
David Frey – The Small Business Marketing Bible


The Small Business Marketing Bible

Attention — All Small Business Owners, Independent Professionals, Marketing Directors and Sales Professionals who would like to…

…Attract More New Customers, Sell More to Existing Customers, and Bring Back Your Customers More Often, With Less Effort — No Matter What Product or Service You Sell.

Let Me Show You What You’ll Discover When You Get the ‘Marketing Bible’…”

ISBN 1-931740-57-7

In this gigantic volume (312 pages) of marketing tactics you’ll find over 30 chapters explaining in detail how to implement each money-making marketing strategy step-by-step.

This manual took me OVER A YEAR TO WRITE and hours and hours of painstaking detail to ensure that each strategy is explained in depth, with clear examples of how you can apply them to your specific business.

You simply won’t find a more comprehensive guide to marketing your small business online or offline. That’s why it makes sense for you to take a closer look at the Small Business Marketing Bible.

I’ll teach you how to take the guesswork out of attracting prospects, converting them to customers, and turning your customers into an on-going income stream for the life of your business.

Here is what you’ll learn in the Small Business Marketing Bible…

Chapter 1

Studies have shown that those small businesses that develop and use a marketing plan out-perform those that don’t have a plan by 30%. You can create a successful plan for your small business in just one day following this seven-step plan

What you’ll learn in this chapter…

Six critical questions you need to ask yourself before you even begin to create your marketing plan. (These are the same six questions all entrepreneurs should ask themselves before starting a business.)

The one confusion that 95% of all new business owners have that significantly decreases their ability to market their products effectively.

Four questions that you can use to immediately understand your customers and marketplace. (An important prerequisite to developing your marketing plan.)

Seven critical elements of a compelling marketing message.

How to determine which marketing medium to use to promote your product or service.

A unique five-step method for setting your annual sales goals.

A simple, 60-second formula for determining your marketing budget with high accuracy.

Chapter 2

The Lifetime Value of Your Customer is perhaps one of the most important numbers in your business. Understanding your lifetime customer value will bring an entire new perspective to your marketing efforts and how much you spend to acquire new customers.

What you’ll learn in this chapter…

A step-by-step technique for determining the lifetime value of your customer.

A simple trick using the lifetime value formula to motivate your employees to deliver exceptional customer service.

An actual example of the lifetime value calculation for a real live business.

Chapter 3

With so many choices in every market today, you must have something unique to differentiate your business from the next. If you don’t, your venture will be just another “me too” business, destined to end up in the pile of failed businesses.

What you’ll learn in this chapter…

How to use the “performance gap” method for developing a rock-solid unique selling proposition that will set you apart from your competition.

Three specific examples of winning USPs from three completely different industries, and how they were created using the “performance gap” method.

The secret to creating a powerful USP, even if you compete in a so-called “commodity” business.

Chapter 4

It’s great to have a high-quality product or service, but if you can’t communicate how good it is to the public, then you’re no better than the “Joe Blow” down the street who sells junk. You must be able to create a compelling marketing message in order for people to sit up and take notice of your business.

In this chapter you’ll learn…

Why nearly all small businesses have watered down, run-of-the-mill, boring marketing messages.

The key element to creating a compelling marketing message that gets people’s attention and forces them to take action.

A five-step, paint-by-the-numbers, proven method for creating a winning marketing message than anybody can write. (Even a C-average high-school student can write a compelling marketing message using this method!)

The single biggest mistake that small businesses make when creating their own marketing messages. (Nearly every brochure, website, advertisement, and commercial makes this deadly mistake.)

Chapter 5

If you don’t have a systematic referral program you are missing out on one of the simplest, lowest-cost ways to generate your highest-quality customers. Referrals are the lifeblood of small business – if you haven’t yet institutionalized a referral program, you’re making a huge mistake.

In this chapter you’ll learn…

Why customer service doesn’t always result in referrals. (This is an ugly myth!)

The difference between word-of-mouth advertising and referrals. (The business owner that doesn’t understand this difference will never get the amount of referrals they expect and deserve.)

A simple method for asking for referrals that works 90% of the time.

The two most important referral programs that every small business should be using, with a step-by-step method for implementing both.

