- Faculty:
- Ann Kahl Taylor
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 37 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Apr 02, 2019
Lawsuits and Wounds
- Legal terms that should cause concern
- Commonly-cited failures in wound management
- Where do you find standards of care?
- Competencies you should have on file
- Staffing impact for patients and you
Policy Updates: What May Sound Unimportant One Day, Can Become Critical
- Photo documentation
- Assessment & reassessment
- Consultations you should request
- Don’t fail to follow your own policies!
Pressure Injury Prevention
- Avoidable versus unavoidable
- Skin failure
- Terminal ulcers
- Avoid failure to prevent injury
Assessments: The Courtroom Downfall
- Determine risk to put proper prevention measures in place
- Nutritional needs and realistic goals
- Mobility challenges solved!
- Develop an individualized plan of care
- Reassessment… again and again!
- Pain management strategies
- Do not fail to properly assess
Guideline Updates for Your Clinical Practice
- Pressure injuries
- Lower extremity ulcers
- Other skin damage
- Continuing education
Wound Care Challenges: It’s Not Always Pressure…
Documentation Pitfalls
- Electronic charting
- Policies
- Drop boxes
- The ‘ideal‘ wound notes
Take-Home Algorithms to Put into Practice Tomorrow
- Topical therapy
- Lower extremity ulcers
- Ostomy management
- Support surfaces
Case Studies: Costly Mistakes Made in Wound Care
- Risk assessment
- Topical formularies
- Wound assessment
- Differential diagnosis
- Care plans
- Patient record
Ann Kahl Taylor, MS, RN, CWOCN® Related seminars and products: 4
Kahl WOC Consultants
Ann Taylor, MS, RN, CWOCN®, created Kahl WOC Consults in 2002 to provide wound care and legal consults across the care settings. With over 20 years of experience as a specialty nurse in wound, ostomy and continence nursing, she has a vast amount of knowledge about how to reduce the risk of legal exposure through incorporation of current wound management trends and protocols. Her practice in the legal arena is busy and has grown significantly.
Ann’s commitment to clinical excellence and patient outcomes is evident by her committee work with the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN™). She has also served on the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Certification Board, most recently on the Job Analysis Task Force. As an author, Ann has over 20 clinical wound abstracts and has created numerous policies, algorithms and guidelines for use in practice.
Financial: Ann Kahl Taylor is the owner of Kahl WOC Consults. She has an employment relationship with Spalding Regional Medical Center. Ms. Kahl Taylor receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Ann Kahl Taylor is a member of the national Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN). She is a member of the WOCN Certification Board, Marketing Committee.
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