
Chris ‘Paradox’ Patterson – The Art of Meaning: Make Your Life Matter


The Art of Meaning: Make Your Life Matter

If you’re suffering from The Near Life Experience, this course is for you.

The Near Life Experience is the life of the Rat Race.

  1. You have a well paid, but unfulling job, that is crushing your spirit & thwarting your dreams
  2. Despite your succesful career you still feel a deep sense of lack, as if something visceral & passionate was missing from your life
  3. You know your life has a purpose, but you can’t seem to get clarity on what that purpose actually is

The worst aspect of the Near Life Experience and the Rat Race is that it leads to what Hospice workers have identified as “The Number 1 Regret of the Dying”…

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself and not the life others expected of me”

Is that where you’re headed?

It doesn’t have to be. The Art of Meaning course will teach you the 3 uncommon skills that empower you to stop running the Rat Race and experience the alternative.

The adventure of life.

Why run in a race against billions of people, that you’re never going to win, when you can live life as a daring adventure?

Seriously why?

When you think about it, It doesn’t make sense does it?

Unless we’re afraid. Then it makes sense.

The Art of Meaning course will show you how to face your fears, how to stop running and start daring and adventuring.

This course will instruct you in 20 transformational practices that transform the Near Life Experience into a Meaningful Life Experience.

1. Making your current work so fulfilling and inspiring that your spirit soars…or creating work that is so inspiring and fulfilling that your soul sings!

2. Filling the exsitential gap and it’s unscratchable itch and finding that visceral, passionate, significant “something” that’s missing from your life

3. Discovering your true purpose in life

4. Living a life that is true to yourself, not the life others expect of you

In this course you will learn to:

  1. Notice that your incessant mental dialogue (or Program) is preventing you from experiencing the unbearable lightness of being (what the Mystic Poet Rumi calls “The Beloved”) which will amplify this ecstatic experience in your everyday life
  2. Feel the Presence of the Genius State of Mind (what poets call “The Muse”) and consistently tap into this unending source of inspiration and creativity
  3. Make Meaningful (what Neuroscientists call “Reframing”) the mundane, negative or even traumatic events of your life by exercising your fundamental and ONLY true human freedom.

The Art of Meaning is a Multidimensional Multimedia course consisting of over 10 hours of Instruction. There are 5 sections with a total of 35 Lectures

14 Video Lectures – containing Epic Tragicomic Poetic Tales/Case Studies of real world Art of Meaning Practice (where you learn from my mistakes)

8 Powerpoint Lectures – containing 4 Assignments & 14 simple practices to ground & integrate the 3 uncommon skills into your daily life (tried & tested on yours truly)

5 Audio Lectures – which elaborate the finer points of the Art and provide my 10 most powerful tips, tricks & tools for normalising & amplifying the unbearable lightness of being & the Genius State of Mind in your life (the ones that work like Gangbusters)

7 Quizzeswhich will test the depth & clarity of your understanding of the Art (to make sure you’re paying attention)

1 Couse Guide Document Lecture – which will help you stay clear and focused on exactly what to do, how to do it, when to do it and how often

1 2 hour Live Q&A/Coaching Session per month – Plus I’ll generally answer all your questions within 48 hrs

On Average each hour of Instruction should take 1-3 weeks to work through, so the course can be completed in as little as 13 weeks or 1 Quarter. However The Art of Meaning is designed to fit into your schedule, not the other way around, so you can start & stop it whenever you need to and you can take as long as you like to complete it. There is no danger of overwhelm with this course.

Why would you take this course instead of one of the many Lifestyle courses on Udemy?

The unbearable lightness of being & The Genius State of Mind

The unbearable lightness of being is the name I’ve given to the sublime ecstatic WoWness that all healthy babies express when they unaccountably and spontaneously fill-to-the-brim-bursting with the uncontrollable bliss of just being.

