
Christina Morassi – Find Your Ecstatic Brand



Christina Morassi – Find Your Ecstatic Brand

Wake Up to your TRUE missionDiscover How to Combine ALL Your Passions into a Super Lucrative Career

Dear wonderful multi-passionate entrepreneur,

You have a calling. You know you are meant for something special on this planet…something BIG! And you are ready to turn that into a unique, thriving business. However, you may be feeling confused and disconnected about how to get there.

If you’re like many of my clients, you may be:

Feeling like you just don’t fit into any of the models of business you are learning.

Constantly worrying about money…there never seems to be enough.

Feel really confused about what makes you unique in your business – how do you stand out?

Playing way too small and afraid to really step out.

You’re not alone!

Just a few years ago, if you would have told me that I’d be making nearly 7 figures in just 3 years, that I’d get to put on 6-figure events, travel and work with amazing clients from 15 countries, and – especially! – use my eclectic (and sort of eccentric!) array of gifts and passions every day in my ecstatic business…I would have said you were CRAZY.

And yet, that’s exactly what my life and business look like today. I feel SO blessed.

Now I get to bring all my gifts to the table, do what I love, and earn nearly 7-figures helping other women entrepreneurs do the same.

I’ve learned that not only do I not have to fit into a J-O-B or career that doesn’t fit or that makes me leave parts of myself behind – but that I can invent a career that doesn’t exist yet, have a BLAST doing the things I love most, make a real difference in people’s lives and make more money than I could in ANY “normal” job.

And the best news is – so can YOU.

And to thinkonly 5 years ago I was living in a converted garage, making $600 a month!

It’s true. I was working like a crazy person to sell someone elses MLM products for a measly $600 a month. Not only were my living conditions way below standard… my life was in disarray.

I was unhappy, unfulfilled and completely unclear about my purpose and what I “should” be doing in the world.

In my early 20’s, I had a successful career in New York City, assisting high-end fashion photographers. We were on shoots with Giselle, Heidi Klum, and & Britney Spears… Glamorous, prestigious, sure… but something was missing.

Then a death in the family sparked a healing journey that led me to LA. There, I dove into the healing arts and energetic bodywork. Along the way, I found the expressive arts- ecstatic dance and performance art improv, which helped me move through my own healing and liberate my creative expression. I spent 10 years as a hippie-healer-burningman-girl in LA, as I like to say!

I went on to combine my deep transformation work with the expressive arts to create cutting edge workshops…that looked a bit like communal performance – art – alchemy, if you will. I was following my bliss, for sure! But the real truth is that I was a stereotypical starving-healing-artist, living as a housesitter for 3 years , and making barely any money.

Until one day, I read an article that shook me to my core. It made the poignant point that the balance of wealth and power in the world was in the hands of the people who don’t care very much, unfortunately. Then the author asked…

What if the balance of wealth and power in the world were in the hands of the people who DO carelike the heart-centered healers & artists?

In that moment, I woke up! And realized I was actually being irresponsible by not being one of the ones in power and with wealth, if I was saying I was here to change the world.

So I bit the bullet and started to learn about business and money… I devoured every newsletter, blog post, and free teleseminar under the sun… And I learned a ton. BUT… I never really took action because I couldn’t figure out who I was or what kind of business to start. And everyone kept telling me to pick one thing and to find my niche!

Instinctively… I knew there must be another way though… And I knew that there must be a way that ALL of my gifts came together, but I couldn’t see how … or how doing the odd combination of things I loved could ever make me a decent living, let alone live the lifestyle I dreamed of.

Finally… I had my moment. [insert heavenly choir of angels singing hallelujah here. :)]

I heard about how to create signature high-end programs, found the right mentor, and made a bold (some said crazy) move – and I enrolled in a 6-month Diamond Program, to the tune of $50K.

It was a huge leap of faith…and I mean that literally. At times I wondered if I was crazy too! But it was a spiritual MUST for me (as well as a financial one) to figure out how to package my collection of gifts to serve others.

Creating My Own Signature High-End Program was The Answer!

With the right mentor, I packaged ALL of my gifts into my 1st signature of high-end program combining my background in transformation work…with my background in photography…. And I created a career that hadn’t existed yet of “Transformational Photography”.

Former Fashion Photographer Healing Artist = HeartShot Photographer

I worked with women entrepreneurs to capture the heart and soul of their brand in headshots by combining movement, transformation work, and fashion-esque photography to get photos that attracted the attention of their ideal high-paying clients.

Voila! My unique business was born.

I grew quite quickly… And made it to 6-figures in 15 months! Of course, everyone wanted to know how I’d done it… And I knew it was because I had brought my disparate gifts together to create a unique business. And I also allowed my personality to shine in my business, without watering myself down to the status quo. After many of these conversations, I realized that so many women entrepreneurs needed to know how to do this too.

So I developed a system that brought the best of what I’ve learned and lived … help women like you bring ALL of your gifts into one thriving business that leads to ecstatic wealth!

And thats why I created my Find Your Ecstatic Brand Program

Now, I run my own multiple 6-figure live events for 100s of women

I launched my first virtual program to the tune of $50,000 in just days

I get paid to do what I love with clients from around the world… And I am recognized as a unique voice in the industry…

…and am on track to make multiple 6 figures this year (while reaching 1,000’s around the world and having a whole lot more fun !!).

Would you like this for yourself? Im here to tell you it is totally possible for you and I want to help you get it!

I’ll show you, in 4 simple steps , how to combine your unique experience, gifts and talents (even your quirks!), create a unique, personal ecstatic brand that attracts your tribe of ideal clients…

and how to translate that into your own high-end Signature programs that deliver irresistible value to your ideal clients while providing you with a great income and lifestyle.

4 Easy Steps to Brand Clarity & Your Own Signature High-End Program with the Homestudy Virtual Program!

In this program designed especially for the heart-centered, multi-passionate woman entrepreneur, you will:

Learn the secret strategy to make your business so unique it becomes a beacon in the marketplace and draws your ideal clients to you (instead of you chasing them)!

Create your very own signature high-end program that makes your heart sing…and the cash register ring!

Heal stubborn visibility issues so that you’re not just comfortable but excited to come out of hiding and SHINE your light in the world!

Discover the quick and easy way to make your niche magically appea r obvious (…even if you’ve been scratching your head about this for YEARS like I did)!

Get the scoop on the #1 mistake heart-centered entrepreneurs make that actually STOPS people from buying from you!

Find out how to finally get the brand clarity you crave so that you feel confident answering the oft-dreaded question “what do you do?” (Your whole business clicks into place when this happens)!

Discover the template to match up your unique combination of gifts with what your clients will fork over the big bucks for.

Learn this simple secret to feeling good about raising your rates – A LOT – and quoting them without fear or discomfort.

Get your hands on fun marketing tips and strategies that will totally change how you feel about getting your brand out there (even if you’ve always thought marketing is “icky”)!

Discover the #1 way to build a better relationship with your current clients so that they invest with you even more.

Find out MY simple heart-centered way to set the price of your high-end programs so that you can be in total peace and confidence about them, and never fret about client “sticker shock.”

Ecstatic Brand Makeovers!

See Ecstatic Branding in Action

Watch what can happen when you blend all of your unique gifts and talents to create a service that doesn’t exist yet in the marketplace. See how these entrepreneurs have embodied their ecstatic brand!

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Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $75.00.

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