How to start your own referral group that will feed your business with a never-ending stream of high-quality referrals.

The best way to reward referral-givers and the absolute worst way to reward referrers. (Hint: Most people use the latter method.)

Chapter 6

You’ve probably spent a lot of money acquiring your customers. Not only do you miss out on lost revenue when you ignore them, but you also flush your return on investment in acquiring your customers right down the tube.

In this chapter you’ll learn…

What every small business in America should be doing to rapidly build an accurate customer database.

How to segment your customer database into A, B, and C customers using the 80/20 revenue formula. (I even show you a spreadsheet example of how this is done.)

How a clothing retailer reaped $52,767 in sales with only a $1,968 investment… and how you can too, following his system.

A simple method of reactivating old customers who haven’t done business with you over a period of time.

How to profit from your customers without even bringing them back into your business, using your customer database.

Chapter 7

Why spend a ton of money and effort chasing new customers when you can get them at a fraction of your normal acquisition cost with a just a simple question? Partnering with other businesses to get new customers is the key to increasing revenues while decreasing marketing costs.

In this chapter you’ll learn…

How to identify profitable joint venture partners that can flood your business with new customers with little to no cash outlay.

Six specific examples of potential joint ventures that you can use in your own business to immediately boost revenues.

How to approach your joint venture partner so that they’ll say “yes” to your proposition nearly every time. (I show you a live example of a joint venture promotion.)

Specific word-for-word responses to the three most common objections when proposing a joint venture with a potential partner.

A five-step roadmap to get your first joint venture program up and running.

“Okay, You’ve Probably Seen Enough Already. But I’ve Only Shown You a Fraction of What You’ll Learn in the Marketing Bible. There’s Even More — A Lot More!”

Every chapter in the Small Business Marketing Bible is stuffed with practical, “how-to”, step-by-step tutorials on how to market your small business. Here’s what else you’ll find in the Marketing Bible…

Too many entrepreneurs start their businesses with the idea that they’ll gain money, time, and freedom. The truth is that the vast majority of small businesses fail in the first five years and the ones that survive put their owners in either the psychiatric ward or divorce court! This chapter reveals the secret to finding the freedom that you intended when you first started your business.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 8

Offering free giveaways to prospects and customers is a powerful business-building strategy that can result in a flood of new and repeat customers. It may seem counterintuitive to give away your products and services to build your business, but people can’t resist the lure of receiving something for free. This chapter teaches what to give away, when to give it away, and how to do giveaways.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 9

A guarantee is one of the most powerful marketing weapons every small business owner has… but most don’t even know it. This chapter will teach you how to create a compelling guarantee that will have your customers whipping out their wallets.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 10

Have you ever heard the saying, “Get rich in the niche?” Well it’s absolutely true. This chapter teaches how to select a profitable niche, how to contact your niche, what to send to them, and how to exploit your niche for everything it’s worth.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 11

All profitable marketing strategies are based on a complete and thorough knowledge of the customer. Consumer research studies provide powerful information that can help you to create effective marketing strategies. This chapter will teach you the secret to knowing how to translate consumer research statistics into great marketing strategies that will make you money.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 12

Nobody can guarantee a winning ad, but there are several elements that you can use in your ad that are proven to significantly boost your response. This chapter give you a checklist of 13 high-powered “ad-response boosters.” Don’t even think of running another ad without reading this.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 13

You don’t have to be an award-winning writer to create effective sales letters. In fact, writing great sales letters is more science than art. Even the pros use proven “templates” to create sales letters that get results. This chapter reveals my proprietary 12-step template that any monkey can use to create a kick-butt sales letter.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 14

Most employees make the mistake of answering phone calls as though they were interruptions rather than opportunities. You pay good money to make your phone ring, yet it’s costing your business thousands of dollars in lost revenue. This chapter will teach you several strategies that will get your customers off the phone and into your business (and build a powerful mailing list at the same time).

