your past

Discover your hidden purpose

The BIG Picture

Find Your Purpose, Define Your Goals and Live Your Vision

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What Prevents Success

The Levels of Awareness

Do What You Value

The Law of Polarity

Your Greatest Power

Universal Wealth Creation

How To Live Your Purpose, Achieve Instant Prosperity, and Gain the Wealth You Want Today!

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Understanding Money

Prosperity Consciousness

Speeding Up The Process



The time is now


the inspiration

for the art of success

The inspiration for the creation of The Art of Success first came from a quote I read from Earl Nightingale. In the quote, Earl explained that “success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal”. I must have read and re-read that quote a hundred times because it just seemed so simple. To me at the time, success was something very much out of my reach.

You see, when I first read that quote, I was working on a forklift on the docks of Chicago loading and unloading boxes of food. I had a new family, a tiny house in a crummy neighborhood, and I was working every hour I could get to make ends meet.

“Desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within, seeking expression without through your action.”-wallace wattles

Those two quotes completely began to change my life.

What I want to share with you, through this self-study program, is the ability to apply the art of success to your life, to be able to live it. To be able to live success as an art in your life, so you can achieve and earn whatever you want just like I did.

I want you to see that you can raise the bar and create whatever you want without the struggle.

student testimonials

 /></div></div><div><div><div><p>“The most radical transformation that I experienced in my business was the mental shift of overcoming the fear and uncertainty of how to have sales conversations with potential clients. If someone would have told me six months ago I would be able to get on the phone with a potential client whom I had never met before and within 20 or 30 minutes close them into a $10,000-plus program, I would have said they were crazy. I’ve gone from having consistent 5-figure months to having consistent 5-figure days. <strong>In six weeks, I brought in over $148,000.</strong> For me, the best part about this isn’t the dollar figure. It’s the freedom from fear of the sales conversation and <strong>the confidence of knowing that no matter what the market trends are or what happens in the economy, I’ll be able to bring in revenue to my business.</strong>”</p></div></div><div><div><p>Angelique Rewers</p><p>The Corporate Agent</p></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><img src=

“This is an emotional letter to share, because the numbers are so easy to calculate, but the feeling is difficult to put into words. I can say David and his work took me from $200,000 to over $1,000,000 in our first 10 months working together…with David’s coaching and strategy, I have made multiple millions in the last 9 months alone. But—while the money has been wonderful — what has been life changing is the freedom. The freedom to know how to make the money and the freedom from fears of being uncomfortable or living in the unknown. Daily, I am grateful for David. I am aware that my meeting with him was divine intervention and that my decision to have him coach me was The Best Decision I have ever made!

Suzanne Evans
Hell Yeah Studios

 /></div></div><div><div><div><p>“In less than 90 days of working with David I’ve already made 35% MORE compared to this same time last year! That’s a huge increase and the best part is, it all feels so easy. David is THE master at transforming small thinking into big leaps forward in life and business. Thanks to his teachings I’ve made quantum shifts in my money, my mindset and my belief in how easy life and business can be. Just one of the ideas he gave me is going to be produce <strong>multiple 7 figures in my business</strong>. Every time I’m with David – live or virtually – I feel a huge door of possibility open up and a clear path of success laid out in front of me. And<strong> I love David’s direct, “get to the bottom line” style that knocks the excuses right out of you and puts you on a path of personal power to achieve what you’ve only previously dreamed of.”</strong></p></div></div><div><div><p>Kendall Summerhawk<br />Million Dollar Marketing Coach</p></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><img src=

“David taught me three core things: How to make decisions; How to sell; How to charge what I’m worth. These three things have been the foundation for amazing business growth. I’m so grateful I connect to him and chose to pay him when I did.

I was making $1200 per month in my business when I met David. I went quickly to $8K per month—within a few months in a group program! What I learned and transformed with David (I’ve since done several programs with him) has led me to a $400,000 business that has unlimited potential for growth and, most importantly, I love my life, helping clients to make money from their personal truth!”

Darla Ledoux
Profit Acceleration Coach

 /></div><div><div><p>And let me just say something…</p></div></div><div><div><p>take a look at the people who are successful…<br />the people you compare yourself to or<br />the people you admire.</p></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><p>Those people didn’t start out that way. The one common denominator between all successful people is that they learned how to think.</p></div></div><div><img src=

They aren’t successful because of a marketing strategy, luck, or an insider tip or secret. They are successful because they worked on who they needed to be, what beliefs they had to walk away from, and they made clear confident decisions.

I 100% guarantee that this program will cause you to think about your life (and your own behaviors) unlike you ever have before.

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $74.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email after successful payment. The Art of Success is a 4-Class Self Study Program designed to help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to go