Dan Kennedy – 40th Compilation – Dan Kennedy Archives V.1
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In Celebration Of His 40th Anniversary In Information Marketing, Dan Kennedy Goes Deep, Deep, Deeeeeep Into The Archives…
“Discover Dan Kennedy’s Lifetime Of Work–Including 356 Examples And 1556 TOTAL Pages Of Ads, Notes, Samples, Photos And Artifacts–Accumulated Over 40 Years In Marketing, Copywriting, Speaking And Authorship…”
Thursday 3:12 pm
From: The desk of Dan Kennedy
Dear Renegade Marketer,
Let’s get to it without any “warm up”. What I’ve done is perform a thorough excavation of literally rooms of files, notes, samples, photos, artifacts and more, accumulated throughout 40 years in marketing.
I then compiled everything into a 1556-page tome you’ll be able to examine and swipe ideas from for your own promotions and business.
Best part: I put my own notes within each item, written by me in 2013, to either teach an important concept or give context to that particular piece.
This commentary will create multiple “a-ha” moments for you as you leaf through this massive collection. This is like having 40 years of my marketing “know how” all in one package for you to peruse, get ideas from, and take action on for your own promotions.
Listen: these “teaching examples” have stood and WILL stand the test of time. I also included odd and curious items, personal items, and items of historical significance. As with a museum, different things will interest different visitors at different times.
I guess you can say this is the mother lode of “Dan Kennedy stuff” you will EVER encounter. And I will warn you that:
You Can Only Get This RARE Collection
Of My Lifetime Of Work For A Very Limited Time…
You see, I picked these to be good representatives of changes in style and technique across the decades, from 1970 to Present. Included are pieces that were extremely successful, pieces of historical curiosity, and personal favorites.
This collection includes my first B2B full-page trade journal ad I wrote back in 1973…all the way to recent promotions I wrote this year.
It also includes my first ads I wrote for Magnetic Marketing…my most successful product to date. I even included the script for the actual speech I used to sell Magnetic Marketing from the stage.
I also included selected pieces from the seminar marketing campaigns I did for one client – Rory Fatt and Restaurant Marketing Systems – from 2005 to 2006 through 2010.
You’ll get a bigger snapshot later on of all 1554 pages of this archive that’ll generate TONS of:
- Ideas for copy angles and how to position your product or service in your copywriting and marketing. You never want to start with a blank slate when writing copy or devising a marketing campaign for a product. This Archive will save you a TON of time and money trying to “figure things out” for yourself.
- Ideas for offers you’ll be able to “swipe and deploy” for your own promotions. The offer is THE most important element of a promotion…without a good offer the copy falls flat. You’ll see 40 years of offers that have converted well for my clients and me. And you’ll be able to spark tons of ideas for your own offers for products, services and seminars.
- Design ideas for your promotions you’ll be able to implement for your own ads. Most of these are print ads and magalogs that will spark ideas for your own promotions so you don’t have to wonder what works and what doesn’t.
- Headlines, closes, bullets, stories, etc. you can swipe for your own promotions. This could be a literal marketing godsend for you since you’ll be able to flip through all 1556 pages of examples and “swipe” ideas for your own.
So when you take action today and that big box containing this Archive lands on your doorstep:
Do NOT Ignore Campaigns
That Are Not In Your Market…
For example, if you’re not a seminar marketer, don’t ignore Rory’s campaigns or any other campaign you’ll come across in this Archive. There is much here to be adaptable and transferable for you own business.
No one engaged in marketing can fail to unearth gems in this massive collection. Yes, some of these items were not in pristine condition, in my files and drawers, cardboard cartons, and storage. So their reproductions are not perfect and some you might need a magnifying glass to examine. But trust me, your diligence will be rewarded.
Here’s what else you’ll discover in this 1556-page archive that could be a huge bastion for your business:
- A collection of content from presentations, products, speeches and seminars. Most of these have historical interest and or may have value if modified and used today. This includes entire sales presentations you can learn from, swipe ideas and implement for your own presentations.
- Product covers and even entire products, including a complete copy of my “63 Killer Marketing Strategies” manual. The ideas you can glean from this collection could make this Archive more than worth investing!
- Books and book promotions I used to breathe life into my books, since publishers are not promoters. A large assortment of the activity I used to promote my books is here so you can “swipe and deploy” for your own promotions.
- Newsletters and other publications that have been the foundation of virtually my entire career. I don’t think there is any single thing as vital to a person or business’ success than its own print media. And you’ll get an unfair “head start” over your competitors thanks to this collection.
- Photos with me with various celebrities including Joe Theismann, Ronald Reagan, Paul Harvey and on location at many events. I used these photos to build up a “celebrity aura” around my business and myself. You’ll also discover cartoons I’ve used for my marketing as well.