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 15

Often the difference between a winning product and a loser is how you price it. Sales tests have shown that price is one of the most compelling factors that determine the success of a sale. You must know how to price effectively. This special report reveals dozens of pricing tactics that will get your product or service moving and still retain a healthy gross margin.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 16

Packaging your products and services can be a powerful marketing technique to move more products and services and add more value. I’m not talking about what your package looks like, I’m talking about how you present your offer. This section reveals little-known packaging strategies that will allow you to sell more of your product or service at higher prices.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 17

Membership programs are downright powerful. They lower marketing costs, decrease customer attrition, allow you to sell more products and services, get more revenue out of existing customers, increase referrals, and provide a consistent stream of predictable income. What business wouldn’t want all that? This chapter teaches you how to set up your membership program and how to keep paying customers year after year.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 18

One-to-one community based street marketing is powerful and effective because it searches and finds your prospect and delivers your marketing message face-to-face. No other marketing medium has that power, not even direct mail or the Internet. This chapter teaches a way to sell your products or services door-to-door for a nice profit (with no out-of-pocket expenses)… and you don’t have to do any of the work!

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 19

If you had to ask what is the single most powerful marketing weapon for any business big or small, my answer would undoubtedly be… customer testimonials. It’s one thing for you to toot your own horn, but it’s another thing when someone who has no financial stake in your success does. This chapter spills the beans on how to get a TON of testimonials, in a short period of time, using hypnotic tactics that should almost be illegal.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 20

Still Undecided? If This Manual Stopped Right Here It Would Be Worth Twice What I’m Asking. But I’ve Saved the Best For the Last Ten Chapters. (And wait till you see the Special Bonuses I’m offering you!)

Most people will tell you that the key to repeat sales is rendering good customer service. While that may be true, it certainly doesn’t even come close to what I share with you in this section. In fact, you can have a lousy product with terrible customer service and still have guaranteed repeat sales following this formula. (This chapter is not what you think it is… it’s much better. In fact, it’s so good that the most prominent marketing magazine in Australia reprinted this entire chapter!)

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 21

Without a continuous stream of qualified prospects, most small businesses will just dry up and blow away. In this section I reveal the “ultimate” lead generation system. It is, from my experience, the most powerful lead generation system in existence. It requires little manual effort (nearly autopilot), it generates names, addresses and email addresses, gives permission to market to the lead, creates a positive relationship, and generates consistent, predictable results.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 22

Business isn’t just for making money. It can also bless the lives of the less fortunate. But what if you were able to make money AND bless other people’s lives at the same time? This chapter gives you scores of ways to market your business, build your brand, and attract more clients by partnering with charities. (Don’t underestimate the power of this marketing strategy!)

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 23

Want to know how to double or even triple your sales without attracting even one more customer to your business? In this chapter you’ll learn innovative ways of using bumps, up-sells, cross-sells, and down-sells to increase your average sale amount and continue to getting more dollars from your customers. I even reveal my secret “break-down” method for creating more revenue out of thin air!

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 24

Would you like to know how to create an offer so persuasive, so attractive, so magnetic that your prospect just can’t help giving you their money? In this chapter I take you step-by-step through the process of creating offers that will dramatically increase your prospect-to-customer conversion ratio.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 25

How would you like to reduce your refunds and returns to nearly zero? There are few things worse for a small business owner than to watch your product come back after the sale with a request for a refund. Stop losing your hard-earned revenues and start using my proven formula to making your sales stick!

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 26

You hear a lot of strategies for marketing your online business on the Internet, but very few strategies for marketing your offline local business on the Internet. For all those local “brick and mortar” business owners that spent thousands of dollars building a great website, this section is for you.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 27

The Web is a major channel for lead-generation and sales of products and services. Unfortunately, most websites couldn’t sell a glass of water in the Sahara desert. You see, most websites were built by a propeller-head techie or an artsy-fartsy designer, without any regard for marketing. This section details the most common 15 marketing mistakes websites make.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 28

If you haven’t started your own online newsletter then you are missing out one of the most powerful, FREE marketing tools on the planet Earth. If you haven’t started your own e-zine yet, shame on you. If you want to start your own e-zine, go no further. In this chapter I give you an “easy as A-B-C” cookie-cutter plan for starting your own profitable e-zine that will save you hours of frustration and heartache.

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 29

Why do most small businesses throw their marketing dollars into the wind? Because they don’t know how to design marketing campaigns to produce metrics they can measure and hold accountable. In this section you’ll learn how to stop “spraying and praying.”

Click here to see exactly what you’ll learn in Chapter 30

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