
Craig Ballantyne – Turbulence Training 2.0


Why the Wall Street Journal Claims Cardio is as Bad as Cheeseburgers and 3 Other Shocking Facts About Fat Loss

Imagine never having to suffer through another boring cardio workout again. And along with that, picture yourself being able to eat a juicy burger, all while enjoying the lean, sexy body you have been working so hard to achieve. This might sound like a fantasy, but it’s not. In fact, you’re about to discover how this dream can become reality. And yes, you’ll find out how cheeseburgers are better than long, slow cardio on the treadmill when it comes to losing fat and building an amazing body. It all starts with shocking scientific research.

Recently, several new studies revealed that long, slow and boring cardio workouts actually SABOTAGE your natural ability to burn ugly belly fat. Think about that for a moment. If you’re tired, fed up and disappointed with the results you’ve been getting from your current workout, then I want you to know that this cutting edge research is going to change your life.

You’ll also see exactly how the entire fitness industry – from personal trainers to gym owners to equipment manufacturers – have been lying to you about your weight and exactly what you can do about it. So-called experts, including many overweight doctors have been telling you for years that you need to do up to an hour of cardio per day in order to lose weight.

That’s a BIG FAT LIE.

Listen, if you spend hours each week running, pedaling or stepping…you’re ruining your ability to burn fat and build a lean, sexy body.

Excessive daily cardio basically says to your body, “Whoa, hold on to this belly fat. We need it. Burn this muscle instead!” In fact, research shows that treadmills, elliptical machines and stair masters can actually train your body to STORE fat instead of burning it. Other studies show that cardio not only makes you fatter, it also ages you faster. However, these serious problems from doing excessive cardio are quickly and easily reversible. There is one little known way to exercise that commands your body to STOP gaining fat…fit woman

When you switch from cardio to this unique, short burst workout system, it will make you look 10-15 years younger in just a few weeks. This is not crazy talk. And you don’t need to adopt an insane diet, start taking truckloads of expensive pills or use one of those infomercial gimmicks that get peddled on late night TV. You see, this new form of exercise works for anyone and at any age. Scientists have shown this unique system helps men and women of all ages to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. That’s the Holy Grail of Exercise! And that means you can use these methods to look and feel better in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s or even your 60’s than you did as a teenager. But you’ll never hear this from the mainstream media. And not knowing this information can keep you FAT FOREVER. You’ll be stuck doing the same boring, dangerous and ineffective cardio routine that has not worked for you in the last five years and won’t EVER work for you in the future. So stop the insanity.

Listen, I don’t want you to feel stuck. I don’t want you to hate your body and feel ashamed about the way you look. I don’t want you to hear people talking about your weight behind your back. But the problem is that the fitness industry is more interested in taking your money than it is in helping you get amazing results. My 18 years in the fitness world as a writer for Men’s Health and Women’s Health magazines has shown me the dark side of most exercise advice being pitched today. And worst of all…I’ve seen thousands of people wreck their health by slaving away on treadmills. That’s all going to end today. I’m going to reveal the BIG LIE about cardio right now. I’ve helped thousands of people get the body of their dreams. It all starts with understanding a few simple, but controversial facts that the fitness industry doesn’t want you to know…

Imagine never having to suffer through another boring cardio workout again. And along with that, picture yourself being able to eat a juicy burger, all while enjoying the lean, sexy body you have been working so hard to achieve.

This might sound like a fantasy, but it’s not. In fact, you’re about to discover how this dream can become reality. And yes, you’ll find out how cheeseburgers are better than long, slow cardio on the treadmill when it comes to losing fat and building an amazing body. It all starts with shocking scientific research.