- Personal items related to my personal life and interests, and correspondence I’ve had throughout my 40 years in information marketing that will be a huge interest to you
Of course I could go through all 356 examples in this archive one by one, but instead:
Here’s The Actual Table Of Contents Of This Massive
Archive That’ll Summon TONS Of Ideas For Your Own Ads And Business:
1: 1968: Best Lead Generation Letter, Not By Me
2: 1973: My First B2B Full-Page Trade Journal Ad (for Environmental Structures)
3: 1973: The Other B2B Ad For Same Product
4-5-6: 1974: Correspondence with Kemmons Wilson, Founder of Holiday Inn re.
Environmental Structures
7: 1974: Franchise Lead Generation Memo for Environmental Structures
8: 1974: Photos of Environmental Structures
9: 1972: First media about ESI – ‘Keeping House In A Plastic Bubble”
10: 1976 & 1977: My First Full-Page Magazine Ads For An Info-Marketing Client,
First Ad For My Own First Info-Product and Other Ads of the Era, From Same Media
11: 1975: LIFT NOTE EXAMPLE – from Success Education Corp.
12: 1975: ORDER FORM EXAMPLE – from Success Education Corp.
13: 1977: Another Version – First Info-Product Ad For Client (Success Education Corp.)
14: 1978: Typical Article of many I wrote and had published in mid and late 70’s
15: 1978: The first Dan Kennedy postcard promoting seminars
16: 1978: Membership Order Form used at my retail Self-Improvement Center
17: 1978: First Full-Page Ad For My Own “Success Company”
18: 1979: My First Public Seminar Brochure
19: 1979: My First Copywriting Job for a Professional Speaker (Buster Crabbe)
20: 1979: My First Paid Copywriting Job for General Cassette Corp – to Success Readers
21: 1980: My Mini-Catalog for our “Brass Eagle” awards business
22: 1981: My version of the famous Thank-U-Gram® – The Thanks-A-Million Note
23: 1982: PROMOTIONAL NEWSLETTER, “Generally Speaking”, for General Cassette – a
marketing piece to a niche market (professional speakers)
24: 1983: ‘Road Show” direct-mail piece, for seminars for speakers, featuring Nido Qubein
25: 1983: “Success Spoken Here” Package Insert
26: 1982: First Niche Market Catalog – for chiropractors
27: 1982: My (very successful) EXPENSIVE EXPERIENCE $1 CASSETTE magazine ad*
(*The advertised cassette and transcript are in Deluxe Edition of Archives)
28: 1982: The Course sold by the EXPENSIVE EXPERIENCE CASSETTE, shown in a
staged product photo
29: 1982: 2-Page Ad in SUCCESS for General Cassette (3 Ads In 1)
30: 1982: Smaller Ad, SUCCESS
31: 1982: Catalog of “Special Reports” – to niche (professional speakers)
32: 1983: POSITIONING PRODUCT – Clever product comprised of interviews
33-35: 1987: Info-Product Brochures/Mini-Catalogs
36: 1984: 2-Sided Order Form I Created for Success Education Training Company
37: 1984: “VALUE BUILD” Side of Order Form for my co., SuccessTrak
38: 1984: Full Page Print Ad For My Client, “Gold By The Inch”
39: 1986: Winning Version of Full Sales Letter I Wrote for Gold By The Inch
40: 1986: Unique Testimonial Story Booklet I Created for Gold By The Inch
41: 1991: DROP-DOWN OFFER, Direct-Mail Piece for Gold By The Inch
42: 1986: 2-Sided “Renewal” Order Form I Created for SuccessTrak
43: 1987: Cover Letter w. “Check Gambit”, Gift With Purchase Offer – Empire Cassette
44: 1987: Canada target market letter – General Cassette
45: 1988: STICK LETTER – Magnetic Marketing System®
46: 1990: Article of mine, in DM NEWS, re. infomercials
47: 1990: POSITIONING ARTICLE of mine, in a niche (chiropractic) much more
recent Positioning Article, generic, in SUCCESS
48: 1991: Sales Letter for Psycho-Cybernetics Home Study Course
49: 1991: Ad for My Cassette Programs in ENTREPRENEUR
50: 1992: Workshop Brochure for Small Business Emergency Survival System
51: 1992: Original SUCCESS EVENT Brochure – with Zig Ziglar, Peter Lowe and Me
52: 1993: BUCK SLIP with Big Bonus Offer
53: 1993: BOOK AD TO ENTER NICHE (MLM industry)
55: 1993: Original Version, My Famous “$4,000.00 A Day In Your Underwear Ad” for
JPDK (Jeff Paul)
56: 1993: Cover of the original “Little Yellow Book” for JPDK
57: 1993: OPPORTUNITY AD – for another client
59: 1993: One of my most clever pieces – VIP DISCOUNT LIST EXAMPLE
60: 1993: “Atlanta Sinkhole Kills 2” Lift Note
61: 1994: MAGALOG: Original Magalog for No B.S. Marketing Letter
62: 1994: Original Masthead Photo, No B.S. Marketing Letter
63: 1994: Evolved SUCCESS EVENT Brochure – with addition of celebrity speakers
64: 1994: ORDER FORM – Mine, from the Success Events
65: 1994: “ONE SHEET” – My Speaker ‘Brochure’
66-68: 1994: LITTLE YELLOW BOOKS – I believe the first two to “copycat” the Jeff Paul/
JPDK Little Yellow Book.
