Chris Munch – Media Buy Academy Reloaded
MODULE #1: Media Buying 101 & Planning
Enjoy a relaxed course overview to help you get totally comfortable and ready to discover everything this course has to give you…
Discover The 2 Types Of Media Buying and confidently choose the one that’s perfect for your business to start getting results ASAP…
Finding Your Ideal Demographic to ensure your media buys are received by the right people to get the most clicks and the highest earnings…
A Step-By-Step Walkthrough Of An Actual Campaign so you see how a successful Media Buy is put together to make your first Buy much easier!
Discover A Resource Extension Tool that simplifies the process and gives you an added advantage over the competition…
2 Amazing Case Studies to show you just what’s possible with Media Buying so you enjoy that motivated peace of mind to help you take action…
And More…
MODULE #2: Mini-Media Buys & Direct Buy Methodology
Gets You Started Right Away with $20-$50 Mini-Media buys where the new guy to Media Buys scales up in the lowest risk environment…
How To Pick The Right Site To Advertise On so you hit the right audience to make the most profit for the lowest cost…
The Best Sources Of Inspiration For Finding The Best Sites so you never run out of ideas to scale up and multiply your profits…
A Comprehensive Site Evaluation Checklist that’ll help you pick winners every time and avoid the costly mistakes others make…
An Over-the-shoulder Practice Drill: Watch as The Pros pick a site to advertise on and see how it’s done in real time to eliminate guess-work…
And More…
MODULE #3: Cutting Ad Costs For More Profit
Two Critical Steps Most Media Buys Miss which make your media buys more profitable and give you extra firepower against your competitors!
How To Set Your Prices And How To Negotiate A Better Deal so you never pay more than you have to for your traffic…
A Handy “Cost Per Impression” Calculator to make sure you’re getting a good deal for your Buys and saves you plenty of time and headaches!
A Field-Tested “First Contact” Swipe Email to get more responses from publishers while saving you the time of having to craft a letter yourself…
And More…
MODULE #4: Network Buy Methodology For Massive Scale
A Little-Known Resource to easily find and secure low cost ad space for low risk testing before scaling up providing you with added peace of mind…
The Real-Time Bidding Platform that lets you easily scale up your traffic for bigger results, with the minimum of time and effort…
How To Correctly Optimize Your Network Media Buys so you’re extract the most profit from winning ads and killing weaker ads with confidence…
Over-The-Shoulder Competitive Analysis to see how The Pros are finding winning ads time and time again, eliminating 99% of the guess-work!
A Quick Trick that lets you find high converting offers so you can effectively ‘piggy-back’ successful campaigns for fast-turnaround profits!
And More…
MODULE #5: Banner Design Techniques To Maximize Click-Throughs
The 6 principles Of Banner Design that’ll get more clicks from your audience, more sales and make you bigger profits…
How To Choose The Right Banner Format For Your Campaign to ensure you bring in the most traffic and negotiate the best deals for your bottom line…
A Complete List Of Resources for getting highly clickable ads created to save you heaps of time and keeping the cost low…
A Clever Tip To Massively Increase Clicks to your ads by using the site you’re advertising on to hook the audience even better…
And More…
MODULE #6: Landing Page Anatomy & Optimization For Maximum Conversions
8 Principles Of A Successful Landing Page helping you create pages that convert like crazy for a greater rate of sales from your traffic…
An Over-the-shoulder Deconstruction Of A Real Live Landing Page to see right in front of you how a real winner looks and replicate that success…
A Landing Page Case Study to give you yet another example to use for conversion-busting landing pages in your own business…
Special Bonus Report On Traffic Behavior And Movement which is the kind of Ninja stuff most of your competitors haven’t even thought of…
And More…
MODULE #7: Retargeting In Your Media Buys For Ultra Targeted Low Cost Traffic
4 Things You Can Do with Audience Data to scale up your traffic and increase your profits with the minimum of time and effort…
2 Common Mistakes with Retargeting Campaigns that cost other Media Buyers their profits… but not you!
4 Ideas for Quickly Building Targeted Audiences letting you tap into the extraordinary power of Retargeting almost instantly…
5 Places to Put Your Audience “Pixels” to get the most useful data and improve your results with virtually no extra work…
And More…
MODULE #8: Tracking & Analytics For Maximum Profit Optimization
How To Set Up Everything You Need To Track Your Traffic And Conversions and provide yourself with bulletproof intelligence for optimal profits…
Advanced Landing Page Setup to maximize the revenues of your campaigns when you’re ready to take it to the next level…
How To Track Direct Linking Campaigns so you are never missing out on sales or opportunities to reduce costs and increase profits!
And More…
NEWLY ADDED! MODULE #9: 7 Days To Mobile Media Buying For Affiliates
Discover The Power Of Mobile Traffic and how to quickly and easily tap into it to rapidly scale your traffic and profits…
The Subtle Differences Between Mobile and other traffic sources so you can quickly get The Mobile Advantage over competitors…
The Best Types Of Offer To Promote on mobile so you can jump in and immediately start promoting higher profit offers from the start…
How To Launch, Analyze, Optimize & Scale Mobile Campaigns from start to finish so you can get creating $100/day mobile campaigns ASAP…
And More…
PLUS Bonuses….
“Invisible Advertising” Training…
“Zero Competition Offers” Training…
Delivery Method
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