French-Canadian Researchers Discover a Weird Trick to Boosting Your Fat Loss by 450%

Keep reading to find out more! Recently, several new studies revealed that long, slow and boring cardio workouts actually SABOTAGE your natural ability to burn ugly belly fat. Think about that for a moment. If you’re tired, fed up and disappointed with the results you’ve been getting from your current workout, then I want you to know that this cutting edge research is going to change your life. You’ll also see exactly how the entire fitness industry – from personal trainers to gym owners to equipment manufacturers – have been lying to you about your weight and exactly what you can do about it. So-called experts, including many overweight doctors have been telling you for years that you need to do up to an hour of cardio per day in order to lose weight. That’s a BIG FAT LIE.

Listen, if you spend hours each week running, pedaling or stepping…you’re ruining your ability to burn fat and build a lean, sexy body. Excessive daily cardio basically says to your body, “Whoa, hold on to this belly fat. We need it. Burn this muscle instead!”

In fact, research shows that treadmills, elliptical machines and stair masters can actually train your body to STORE fat instead of burning it. Other studies show that cardio not only makes you fatter, it also ages you faster. However, these serious problems from doing excessive cardio are quickly and easily reversible. There is one little known way to exercise that commands your body to STOP gaining fat…fitwoman

When you switch from cardio to this unique, short burst workout system, it will make you look 10-15 years younger in just a few weeks. This is not crazy talk. And you don’t need to adopt an insane diet, start taking truckloads of expensive pills or use one of those infomercial gimmicks that get peddled on late night TV. You see, this new form of exercise works for anyone and at any age. Scientists have shown this unique system helps men and women of all ages to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. That’s the Holy Grail of Exercise! And that means you can use these methods to look and feel better in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s or even your 60’s than you did as a teenager.

But you’ll never hear this from the mainstream media. And not knowing this information can keep you FAT FOREVER. You’ll be stuck doing the same boring, dangerous and ineffective cardio routine that has not worked for you in the last five years and won’t EVER work for you in the future. So stop the insanity.

Listen, I don’t want you to feel stuck. I don’t want you to hate your body and feel ashamed about the way you look. I don’t want you to hear people talking about your weight behind your back. But the problem is that the fitness industry is more interested in taking your money than it is in helping you get amazing results. My 18 years in the fitness world as a writer for Men’s Health and Women’s Health magazines has shown me the dark side of most exercise advice being pitched today. And worst of all…I’ve seen thousands of people wreck their health by slaving away on treadmills. That’s all going to end today. I’m going to reveal the BIG LIE about cardio right now. I’ve helped thousands of people get the body of their dreams. It all starts with understanding a few simple, but controversial facts that the fitness industry doesn’t want you to know…4 Shocking Facts Reveal Exactly Why You’re NOT Getting the Fat Loss Results You Deserve– and –How You Can Fix Your Broken metabolism to Burn Fat 24 Hours per Day, 7 Days Per Week

If you’re tired of workouts that take forever and leave you with a flabby belly, then this research is for you.

If you’re tired of leaving the gym with sore knees, an aching back and foot pain from doing long cardio workouts then pay close attention.

Researchers have the good news you’ve been looking for all these years.

Here are the scientific FACTS:FACT 1Cardio Makes You Gain Fat Around

Your Belly, Thighs, Hips, and Legs redarrow banner

Here’s a fact: if you want to GAIN WEIGHT, then you should get on the treadmill.

Most people believe that the key to losing fat and getting in shape is to spend lots of time running on a treadmill. But that’s dead wrong. You see, long, slow and boring cardio actually trains your body to store fat. It makes your body guard its fat closer than a hungry dog guards his food.

I know you’ve seen that famous button on the treadmill that reads: “Fat Burning Zone” but that button should really be called the “Fat STORING Zone” because that’s the real effect it has on your body.

When you spend 30, 40 or even 50 minutes pounding away on the treadmill, you send your body a powerful signal to start storing fat instead of burning it.Why?

It’s all in your hormones. Here’s what smart scientists know: According to a study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology,

People who performed intense cardio suffered from decreased T3 hormone production.(Eur J Appl Physiol. 2003 Jan; 88(4-5):480-4.) T3 is the hormone produced by your thyroid to burn fat. When you do cardio, your body reacts to the stress by suppressing this fat burning hormone. This means your body starts gaining fat immediately. Why? Because your body needs the fat to function.