69: 1990: IRRESISTIBLE OFFER AD – Free Las Vegas Vacation by Bob Stupak
70: 1990: LIST BUILDING “TRICK” – Bob Stupak
72: 1995: My Fax-On-Demand Reports/Sales Letters Catalog (UNIQUE Piece)
73: 1996: My Seminar Ad – “Double Your Income – Fast”
74: 1996: TESTIMONIAL LIFT NOTE – from Greg Renker complete sales letter to
speakers it was first used with
77: 1996: EARLY NICHE MARKET BOOT CAMP Promotion (photography studio owners)
78: 1996: ENVELOPE TEASER COPY EXAMPLE – from Gary Halbert
79: 1996: REFUSAL OF MY AD – Letter from Nat’l Infomercial Association & “The Ad
They Refused To Run”
80: 1997: ANTI-COPYCAT COMPETITION AD – I wrote for Joe Polish
81: 1996: “READ THIS ONLY” Cover – I wrote for Joe Polish
82: 1997: “EXPOSED!” Ad – I wrote for Joe Polish (since used by many)
83: 1997: TESTIMONIAL AD – I wrote for Joe Polish
84: 1997: “LITTLE KNOWN” Opportunity Ad – Brian Kay
85: 1998: “TOXIC WASTE DISPOSAL BAG” Direct-Mail Piece
86: 1998: Nightingale-Conant Sales Letter for my Psycho-Cybernetics info-product
87: 1998: Nightingale-Conant “TRUE STORIES”-Format Testimonials for P-C
88: 1998: “STEAL – WITHOUT A GUN” Sales Letter
89: 1998: “LITTLE MONEY” GRABBER Sales Letter (for Power-Points)
90: 1998: Sales Letter Sequence Step (for Power Points)
91-93: 1998: My Catalog Business DISCOUNT OFFERS
94: 1998: Further Evolved SUCCESS EVENT Brochure (New Buy 6, Get 1 Free Offer)
95: 1998: “Scariest Direct-Mail Piece I’ve Ever Received”
96: 1998: My Version of ‘Desperate Housewife’ Ad
97: 1998: “#1 PRACTICE GROWTH GURU” Front Page Promotional Piece
99: 1999: “NAME YOUR PRICE” Offer (SuperConference)
101-102: 1999: CATALOG PAGE, Nightingale-Conant, for my Magnetic Marketing System®
103: 1999: POSITIONING ARTICLE to niche (MLM)
104: 1999: CATALOG ADS for two of my products (Nightingale-Conant)
105: 1999: The Nightingale-Conant version of the main sales letter for my
Magnetic Marketing System®
106: 1999: THEMED SALES LETTER for a seminar-in-a-box info-product
108: 2000: “I VOTED MYSELF OFF THE ISLAND!” Gold-Plus Coaching Sales Letter
110: 2000: Cover of Package for Testimonial Audio Cassettes
Greg Stanley.
Joe Polish
113: 2000: My Favorite Sales Letter That Was Never Mailed – I Wrote For Joe Polish
114: 2000: BIG BRIBE LETTER – for No B.S. Marketing Letter
115: 2000: “THE FREE MONEY LETTER” for joint ventures – I Wrote for Michael Kimble
116: 2000: CATALOG of Psycho-Cybernetics Products
117: 2000: Testimonial Collection Form, Version ‘A’
118: 2000: Testimonial Collection Form, Version ‘B’
119: 2000: POLITICAL AD – My Anti-Gore Ad
120: 2000: POLITICAL AD – My Anti-Hillary Ad
121-122: 2000: “HOW TO GET RICH” Lift Notes – Written For Joe Polish and Rory Fatt
123: 2001: FIRST CONTINUITY SALES LETTER for No B.S. Marketing Letter
124: 2001: BOOT CAMP IN BOX Sales Letter – “confrontational approach”
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