
Dan Vas – The Ecom Freedom Shopify Course + Mentorship Program


If you’re looking for a step-by-step roadmap to success, you’ve come to the right place.

I created the Ecom Freedom Shopify course a few years ago, and since then it’s helped thousands of people achieve freedom through successful eCommerce businesses on Shopify.

I’m proud of what we’ve achieved, and I know that anyone with the will and access to our course can succeed too.

We have a team of over 15+ staff who are dedicated to building and investing in new eCommerce brands, and we’re always here to help students take their business to the next level.

Sales Page

Original price was: $1,037.00.Current price is: $70.00.

When I got started, there was no such thing as a complete step by step roadmap to success. In fact, I (Dan Vas, CEO of Ecom Freedom) had to learn through my own mistakes myself and stumble on my face through countless failed products and lost $ to finally reach success.