But it gets worse…Doing cardio also puts massive amounts of stress on your body. According to a 2011 study in the scientific journal Psycho neuroendocrinology, Cardio increases the stress hormone cortisol. (Skoluda, N., Detten born, L., et al. Elevated Hair Cortisol Concentrations in Endurance Athletes. Psycho neuroendocrinology. September 2011.) Cortisol is associated with heart disease, cancer and visceral belly fat. That’s the kind of fat that hangs around your waist and gives you that disgusting pear shape. If cortisol and T3 weren’t bad enough…During long, slow and boring cardio – your appetite also increases.

Have you ever CRAVED sugary food after you finish a long run?

I’m sure you have and it’s all because your body gets very greedy for food after you finish your cardio session.

In fact, your body overreacts to cardio like a dramatic teenager, causing you to eat more and more food. Even worse, you always end up eating more fat-gaining calories AFTER you work out which means that you gain more and more weight.

A 2008 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that: After cardio exercise, the subjects end up eating 100 calories more than they just burned off. (Sonneville, K.R., et al. (2008) International Journal of Obesity. 32, S19-S27.) Researchers have even found that people on a long term cardio plan actually GAIN weight instead of losing it. A 2006 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that runners who ran the same distance or slightly more each week had LARGER waistlines at the end of the 9 year study.

Scary right?

Here’s your second shocking fact: FACT 2Cardio DAMAGES Your Heart, Joints, and Back redarrow banner In 1977, Jim Fixx published The Complete Book of Running. In 1984, Jim Fixx died of a massive heart after his daily run.He was 52 years old.

Fixx is the misguided man behind the entire cardio craze. He’s the guy behind our dangerous obsession with cardio.

Now, scientists realize how insane Fixx’s exercise guidance really was. If you struggle with your weight and still do cardio…then it’s not your fault. Even Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the founder of aerobics, recently admitted that he was WRONG about cardio. In his latest book, he said there is “no correlation between ‘aerobic’ endurance performance and healthy, longevity or protection against heart disease.” You’ve been LIED to…And this lie has put your health in jeopardy. If you don’t want to suffer the same fate as Jim Fixx, then you need to pay close attention now. tired woman exercise bike

Your life is at risk. You see, cardio overworks your heart and can lead to death by massive heart attack, all because your body has not evolved to handle long, slow and boring cardio. The man who ran the first marathon, the Greek soldier Pheidippides, dropped dead as he arrived in Athens with news of victory. We weren’t meant to run marathons. You’ve heard about young, seemingly healthy marathon runners suddenly dying during their races. And yet people still run to “be healthy.”

That’s crazy right?

Take Normann Stadler for example. Stadler was a previous Ironman winner and serious cardio enthusiast. In 2011, he underwent emergency surgery to repair an enormous aortic aneurysm. He had ruined his heart by doing too much cardio.

John Mandrola, a heart doctor, said “Studies have shown elevated levels of coronary plaque in serial marathoners – a problem that rigorous exercise theoretically could cause. Heart disease comes from inflammation and if you’re constantly, chronically inflaming yourself, never letting your body heal, why wouldn’t there be a relationship between over exercise and heart disease?”

Kelly Barrett, a 43 year old mother of 3 suffered from cardiac arrest during the Chicago Marathon. She died a few days later. Carlos Jose Gomes of Brazil collapsed shortly after finishing the New York City Marathon. Cause of death? Heart attack. Ryan Shay, an Olympic Marathon hopeful, died suddenly during the early stages of the Olympic Trials Marathon in New York City. Dr. Matthew Hardy, age 50, died after running the New York City Marathon. And those are just a few of the people that cardio has killed in recent years. This saddens and frustrates me because these deaths were completely avoidable. So not only does cardio damage your heart, it also wrecks your joints. When running, did you know that every time your foot hits the treadmill it experiences 3 times your bodyweight in impact stress? 600lbsThat means that if you weigh 200 pounds, every stride you take puts 600 pounds of pressure on your legs and back. What do you think happens next? Your joints aren’t used to having 600 pounds of pressure on them. Your cartilage breaks down and you get searing pain in your knees, hips, ankles, feet and back.