Obviously if all healthy babies experience the unbearable lightness of being, healthy adults can too, but just like most adults I had only experienced it very rarely. Until that is, my life completely fell apart and I ended up living under a tree in a park.

Of course then I started to experience it everyday.

Oh the irony!

Just like a newborn baby, I became visibly, viscerally aware of the miracle of being. For a moment I stopped taking for granted the miracle of my existence and was transported to paradise by the realisation that nothing is more amazing, more mysterious, more magical, more miraculous, more utterly WOW! than existence itself.

When you think about it, gratitude for existing must be the default state of being, of all beings! Life is the ultimate gift. Nothing beats being.

And so lying underneath all our experiences of “this isn’t enough/this isn’t good enough” is the basic background frequency of gratitude just for the ability to experience something as “not enough” or “not good enough”… in other words, underneath it all is what Rumi called The Beloved…and I call, the unbearable lightness of being.

Isn’t it funny that it often seems to takes “losing it all” to realise this default state of gratitude?

Well not anymore. Unlike me, you don’t have to lose it all…or have a Near Death Experience (I’m a bit slow on the uptake, so I needed both;)…to experience the mundane everyday yet singularly spectacular WOW!ness of the unbearable lightness of being.

You just have to do this course.

On Genius

People say that the word Genius is overused. I say it’s underused.

From the Art of Meaning perpsective Genius doesn’t belong only to a few rare people. Genius is something that a few rare people enjoy all the time and everyone else enjoys some of the time.

This is a different way to look at Genius.

It sees Genius not as a type of person, but as a State of Mind; a Level of Consciousness; a Field of Awareness; a Sublimely Ecstatic Frequency.

From this perspective anyone can feel the presence of the Genius State of Mind, as long as they know how to tune into it.

I lived under that tree in the park for 7 months between April & October 2002 and after the first 2 months I’d normalised my experience of the unbearable lightness of being and I began to feel the presence of the Genius State of Mind on a daily basis.

This expressed itself as performance poetry pouring out of me, for the first time ever at the age of 35…and up until then I didn’t consider my self to be a “creative” person and had never written a poem in my life!

For the last 11 years I’ve been both experimenting with and instructing other people in Noticing the unbearable lightness of being and being present to the Genius State of Mind and I’ve found that they are Universally accessible…everyone can experience them and anyone can use them…in fact 98% of 5 year olds exhibit the Genius State of Mind, until that is, our education system socialises it out of us!

I’ve worked with everyone from High School Students to House Wives, people with serious Brain Injuries to Yoga Teachers, Authors to Economists…and if they can get down with the unbearable lightness of being & Genius State of Mind, then you can too! And the way to “get down” with them is through the 3 uncommon skills.

The Art of Meaning course will teach you the dance steps.

I’d like to invite you to join us in our dance with the unbearable lightness of being and the Genius State of Mind…so that like young Ricky Fitts in the film “American Beauty” you’ll feel that…

“Sometimes there’s so much…beauty…in the world…I feel like I can’t take it!

And my heart…is just going to…cave in”

The writer of that brilliant film knows EXACTLY what I’m talking about. You can remind yourself of that exquisite scene (and what’s in store for you on this course) here

Absolutely no risk to you

Thanks to Udemy’s 30 day money back guarantee you can take the course for up to 4 weeks and if it doesn’t live up to it’s billing or you find that it’s just not for you, simply ask Udemy for your money back. There’s no risk…financially speaking.

You do however run the risk of avoiding the “Number one regret of the dying” by having the courage to live a life that’s true to yourself and not the life others expect of you.

So I look forward to seeing you inside, the other side, of The Art of Meaning.

Honestly, why wouldn’t you want to flirt with the fierce foetal feeling of the unbearable lightness of being…and have a fulfilling fling with the fabulous fun fountain of the Genius State of Mind?

