
Abraham Hicks – Hawaiian Well Being Cruise 2005


Abraham Hicks – Hawaiian Well Being Cruise 2005

Cruise CD1 — Why does Astrology work for this astrologist? Other Universal Laws than Law of Attraction? What does Abraham mean about “Vortices”? Why could wearing a hat reduce sensitivity? How can she organically improve her eyesight? To add to her dream home collection? Life’s good, but she still feels stuck. Everything always works out for me—eventually.

Cruise CD2 — She passionately wants more joy and fun. What makes what’s fun feel like fun? She is especially appreciating the Appreciation Process. Wants the feeling of the “death experience.” Are there not portals to escape physicality. She has questions regarding the “Angel’s Realm”. Feels as free and joyous as Source. Expanding her understanding of the Blending Process.

Cruise CD3 — Was he destined to be of service? Align one’s intent with Law of Attraction? To understand the physical essence of oneself? Would “Hitler expand in his next lifetime?” Could one relax into one’s emotional pain? Has she now become an Abraham addict? Seems we all have access to Abraham. How does Universe respond to minor desires?

Cruise CD4 — Awakening at the bottom of Emotional Scale? Musical vibrations always bring him joy. He wants to cure personal physical ailments.

Cruise CD5 — Our preferences are leading to our desires. Words to assist her mother’s prolonged transition? Why must those “near-deathers” come back? Where does Consciousness go when we sleep? Are we ever born with nonfamiliar Energies? “Clearing,” after her almost near-death experience? Is her purpose to exemplify true love? After bout with unworthiness, now what? To reach the core of sensitive issue? (cont’d)

Cruise CD6 — Reaching the core of unworthiness he is seeking. How can he receive more sexual gratification? Attorney is “Scripting” a lawsuit’s resolution. What’s the difference between Esther & Abraham.

Cruise CD7 — But, wasn’t “Aladdin” limited to three wishes? Write lists of why you are loved. The future of the Teachings of Abraham? Are we evolving (or moving) toward something? Shouldn’t we personally rendezvous with vibrational matches? Must healer temporarily speak the “sickness” language?

Cruise CD8 — To market her talent for “mirror writing”? He finds pleasure in dialoguing with Non-physical. Should he not honor his demanding dreams? When confusing “brain power” with “Mind Power”?

Cruise CD9 — When Abraham speaks of the term, vibration Rather than “face reality”, I create reality. To make a bi-polar person feel better? Does Abraham recommend any specific physical exercise? Source Energy’s purpose in creating time/space? What all does Abraham do for fun? To manifest a loving nurturing relationship? Sometimes feels an intense vibration when meditating.

Cruise CD10 — Do our personal actions affect the Earth? She will be the teacher of herself. Nephew, as “in the ointment” soul mate. Her adored father isn’t speaking to her. Will future athletes continue to break records? What is the amateur’s contribution to the sport?

Cruise CD11 — How would intense desire affect an orgasm? What’s Abraham’s perspective of acts of suicide? Should she return to her childlike innocence? Is there not value in feeling passion? Why Mom’s dying feels different than Dad’s? You cannot be Eternal and not die. Will there be other “Abrahams” like Abraham? Made and spent retirement money, now what? Lawyer’s car crash is causing intense pain. Should she delay electing pain-relieving surgery?

Cruise CD12 — Goal setting’s working, but she feels unappreciated. Isn’t Abraham an “Infinite Aspect of Ourselves”? What’s the significance of having a body? Joy, joy, joy; that’s what it’s about. Is her Inner Being her Source Energy? Abraham closes the 2005 Hawaiian Well-Being Cruise.


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