Every single step sends a shockwave through your entire lower body which can cripple you. You’ve seen former runners suffer and limp along. They need knee replacements at 45 or have chronic overuse injuries that prevent them from walking without pain.

Do you want that?

Cardio is a recipe for being crippled – or dead – in middle age. Yet the fitness industry still tries to convince you that doing this dangerous activity is good for your health.

Did you know that the 2nd most common cause of baby boomer doctor visits are sport’s related injuries? As people get older, the consequences of their cardio come back to bite them in the butt. Dr. Nicholas Di Nubile, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital even gave it a catchy name: “Boomeritis.” He also said: “Baby boomers are falling apart – developing tendinitis, bursitis, arthritis.” You could end up spending your “golden years” shuffling around in a walker and look ancient before your time. I don’t even need to tell you how expensive orthopedic surgery can be. Your cardio could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in surgery, rehabilitation and job loss because you can’t work anymore. And that’s if a heart attack from cardio doesn’t kill you first.


Cardio Makes Your Entire Body Age Faster redarrow banner You’ve seen how cardio makes you fat. You’ve seen how cardio ruins your heart and cripples your joints. But cardio also ages your entire body…A recent article in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that: Cardio causes immense oxidative damage and a flood of free radicals to the body. (Cakir-Atabek, H., Demir, S., Pinarbassili, R., Bunduz, N. Effects of Different Resistance Training Intensity on Indices of Oxidative Stress. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2010. 24(9), 2491-2498.) Free radicals are molecules that cause rapid aging in your body. During cardio, your body is filled with free radicals that wander around your bloodstream and attack your cells like a street thug. Not only do free radicals cause damage to all your organs…doing cardio also damages your skin and makes you look older. Dr. Laurence Kirwan, a plastic surgeon, claims that cardio can damage facial tissue and cause skin to sag. You see, cardio actually ages your skin and gives you that leathery, unattractive wrinkled look before your time.

That’s why you see runners who are in their forties with a wrinkled face like a 60-year old sun-worshipper. Their skin sags down and their face is a wrinkled mess. It’s a Fact, Cardio Makes You Fat, Tired, Unhappy and OLDredbanner1narrowThat’s exactly why cheeseburgers are better than treadmills for fat loss. You see, cheeseburgers aren’t the healthiest food choice…but they don’t do all the horrible things to your body that cardio does. They don’t age you prematurely. They don’t destroy your joints. And if you eat cheeseburgers, in moderation, they certainly don’t

destroy your body’s natural ability to burn fat and build muscle. That’s probably why the Wall Street Journal claimed that cardio is as bad as cheeseburgers. But in reality, cardio is WORSE. “If Long, Slow and Boring Cardio is So Bad for Me, What Should I Do Instead?” I’m glad you asked. Right now I’m going to show you exactly what you should be doing instead of cardio. I’m going to show you a very valuable secret that you can use to work out for only 90 minutes PER WEEK and get an amazing body. This secret reverses the aging process, turns your body into a fat burning machine and you can do it in the comfort of your own home in just 3 short 30-minute sessions per week.

WARNING: This Isn’t For Everyone

I’m not going to lie to you: the secret I’m about to reveal isn’t for everyone. For example: If you enjoy slaving away on a treadmill for hours and flooding your body with dangerous fat storing hormone, this is NOT for you. If you think that your joints are immune to damage and your heart won’t be damaged by excessive cardio, this is NOT for you. And if you are not prepared to work hard in very short bursts, this is NOT for you. Here’s the truth: the system I’m going to show you is hard work. But it only takes 90 minutes PER WEEK to get amazing results.


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