You don’t just have to take my word for it. Here’s what people just like you, have to say about The Art of Meaning & other Inspiration Engineered, Inspiration Technologies…

“I went to one of Chris Paradox’s Art of Meaning workshops in 2009 and it has had a deeply profound influence on how I’ve lived my life since, and how I now perceive the world and those around me. So much so that I dedicated a number of pages in my book “The Moneyless Man”to The Art of Meaning and it’s subsequent impact on me.”

Mark Boyle – Author of The Moneyless Man” & Founder of Freeconomy: The world’s largest online gift economy

Chris is a brilliant and superbly creative writer, performer and workshop leader. If you’re looking for an intelligent, articulate, inspirational and engaging experience…you’ve found it!”

Bob Harris – Independent Consultant Psychotherapist

“Chris is an exceptional human being with an extraordinary story. Chris is a poet, a philosopher, a messenger and a teacher with a great sense of purpose and belief in humanity. He is warm, gentle, fun, thoughtful, strong, determined, clear thinking, insightful and passionate about helping people to fulfill their human potential and live legendary lives. He believes that by raising people’s consciousness and encouraging and helping them to be their own heroes, each person will make a positive impact upon the world.

Chris touches everyone he meets and works with and you are never quite the same again – something shifts. Inspired by Victor Frankl, Chris is a real life example of someone who chose to respond to adversity as both the best thing that ever happened to him as well as the worst thing that ever happened to him, when he lost his leg in an accident whilst in a travelling circus in Mexico. Chris continues to embrace the paradoxity of life and has become known as Chris Paradox.

Watch this man, or better still attend one of his workshops or sign up for some e-learning. You won’t be disappointed! On a personal note I am glad to be able to count Chris as a dear friend and wish him all the best in his future adventures.”

Caroline Adair – Associate Account Director for MotivAction Group Plc

“I highly recommend Chris. He has been on a fearless journey himself and this in itself is inspirational. He is very heart oriented and with a great deal of caring, love and humour encourages and facilitates others to do what they didn’t think they could do. His workshops are an enjoyable and often very touching experience for all involved and he is a great appreciator of vulnerability and therefore strength both in himself and others.”

Trish Young – Independent Information Services Professional

“Chris is a very inspiring teacher and performer. Whatever he choses to speak about is sure to make you think about and question your current position. He does this in an inclusive way, without making you think that you are wrong – but more that perhaps there are also other ways. I would highly recommend seeing him perform or going to his workshops.”

Dolly May – Voice & Dialect Coach at Masters Performing Arts College

“Through Chris Paradox’s workshop, I learnt that our true purpose does not come with a societal status or a financial reward attached, but that the rewards of bringing your true self to the world will certainly bring so much more richness and depth of being into all aspects of your life. I discovered that my own purpose was to experience and expand my capacity to love – I think I had always known this really, but it never seemed enough, so I had maybe thrown it to the side and waited for a different Earth changing mission. However on rediscovery at the workshop, I truly understood what this purpose meant to me and I knew I actually had the greatest purpose I could have ever wished for. There was just much to explore, to share, to bring to life and to experience.

It is such a real blessing indeed to be able to hold and honour my own gifts. I truly hope that many more people can experience their own unique purpose and benefit from what Chris is offering to the world. He truly is the real deal, a crazy, poetic, angel magician and a very special soul purpose activator indeed . Thank you millions xxx”

Shakti Tracy – Diamond Energy Practioner & Mother

“I honestly wouldn’t have ended up here without you. I was in a really bad way physically, mentally, spiritually, the symbols and insights you gave me became rungs on a ladder to climb out of that pit. Can’t thank you enough. So excited to embark on this next stage. All the time during the last seven years I have been focussed on getting to this point… I never really thought about the “then what?”. Thanks for, once again, turning up at the right time to nudge me in the right direction.”

Magnus Stokoe – Award winning Artist Jeweller @Magnus & Bell

What are the requirements?

