
Critical Bench – 4 Weeks to Crunchless Abs


What You’ll Discover Inside 4-Weeks to Crunchless Abs: (VALUE: $29.95)

How the “time under tension” method is the missing piece to a STRONGER and RIPPED core.

Why complicated and boring diets are NOT needed to get rock solid abs.

The “little known” Pyramid of Strength Method that will CARVE your abs out in just weeks.

Why you may NEVER get the abs you deserve UNLESS you have strong quads and glutes.

How the torso rotation exercise can chisel your core like the handy man next door.

Why this “odd” static tuck method is the foundation to all of your other core exercises.

How to do LESS Reps and get TWICE the results in HALF the time…How the “show and go” method will give you beach body abs AND the explosive power you’ve been missing…The BEST 10 foundational movements that GUARANTEES optimal performance.

Why “DYNAMIC” core movements can get LIGHTNING FAST results.

How “unilateral movements” can SKYROCKET your core strength…in just 5 minutes a day.

Why the hanging leg raise can help you develop an armor plated core.

The “bizarre” exercise that can decompress your spine for a healthier back and stronger core.

The High low plank drill that will shred your abs (from phase 2 week 1). Why weak obliques may be the reason for back pain and one simple 30 second trick to FIX this.

How becoming more balanced by ENGAGING your core can make your entire body stronger.

Why the “modified” version of the burpee is more popular with college football teams.

The “Around The World” movement that will IGNITE your entire body into an abdominal fat burning FRENZY!

Bonus: Indestructible Back VALUE: ($29.95)Indestructible Back is an 8-week program you can follow after you finish the Fix My Back Pain system. It will literally bulletproof you from getting injured again and take your lower back from a weak area to a strong point. You can follow the exercises from this manual on your cardio days, leg days, or even in-between major exercises.

It will only take you an extra 10-15 minutes per week. This is a perfect follow up plugin to add to your workouts after finishing Fix My Back Pain. You’ll get access to the PDF which includes all the exercise descriptions and video demonstrations. We’ve teamed up with strength & conditioning coach John Izzo who created this program for himself and his clients out of necessity in order to strengthen their lower backs to avoid a future injury and keep performing at a high level.

Bonus: Lower Back Lifestyle Audit (VALUE: $29.95)How would you like to take Injury Specialist Rick Kaselj, MS home with you? Wait…that came out wrong…. What we meant to say is that in addition to what you do in the gym, it matters what you do or don’t do out of the gym. How’s your posture? Is your home or office desk ergonomically correct? Are you sleeping in the best possible position with the right kind of pillow and mattress? Or maybe you just sit way too much and need to do something about it.

Rick will take you by the hand and go over everything you need to accelerate your recovery and results in minimal time.

There are a lot of quick fix changes you can make that will drastically improve your quality of life without costing you but a few minutes.


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Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $9.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email Should you have any question, please contact us: [email protected]