  • Minimum High School/6th Form level education (or basic Home Schooling)

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 35 lectures and 11 hours of content!
  • By the end of this course you will be able to…
  • Make your work so fulfilling and inspiring that your spirit soars…or create work that is!
  • Fill the exsitential gap by discovering that visceral, passionate, significant “something” that’s currently missing from your life.
  • Discover your true purpose in life.
  • Live a life that is true to yourself, not the life others expect of you.
  • In this course you will learn…
  • How to Notice that your incessant mental dialogue (or Program) is preventing you from experiencing the unbearable lightness of being (what the Mystic Poet Rumi calls “The Beloved”) which will amplify this ecstatic experience in your everyday life.
  • How to be Feel the Presence of the Genius State of Mind (what poets call “The Muse”) and consistently tap into this unending source of inspiration and creativity.
  • How to Make Meaningful (what Neuroscientists call “Reframing”) the mundane, negative or even traumatic events of your life by exercising your fundamental and ONLY true human freedom.

What is the target audience?

  • Anyone suffering from the Near Life Experience i.e. Unfulfilled & Uninspired by work or career; The sense that something vital is missing from your life; Lacking the motivation & passion to live fully and freely from your heart & soul.

Instructor Biography

Chris ‘Paradox’ Patterson , Inspiration Engineer

Here’s what my clients have to say about Inspiration Technology…

“I attended a workshop led by Chris Paradox expecting to be entertained and leave having spent a pleasant few hours with some nice folk and one of my favourite performance poets. I was mistaken. What I experienced on that day has proved to be one of the most profound, intimate, challenging and transformational experiences I have had.

Chris leads by example and his openness and love for life is infectious…. I felt safe at every stage to step into a new way of interpreting my story and drawing from it strengths and positives whilst being in touch with pain and sadness at the same time. He skilfully mixes practical exercises with broad and well-researched theory and all the time his unshakeable enthusiasm for people and his steadfast belief that we are all living a legendary life gave me complete confidence to embrace everything we were asked to do.

The culmination was to have my story witnessed and to witness the stories of the other participants…. it is something I will always treasure, the honesty and simplicity of that process.

I cannot recommend highly enough, if you get the chance, do some work with Chris Paradox. I wasn’t healed or enlightened or ascended but definitely empowered, given some tangible tools to reframe tough times and use them as fuel for expansion and positive steps forward in my life.”

Mark Fisher – Teacher & Musician

“Chris is a shining light, an amazing talent to be seen and experienced.”

Deri Llewellyn-Davies – CEO and Founder of Business Growth International

“I have known Chris some ten years or more, and am still inspired by him every time I meet him or see him perform! If you meet him as Headmaster of Hero School, I’d recommend enrolling in any course or mode of self empowerment he is offering you…I look forward to working with him again and again and again!”

Gareth Strangemore-Jones – Founder & Group Editor Worldshift Media

“Chris Paradox is most definitely a living legend. With the presence of a warrior and the elegance of a jester king, he uses his sharpest of wits to slice through the veils separating humans, even spiritual ones, from the peace and joy that is our true nature. In courageous dedication to living his deeper purpose he helps those lucky enough to hear him listen a little more closely to the whisperings of their own soul.”

Tallie Maughan -Social Entrepreneur Founder of Turning Earth Ceramics Members’ Studio

“Chris has overcome enormous personal trauma in his life and puts his enormous creative abilities to use inspiring and helping us all to evolve. Chris is dedicated to improving his and our higher qualities, our enjoyment of life and connection to Spirit. A fun and friendly agent of personal growth. Good value ! All ages! He hasn’t paid me to say this either!”

Mike Shreeve – Musician & Tai-chi teacher

Get download Chris ‘Paradox’ Patterson – The Art of Meaning: Make Your Life Matter at right now!


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Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email This course will instruct you in 20 transformational practices that transform the Near Life Experience into a Meaningful Life Experience.